Road of the Lonely Ones ✸ Pau...

By screamstu

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I must've done something wrong to be left so lonely. Twilight / Paul Lahote screamstu, 2023 More

Road of the Lonely Ones!
Vol I, Eat and am Eaten
000. Cigarette Psychology
001. Metal Angel Wings
002. Torn Dead
003. Madness and Honey
004. Remarkably Human
005. Taste of Cruelty
007. Deer Heart

006. Roadkill

221 11 0
By screamstu

         Sam Uley hadn't a clue what to do with Paul. Yelling, punching, shapeshifting, pacing, repeat. That's the routine that the pack had to watch the Lahote boy go through ever since he came back from the Sanders residence. The alpha had tried to get into his head and talk to him, to calm him the fuck down. None of it seemed to be working. Emily made him his favourite food and tried to talk to him too but still he would not give.

"Man, you have to calm down." Jared finally piped up from across the table, watching as Paul seemed to be making dents in the floor from how often he paced across it.

The boys head flicked over to his pack mate, fury in his eyes as he stared at Kim and Jared.

"You don't get to talk when you have your soulmate sat on your lap." He seethed at them. Jealousy coursing through his veins. Jared had his imprint as his girlfriend, and she liked him. Whereas Paul was lost, his practically loathes him. She angered him so much, yet worry clawed at his flesh. The way Saskia's father acted towards her had him questioning if he should have left that day.

"She'll come around." Jacob had now chimed in, the most recent member of the pack still unaware of where he ranks.

"Oh and you!" Paul scoffs, a humourless chuckle leaving him as he stepped closer to Jacob. "You left her when she needed you the most."

"I had to and you know that Paul!"

"You don't get to speak to me like you know what it's like."

"She's my best friend!"

"She's my soulmate!" They were almost nose to nose. Jacob knew Paul was hotheaded, so why he was provoking him, no one knew.

"You barely know anything about her." The newest shapeshifter challenged.

"Fuck you, you've been more of a friend to the leech lover in two months than you have ever been for Saskia."

"You-" Sam had stormed in by now, Embry hot on his trail as they walked into the house. Having heard the urgent voice of Jared in their heads.

"Hey!" The Uley man stepped in between them, puffing his chest out to insert dominance between the pack mates. "That's enough, stand down."

Paul kept his glare, waiting for Jacob to back away first.

"I said stand down-"

A frantic knock on the door stopped Sam's order, all the shapeshifters glancing towards the door in confusion. Not having expected anyone and they can all hear the racing heart of whoever was behind that door.

Paul however immediately knows, he can smell her scent. The smell of cigarettes and vanilla. He makes a move towards the door but Sam's hand on his chest stops him.

"Jacob! I know you're in there!" His heart sunk. Clenching his jaw so hard as he watches the other boy walk towards the door. Why did it hurt so much?

"Jacob, please, you believe me don't you?" Saskia was frantic. Her hands red and raw pushing back the loose pieces of hair that escaped the rest that has been thrown up at the back of her head.

"Woah woah, calm down." Jake had his arms out in front of him, as if herding a frail lamb. Unsure of what she was going to do. "What do you mean 'believe' you?"

"About the vampires, they're real, I know they are!" Everybody seemed to tense. Turning their heads toward Paul in hopes of an answer. Though he looked just as confused.

"What are you talking about?" Jacob tried to play it off, his heart beating faster than ever. "Have you been taking your pills?"

It felt like a punch to the stomach. Her face dropped and Jake had to watch as it scrunched up. The pain was unmistakable. Betrayal. Paul could feel it too, using all willpower to stop himself from storming over to the door and bringing her into his arms. His safe arms.

"What? No, Jacob! Listen to me, vampires are real, one attacked me in the woods the other day and- and I think that the shapeshifter stories your dad used to tell us, they're true too!" Saskia was rambling, tears forming in her eyes in frustration. Why did no one believe her?

"Go home, Saskia"

"You're my best friend, please!" The look in her eyes was so painful to acknowledge. "I-I know Paul doesn't believe me, I just need someone to believe me!"

Sam's struggled to hold Paul back. This is for the best. Paul heard his voice in his head and he growled. He wanted to tell her, everything. And hold her tight, tell her how sorry he was and never let her leave.

"I said go, Sas."

"They killed my mother, I know and I saw it." Her voice trembled, begging for him to understand. But his face was stern.

"Fuck you" She finally spat. Tears streaming down her face and over the angry expression on her face.

Getting into her car wasn't the best idea in her state but she was just so angry. Tears collected on her shirt and she screamed out frustration as she drove along the cliffs. Her driving was reckless but she didn't know where to go. She'd be insulted at home and insulted at Sam's. Her phone buzzed with a text alert, she knew she shouldn't pick it up, but her mind was in such a state.


The message was sent from an unknown number. Was she imagining things? Her heart raced and her chest rose up and down rapidly. She looked down again at the message be sure of herself. But a flash of red passed her vision and she glanced up. Although the only thing that invaded her vison was two bright lights heading towards her.

Back at the house the Lahote boy was a mess. Again. Pacing and shaking. He was in the verge of shifting, his chest was rising so fast the other members of the pack were almost afraid he might pass out.


His head hurt, overwhelmed with worry and anger.


"What?!" Everyone seemed to be cautious to approach him, seeing as Jacob was already bleeding from the nose with an ice pack held to his face. Kim and Emily had been ushered into another room, in worry of Paul transforming there and then.

"Just sit down and breathe for a few fucking seconds." Sam was clearing getting annoyed by the lack of obedience he was showing.

"How can I sit down when-" Paul was suddenly hunched forward, in pain. His head was aching severely and his ribs felt as if they'd been torn out of his body. He could feel the presence of his pack mates and alpha gathered around him, but couldn't see them. His mind and vision clouded with pain. Pain that wasn't his own.

"Kid, what's wrong?" A hand in his shoulder.

"What's happening to him?"

He rushed outside, transforming as soon as his feet touched the cold ground. He could see it now, his Saskia.

"Paul!" Sam tried, once again. His alpha abilities denying him any form of leadership as the boy howled painfully and sprinted away.

The forest was dark and he knew it was dangerous but it was the quickest way to reach his girl. His heart was thundering, only seconds away from breaking past his ribs. Paul could see smoking in the distance and his pace quickened. How could he have let this happen?

Her car was flipped on the side of the road, his wolf instantly sniffing around the vehicle to find her. She was trapped, her eyes were shut and her head was bleeding yet she looked peaceful as ever. He still thought she looked like an angel, he could only pray she won't become one.

The wolf's nose pressed against her cheek, nudging her head to try and wake her. Paul howled loudly to call for help.

Saskia. Car crash. Leech. Was all the boys could make out as Paul spoke to them. Immediately rushing out the house to find their pack mate.

"Stay and guard the house." Sam demands, ignoring the solemn, annoyed looks from his followers.

By the time he'd reached Paul, he could hear sirens approaching. The boy was still nudging his head into Saskia's chest. Whining and fussing.

Paul we have to go. Police are here.

A growl in response.

Paul. Now.

He whined in protest as Sam dragged him away. His imprint was injured, badly. It felt as if someone had tore his lungs out of his chest, along with his heart. Was he bleeding out? It felt like it.

She'll be fine. An ambulance is with her.

Still, Paul couldn't find the words or seem to form a breath.

Why was this happening to him? He hadn't even had the chance to apologise to her. The guilt was overwhelming, and he couldn't seem to shapeshift back. He growls and howls and whines. His head feels dizzy. Is this what death was?

Concentrate, Paul.

The quicker he transforms the quicker he sees her. That's all he could think about.

Was she okay? Was she alive?

He howls again, before taking off deeper into the forest. Ignoring any calls from his alpha. He was so, so lost. The guilt consumed his being. Surely death felt better than this.


i know this wasn't the best or the longest but i wanted to get a chapter out x

BTW! the wolves in this book don't heal fast, it's for the plot ;)

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