Me and You

By booksbyyourfav

64.7K 1.5K 664

An average high school love story. More

Character aesthetic
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author Note
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40

Chapter 14

1.8K 52 4
By booksbyyourfav

A/N: Happy Wednesday!! Don't forget to comment, i love reading them all !

freckles ❤️
be ready by 6 princess, dress up

Usually a surprise date would have me jumping for joy but this go round i cant help but feel a little cautious. I sigh aloud.

"Please stop blowing that hot breath" Rem scrunches up his face

"Boy, I forgot you were even here." I say turning towards him.

"Umm did you also forget you were at my house, in my bed ?" he looks at me as if im dumb

I definitely did forget. I've been forgetting a lot, i've been playing like garbage, my head is just scrambled right now.

"First of all its not your house, its stephanie's" i say breaking his mom's name up into syllables.

"Chile please." he says waving me off. "What's the deal with you anyway? You've been a space cadet since the whole social media thing?" he ask plopping down beside me on the bed.

And by that he means me stalkin 'stassier'.

"I don't know, something just seems off. Like Marc being weird."

"Weird how?"

"He's never around anymore, and when he is he's either all in his phone or not on it at all"

"And how is the latter a bad thing?"

"like, as if he doesn't have one, like leave it in that car, shoot, leave it at the house." i pull on my curls as i think back to how he shoves his phone into his pocket anytime i come around.

"Say swear" Rem says sitting up a bit so he can see my face.

"I swear on spongbobs yellow body"

"Dang twin, he's definitely cheating" says as if its nothing

"Remmington please stop playing with me" i say jumpin up

"Or he's planning a surprise for you" he says pulling on his non existent goatee

"Remmington, why would you say that" i say with my hand over my chest.

I can literally feel my heart pounding on my chest.

"I'm joking best, Ant's definitely not cheating on you. Maybe he has some family stuff going on" he says pulling me back into him

He's not cheating.

He looks down at me after I take too long to answer, "please don't start that crying stuff Tini that boy is not cheating on you."

"You don't know that Remmy, maybe he's trying to get his get back from the party"

"That was crazy tini, don't do that ever again." he says with his arm still wrapped around me.

"I'm not, and it wasn't even crazy. Knight don't even like girls, that was literally his first lap dance and he told me that he didn't like it." i say laughing

"Wait, knight dont like girls?" oop i did just say that

"Who said all that?" I say trying to run past it.

"Um you, i'm not stoopid" he says, flicking me.

"Remmington do not tell anyone. I wasn't supposed to say anything!" i beg

"Does Marc know yet?" he asks

" No, because Knight told me to keep my mouth shut," I say, "and you better do the same," I say pointing a finger at him.

"I will, chill" he says with his hands up.

"Good, now i have to go get ready for a date." i say with a sigh

"Don't be sad bestie, if you really not feeling it call me and ill come get you" he says standing up with me.

"Thanks Remmy" i say wrapping my arms him.

"You know i gotchu Tini" he says reciprocating the action. "Now go your breath stinks too".


"You look beautiful, Rella" Mar compliments, grabbing my hand as we walk toward his car.

"You don't look too bad yourself Mar." I dust off the imaginary dust on his dress shirt.

He is handsome as usual. He is dressed in an off white sweater shirt, which he paired with black slacks and his off white dunks.

Once he opens my door I step into the car and get myself situated before letting him know to close the door.

Once he is in and suited up he pulls off.

"How's your week been so far?" he asks while making a left.

"It's been okay, I can't complain." I answered, "I just miss you," i add.

A month after being together officially, everything has seemed off. Hopefully tonight will be different. I can't help but think it has something to do StassieR.

"I miss you too baby. I've just been a little busy with family stuff and with our season coming soon, training has been mad." he glances at me quickly.

"I get it" i keep it short, knowing that if i say how i really feel ill mess up the night before it even starts

We arrived at the restaurant shortly after our brief conversation. Once we are seated, I speak again, "when is the first game? i haven't gotten a chance to look at the schedule yet."

"First real game is December 3rd, so about a month and a half from now."

"And am i invited" i ask in a playful sense

"Obviously, I wouldn't have it any other way," he says with a soft laugh.

His smile is gorgeous

"You should see yours" smirk evident in his tone.

"No way i blurted that"

"You did, but it's fine. Tell the truth, shame the devil." he says with a shrug.

As I am going to speak our waiter walks up to take our drink orders.

"Alright so i know you're probably wondering why we're out so fancy tonight and its simply because i know i've been off for a minute and i just want to reassure you that i still want to be with you, and i'm going to do better princess." he says, grabbing my hand that is resting on the table.

"Awee I appreciate this frecks" I can feel the heat that's rushed to my cheeks.

"You deserve the world, Rella and i'm going to give it to you, prometto"

My brain relaxes after hearing him reassure me. Maybe I'm just being overly paranoid. Maybe she is just an old friend.

"Marc Anthonie, you just keep getting better and better. Thank you "I told him.

I'm beyond thankful for him. In the width span of five months, he's shown me how someone is actually supposed to treat you when they like you.



We had just gotten back to my house.

"Awee yall look adorable" my mom squeals as soon as we step in the door.

I peek back at Marc to see his cheeks plum pink.

"You dont blush like that for me, Mar" i say

"Hush Gabriella" my mom interjects as she pulls him into a hug.

"How was dinner?" she asks as she walks back toward the dishes she was doing.

"It was great, dont tell dad–"

"Dont tell dad what bean?" my dad asks me as he walk out of his study.

"Um nothing father" their food was busssin, almost better than yours

"Uuh huhhh" he say unconvinced.

"Well we're headed downstairs, can he stay?" i ask looking between my parents

"Of course Marc can stay, ill text Elena now." mom answers as she walks out the kitchen.

"Alrighty, night papa love ya loads" I say , kissing his cheek.

As we head towards the stairs my dad calls out.

"Marc let me chat with you for a sec"

"Marc let me chat with you for a sec"

I reedirect myself in the direction of papa ric's study.

" Have a seat, kid" he gestures to the chairs across from his desk.

His study is nice. Black walls, with a few pictures on them. A dark brown wooden desk. Comfy chairs, and a gigantic family portrait that sits behind him on the wall.

He clears his throat before speaking,

"Its been brought to my attention that there maybe some issues brewing within, your relationship with my daughter, is this true?"

"Kind of. The boss needed me to do something for him, which might cause some problems." i answer honestly, there's no need to lie to Ricardo because he's going to find out sooner or later.

"Interesting. Does Eleana know about this?" he questions.

"She does not. She didn't attend the Gala this year. So she didn't see me with Romanov." If my mother knew what was happening she would beat me and her husband. My mom adores Gabriella, and knowing that this would hurt her, would make her want to hurt me.

"Okay. And this thing with Romanov... how long is it going to last ? My daughter likes you alot Marc and I would hate to see her get hurt by business."

"It's over. I got enough for my father to see that Roman is doing some shady things, me and Stass are done." I say with a shrug.

Riccardo stands to his feet and walks over to his bookshelf and pulls out what looks like a diary. He pops it open and flips to an empty page. He sits the book in front of me and hands me a pen.

" This is a book that I will give to Gabriella, once she is 21. It has every weird encounter she's experienced because of my ties to the mafia. I've vividly explained why these things have happened, one reason being a safety net another being so she can see what's truly ahead of her if she chooses to take over once I'm no longer here. Do you understand." he asks.

I quickly say yes.

"I want you to write down the exact conversation you and your father had, to be precise leave out no details. If worst comes to worst and Anastasia comes back to bite you, you'll have proof on why you did what you did. Granted she won't see it until she is 21." he explains further.

"Why 21?" I ask as I begin to write down what exactly went down in Italy.

"That's just the age Gianna and I agreed upon."

I hum in response.

Ciao Rella, si spera. quando stai leggendo questo siamo ancora insieme. Devo ancora dirtelo, ma sono nella mafia. Dato che mio padre è il Don, è difficile per me non essere coinvolto. Detto questo, Anastassia o Stassier, era la vecchia storia di cui ti ho parlato quando ci siamo conosciuti per la prima volta. All'inizio c'erano dei sentimenti coinvolti, ma sapevo che non sarei mai stato in grado di fare lunghe distanze, quindi abbiamo interrotto. Dopo averti incontrato, tutto il mio mondo è cambiato, sei stata una tale boccata d'aria fresca. Non dovevo essere il Marc teso che tutti sembrano capire, potevo essere semplicemente me stesso. Poco prima della mia partenza per l'Italia, i nonni fanno voto di rinnovamento. Mio padre mi ha chiesto di tornare nelle grazie di Anastasia, così avremmo potuto capire cosa stava succedendo a suo padre. (Il Don della mafia russa) Detto questo, quando ero a Florance ho trascorso la maggior parte del mio tempo con Anastasia, TUTTAVIA non ho oltrepassato alcun limite, mentre stavo a casa sua stavo in una stanza più lontana da lei. camera. A dire il vero ero più vicino a suo padre. comunque, ho scoperto di cosa avevo bisogno, ma ho finto un certo interesse nei suoi confronti, il che so che probabilmente manderà in tilt la nostra relazione, ma dovevo fare quello che dovevo fare. Mi dispiace se ti ho ferito e ho rovinato la tua fiducia in me. Ti adoro davvero, tesoro, non ho mai desiderato stare con qualcuno tanto quanto voglio stare con te.

firmato Marc Anthony.

(translation: 'Hi Rellal, hopefully. By the time you're reading this we're still together. i have yet to tell you but I am in the mafia. WIth my father being the Don it's kind of hard for me not to be involved. WIth that being said, Anastasia or stassier, was the old fling i told you about when we had first got to know each other. In the beginning there were feelings involved, but i knew i would never be able to do long distance, so we broke it off. After meeting you my whole world changed, You were such a breath of fresh air. I didn't have to be the uptight Marc that everyone seemed to get, I could just be me. A little before i left for italy, the grandparents vow renewal. My father asked me to get back in good graces with Anastasia, so we could figure out what was going on with her father. (The Don of the Russian mob) That being said, when I was in Florence I did spend most of my time with Anastasia, HOWEVER I did not cross any lines, while I did stay at her home I stayed in a guest room furthest from her room. I was closer to her dad's room to be honest. anyway, i found out what i needed, but i did fake some interest in her which i know probably is going to throw our relationship for a loop but i had to do what i had to do. I am sorry if i hurt you and ruined your trust for me. I really do adore you baby, I've never wanted to be with someone as much as i want to be with you. '

signed Marc Anthonie)

I close the book and sigh.

"I know, kid" her dad says as he pats me on the shoulder before grabbing the book and putting it back where it was tucked away.

I get up from my chair and walk towards the door.

"You're doing good, Mar. This is the happiest I've seen her for a while, I'm sure she'll understand once everything comes out."

"Thanks P Ric" I said before exiting the study.

Let's hope so

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