The Missing Princess (✔️)

By Clifoconda_HemHem

264K 7K 584

Isabella Ekaterina is the only daughter of the two most powerful mafia families in the world: the Di Luca Ita... More

1: Found
2: Truth
3: Promise
4: Princess
5: Custody
6: Gift
7: Troubles
8: Home
9: Healer
10: Wish
11: Work
12: Pain
13: Questions
14: Siblings
15: Terrible
16: Deserving
17: Done
18: Eat
19: Information
20: Killer
21: Coward
22: Traitor
23: Sorry
24: Light
25: Forgiveness
26: Explanation
27: Trauma
28: Father
29: Handsome
30: Overprotective
31: Son
32: Friend
33: Unexpected
34: Confrontation
35: Miracle
36: Daughter
37: Family
38: End


3.3K 72 7
By Clifoconda_HemHem

The Orsini family was once a proud and respected Italian mafia family that came from an ancient noble lineage. They were the family who had it all: a loving family man for a father, a kind and doting mother, three sons, and baby triplets (two boys and a girl).

That all changed when the patriarch and Don of the Orisini family suddenly died. The sixteen-year-old eldest son was forced to step up and take on the role of his late father; he was young and unprepared, and their family's enemies took advantage of this. They set up an ambush to kill the remaining Orsinis, but only the mother died of the ambush. The six Orsini children survived, but much to their horror, two of the triplets disappeared the day of the ambush (the older triplet and the only girl), leaving no traces or bodies.

Twelve years later, The once mighty Orisini family only consists now of four brothers, and they were forced to relocate to a city in Canada, where they are now trying to rebuild everything they lost, planning revenge on the enemies who ruined their family, and finding their lost brother and sister.


"Bubba?" The sweet and innocent six-year-old Allison called for her brother, her small and stick-like arms, because of malnourishment and mistreatment, reaching for her brother, her bubba, her protector.

"Yes, Alli?" Six years old, Atticus instantly pulled his beloved sister closer to his chest and wrapped his arms around her in an attempt to provide her with comfort and warmth, even though he was shivering himself. They didn't even have any blankets or sheets to cover themselves from the cold.

The basement was cold, dark, and damp, seeing that it's once again winter. But the basement is better than being outside in the freezing cold snow.

Young Atticus and Allison have no idea who they are or their family background. All they knew was that they were twins because of the identical features they shared, their names because of the pendant they had been wearing since they were found, and that they were all each other has. Also, their family left them in the streets to die; at least that's what all their foster parents would say to them, though the place where they were left would vary depending on the people who would tell them. But the fact that still remains in their minds is that they were left alone to die at just three years old.

"Why are mama and papa mean to me and you, bubba?" Allison innocently asked her brother, the hurt and innocence shining in her blue doe eyes, making her brother's chest hurt seeing them.

Atticus has a deep and dark desire to kill everyone who has hurt and made his sweet twin sister cry, but alas, he's only six. What could a small and scrawny six-year-old do to full-grown adults? But Atticus still tries his hardest to protect Allison as much as he can.

"They are not our mama and papa, Alli. They are not our family. You and I, we're family, no one else. It's only us against this world filled with mean people. Do you understand?" Atticus would always tell his sister this line, which almost became a mantra for the both of them now.

"How about our real mama and papa? Maybe we also have older brothers and sisters."

Atticus almost scoffed.

"Sure, maybe we have one. But they are not our family; they abandoned us; they left us to die. Those people don't love us." He didn't mean to snap and sound that harsh towards his sister, but he badly wants her to understand the reality of their lives; he doesn't want her to hope for something or someone that's not real.

Atticus and Allison may be twins and identical with the exception of their gender, but in every other way, they were the opposites of one another in terms of their personalities.

At such a young age, Atticus' heart had already hardened because of their experiences and situations. He needed to be strong, impassive, and collected in order for them to survive and for him to protect his twin sister. Allison is his only family and whole world; she's the only exception to his tough persona. Atticus also has immense anger and hatred towards the family, which he believes has abandoned him and his sister.

Allison, on the other hand, remains a sweet, kind, and innocent soul despite the challenging experiences and situations she and her brother have faced. But she is a shy little girl who would only open up to her twin brother. She loves Atticus with her whole heart and protects him by caring for him and giving him support. Allison doesn't share her brother's anger and hatred towards the family who they believe abandoned them; she still remains hopeful that they will come back for them and that they probably have a reason for leaving them.

"It's alright, Alli. I'm here, and I love you; that's all that matters."

"I love you too, bubba."




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