My first ever crush

By loveintheairsi

73.6K 5.7K 603

Samira , when develops a huge crush on her senior Aahan , things don't go her way; will her life change? or t... More

chap 1: Who's that guy
chap 2 : Who's that guy
chap 3 : The alluring girl
chap 4 : The alluring girl
chap 5 : Who's that guy
Chap 6 : who's that Guy
Chap 7 : The alluring girl
Chap 8 : who's that guy
chap 9 : who's that guy
Chap 10 : Her
Chap 11
Chap 12
Chap 14 : The fall
Chap 15: The last exam
Chapter 16 : Funday

Chap 13

3.3K 305 37
By loveintheairsi

Samira's POV

*Phone ringing*

" Samira!!!!! Vaani is calling.!! " My mom shouted from the first floor. I was in my room, all confused about what to do.

Still I went downstairs & picked up the call.


"Hi Sam. You've reached home safely? "
She's always like this. Whenever we talk to each other, the First thing we ask each other is about our well being. That's just our thing.

"Yeah. "
" Well... I saw you with Tanya from my bus window. Did she tell you anything about the sudden change in her behaviour ? "

What should I answer now.


" I have to tell you something Sam. " She said.

"What is it? " I eyed her warily

" I want to give you an advice. "

"Advice? What kind of advice? "

"I have heard some girls bitching about you behind your back . "

" Like? About what? "

" That you consider others inferior to you. And That you are very arrogant as you are good in everything. They were saying that you get opportunity in everything because your sister is popular. You are popular because of Your sister."

My heart broke. It hurt so much to listen to all this. This makes me feel so small. I get opportunities because of my sister? Why would anyone give me any opportunity just cause my sister is popular? My teachers know me cause I score the highest in the class, and I don't get only opportunities , but I have proved myself by winning in every competition I have ever participated. So why is everyone saying this about me? I have always tried to do my best. I have always tried to keep people around me happy. I don't even say No to anyone if they ask for any help. Then why?

I didn't realise but my eyes got filled with tears but I was not going to cry.

I sniffled and asked," why? Why are they saying this? "

" Well I don't know Samira. But I heard that... " She trailed

I looked at her ," that? "

" Vaani was the one spreading all these rumors about you. "


" That's not true." I said sternly. I knew that Vaani could never do something like that .

" Believe me or not Sam, but remember that I am your bestfriend, and I will always think of your interest . " She said and then patted me on my shoulders.

And just walked away.
Just walked away? I needed her right now and she just walked away? After telling me something like this.

And the thing that I was supposed to ask HER about HER PROBLEMS. Her & Advik. But the table got turned.

Flashback ends------

"She told me nothing. I don't know if she's okay. She didn't tell me anything."

" Oh yeah? Then what she talked about? "


" Hmmm well nothing..... You know how she's avoiding us every time. That's what she did. Again " I lied.

Yeah I lied.

I know that Vaani couldn't do it, But I also believe Tanya. She can't lie to me.

Ughhhh I am so frustrated right now.

We ended the call after discussing about our next test. I walked back to my room and locked it. I tried to focus on my books but I was hurt. I had to share this to someone.... So I just went to my parents room.

I share about everything with my Mom.

Except HIM
Aahan Chopra.

Well look at my destiny , the guy I like, likes my sister. This is so funny. Anyone could come and laugh at my situation. But not me. Never me.


My sister called me to sleep with her tonight, and that's strange cause it has been a few months since I slept with her in her room. We used to sleep in her room but suddenly she wanted privacy, and I have got the sister instinct that she's talking to some guy at night, before sleeping. That's why she doesn't want me to be there.

But today she asked me to sleep with HER.
After our dinner I went to my room to revise a last time before my science test tomorrow. It was the time we were in bed and she was using her phone, that she kept the phone on the night stand and then her voice filled the silent room.

" What's going on with you & your friends? "

I tell my sister everything about my day. But I haven't told her about what happened today.

" Tanya has been acting strange nowadays. You know Advik from my class?" She nodded. So I continued," She has been spending time with him rather than us. And she also told me something today. "

" What is it ? "

I hesitated for a second but she's my sister and right now she & my mom is the only one I can talk to about this.

" She said that some girls have been back bitching about me , and the one who's responsible for all this is .... Vaani. "


" Yeah she said so. "

" See Samira, I don't have a very good history with friends cause the girl I once thought was my best friend , was actually a rattle snake. But I can tell you that I don't think Vaani can do that. I have seen her and by looking at her I can say that she can say something bad about you on your face but she can never speak about you behind your back."

She's right , Vaani is not a sweet kind of girl but she's a baddie. She speaks for her and is very confident about herself, and that's what I like about her. She has always proved herself and is really my best friend.

I bit my bottom lips and nodded.

Then she continued, " what you said about Tanya is really questionable now. She's also a nice girl but Samira I think I trust Vaani more. I don't even know why Tanya is your better friend. I think it should have been Vaani. But it's your friendship and I don't have any say in it."

I again nodded.

" And yeah Advik. This Advik is the same guy who introduced himself to me right? "

" Yeah. " I said laughing. I remember that I was walking with my sister into the campus when he suddenly came to us and introduced himself to my sister very nervously. I don't know why he did it though.

" You have some male friends? "

" No. I don't talk to him. He is just a classmate so we share some words here & there. "

" Hmm... I prefer you stay away from the boys of your class. They are not nice."

"Oh! Yeah? But I do stay away from boys. "

"Really? "

"Yeah I do, I don't have any male friends, I don't even talk to them."

Except him. Aahan.
I feel good after thinking about him.

" Are you really sure about that? "

Well yeah. Cause there is nothing going on between me & him. We just share some words with eachother that makes my heart flutter. Also he always teases me that sometimes feel like it's more than teasing. But no, we are not friends.

" Yeah... Except when some boy from class asks me my homework notebook or when I am distributing the checked notebooks in the class. You know monitor privileges. "

" Haha. Not funny. "

" I was not being funny. I was being honest , that's the only time I have some conversation with male species. "

Should I tell her that I am also talking with a boy when he takes my seat , or when he helps to fix my broken bicycle, or when he bumps into me? I don't think I will be able to control my blushing while telling her about him, so I drop the idea. Not forgetting that HE wrote a love Letter to her.

See after all his explanation, I kind of beleive him that he doesn't have any feeling for my sister, but I also know that he's hiding something from me, which is related to me. I know that. Sixth sense yk

" I saw you talking to Aahan. "

I am doomed.

" Oh........ -" what am I even supposed to say to her now " - yeah he's in my class during the examination. He sits on the seat behind me. And also we don't talk to eachother, I got to know he is Aahan today itself , you know what I mean ..... he's THAT Aahan. "

She was looking at me all the time while I was justifying myself, and me? I was looking at the ceiling as if it was my first time looking at it.

" Yeah? So you got to meet the Aahan who wrote that letter... finally. "

She was looking at me so carefully, and I was nervous as hell. Why was all this making me so nervous, I didn't do anything wrong.

Let's play cool Samira. You can do it.

" Ha. I was so shocked you know. He was saying that he came to our house? " I asked her.

" Hmm he did come with Aahana that day. " She's still watching me and I am still watching the ceiling.

"It was an embarrassing moment..... He was so embarrassed when I told him that  I have seen the letter he wrote to you." I said laughing, really laughing, cause he's face was worth watching at that time. His face turned pale and he just wanted to get over the conversation.

" YOU TOLD HIM THAT? " she asked , or maybe I should say She shouted.

"Yeah. Is there in any problem with that? " I asked her with confusion lacing my words.

She kept quite for some minutes and I was fully confused now. By the conversation with him today, I can tell that Parul di & he never had a conversation about this whole topic, his face was a giveaway for most of my questions. I can tell that he himself was surprised by everything.
Something is wrong here. When di got a love letter from the baby brother of her BEST FRIEND, shouldn't it be awkward? Like atleast she must have had a conversation with him. Right?

Then finally she said , " No but I never wanted to embarrass that Kid. He's nice and ya... I think that letter wasn't meant for me.  "

Wait what? She thinks it wasn't for her too?

" So who it was for then ? "

" I don't know. But I am sure it was not for me. He always behaves like a brother near me. " She said confidently. She seems genuine while saying this and I think I am also quite believing her now.

" But I wanted to tell you that even if someone's nice, you should first focus on yourself. Okay? " She said confidently.

Is she giving me some life tips right now? I know my sister feels protective of me, even after all this annoying each other thing. She's my second best friend after my mosi. After mosi returned back to her home , I have only her to talk to *after my mom* .

"Okay." I replied sofly with my focus on the fan.

"Ceiling seems very interesting to you I guess " she said sarcastically and I blushed.

She caught me.

After a few minutes of silence she says again

"Ayush called today. " She informed.
And my heart sank as I wasn't at home to talk to him.

While me & my sister have a love-hate relationship, the relation I share with my brother is the most beautiful one , not that we don't fight with eachother, Naah... We fight each other a lot but he loves me the most and I know that. My brother has always been a big protective brother even though he's only 2 years older than me, I remember how he used to take me with him, to play with him & his friends when I didn't have friends. Eventually I became friends with his friends. They all were good to me but his some friends used to tease him for bringing his Lil sis to play, but he never cared. But once he accidentally broke a nose of a boy as he was calling me names for not playing hide & seek correctly. He said I was slow &  was also a cheater and then pushed me , well I didn't fall but that boy did - as my brother punched straight into his face. He always supported me in everything, we were always together in doing any mischief, where sometimes he was pulling the act & me trying to stop him from getting into trouble and sometimes the roles got reversed - but we both were always together in all this. The day my parents decided to put him into the boarding school was the saddest day for me , I was crying like a new born baby the whole day. That day we both spent the night in our sister room and our parents joined us too. We all were sad. And the day He left, I was bawling my eyes , I begged so much to not let him go but all I got was a pep talk from my parents, that it's for he's future and he needs to go, but that did not stop me from crying. And after a really really long time I saw my brother's tear, He sobbed silently while hugging me and then he said goodbye to my sister and my parents happily. I was sad, but I am happy for him.

I love him & I miss him badly.

"What did he say? Is he okay there? " I asked excitedly.

She laughed sofly and replied," yeah he's okay. He is busy studying there and is going to come back home soon for the holiday before the new semester."

Oh Yeah.... I was so happy that I was grinning ear to ear right now. Finally we will spend time eating every weird thing possible this break. He promised me on the call the last time we talked. Whenever he's on a vacation, we pick a mission for that whole holiday, last time it was getting under our sister's nerve and we fully succeeded as she didn't allow me to enter her room for a whole week even after he went back to school.

And the night went with us recalling our memories with our brother cause she also misses him as much as I do.

No I miss him more than her.

19 March 2020

I am putting all my negative thoughts aside today. I keep it in my mind that I have to talk to my bestfriend Tanya about all this misunderstanding.

Yeah I know that she's misunderstanding Vaani right now. I believe in both of them and that's why I am not going to ask Vaani about any of this cause I trust her.

I parked my bicycle in the parking lot then stood there for a minute taking deep breaths and calming my mind & my soul. I am not ready to let all this chaos ruin my exam.

" You can do this. People are gonna talk what they want. You do what you want to" I whispered to myself and exhaled a sigh.

" Wise words. " A familiar voice came from my behind.

A very familiar voice.

I turned to see the one standing there with a small smile. He's smile is contagious, it can affect me and injure me with how beautiful it is - and I am ready for it.

Just what I wanted to see to make my day better and my mind calm.

HIM - whose name is not mystery anymore.


It's a long chapter cuties. 2600+ words.

I am sorry for updating so late. I am actually very busy . The next chapter will be published this week.

This chapter is dedicated to Samira and her Family. Her love for her brother.

Do you liked Ayush? He's a good brother isn't he?.

Take care cuties 🥰 💫🫂

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