It's Always Been You and Me

By prince_arcot

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Alexandra Russo and Zachary Martin were best friends for a long time. They fell in love soon after they came... More

Chapter 1: The Unlikely Outcome of An Unlikely Deception
Chapter 2: The Sunset Dances to a New Dream
Chapter 3: A Triumphant Return and A Heartwarming Reunion
Chapter 5: Falling in Love (Again)
Chapter 6: A Flashback (Or Is It?)
Chapter 7: A Confused Heart
Chapter 8: Trial

Chapter 4: A Retrospective Reflection

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By prince_arcot

June 22, 2007

7:00 PM

Boston, Massachusetts, United States

Zack Martin was not a person who sat and thought a lot. Yet, as he gazed out of the window of the Boston Tipton's penthouse suite, he couldn't control his mind and gave in as it wandered, reminding him of many treasured moments and many moments that had frightened him beyond belief. He would've paid more attention as Maddie and London tried on clothes that made them look unbelievably beautiful, but Zack's mind was refusing to stop thinking about Alex. It was very unlike Zack to not pay attention to two pretty girls unless he was thinking about a third pretty girl.

Zack looked at the brilliant sunset as it left the sky with streaks of many colors: paddy yellow, raspberry pink, blood red and many others. He had never been one for goodbyes, and they were always more painful the second time around. He was sad that he only got to spend just under 3 weeks with Alex, having had to return to Boston for his middle school graduation. Trust school to play spoilsport. He smiled wistfully as he remembered all the new memories he made over that brief period with Russos.

He and Alex, after reaching Waverly Place from the airport, had rushed to her room, with her locking the door behind them and proceeding to makeout with him for a few minutes. After they both came up for air, she told him about everything that happened since he left (she looked pointedly at him when she emphasized the word) for Boston. All of her adventures were funny, especially when magic was involved. He was touched that Alex had confessed the secret of magic to him and guilty he hadn't revealed that he and Cody were wizards too. All in due course, Cody told him, but Zack doubted would cause anything other than resentment.

He then responded by telling her about all the things he'd gotten up to since taking up residence at the Boston Tipton. She laughed at the "haunted hotel room" prank, scolded him at the date fiasco with Maxine (Max), cried at the Christmas blizzard story and became more than a little jealous after he told her about the girls he'd dated after moving to the Tipton. Zack had repeatedly reassured her that all of them were not serious relationships, with him refusing to commit to any of them. 

Everything had blown up after dinner, when Alex asked him whether he had fallen in love with any girl at the Tipton, and Zack confessed about Maddie Fitzpatrick. That had earned him a slap and a punch followed by a screaming he doubted he'd ever forget. However, he hadn't been able to control himself either and the two had ended up screaming as loud as they could at each other. They had said some things they knew they didn't mean and hurt each other badly. The two had broken down into tears and tearfully apologized to each other, ending the day by falling into each other's arms and falling asleep after reassuring the other Russos that all was well between them.

Alex realized that Maddie viewed Zack as her closest guy friend rather than a boyfriend, with the age gap of nearly four years ("three and a half!", as her Zachary objected) being the main reason she wouldn't pursue a romantic relationship with him. Still, the Irish brunette with blond dyed hair made Alex nervous as she knew that Maddie would be tough competition for Zack's heart. London Tipton was an airhead but well-intentioned heiress who would never date Zack for fear of her snobbish father's reaction but remained extremely close to him. Maxine was a tomboy who Zack himself viewed as a friend while all the other girls were just flings.

Zack, on the other hand, was worried. He'd seen Riley (the baseball player) and Dean Moriarty (the gearhead) and was jealous that they saw Alex on a regular basis, unlike him. He knew that "Alexandra", as he still stubbornly called her, while falling for them, would fall out of love just as easily. Her intense jealousy and possessiveness, which he viewed as cute, was scary to others. However, he couldn't deny that there was a chance of someone else from the wizard world falling in love with her. He felt scared and sad at the same time.

He had unknowingly been silently crying since he looked away from the girls and out the window, which had been discovered by both London and Maddie by this time. They gently pulled him to the sofa, and hugged him, trying to console him. He whispered half-hearted answers to them, which they clearly realized and continued hugging him and whispering words of comfort and love to him. He continued quietly sobbing away: why was his heart so conflicted, his life so complicated? He loved two girls (Alex Russo and Maddie Fitzpatrick) at the same time. He clearly loved Alex more, but he loved Maddie enough for him to acknowledge it. He had given up trying to get over Maddie and had given in to it. He wondered whether he would ever get over Maddie.

At least there was one certainty: If either he or Alex lost their family wizard competitions, they would happily give up their powers to be with the other. Zack knew this and it comforted him. He smiled and hugged Maddie and London back, kissing them on both cheeks and telling them he was alright, and they looked beautiful, which earned him two brilliant smiles that increased his heart rate. They insisted that as Carey and Cody would be back late, he stay for a sleepover with them in London's room. The two of them, plus Mr. Moseby and many others, didn't trust Zack not to get up to any mischief, especially when he was unsupervised.

Zack conceded and looked out the window at the sunset. At least life was looking (surprisingly) brighter now. He shook his head and then twisted the promise ring Alex gave him, remembering her as he did. He smiled as he remembered how good she looked in everything, her mischievous smile, her infectious laughter and her pranking genius. He frowned as he remembered how hurt she had been when he moved and both the times they had bid goodbye to each other at the airport. He had promised her on the day they first met in preschool that he would never hurt her and that he would always protect her. These were promises he vowed to himself that he would never break.

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