By Diauthorgeorgia

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BEWARE: Strong sexual content and explicit language. Inseparable; people love being together, It's not that t... More

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By Diauthorgeorgia

Dhen watch mi a gwan like mi a housewife....

A smile forms on my lips as I pause for a second from packing somethings for my man to munch on, on his way to court today.

I didn't want him to leave on a empty stomach after all the work he did last night and early this morning then to go on a long ride to Kingston with just tea..

Nope! So here I am taking the time out to prepare his favor banana porridge and while it's on the stove, I am packing some snacks, fruits, juice and water for him to take along with him. After everything was in the bag, I zip it up and place it near to his car keys so he wouldn't leave it then pour out his bowl of porridge.

Miss Talia nuh deh here fi tell mi bout it wah more love in deh... dhat lil girl...

Once I taste the porridge to see if it's good, I walk to the room to call Sanjay. When I enter the room, I instantly forget what I came to say.

My eyes roam down his sexy, muscular body hungrily, biting on my lips, my eyes move down to the grey towel that's wrapped around his waist tightly which makes me feel jealous of it hugging him like that.

is a nice man mi have enu... mi cah help di jealousy at all, only ooman mi chuss round him a him mada and sista.

"A how ya look pon di boss so?" Sanjay smirked, folding his arms together as he do a little pose.

"Mi like weh mi see" I answered seductively as I slowly approach him, once we were close enough, I wrap my arms around his torso and press my lips to his firm chest.

"B, mine yuh mek mi late enu" He suck in a breath as his grip gets tighter on me, his lips then kiss my forehead.

"we nuh affi stay long Babe" I press my lips on his, kissing his desperately.

He grip my ass while he slip his tongue inside of my mouth, exploring every part of it which leave me moaning. My hand slide up to his back then lingers into his hair as we continue kissing each other.

Roughly, I remove the towel from his waist letting his d!ck free, he grip my ass even tighter while he gives me a rough kiss before pulling away.

"Mi ago late Baby" He whispered before kissing me once again while grabbing his boxer from the bed.

"Jay, please nuh" I beg, gripping the boxer to stop him from putting it on.

"true a court B, mi ago try cum back early suh we can finish up ere?" He pulled me close to him and kiss me again. "fix yuh face nuh B" he said pecking my lips.

"yuh wah di porridge in here?" I asked pulling away from him.

He nod while taking out a pair of socks, I went for the porridge and gladly it's cool enough so it won't take him too long to finish it up. He takes a seat at the edge of the bed while I hand it to him, In the meanwhile, I reach for the lotion.

Dropping to my knees, I take his feet and place them inside of my lap then lotion them one after the other before sliding his socks on.

"Psssst!" upon hearing that, I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me.

"Wapm?" I blushed as I reach for his shoes.

"yuh a good ooman enu B, watch how ya tek care a yuh man" He grin as he place another spoon of porridge inside of his mouth. "wen yuh in a good mood yuh nice yf" he laughed.

"Once yuh behave I will always be dhis nice" I looked up at him.

"Lie dhat rawse, fi yuh mad head ago find some sort a problem fi mek" he gives out as he pace the empty plate down on the night stand.

"A yuh always a provoke mi enu Jay" I smiled, stretching my hands to him for assistant to get back on my feet.

The time was moving like a bullet so he try to get dress quickly. I admire his outfit that I pick out for him to wear which is a pair of grey pants matching with his grey jacket, white inside shirt, dark blue tight, brown belt and brown shoes.

my man! my man! my man!

"yuh look too good enough, hope yuh behave yuh self today" I warn him as I reach for his brief case and hand it to him.

"Wah yuh mean B? mi nuh always behave?" He chuckled as he flip it open.

"No wah nuh ooman look pon yuh and if dhem call to yuh, nuh ansa even if a di judge... ere mi?" I grab  his face to look at me.

"Yes mi ere yuh" he laughed. "Me wah ask yuh supm" He wrap his arms around my waist before I could move off.

"Hmmhmm" I hummed, inhaling his powerful aroma.

"Being this young and being in a young relationship, do you think you can spend the rest of your life with me without getting tired of me or the relationship?" He asked with all seriousness.

"Ofcourse, just don't hurt me Sanjay and we'll be good" I answer honestly. "No relationship is perfect and we ago cuss, fight and disagree at one point but I don't want to start over with no one else, not now or later on, I don't want Talia knowing another man" I added and he smiled.

Our lips collided, we share a long and passionate kiss before we pull away to catch our breath.

"Affi move out now baby" he check his wrist watch before attaching his gun to his waist and taking his briefcase and we head out of the room.

"Don't leave these" I hand him his keys and lunch bag.

"Thanks baby, see yuh lata" He kissed me once again. "I love you" He whispered against my lips and my eyes widen in surprise.

wah him seh?

I grab the back of his jacket to stop him from moving, he looks back at me and smile.

"Say it again" I whisper sliding around to face him properly.

"I love you" He said louder and clearer with a smile.

"Fi tru?" I asked lowly still posing a surprise look on my face.

"Yes Baby" he chuckled before kissing my forehead.

"I love you too" I whisper back.

His words really took me by surprise because it's the first time he's actually saying it to me, I know he care about me and all but never hear him saying those three letter words that's already making my day.

Watch mi a day dream like mi nuh have work fi go tuh... I love you fly up inna mi head...


"Iesha hold yuh head how mi set it nuh and mek mi hurry up" I hissed my teeth as I twist her head to where I want it.

She have been asking me to do some lemonade braid in her hair since last week and now that I get the little time, she's not keeping her head steady.

not even Talia nuh give so much problem wen mi a comb har hair.

I'm half way through and would have almost finish if she was keeping her head steady, stop getting up every five minutes for either food or to use the bathroom and the whining about her backache so she need break every now and then.

"Mi cah lay dung and yuh finish it?" Iesha whined, peering up at me.

"No, weh yuh tek dhis fa?" I hissed my teeth as I set her head straight.

if Sanjay eva cum mi lef har head unfinish and gwan bout mi bizniz..

"Mi back a hawt mi kay kay" She grumbled.

"Mi neva send yuh go bree-

My speech stop the moment Iesha nudge me in my knee and I look up to see mommy bending the corner. In her hand she have two American apples and she hand one to Talia then sit opposite Iesha and I with the other one.

"Cum give mi piece mama" I called out to Talia, she run come immediately and bite a piece of the apple then take the piece she bite from her mouth and stretch it to me.

"Wat a piece a briteness? Really Natalia?" I pause from combing Iesha's hair and stare at her in disbelief.

Liberty cum thru cawlissnis. dhats why it nuh gud fi beg enu....

"You're going to take a big piece mommy" She whine as I stretch for the apple.

"A mi ya mean to Talia?" I asked, pointing to myself.

"Lowe di baby wid har apple mhon, if shi nuh wah share eh, shi nuh affi geh yuh none" Mommy spoke and I side eyes her. "A nuh dhat cum beat mi" She side eye me as she lap the hem of her dress underneath her.

"Gwan go eat yuh apple Talia, yuh nuh hard fi ketch" I said waving her off.

"Ok" She shrug nonchantly and walk back over to the bed with her tablet.

"So ya go malice di baby fi har things?" Mommy asked glaring at me.

weh da ooman ya cum round yasso fa mhon... kmt..

"Mommy nuh seh ntn to mi" I hissed my teeth as I pay attention to Iesha's hair.

"Yuh fucking face ugly like yuh teefing pupa bout him cum ya a look fi pickney and yuh so ungrateful as di man cum, yuh quick fi go meet and greet" she argued.

"Suh mi neva did fi know mi fada lady?" I hissed my teeth.

"A sorry dhem neva murder him dutty bbc, a hate di dranco essi" She continues.

As much as I want to answer this woman and put her into her place, I ignored her and finish up with Iesha's hair. In the next half and hour or so, it was completed and I quickly take a shower then shower Talia off before we get dress.

In another twenty minutes, Sanjay, Talia and I walk around earth fashion looking for a nice gift for her teacher because teacher's day is next Wednesday.

This is one of my weak points, I don't know how to gift anyone and that's what Sanjay is here for to assist me but instead he's creating problem.

"This nice B?" I asked him holding up a nice, gold home décor thingy that I think would be a great gift.

mi like gift people things weh mek sense but wah?

"Betta buy eh fi yuh house or fimi bout ya buy gift fi teacher" he said lowly making sure Talia isn't listening.

Shi busy a look pon toys enu weh mi know mi nah buy...

"B stop be like that, di teacher dhem have it hard so them deserve a nice gift " I said holding onto his shirt to get back his attention.

"Oh police have it hard too, soldier have it hard, doctor have it hard and weh we a get" He look down on me waiting for an answer. "Tap waste yuh money baby" he hissed his teeth.

A nuh fimi money... a fi yuh!

"A nuh waste a money Jay, me will go pick somethi-

"Sarge, wah gwan?" This lady interrupt me all have her hand on Sanjay arm enu like she don't see me.

Stepping a few inches away, I observe miss lady she well dress into a black leggings, a green crop top so her entire front print out and it skinny. She have a good shape though and a nice cool black skin no smooth like mine though, she's wearing a black, center part bob wig, a black cross bag and a green fluffy slippers on her feet.

"deh ya enu, yuh gud?" Sanjay asked shifting his hand from her's.

Fucka have sense.... Indiana is enuff problem aready...

"Suh ya deh a di event lata?" She asked, smiling off her face.

oh suh shi a deh dhere too well him nah bada go becaz mi nah go...

"Nuh sure enu but mi wah go support di boss yuh know" he answer her then his eyes falls on me. "Mi will see yuh around" he said hastily before she could reply.

"Arite Sarge" He bite on her lips as she wave at him, ignoring how close he is to me.

wen mi seh sum gyal dry yiy essi...

"Talia cum" I cut my eyes at Sanjay, grabbing Talia's hand and walk up the stairs.

"B weh di attitude fa?" he asked as I stop where some cute vases with flowers are.

si man nuh have nuh brain... him know weh mi a frownz fa enu and a ask stupid question fi aggravate mi kmft

"wapm to yuh B?" he hold on to my arm to get his attention.

"Nothing" I grab my hands from him... "Talia be careful and mine you break anything" I turn to my daughter.

"A public yuh ina enu b, nuh bada wid eh disrespect and if a Cassandra ya frownz bout, a mi co-worker nothing more" He explained as he walks me down.

"Dhat a your bizniz and di party lata, true shi a cum mek mi cah cum?" I asked spinning around to face him.

"Jesas B! Mi nuh tell yuh fi mek mi and yuh go and yuh seh yuh nah leave Talia tonite fi go out suh mi can gwan? mi nuh seh mi nuh too sure mi wah go and yuh seh fi go show mi face B?" He question stressfully.

dhat a before but mi mind change..

"yuh nah go" I told him.

"yuh think mi a pickney B? yuh love cum bad up man like mi a boii, better know yuh self ere mi a tell yuh" he points at me while hissing up his teeth.

"mi nah tap yuh suh yuh can gw-

"Mommy can I get this?" Talia run over to us and points on a pink barbie table with a small chair.

wud a nice fi do har home work but mi nu cum ya fi dhat...

"No mama, a next time" I told her.

"why shi cah get it now?" Sanjay inquires.

"yes why mommy?" Talia pouted.

"Becaz I have no money for that so another time" I explain to her, she didn't look please but she nod.

"Hello Miss, mi can get one a dhem table here" Sanjay called out to one of the workers.

"Yea! Thank you uncle Sanjay" Talia cheer jumping up and down in the store.

"You're welcome Princess" He cooed and I screw my face up on them both.

While they wait on the young lady to come back with the table set, I move around the store looking for something suitable for Talia's teacher. After getting through with everything, we head to burger king to get something to eat.

"number 7 fi Talia and number 8 fimi" I told Sanjay as I tug on his arms.

nuh know how mi feel cold suh

"Dhat's all?" He asked as he check out the menu broad.

"Yes" I answer before leaving his side to go sit with Talia around one of the available table.

Minutes later, Sanjay joins us with our food and the hunger inside of me start acting up even more as the scent of burger assault my nostril.

Talia pick around her sandwich but she did eat her fries as well as some of Sanjay's and mine's. As I chew on my food, my eyes glimpse this female in the line dressed into a well short shorts exposing her butt cheeks in a food establishment and daytime at that...

disgusting yf...

"Jay look pon weh deh gurl deh have on in a food place" I whisper while nudging him to get his attention and when I did, I point to her way with my mouth.

Jay look around at her and his face twist in disgust as he roll up the rest of his food. What even let she looks more awful is the pitchy patchy of her skin and the black marks between her legs.

"Mi ready" Sanjay alerted us.

"Mi a cum b, mi nuh done eat" I told him as my eyes continue to stare at the girl. "Yuh wud a talk to har babes?" I asked Sanjay and his stare could send me six feet under the ground.

"Don't mek mi style yuh Kay, betta hurry up and eat ere mi a tell yuh and tap watch ppl" he hissed his teeth.

"I don't want anymore mommy" Talia said pushing her unfinish sandwich to me.

"Ok, drink di juice" I told her as I help her with it.

My eyes then get tired of staring at pitchy patchy and move on to this short brown skin girl, skin colorful like coloring book, She's a really beautiful girl with a sexy shape, can see that she's bougie and full of herself.

Watch how shi a swing har car key pon finga nuh.

"Jay" I turn to him and he looks up from his phone. "Dhe gurl deh sexy don't?" I whispered to him making sure Talia isn't eavesdropping....

wen shi silent a dhat shi a do and go tell Iesha...

He looks to the direction I'm looking then I stare at him to hear his answer..

"mi nah ansa yuh enu becaz a sum problem yuh wah create fi mi nuh go support di boss lata, from mawning mi seet" he grumbles as his attention goes back to his phone.

"Mi nah do dhat B, juss ansa truth fully nuh shi nuh sexy?" I asked again.

"Yuh finish eat Talia" He stand on his feet and slide his phone inside of his pocket.

him nah tek di bait a raswe mi nuh wah him go noweh...

"Yes uncle Sanjay" Talia answer jumping out of her seat and walks around to hold his hand.

"Yuh can tan in ya and admire ooman all day ere" He glare at me before walking out.

Hissing my teeth, I gather all the garbage and dispose them inside of the trash as I walk out behind them. Sanjay helps Talia inside of the back of the car then close the door before start walking to the driver's side. I grab a fist of his shirt preventing him from passing me then warp my arms around him.

"Mi nuh feel well" I whined, resting my head on his chest.

"Wah do yuh Kay?" He asked tilting my head up to look at him.

"Mi head a hurt mi and mi feel pain up" I lied, grunting to make it seems believable.

"Yuh nuh easy at all" he chuckled. "from mawning yuh gud suh a wah now?" He question.

"A nuh lie mi a tell B, look like a di sun heat weh mi inna" I continue whining.

"Arite cum mi bring yuh ova fontana go get some pain tablet and yuh go home go sleep" he said bringing me to the passenger side.

"Dhat alone nah go help Jay" I stop at the door.

"Yuh wah go doctor dhen?" he question.

"No mi wah yuh stay home wid mi and tek care a mi" I pouted while twisting his shirt between my fingers.

Sanjay sigh heavily.. "Gwan in a di car B, yuh geh too much problem Mhon" he grumbled.

"yuh ago stay wid mi?" I asked poorly.

"No, mi ago support di man and mi tell yuh aready" he open the car door and I get inside while waiting on him to enter.

Suh how him well heated fi go a party suh?

"A tru yuh police gyal a go mek yuh a kill yuhself fi go a party?" I argued while glaring at him.

"Mi sure yuh see di baby round deh so enu... no bada wid dhat" He said to me seriously before starting up the car. "Mi ask yuh if ya cum enu and yuh seh no" he grumbled as he drive out.

"enjoy yuhself mhon" I grumbled as I lean back into the seat and stair outside of the window.

him soon tiad a mi.... but mi cah help being like dhis, mi juss fraid fi get hurt....


Julius car mart in St. Elizabeth

My eyes passes over the many different types and color of vehicles having a difficult time to choose the one tha I want for my birthday.

In two weeks it will be my earthstrong and this is an early gift from my father. His cousin and him walks around with me explaining the model of the cars and which is best and is suitable for a woman.

mi always like big car becaz mi nuh wah nobody over power mi pon di road especially dhem taxi bwoy deh...

road hog dhem be enu

"yuh nuh see ntn yuh like?" Carlos asked, he's the one operating the mart for Julius.

"Leave her mek shi choose weh shi like nuh" Julius waved him off.

"Everything here is nice so that's why it's so  hard to choose" I smiled as I look back at them.

"Tek yuh time mhon" Julius said and I nod.

Carlos left to assist some other customers while Julius and I continue looking around. I wanted Sanjay to be here to help me out but he said he couldn't face my father which I do understand.

There's this pain that flashes through his eyes whenever I talk about my father and sometimes I just get carried away in the moment forgetting how he feel about the accusation of my father killing his. I always want to atleast know but was a fraid to ask Julius about it.

"Yuh like dhis?" Julius asked as we step outside of the gate to the line of cars on the outside of the mart.

He opens up the door of a red Subaru g4, really nice car both the interior and the exterior but then I feel disgust about the color when I remember someone who have a car in that same color.

"No, and no red car please" I told him.

"wah bout dhis then?" he move on to a gold Nissan sylphy.

"It look nice and big too" I smiled as I look inside of it. " Mi like it" I told him as I stand up straight.

"Dhis yuh want dhen?" he asked and I nod.

"Can ask yuh sumpm?" I muttered under my breath but he heard me.

"Anything" He answer quickly.

How mi ago say dhis now?

"Yuh eva do no w-wrongs back dhen like k-k... I stop talking to catch my breath, nervousness was rocking through my body... "Like kill nobody?" I let it out in one breath.

He didn't answer and that's when my heart starts beating faster, slowly I look up at him to see him staring at me with guilt on his face.

So it's true, all they said is actually true and it's clear on his face that he did.

"Raped?" My voice came out raspy as I back away from him.

"Kacian I have done a lot of things in th-

"Oh my God! it's true, Sanjay was right and Indiana too" I whispered.

"Weh ya talk bout Kacian?" He asked, moving towards me but I step back.

"The stories I've heard about you, I didn't want to believe them" I tilt my head up to hold my tears in.

"What stories?" He asked.

"My boyfriend, Sanjay... I looked at him as I fight to keep in my tears. "He thinks that you kill his father, Ziggy, raped and almost killed his mother's best friend Kayla an-

"Kayla?" He whisper as he walks down on me. "yuh know dhem people deh?" He asked, his eyes turn dark, something I have never seen before.

"So yuh dweet fi tr-

"Weh yuh know bout Kayla?" He asked roughly, fear starts to run down my spine. "Yuh know prezii too?" He asked and I quickly shake my head indicating no..

eh look like him wah commit murder di way him eyes dhem look dark life midnite

His eyes move to the screeching sound behind me, he narrow his eyes a bit then they widen in shock. The next thing I feel is my body being push behind the car as gunshot rings inside of my ears. A stinging sensation ripples through my leg and side as I scurried behind the car, screaming out and trying to cover my body.

"Kacian yuh good?" Julius called out but before I could answer, I heard a loud thud sound near my feet and that's when I notice it's my father's body with a gunshot wound into his forehead.

His eyes wide open as he stared at me, slowly I reach over to him and scream out when I see that blood oozing from his body. Shaking my head vigorously, I grip his shirt and starts shaking him as I call out his name but he wouldn't answer.

"Bloodclaat, Killa dead tpc" Carlos cried out.

Not again... mi cah go through dhis again...

Feeling like my breath is about to leave my body, I look down on my side and see that the blouse that I'm wearing is soak with my own blood and so is my pants. Another loud scream came from me before darkness consume.



Just a couple more chapter to wrap this book up and I hope y'all stick around to the end..

Apologies for any mistakes

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