By l4dylala

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Annabelle Monroe, A Crescent Werewolf. Trying to find her family. But falling for the big bad hybrid instead... More



467 13 3
By l4dylala


IT HAD BEEN THREE WEEKS SINCE AURORA KIDNAPPED CAMI AND I. I still hadn't heard anything from Jackson and I was worried. Cami and I were sitting in the Christmas decorated courtyard, watching as a compelled servant poured her blood into two wine glasses. She handed me one of them once she filled it to the brim.

"Do they, like, pay you?" Cami asked the girl. I chuckled, "not really"

Klaus approached us, "Handsomely and with a generous Christmas bonus" He answered as he was handed a glass of blood, "isn't that right?" The servant nodded and left. Klaus smiled at us and sat down.

"So, you just compel her to nod and agree with whatever you say?" Cami asked.

"I compel her to feed me and to hang the occasional Christmas ornament. She can say whatever the hell she wants" Klaus answered.

Cami laughed and I smiled, "You seem better"

She nodded, "Yeah. Thank you for letting me stay here the last couple of days and giving me space to not talk."

I nodded before facing Klaus who sat beside me, "How come you didn't with Elijah to go help Rebekah?"

Camille looked at him, "I hope it's not to stay and babysit us" She added.

"It's not a good idea for he and I to spend hours together In confined spaces, given that the prophecy foretells one family member felled by another" Klaus told us.

I looked at him, worried, "You don't think he would hurt you, do you?"

"I don't what to think" Klaus sighed. He leaned forward and placed his glass on the coffee table in front of us, "The damn fortune-teller's predications continue to unfold, despite all our efforts."

I smiled reassuringly, taking his hand, "We'll figure this out"

Cami's phone buzzed, indicating that she got a message. She looked at it before looking back at us, "It's Vincent. I have to go" She got up and hurried out of the compound.

"I should go too" I sighed, letting go of Klaus' hand.

"Where?" Klaus questioned.

"I have to find Jack" I answered.

He nodded, "Are you going with Hayley?"

I groaned, again, "I have to, don't I?"


I WENT ACROSS THE STREET TO SEE HAYLEY. I had explained everything to her, she said that she just thought that Jackson was being moody again which he was but for another reason. We then left to go to the Bayou together. We sat on a picnic table outside my old shack in the Bayou, waiting for my brother.

After a while, he emerged from the woods carrying an axe and some firewood. Jack stopped when he saw us, his expression turned cold when I met his gaze. Hayley got up to greet him, "I know you needed space, Jack. . .but I kind of eventually thought you would come home"

Jackson scoffed, "Right. To the apartment Elijah compelled somebody to rent us and the bedroom that looks into Annabelle's" He sighed, facing me, "it's been a year. . .I have stood by you. I fought for you. I have loved you and your kids. And do you know what the worst is? Coming out of those woods, seeing you both sitting there, not picking fights. . .I'll be damned if it wasn't the best thing I had ever seen. Even when I'm pissed as hell for you choosing Klaus over me, I would rather be near you than anywhere else. Now, what kind of fool does that make me?"

I sighed, getting off the table, "Just cause I love him and I'm with him doesn't mean that I love you any less, Jack. You're my brother, there's no one I will love as much as I love you. It's our first Christmas together in years. Do you remember the last time we spent Christmas together? No, because every goddamn wolf was cursed and last time I checked there was a rarely a full moon on Christmas."

"Look, Jack, I want a quiet night with you and the kids, I'll even step back from picking a fight with Hayley" I looked at my brother, "I don't care if the compound is on fire, for one night, I will let it burn."

"Just please come home" Hayley begged.

"Okay. I'll meet you two there" Jackson told us.

I wrapped my arms around him, holding him. We pulled away and he smiled, "Go on" I nodded and I started to walk away leaving the Bayou, "Even after everything that happened between us, I realised that I never thanked you for the good things you did."

I looked at her, "Don't thank me, I didn't do it for you. I did it for Jack."


AFTER RECEIVING A TEXT FROM MY BROTHER, I RUSHED INTO THE COURTYARD AND SAW HIM CARRYING FREYA. I had been out getting stuff for the twins when he texted. Jackson laid Freya down on the couch and Hayley stood by their side.

"I got your text. What happened?" I asked.

"She got jumped" Jack answered, "Three vampires dressed like yuppies."

"She needs your blood," Hayley told me.

I nodded and bit into my wirst, offering Freya my blood. I looked at my brother, "You good?" Jack nodded, "Kind of hard to ignore when someone needs your help, huh?" I said and he nodded again.

Freya pushed my wrist away when she had fed on enough blood to heal, "They took it. The Serratura"

"I was meeting with a witch from the bloodline who built the lock. I was hoping she could help me destroy it, but it's not possible. She said the only way to get rid of it is to use it" Freya explained, "We have to get it back and lock something else away. Anything but our family, Annabelle."

"Great" Hayley spoke, sarcastically, "Why don't we pay Tristan a visit and ask him really, really nicely?"

Elijah stepped into the courtyard. He approached us, "I'm afraid we have a far more urgent problem."

Rebekah entered the courtyard, in her original body. I smiled at her, "Well, to be fair, I am the prettiest urgent problem you have ever seen."

I laughed, "you can say that again."


APPARENTLY, AYA, A MEMBER OF THE STRIX HAD STABBED REBEKAH WITH SOME CURSED STAKE, and now she was stuck with this skull mark on her wrist.

"Give me the bad news, Doc" Rebekah requested as Freya examined her mark.

"Aya's stake was cursed. It infected you. As this mark grows, you will go mad. Left unchecked, you will become relentless, unstoppable, ripper" Freya told her.

"Aya always was thorough" Rebekah sighed.

"The strix always employ a safeguard" Elijah said, "in the event that we were successful at retrieving your body, you were cursed. You see, if one is on a rampage, one is not difficult to hunt."

"Frey, can you fix this?" I asked.

Freya picked the stake up and examined the etchings carved into it before she nodded in response, "The spell is carved here. I can reverse it. I just need some time and a hell of a lot of magic."

Freya stood up to leave but she suddenly fainted. Elijah caught her before she fell to the floor.

"She was fine," Jackson said, "Annabelle healed her"

Elijah looked at Freya and spotted something on her neck, "This scratch is not healed. This is posion. This is an assassination attempt."

I scoffed, "of course it is."

It only took a few minutes until Freya began to sir awake, "She's waking up"

"Are you okay?" Elijah asked his sister.

"I feel weak" Freya answered.

"Those vampires must have stabbed her with something." Hayley said

"So, the Strix are fond of this slow-acting posion. There is an antidote" Elijah told us, "if I can get my hands on it" He pulled his phone out and walked away to make a call.

Freya breathed heavily as she reached for Rebekah's wrist. She turned to us, "For this, I'll make need a pure silver knife, some white musk root. . ."

"I'll get the knife," Jackson said.

"I'll track down the root" Hayley added.

I looked at Freya, concerned, "Freya, you can barely float a feather right now, let alone save the world."

"I'll channel Finn," She told me.

Rebekah looked at her sister with an incredulous look, "Oh lovely! My fate rest's in the hands of our black sheep of a brother that we have trapped in a necklace. I'm sure he's just leaping to help"

"Well, he's the only other powerful witch here. And you and I are out of options, sister" Freya weakly got to her feet and walked upstairs with cursed stake in her hands."


I ENTERED REBEKAH'S ROOM WITH HAYLEY TRAILING BEHIND ME. My sister-in-law was sitting on her bed when we carefully entered, "Don't fret" Rebekah spoke, "I haven't gone full hellion yet. No more than usual."

"Well, that's good" I smiled, "I wouldn't want to have to kick your ass before I got to hug you" I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her.

"You know, we need to talk about your sartorial choices" Rebekah spoke as she pulled away from our big. She held up a beige sweater, "This is positively darling"

"That's not mine" I said, "it's Camis. She has been staying here the past few nights."

"I thought it was yours for a second" Rebekah told Hayley.

"Jackson and I have our own place now. Annabelle is the only one of us who lives here. . .Although we still can't manage to stay out of Mikaelson drama" Hayley chuckled.

Rebekah's expression turned cold, "You don't mind the family drama when you need something from us like a decent dress or a babysitter"

"Excuse me?"

Rebekah turned to me, "But when you're looking for someone to blame for your unhappiness, we seem to be the enemy"

"Rebekah, you're wrong," I told her, "This. . .This isn't you"

"I am wrong" Rebekah turned to Hayley, "I believed we were friends. But the last time we spoke, you were planning on taking the children away from this family forever. So where do you stand, Hayley? Are you a friend? Are you family? Or perhaps. . ." Rebekah pinned Hayley against the wall, choking her, "You've been a foe all along"

"Rebekah!" I pulled her off Hayley which made her let go of her but she pinned me to the wall instead, "Be honest, Annabelle. You want Klaus dead as much as your friend does, don't you?"

"No! I- why would I want him dead?" I tried to get her off of me, "Rebekah, I have been busting my ass trying to fight this prophecy because I love him!"

Rebekah let out a bitter laugh, "You know, I thought we were sisters. I thought we were your family if you can so easily turn your back on your blood, what's to stop you from doing the same to us?"


"YOU TORE MY BROTHERS APART!" Rebekah spoke. I shook my head, "No, Rebekah I—"

"If they turn on each other, as the prophecy suggests, it's because of you!"

Her vampire face emerged and she charged towards me, pushing me through the glass doors. We fell over the balcony railing and landed in the courtyard. Rebekah got up off the floor, her eyes were now pitch black. I growled as I bared my fangs, my eyes glowing gold. She kicked me and before backhanding, sending me to spin away and fall to the ground in a heap.

As I got up, Rebekah went to lunge at me again when Elijah appeared. He grabbed his sister by her arms, "Listen to me!" He tried, "Listen to me! Rebekah, look at me! Rebekah! Control yourself"

I got up and watched as she appeared to be calming down. She closed her eyes and opened them again, they were normal, "Dear brother, I have control"


Rebekah hit her brother so hard that she broke his neck. She looked at me and screamed as we charged toward each other. She plunged her hand into my chest and gripped my heart, I screamed.

"Rebekah!" Klaus, who had just gotten home, sped towards us, "Not her!" He pulled her hand out of my chest. I backed away, a hand on my chest.

Camille ran inside. Rebekah tried to lunge towards her, but Klaus pulled her back, "Not her either!"

Klaus then slammed his sister onto the nearby table, smashing all of the glass plates on top of it.

Cami walked over, she held a black briefcase and it was the cure for Freya, "Go!" I told her, "Get that to Jackson."

"You're so afraid that you'll ruin, Cami" Rebekah spoke as Klaus restrained her, "You keep her behind glass like some breakable object. She's not precious, Nik. Every woman that you and Elijah bring Into our lives turns to posion. She'll grow toxic, just like your dear Annabelle."

Rebekah shoved her brother. Elijah, who had just woken up, stood by his brother's side. I locked eyes with Rebekah before she lunged forward but her brothers stopped her by pushing her back onto the table, restraining her.

Freya entered with a silver knife, "Hold her" She grabbed Rebekah's wrist and cut the mark with the knife as she changed. Rebekah, who had been struggling, stopped. She closed her eyes and her brothers' let go of her. After a moment, she groaned and sat up. We all looked at her in concern.

"Well, that was annoying."

I laughed, "you owe me a new shirt, and a massive glass of wine." I said, Rebekah smiled, Klaus glared at me, but smiled.


I HAD JUMPED IN THE SHOWER AFTER MAKING SURE THAT REBEKAH WAS OKAY. Hayley and Jack were in my bedroom watching over the twins as I got ready.

Now clean and dressed, I stepped out of the bathroom and approached my brother and the twins. I noticed that Hope was playing with the wooden knight her father had carved for aunt Rebekah when they were children.

I sighed, "Am I the world's worst mother for letting my teething toddler gnaw on something that's been around for millennium?"

Jackson chuckled, "Hope's tough. I think she can take it" He looked at me, concerned, "Are you okay?"

"Oh, you never get used to the feeling of a fist around your heart," I answered him as I put my white heels on, "I'm really sorry. I know I promised that we'd spend the night together. I even had this plan that we were gonna drink hot whiskeys and watch 'It's A wonderful life' together. Yet here we are. . ."

"You don't need apologise," Jack told me, "Today, it was me that saw their house on fire and decided not to lie it burn"

"Why did you decide to help them after everything?" I asked.

Jackson took a few steps back, "instinct. I don't know. I felt like one of my pack was In danger, and I acted. I mean, don't get my wrong my in-laws really suck. They really do" He smiled, "But they fought like hell to protect each other today and I respect that. You're my sister, belle, I love you. And if that means I have to deal with Mikaelsons, then okay. I'm in."

"Oh, brother you're so cute. . .you actually thought you had a choice" I wrapped my arms around him, hugging him, "if we leave now, we could still catch the end 'it's A Wonderful Life' before their bedtime"

"I got a better idea" Jackson pulled away. I stared at him in confusion but then turned to face Hayley who smiled at me as she picked up the twins.

Hayley and Jack let me out of my room, towards the staircase that led down the courtyard. I stopped when I saw Klaus, Elijah, Freya, Rebekah and Cami. I looked at my brother with a bright smile before I happily descended down the stairs.

"You said you wanted a happy family Christmas. Well, the family's all her" Jackson said.

"Merry Christmas, little ones" Elijah greeted the twins as we approached them.

Klaus walked over with two glasses of wine, he handed one to Hayley and the other one to Jackson, "Thank you for helping, Freya"

They both looked at him surprised and I smiled. "Unfortunately, we're all out mason-jar moonshine" Klaus chuckled at his own joke.

Klaus looked at me in admiration, before he wrapped his arms around my waist, gently kissing me on my lips, cheers and woo's in the background.
He pulled away, with a big smile on both of our faces.

"Well, Nik, you positively merry tonight" Rebekah spoke, "All that therpay must be paying off."

I smiled at her when I saw Klaus horrified expression as he noticed the large bowl full of burning wood behind Rebekah, "Oh, no"

Klaus wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me to the side of him. Rebekah looked even more pleased, "Yes, I know it's not exactly a bonfire but I improvised. Come on. It's a tradition!"

"Tradition?" Cami asked.

I nodded, "we write our wishes and then burn them for luck"

"Strangely, I don't recall wishing for an influx of enemies" Klaus spoke, "And yet, year after year. . ."

"How odd" Elijah spoke, sipping on his wine, "Forever on Santa's naughty list."

While Rebekah, Klaus, and Elijah stood by the fire. Hayley, Jack, Cami and I all sat with the twins as we opened their presents.

I couldn't have been happier than I was now. I was with my family—my whole family. I was spending Christmas with my loved ones.


I WAS STANDING ON THE BALCONY LOOKING OUT AT THE CITY, LOST IN THOUGHT. Rebekah had left and the others were still downstairs, celebrating. I turned my head when I heard Klaus enter, "You look. . ."

"I will end you if you finish that sentence with the word tired" He laughed at my words. I turned back to look at the quiet French quarter, "You've lived long enough to know you should never tell a woman she looks tired."

"I was going to say contemplative," He told me.

"Ha," I laughed, sarcastically.

I sighed, turning to face him, "Am I toxic?. . .I mean look at everything that has happened since I got here. . .You and Elijah weren't speaking to each other. . .And Aurora, when she—"

"Please. Don't speak her name" He said, "She could've hurt yo— when I thought of all the ways she could've harmed you I—"

"Let's count ourselves lucky that she didn't" I chuckled, "What is it with you and psychopaths anyway? First Genevieve and now Aurora? Should I sit back and wait for a line of your exes to form a line outside our home?"

Klaus glared at me, playfully, "I'd like to see if you'd think it amusing when your exes come round"

"Trust me, they won't," I assured him.

Klaus cocked a brow, "And why not?"

"Well let's just say that they'd pee their pants when they see who I married" I spoke, leaning back against the railing with the city behind me.

"And who did you marry?" Klaus asked.

I shrugged, "some grumpy hybrid, with magnificent hair" I answered.

"Is that so?" He asked, moving closer to me.

I nodded, trying to keep myself from laughing, "Indeed"

Klaus smirked, "Well, then we must take you from this grumpy man. Don't you think, Mrs. Mikaelson?"

I smiled, "Right away?"

"Right away" Klaus answered before he pressed his lips against mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. Hands on my waist, he picked me up and sat me on the railing.

Suddenly, thanks to me being stupid enough to keep my phone in my bra, it slid out and with my luck, it didn't land right next to our feet, it fell down from the balcony.

I groaned, pulling away, "oh for fuck sake!"

Klaus laughed and leaned over, we watched the phone hit the ground and break into a million pieces, "I'll buy you a new one."

"But—" Klaus cut me off by kissing me again, I couldn't resist him.


WE WERE IN KLAUS' BEDROOM, STANDING RIGHT NEXT TO THE BED, staring at each other while Klaus softly trailed his fingertips up my arms towards my neck.

I sat down on the bed and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, tugging him closer. Lips meeting in the middle, my hands combed through his hair. I pushed him back and straddled him before we helped each other undress. "Such a pretty dress, shame it's gonna be ruined" he said, ripping my dress. "Seriously! I loved this dress" I groaned. Klaus flipped us over. He left a trail of sloppy kisses down my chest before his lips found their way back to mine.

"I'll buy you a new one" he muttered into my ear, sliding down my panties since I wore no bra with my dress, his hands found their way down to my wet entrance. "Oh shit!" I moaned loudly, his hand met my mouth. "Shh, Mylove, there's more people in the house."

"I don't care about the people in the house" I kissed his lips, moans vibrating through our mouths, he unbuckled his belt. his hardened erection bursting through his boxers.

I was back onto his lap, as his harden erection entered my wet entrance, moans slowly filling the room. "Oh fuck" Klaus said, his hand cupping my cheek, as mascara ran down my eyes.

"Are you gonna cum for me?" Klaus asked me, my words were not coming out, I just nodded. "I need words, Annabelle"

"Yes" I whispered, before I felt my release come through, Klaus chuckled. "We always have the best sex." I laughed before Klaus layed me down.

"We sure do, my love" he responded.


I WOKE UP TO KLAUS LEAVING ANOTHER TRAIL OF KISSES DOWN MY NECK AND TOOK NOTICE THAT WE WERE SPOONING.  I turned around to face him with a small smile. He returned the gesture.

"I thought of something," He told me.

"Oh, that sounds dangerous" I sighed when I saw the look on Klaus' face, "Fine sorry. . .Now, Tell me what we're you thinking about?"

"We're married yet we don't share the same bedroom," Klaus said.

"Of course we don't. My bed is bigger and comfier, that's why I like my bedroom" I told him, resting my head on his bare chest.

"Well, then how about I get us a larger one?" He asked.

"You really want me to stay in here, don't you?"

"Would it be so bad?" Klaus questioned.

I looked up at him and moved back to lay beside him, "No, not at all" I answered before kissing him.

Cries suddenly filled the compound. We both sighed. I sat up, looking at Klaus, "I'm just gonna go check on them."

"Just a few more minutes?" He pleaded.

I shook my head, getting out of bed, "A few more
minutes and the whole quarter is going to hear them" I picked his shirt and boxers up and just put them on. I kissed him again before turning to leave, "I'll be back in just a second."

I made my way into my room and saw that Cami had fallen asleep on the bed. I tried to be quiet as possible but it didn't help when the kids were crying.

I stopped, dead in my tracks when I smelled blood. I looked back at Cami. I walked over to my bed and my eyes widened. Cami's throat had been slit.

"No, no, no!" I bit my wirst and tired to feed her my blood but it didn't work.

"Come on. Cams. Drink! Cami!"

"Come on!" I yelled out in frustration, tears filling my eyes.


I turned around and saw Klaus in the doorway with a saddened look as his gaze was stuck on Cami who laid lifeless on the bed.

I sobbed as I continued to try to feed her my blood. His arms wrapped around me, slowly pulling me away, but I cried into his chest, "S-she's dead, Klaus"

"Cami's dead."



yeah about that Annabelle, my girl cami isn't actually dead, SHES ALIVE! WOOHOO, also klaus is a horny bugger it's the werewolves genes man they'll get to you.

It's okay Klaus, I'm always horny to, (pretend you didn't read that)

BUT WE GOT A SEX SCENE, Hayley always complained on how loud klaus and Annabelle were.. sorta had to prove her right... ANYWAY!



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