84th Floor: Light

Por loveforloveandfood

439 72 2

Welcome to the residence of 84th floor. For now... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 16

9 2 0
Por loveforloveandfood


I got myself ready to go out and have a good time because I wasnt going to be staying in depressed. I was not here for it at all.. I was too attached to his life and now that Zade was back, I realized how I miss my old life almost? Him employing me was my final straw. I have almost become part of his life and become it.

Maybe out of spite too I wanted to go out. Show him I didn't care about his stupid life and himself.

"Zara..." Zade says as he was sat in the living room whilst I walked down. "Yes?" He just looked at me all dolled up and shook his head as he chuckles.

"You just never change huh? You have to have the last word." He says.

"Shut up Zade." I say. "Hannah is waiting for me."

"You going out with Hannah?" He asks me. "Yes?" I say as he nods. Its like excitement jumped over him. "Leave Hannah alone." I say and he rolled his eyes. "Your nerd friend isnt my type." He says

"Is that why your tongue was down her throat?"


"Your type needs to change to sweet and down to earth girl maybe." I say to him. "Hannah who beat me up with a bat?" He asks and I laugh. "Also physically speaking she is my type. She is beautiful. Shes just a big fat nerd who reads books at breakfast lunch and dinner and is slightly clinically insane?"

"Yeah, thats a lot of descriptions for someone who isnt into her?" I say and he rolled his eyes. "Have you considered maybe I am just horny since I have been in a coma for so long and my girlfriend is in state penitentiary?"

"Your girlfriend? Really?" I say. "Youre so fucking stupid."

"Well I kind of have to see her in order to break up with her?" He says. "You know its not all so simple, Veronica has been part of my life since I was 10. You dont think Im fucked up from how this has literally ended us..."

"Sorry Zade but one way or the other you guys would have been game over, not end game." I say as I sigh. He just nods a little as he robbed his eyes. "I love you but do not use Hannah as a distraction..."

"I'll stay away." He says nodding. "Go to bed and rest please."

I end up going out with Hannah for dinner with Zade's credit card. Felt like I was a child again when he used to pay for everything. We get hammered drunk on cocktails and shots in the club after. I had a great time dancing and singing. Kain didnt come to this side of town and I was grateful to be around familiarity.

I had a great time and blast doing so with Hannah whose social battery was running out at midnight. As we leave the club trying to find a taxi, an arm grabs me making me turn out ready to swing.

"Wowowow. Hold up." A familiar face says.

"Benji. Jesus you do not sneak up on me!" I say annoyed as I push him off. Hannah's arm was linked with mine as she looked at Benji.

"Sorry... sorry. I havent seen you for a while. Thought Id say hi." He says as he held his hands up. Benji was my whole world at some point. I did that a lot. Put my heart in these boys hands.. attach myself whole heartedly.

"Hi.." Hannah says.

"This is Benji." I say. "My ex and old friend."

"Ohhh." Hannah says. "Youre cute." She tells him making him laugh, his dimples on show. He was cute, more than cute... looked different too? More like a man rather than the 18 year old boy that broke my heart. He was tall? Maybe taller.. hes always been tall, shot up at 14 I remember.

"How you been?" He asks me. "Good yeah..." Hard to focus when youre drunk as fuck. Think Hannah was better than me?

"Susie always tells me she sees you in the papers." He chuckles. "Says youre dating some rich famous kid."

"She is indeed." Hannah says. "How are you? How is Susie?"

"Yeah good. Were both at NYU." He smiles. I know that was his dream. "Thats amazing." I say. "Tell Susie I miss her.."

"You know twin thing.. she thinks if someones broken up with me they break up with her too." He chuckles.

"I miss you both... catch up sometime?" I suggest. Probably going to regret that tomorrow. "DM me on instagram.." I say giving him my username.

"I miss you too Hamilton." He says.

"Oh taxi!" Hannah yells

"Bye!" I say as she drags me along. He just smiles at me and I struggle to break eye contact almost. He stirred old feelings in me and nostalgia almost.

I stumbled into the lift with Hannah who was holding me. "I want ice cream. Or a big fat burger?"

"Noooo you need bed." Hannah says making me pout. She drags me to the stairs and after it took like 10 minutes to climb up, I cheer and Hannah just laughs at me.

"Hey.." I say smiling at Zade who walks out his room in just his sweats. Hannah lets go of me almost, regaining her own composure at my brother. I could vomit.

"Looks like you two had a great night." He says.

"We sure did." Hannah says as she pushed her hair off her shoulder. Zade smiles at her and I was growing impatient with the stares at smirks. "You look good." He tells her and she looks down as if she forgot what she was wearing which was a boob tube and black high waisted short skirt, showing off her nice curves and thick thighs.

"Guess who I saw? Benji Harris." I tell Zade who raised his eyebrows. "What part of town did you go to? Your ex doesn't live in Manhattan for sure."

"We went to Brooklyn." Hannah says. "The Whitefox."

"Yeah you girls are crazy. Dont go round there no more." He says frowning. I could take Kain and hed just comment it looked a little run down, he wouldn't even think it was a bad part of Brooklyn funny enough.

"Sorry Daddy... but youre not telling us where to go." Hannah says making me laugh.

"I mean it." He says stepping forward. Hannah doesn't back down though. "Anyway Im seeing him and Susie for a catch up."

"You think its a good idea to do so?" He asks. "Shut up. Are you not meant to be in bed recovering?"

"Well goodnight." Hannah says to me. "No stay..." I say. "Its too late for you to be travelling. Ill get Kain to sleep on the couch." I whisper.

"Its fine." Zade says. "My bed is huge, we can bunk together."

"Youre recovering a murder attempt, I kick in my sleep." She says. I can feel the alcohol coming up. "Whatever figure it out.. goodnight." I say opening my bedroom door. I run into the bathroom and throw up as my knees buckle right infront of the toilet seat.

Kain appears behind me and holds my hair back. "You good?" He asks and I nod as he helps me up. He cleans me up and makes me sit on the side of the bath as removes my heels. My eyes barely open, he gets out my make up wipes knowing I do not play with skin care and wipes it off. He makes me stand and does my whole routine basically. He puts the tooth brush in my mouth and I brush my teeth with my eyes closed.

I couldn't remember the rest, but I woke up with Kain walking into the bedroom holding breakfast and coffee in a takeaway cup.

He hands me two painkillers and a glass of orange juice. As I looked at him, he just like knight in shining armor, my guardian angel and my hero. I thank him and sat up all the way.

"Good morning." He says sitting down. He wore matching grey sweats and hoodie with a black nike cap.

"Good morning." I say pulling him. "How was your night?" He asks.

"Good yeah..." I say. "Yours?" I eat the croissant.

"Yeah boring." He says. It looked like he was hiding something, but I felt a little dirty too so I ignored it.

"You sure?" I ask. "Yeah Im over the whole thing." He says. He looks at me for a second. "Im tired of always fighting..."

"Stop doing shady things then?" I say looking at my phone. I see Benji's friend request.

"Dinner tonight? Susie is free." He messaged.

"Yes, sounds great." I message him back. Zade had appointments so I get myself up. "Thanks for trying to help but don't.." I tell him. "I can make it in this world without help."

"But why? Not like my trust funds I have earned?"

"You are one of the highest paid model. Shut up." I tell him as he laughs. I put my knee on the bed and wrap my arms around him. "I love you." I say kissing his face all over. He pulls my whole body making me scream as he flips us over pulling his shirt off of me as I couldn't stop the giggles.

Kain and I finally make it out of our bedroom dressed and we bump into Zade and Hannah walking out of his bedroom. Zade had on no shirt once again and Hannah was clearly doing the walk of shame, same outfit.

"Dont look at us like that? Nothing happened." She blurts out. Zade just laughs at her as she was clearly uncomfortable.

"Start wearing a shirt around here." I tell him taking Hannah's hand dragging her along.

"No fucking way are people having sex in my penthouse?" Kain mumbles as he followed me down.

"No. Theyre not. And by the way, I could hear you two clearly having sex." Hannah says.

"Liar." Zara says as Hannah laughs. I knew she was lying.

"Goodbye." She says as she leaves. "Rosie is buying m a new horse. So were going to the farm." Kain says.

Another wild thing Ive come to learn about... rich people have random stables with bunch of horses. Rosie used to ride but was obsessed with her horses.

"Have fun." I tell him. "Let me know when youre done with boring appointments." He says kissing my lips. I wanted him to stay and be with me but I know I was pushing it with the Zade thing.

Spent the day with Zade who was in a sad mood. Veronica had been sentenced to 18 months in prison. I tried to cheer him up but it didn't work. He stays in bed most of the afternoon and rests.

I got myself ready for dinner.. I just wanted to show Benji I guess how okay I was without him? I dress in a black two piece that was off the shoulders, tight and above my knees. I put on my favorite YSL heels and did my hair and make up.

I didnt tell Kain I was meeting up with my ex-boyfriend but I knew it was because I didnt want to start anything. It was all innocent?

"Hey." Susie says as I walk into the restaurant. She also looked different. She was blonde now? I barely recognized her if it wasnt for the big curly hair that was her iconic signature look. Benji had the same curls just not as long. If I pulled Susie's curl it would come all the way down to her behind.

"Hey..." I say hugging her as she got up. She looked great in her black dress. I sit down across her, wondering where Benji was. "Benji just went to the bathroom." She tells me as if she could read my mind.

"How are you?" I ask and she smiles at me. "Good... I feel like a bitch for disappearing off the face of the earth when you and Benji broke up." She says. "He was so sad and mopey and I felt bad hanging out with you when he couldnt."

"Twin thing." I chuckle. "Its fine."

"Its been too long." She says. "Three whole years went by?"

"I know we were just stupid kids?" I chuckle. I went to the same high school thankfully as when I started High School, Zade came and pulled me out of foster care. High school was tbe best times I had. I met Benji in school and the three of us were always together. As soon as I started figuring out boys, Benji was the boy for me. We was inseparable... I was attached and nothing could get me off of him until it finally did.

Benji and Susie werent foster care kids but probably should have been, they lived with their parents. Their father was a chronic and raging alcholic who would come home to beat up their mother and Benji as soon as he became brave and tried protecting his mother. The amount of times I have cleaned Benji's wounds were impossible to count...

"So much has changed. I want to hear it all. Benji told me youre at NYU."

"Yep. Studying English." She smiles. She looks up and I see Benji appear. Cute as always, his curly hair longer and was falling over his face. His dimples on show as he smiled. I get up and let him hug me, how he always did, a bear hug.

"Miss me much?" I say and he nods. "Always." He sits down next to his sister and we order food.

"Whats been going on?" I ask.

"We moved out." Benji tells me. "Were both living on Campus."

"Thats nice. How is College?"

"Yeah. Good? A lot of parties." Benji says and I chuckle. "Yeah.." I have ended up at College parties because of Roman and Kai.

"You happy?" Benji asks me and I nod.

"Yes." I say. "Zade's back home."

"Yeah I saw him actually recently." Benji says. "Im happy for you Hams." He says

"So what have you been doing?" Susie asks.

"Well, I was working at this restaurant. Got fired recently." I say and Susie chuckles. "I got fired recently too because I "stole" their food? Its a store? Should I not get things for free." She says and I laugh.

"Thats stealing." Benji says to her laughing. "Yeah, so just in between right now."

"Zara you know how crazy it is that youre now being pictured everywhere?" Susie says. "That girl has been watching you for like 5 minutes now." She says pointing at a random girl.

"Its not me theyre interested in." I chuckle. "Kain Kattan? Cant believe youre dating a super model who is also the heir of billions and billions."

"So he is part of this friendship group and theyre all really popular I guess because theyre good looking and have money."

"And a lot of drama. I read one had an affair with a girl who her friend used to date." She says and I chuckle. "Its very dramatic yes."

"Is he treating you right?" Benji asks me.

"Ofcourse he is? Shes wearing designer theough and through." Susie chuckles. I look at Benji cocking my head a little at the question. His eyes firm on mine.

"Do you feel like you treated me right?" I ask him as his face falters. It made me sad seeing him sad about what I just said. Benji was amazing, he had one problem though... just like his father, his temper struck and he would put his hands on me. Nobody knew and I hid it well, even his twin with this stupid twin thing didnt even know.

"Im sorry for being a complete asshole." He says. "I truly am Hams, forgive me?"

"Im here arent I?" I say and he smiles at me. Our food arrives and we talk about all the stupid shit we used to do as kids. We have a few drinks and it felt like like old times but different. We never used to go for dinners. Benji smiled at me a little too much and held my hand at times.

"Do you remember when I used to hide you in my closet and Zade used to come out and drag you out." Benji chuckles.

"Yeah because your mom used to make the best dinners. She taught me to cook." I say and he laughs. "You sure you wasnt just obsessed with me?"

"Separation anxiety was a real thing." Susie says making me laugh. She ate my fries and looked up and stopped talking. "Is that your boyfriend?" She asks. I look up to see Kain, Julian, Kai and Rosie walk through the restaurant. Someone stopped Kain and he ignored them and walked past where Rosie politely smiled and said hi. Kain often did that, he just found it weird that strangers would come up to him and doesnt feel the need to be polite because he owes them "fuck all".

Kain wore a white tshirt, his diamond chain on show. His face always stood so serious. 

"It is my boyfriend indeed.." I say wondering what he was doing here. I know for a fact that they would never be eating here or hung around this side of New York.

"Hey." I say as they land at our table in the corner.

"Hello.." Kain says as he shoots me a grin as if he was up to something. He leans in and kisses my lips.

"This is a.. cute place." Rosie says as she kissed my cheek. She stuck out like a sore thumb in her soft yellow dress and matching cropped jacket from Dior.

"What are you guys doing here?" I say as Kai plopped himself down.

"We were in the neighbourhood and your boyfriend can't be without you for more than 3 minutes before he becomes annoying to be around." Kai says and I look at Kain who just rolled his eyes.

"Thought I would come pick you up." He says to me. "Seems like youre doing here?" He says looking at the food. I look at Benji who seemed to be just watching Kain and I. 

"Why do you not join us?" Benji asks Kain who nods. "Sure." He says as Julian pulled a chair for Rosie and sat down himself next to her. Kain had taken my hand as he pulled me up from my chair and sat down pulling me back onto his lap.

So he clearly knew who I was here with.

"You gonna introduce us?"

"This food is kinda nice Zara. You should be bringing us around here." Kai says who was eating from my plate.

"Eh? Rosie might burst out into flames soon." I say and Rosie just flips me off making me laugh.

"Eh, guys this is Kain." I say forgetting to introduce them. Susie was just a little taken back I think by this ambush. I felt my anger heating up but I will smile and play nice with Kain before I punch him in the mouth. "And this is Julian, Rosie and Kai." I say and Susie smiles politely. I could see Benji was pissed off and its like he could read my like no other...

"Nice to meet you guys." Susie says. "Im Susie, this is my brother Benji."

"You guys are beautiful." Rosie comments. "Your hair is amazing."

"Thanks." Susie smiles.

"So what do you do Susie?" Kai asks Susie as he grins at her sitting back on his chair. I look at Kain who pushes my hair behind my ear and just looked at me. He was also pissed off and there was too much happening here for me to focus on. His touch itself was distracting.

"I am at NYU." Susie says. Benji rolled his eyes and I snicker at him annoyed at this awkward situation.

"So how do you guys know Zara?" Kain asks as he now looks at Benji direct.

"Oh we go way back." Benji says as he sat up and put his elbows on the table. A grin appears on his face. "That was my first girlfriend." He smiles

"Ah how cute." Rosie says. "Super adorable." Julian says as he laughed. Rosie just elbows him.

"So youre just still here stuck in the past I see." Kain says to him.

"You mad I was the one fucking your girl before you?" Benji grins making me feel sick inside. Kain lets out a dry laugh but I feel his body tensing. He looks at me and shakes his head. "Thats how your ex is talking about you?" He says and I get up of his lap but he stops me.

"I see why you couldn't keep the girl." He says to Benji letting go of me. Kain gets up stopping a waitress.

"Its on me, get them whatever they want." He says handing her a wad of cash.

"So you gonna let me take you out to a proper meal?" Kai asks Susie who just rolled her eyes. "Your new friends are clowns Hams." Susie says to me. I was almost speechless as Kain guided me out putting his arm around me.

As we walk outside, Julian black Range rover lights up as he opens the car door.

"You think I am coming with you?" I say pushing Kain off me.

"Oh sorry did you want to continue your date with your ex-boyfriend?" He snaps at me.

"Fuck you Kain, you did not have to do all of that. Tracking me down. How the fuck do you even know I was with him?"

"Your brother told me when I came home and wondered where you was." He says. Fuck.

"Youre acting like I am fucking the guy?"

"You might as fucking well with how he was looking at you. So youre just hanging around your ex?"

"I havent seen him for years." I say.

"Shall we take this party off the street?" Julian says. I get the carkey out and dangle it infront of Kain. "I drove here."

"Okay. Ill go with Zara. Meet back at Henry George." Rosie says as she takes my hand dragging me away. How fucking humiliating....

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