By Redquill111

200 24 20

BOOM !!!!! there was an explosion at the very top of the skyscraper, looking up i saw a part of the buildin... More

chapter 2first day of sixth grade
chapter 3 The golden shock
chapter. 5. THE TRUTH
chapter 6. realization

chapter 4 The unexpected

36 4 5
By Redquill111

Third person pov

In the depths of darkness, a lone figure sat huddled, knees clutched tightly to her chest, as tears streamed down her face like a relentless river. Her anguished whispers echoed through the void: "No, no, how could he do this to me? What did I ever do to deserve such cruelty?" The weight of her sorrow hung heavy in the air, a palpable fog that clung to her like a shroud.

Then, a voice pierced the shadows, calling out to her with a gentle urgency: "Wake up, girl, wake up." The words hung suspended, a lifeline tossed into the abyss.

As she slowly raised her gaze, a blinding radiance assaulted her senses, growing brighter with each passing moment. The light enveloped her, a warm embrace that dispelled the darkness, and she felt herself being drawn into its depths.

With a flutter of her eyelids, she opened her eyes to a world reborn, the light still dancing across her vision like a thousand sparkling diamonds. The shadows that had once shrouded her were vanquished, replaced by uncertainty

Lilly pov

My eyes opened slowly to a bright blinding light

I blink several times trying to adjust to the brightness
Hmm that was a really weird dream.

the ringing sound that come from nowhere particularly was disturbing

when I could eventually see clearly, everywhere was white and blue, I could see a computer beside me, there was drip connected to my hand and I had a pipe on my face

Was I in a hospital?

The door opened revealing a person with a Blue outfit carrying a tray and coming into this room

When she eventually looked up from the tray she was carrying , her eyes widened

And I had no idea why,maybe it was because of my hotness😏

she ran out of the room calling out someone's name which I didn't bother to recognize since I could hear her at all, and I couldn't have sworn that I saw tears on her face .

I was already in a sitting position which took 10 minutes for me to do that, when a man in a white coat opened the door to my the room

he came in beaming with a smile on his face

Tch I wonder what's funny

He was moving his mouth ,with no voice coming out of it, God what was wrong with these people, at least they should say something out loud for me to hear ,I didn't go to a lip reading school. ಠ⁠﹏⁠ಠ

I looked at him with a face that says shut the hell up old man

But looks like he didn't get the signal and just kept on moving his lips
God ,I just felt like punching his old face
Then I decided to take matters into my own hands by shouting

stop talking I cant hear you

he looked at me blinking several times as his eyes widened

Well I didn't care why he widened his eyes

what surprise me was that I couldn't hear myself ,
Which was kinda weird cause to me I hadn't heard my voice for a while

the doctor nodding his head in understanding whispered something to a the lady that came in earlier

I watched as the lady in blue left the room only to come a few seconds later with ear pods

I watched as the man in white took the ear pods from the lady and then gave them to me

I looked at the man with a questioning gaze

He then pointed to the earphones he was holding

I stretched my hands hesitantly as I took the ear pods from him

The moment I put on the ear pods ' well this is not an exaggeration '
I could literally hear everything in the surroundings then I heard that voice

It didn't look like it belonged to the voice of an old man . No

It felt like it belonged to a wise father
I don't know why I'm describing his voice like that
Then Ihe said

Hi I'm Dr,Andy and this might come as a shock for you but you were involved in an accident

I widened my eyes and opened my mouth trying to say some thing
But nothing came out ,not a single sound

I stared at the doctor as he he eyed my facial expression then he sighed

, you have become partially deaf,

Well that earned another blink from me

"Sigh" ಠ⁠‿⁠ಠ . This doctor really has a lot of bad news for me

Do you still want to hear the rest of the news

Dammit I hate this .
Yes doctor I replied to him since he wanted to stop and I wanted to get his over with have been in a coma for 6 years

You know what

I'm done with this whole bad news
I'm done I don't want to

You know what doctor I'm tired can I rest a little thank you ,those were the word that came out of my mouth

He nodded in understanding and went out of the room with the rest of the nurses .

I let out a heavy sigh as I began to think ,what of my old life what of Asher ?, I had many questions but I couldn't ask any because the pain I felt in my heart
I don't want to cry
I couldn't let my self be weak at this time
sniffing and inhaling for more breath . I couldn't help it , the tears were pouring out like a waterfall

I screamed my heart out into my pillow, I've literally missed 6 years of my life

And....and yet no body from my family was even here to at least look at me

,I asked myself why they hated me so much ,what did I ever do to deserve this ?

, what did I ever do to them?

was I that disgusting?

I didn't ask to be given birth to so why?...why did my life have to be so cruel .

where did I go wrong,?

those questions kept spinning in my mind, i was beginning to feel dizzy and then i blacked out .

Third person

As the sun seeped through the curtains golden rays from the sun embraced the hospital bed ,as a girl could be seen sleeping soundly.

The rays of light caressed her serene feature , her beauty a symphony of light and shadow , her hair a harmonious melody of colour and disarray
In this state she looked like a goddess asleep

On the other side of the hospital, a towering figure emerged, his face a mask of stoic indifference. His smile, a mere gesture, failed to penetrate the icy depths of his crystal blue eyes. He nodded mechanically to the doctor's words, then excused himself with an air of detachment. As he walked away, his footsteps silent as a specter, he seemed drawn to a desolate path. With each step, the shadows around him appeared to grow longer, as if the very darkness itself was stirring, awakened by his presence. The aura he exuded was a palpable force, a crushing weight that could consume the air from your lungs, leaving you breathless and helpless.

He halted before a door, sensing an otherworldly aura emanating from within.

His hand hesitated, poised to grasp the handle, before finally turning it. As the door creaked open, his eyes widened in wonder.

Before him lay a girl, slumbering peacefully, her skin radiant kissed by the sun. Raven tresses cascaded around her like a dark halo, and for an instant, all traces of his dark nature vanished.

He gazed upon her with a tender reverence, his newfound brotherly instincts compelling him to silence, lest he disturb his uncle's adopted daughter, his new sister Lilly.

Lilly pov

As I slowly opened my eyes, a pair of piercing blue eyes locked onto mine, sending a jolt of surprise through my entire being. 'E-e-excuse me,' I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper, but the guy didn't flinch or look away. Instead, a captivating smile spread across his face, illuminating the room with its warmth.

'Oh, you're awake,' he said, his deep voice tinged with amusement, as if he'd been waiting for this moment.

I felt my cheeks flush scarlet as I struggled to compose myself. 'Hi, I'm Tony,' he introduced himself, his confident demeanor only adding to my discomfiture.

'I-I'm Lilly, nice to meet you,' I stuttered, my words tumbling out in a clumsy rush.

As Tony's gaze finally shifted away, I seized the opportunity to take in my surroundings. That's when I noticed he wasn't wearing a nurse's uniform. My curiosity piqued, I summoned the courage to ask, 'Who are you?'

He leaned against the bedframe, his expression turning serious. 'I thought the doctors told you - my uncle adopted you three years ago, after your parents gave you up.'

His words dropped like a bombshell, leaving me reeling. 'WHAT?????' I shouted, my mind racing to process this life-altering revelation.

Tony's calm demeanor was a soothing balm to my frazzled nerves. 'Easy, girl,' he said, his voice gentle. 'My uncle adopted you, and you'll be living with us now.'

The news hit me like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf me. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of uncertainty. Three years had passed since my parents put me up for adoption, and now I was deaf and starting anew with strangers.

Tony handed me a tissue and gently wiped away my tears. I didn't even realize I was crying.

'You don't have to worry; I'll take care of you,' he promised, his words infused with kindness.

'But there's something important you should know,' he continued, his expression turning solemn. 'You've been here since you were nine, so now you're fifteen and will start high school. You've missed a lot, but I can help you catch up. You also have karate and Taekwondo lessons scheduled - details will be shared when you arrive at your new home.'

My mind reeled as he dropped another bombshell. 'And, by the way, you'll be changing your last name.'

I bristled at the thought, my independence sparking defiance.

Tony's gaze locked onto mine, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. 'One more thing - how did you get different colored eyes?'

'I was born like this,' I replied, a hint of defensiveness creeping into my voice.

He nodded thoughtfully. 'We'll get you blue contact lenses to... appease my uncle.'

As he stood to leave, Tony flashed me a charming smile. 'I look forward to having a fifteen-year-old with the mind of a nine-year-old as my little sister.'

I felt heat rush to my face as I watched Tony leave the room.

"Tch, what's up with this guy?" I thought, but I couldn't shake off the heavy feeling settling deep inside me.

My life was already turning into a nightmare overnight, and there seemed to be nothing I could do about it.

Sitting alone in the hospital bed, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held. Would I find happiness with my new family, or would I remain lost in this sea of uncertainty?

As the door creaked open again, Tony's voice echoed through the room, 'Lilly, don't worry. You're not alone. We'll face this together

As I sat there, overwhelmed by the whirlwind of emotions, I felt my eyelids growing heavy. The weight of Tony's words settled upon me like a physical burden.

Before I knew it, my exhaustion took over, and I leaned back onto the hospital bed, letting sleep claim me once more.

As I drifted off, Tony's parting words still lingered in my mind: "You're not alone."

The darkness closed in around me, but this time, it felt slightly less daunting.

Tony's promise whispered itself into my subconscious, a gentle reminder that I wasn't alone in this uncertain new world.

And with that fragile thread of hope, I surrendered to sleep, letting tomorrow's worries wait.

A/N: dear readers ,I kinda changed this chapter ,but I hope it's to your liking

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