Those Winter Days (A Winrina...

By xKawaii_Girlx

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When Winter Kim is accepted to attend a prestigious university for the performing arts in Seoul with ambition... More

- Story Note -
- Story Note Part 2 -
Those Winter Days - The Sequel


707 41 27
By xKawaii_Girlx

"When the days seem endless and bleak, I find myself getting lost waiting in thoughts of you."

- Karina -

Wednesday 4pm

Winter's P.O.V.

Standing at the bus stop, I glanced at my watch for the millionth time looking along the road that appeared to be empty.

I was supposed to be on my way to see my parents who lived a mere 20 minute drive away outside the center of Busan. Yet after having missed the first bus running late this afternoon, it now seemed my fate would be to spend the next hour waiting in the cold for another bus to arrive.

"So Lia just went back to Seoul?" I stated in surprise on the phone to Ning Ning who'd called me half an hour earlier.

"Apparently. Something about a emergency but she left in a rush last night." She replied, leaving more questions than answers as usual.

"I hope she's okay. She didn't exactly have the best few days." It was fair to say that during our time in Busan Lia hadn't gotten on particularly well with one member of our group. 3 guesses who?

"You mean because of your soon to be wife?" Ning Ning chuckled on the other end on the line.

I rolled my eyes before glancing down the road to see the road was still empty. "Ning Ning, we're not having this conversation again. And stop saying that! I haven't even seen her today..."

I hadn't seen Karina much in the past few days. When I had she had been more distant than usual and her cheerful mannerisms seemed to have disappeared again, leaving a trail of intrigue that had me wondering more about her much to my own annoyance.

"Aww are you missing her? I imagine it's like when your shadow disappears. It never really leaves, it just appears at random times to follow you." Ning Ning stated out of the blue.

I sighed, furrowing my eyebrows. "Okay that sounds really creepy."

"It's supposed to, I was describing the student council president who I might add has been a complete ass to me on this entire trip! Even Giselle noticed and that's saying something..." Her words trailed off at the mention of Giselle's name.

"Things aren't any better between you two?" I asked, knowing that over the past few days my best friend too had been dealing with her own drama.

She sighed loudly in dismay. "No and whoever said having space and time apart would help this situation was wrong. Utterly wrong."

"Wasn't it you?" I asked with a slight smirk, knowing full well it was.

"I prefer not to dwell on the insignificant details." She continued as if avoiding the situation.

"So yes then." I stated, glancing up at the sky when I noticed the clouds had become even heavier and droplets of rain began to fall.

"Wow you sounded like Jimin just then." Ning Ning stated, making me scowl.

"Okay, I'm hanging up now." I muttered with a playful tone of annoyance.

"If your mom cooks too much food, bring leftovers back. Bye!" I chuckled at her cheerfulness before putting my phone back into my jacket pocket.

I put my airpods back in only to realise they needed charging. Placing them back into their case, I sighed pulling my hood up to keep from the cold. The splashes of puddles beside my feet and the patter of raindrops on the glass of the bus stop were all that could be heard until suddenly I was caught off guard by the sound of a car horn in the distance.

Pulling up beside the road, Rina was sat in the driver's seat as she wound down the window with that same smile I'd once adored.

"Rina? What are you doing and where did you get that car?" I asked, looking at the expensive sports car that she was currently driving.

"Clearly I hired it. Why are you here?" She asked quietly, I hadn't seen her much in the past few days and after how she'd been acting lately, that was pretty unusual.

"Shopping? What it does look like? I'm waiting for a bus and it's running late." I scoffed with impatience.

She didn't react to my cold tone, instead seeming still aloof. "Would you prefer me to drive you to wherever you're going so you don't have to wait in the rain?"

I frowned before looking at my watch again in disinterest. "I'd prefer you to let me wait here in peace."

The weather was starting to deteriorate as the rain became even heavier but it was the roar in Rina's voice that stood out most. "Minjeong, I'm being nice."

"Congratulations?" I replied back sarcastically, ignoring her to continue checking my phone for the bus timetable.

"Maybe you could try it too or do you only reserve being nice for Lia?" There was cold hint to her voice that shadowed the atmosphere around us.

I rolled my eyes, unwilling to have another disagreement. "Not this again. You know you were really rude to her at dinner yesterday and everyone noticed!"

"Well maybe everyone should mind their own business." Karina scowled, clutching tightly to the steering wheel.

"And she left last night to go back to Seoul! It can't have made her feel any better that you were glaring at her all night and then spilt your drink over her. What was that even about?" Neither Lia or Rina had been speaking much the past few days, making the atmosphere awkward for the others while I was totally oblivious until Ning Ning had pointed it out.

"Perhaps I was clumsy." Rina replied bluntly with a fake smile.

The wind was picking up as I huddled my arms to keep from the cold. "No you weren't, you did it on purpose."

"Maybe she shouldn't try and steal you away from me then." Rina stated again, even harsher this time.

"Do you hear yourself when you speak or do you just live in some constant fantasy?" I questioned back at her bubbling sense of jealousy.

The sudden roar of thunder startled me as our argument seemed to suddenly hault. "Winter, there's a thunderstorm on the way and I'm not gonna leave you here. Please let me drive you to see your family."

I was about to agree until it suddenly dawned on me I'd never recalled mentioning where I was going. "How did you know I was visiting my family?"

"That's irrelevant." Rina stated bluntly again, getting out of the car with a large umbrella.

Stubbornly, I crossed my arms refusing to go. "No it isn't. Wait... did you eavesdrop on my conversation this morning?"

She shrugged her shoulders, opening the passenger door for me get in. "I was passing by and you just happened to be talking loudly. It wasn't my fault."

"Well that's complete bullshit then because I messaged them." I smugly replied, catching her off guard.

She paused expressionless before gesturing again towards the car with a calming manner. "Then you must have mumbled it in your sleep."

"It's interesting I only seem to do that in your presence. Brilliant! The bus has been cancelled!" I yelled in frustration, having received a notification of the cancellation on my phone

"Why don't we talk about all this on the way? Another bus is likely to be at least an hour if at all and it's getting late." I knew Rina well and knew this was all her odd way of getting us to spend more time together. It wasn't malicious, it was pretty jealousy and possessiveness on her part that caused her to act this way.

I sighed at Rina's words before reluctantly agreeing. "Fine, let's go but when we get there you need to go."

"Well I heard thank you so you're welcome." She dryly replied as we both reentered the car and she drove off, following my directions along the quiet coastal roads.

We sat in silence for most of the journey while I continued to steal sidewards glances in her direction. She seemed emotionless and in thought, staring ahead at the road. "You're acting really different again?"

"Is that so." She replied quietly, adjusting the heater in the car as the warm air flowed throughout, sending waves of condensation across the raindrop-stained glass of the car windows.

I sighed I dismay at the awkwardness between us. I knew she was doing this on purpose to get me to talk because I hated awkward silences hence why I often wore my airpods. "Well if you're gonna be like this then we'll just sit in silence for the next 10 minutes."

"Sounds wonderful." She replied sarcastically, making my temper flare further.

A few minutes passed and I could sense the tension again. I glared at her, annoyed for how she'd been acting the last few days. "You know I'm really mad at you."

"Likewise." Rina stated back calmly.

"What did I do??" I yelled and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"You know what you did." She replied quietly, turning onto the familiar street towards my house.

"No, I really don't and I doubt anyone else does either." I protested back, slouching against the seat to turn back towards the window.

Her eyes seemed fixated on the road ahead and yet her mind was elsewhere as she spoke. "It isn't my fault how deeply I care for you, Minjeong. I can't control it and I don't like sharing you."

"Whar are you talk about??" I asked again, a sudden fear of dread washing over me.

She clenched her hands on the steering wheel as she spoke. "It doesn't matter, I dealt with it."

Every answer she gave seemed to leave more questions. "What do you mean you dealt with it?"

"Let's just say you set a spark alight within me. Is this where you live?" Rina asked, suddenly changing the topic as we approached my familiar family home outside of the city.

It was much smaller compared to Rina's vast mansion in Seoul but it was filled with happy memories and nostalgia. "Yes. I know my house is pretty different to yours-"

"This isn't just a house, it's a home. It's a nice feeling." She smiled for the first time that day as she glanced around the exterior of the house. Yet her smile vanished quickly as she pulled into the driveway seemingingly glancing in wonder at the wildflowers that surrounded the emerald green garden.

From the window, I could see my parents waving ecstacially as the car parked and I collected my bag before dashed out towards them. "Mom! Eomma!"

The front door swung open, a warm, welcoming feeling of familiarity greeted me. The sound of a crackling fire burning from the lounge, the smell of my favourite flowers and freshly baked cookies drifted through the air as my parents engulfed me in a hug. "Winter, it's so lovely to see you!"

"We were getting worried, it was starting to get late." My mom said, noticing the sky had gone grey and cloudy.

Dalgom and Hank rushed outside, jumping up excitedly at my feet as I chuckled. "I know I'm sorry, I missed the bus and then had to wait for another until-"

"Hello Mrs. Kim." Rina stated expressionless, having followed behind me.

My parents seemed just as confused as I had been upon seeing Rina again at the university. "Oh? Hello to you too. Winter, aren't you going to introduce us?"

"No." I stated bluntly, glaring at Rina who appeared unphased.

"Minjeong, be polite." Eomma replied sternly, making me sigh.

"Eomma it's Rina, you know Jennie and Lisa's daughter. You already met." It was a whirlwind recalling that meeting at Rina's house when my parents were developing our family business in Seoul.

"Wow you really do look different, Rina. It's nice to see you again." Eomma commented in her usual cheerful manner.

Rina bowed politely before glancing over at me. "Thank you. I hope it was okay that I drove Winter here, she was waiting at the bus stop and it was raining. I didn't want her to catch a cold."

"Awww that's so considerate." My mom stated with a smile.

"It is, isn't it." Rina replied smugly with a slight smirk in my direction.

"Would you like to join us for dinner Rina?" My mom asked as I immediately dropped my bag to the ground.

"No! Mom, Rina already has plans-" I began to state only for Rina to speak over me.

"I would love to, thank you for asking." She said calmly in reply.

As we all ventured inside the house into the hallway, I took her hand in mine stopping her from walking ahead. "What are you doing?"

"Getting to know my future in laws." She replied cooly, making me scoff.

"Rina." The dogs rushed in ahead towards the dining room and I could tell my Eomma had been preparing my favourite dishes all day from the delicious smells wandering through the air.

"Calm down, I'm just being polite. I'll have dinner and then go, okay? Since being around me is so awful for you." She scowled with an expression of both anger and sadness evident in her eyes.

Letting go of her hand, I glanced towards the floor sadly. "I didn't say that..."

"And yet it's written all over your face." She stated back quietly.

I pushed my hands into my pockets, to keep from the cold, awkwardly still staring at the floor. "Rina... I just don't know what you want me to say."

"Maybe that you miss me too, that you know we have something special." She stated with a hint of optimism, running her hand gently on my arm until the sudden voice of my mom calling again disrupted the conversation.

"There you two are! Why don't you join us in the dining room for dinner?" My mom stated as we reluctantly followed to the dining room to begin what was an awkwardly long dinner.

Rina sat beside me, all the while taking in the friendly atmosphere as she stared at the photos on the walls around the room. It seemed the informal chat, laughing and joking at the dining table was a completely unusual concept for her.

It was half an hour of small talk and catching up about my life on campus, enjoying good food and company that continued. Yet despite the pleasant dinner, Rina remaining silent most of the time. Noticing this, my mom tried to break the ice. "So Rina, how are Jennie and Lisa?"

"Busy." She replied quietly, taking a bite of her dessert, my favourite flavour of freshly baked blueberry cake with her eyes still glued to the plate in front of her.

"I see..?" My parents exchanged confused glances at Rina's somewhat awkward behaviour and one word answers. I however saw it as nothing unusual, this was really what she was often like but nudged her arm anyway.

She glanced at me, seeming to get the hint as she placed down her fork down and wiping the corners of her lips with a napkin before continuing. "Eomma is looking forward to assisting you with the final stages of your business proposal, Mrs Kim."

I glanced up in confusion, having not been aware that my family still were preparing to join business ventures with Rina's parents. They hadn't mention and sadly I suppose I hadn't really thought to ask.

"Well I'm certainly looking forward to expanding the business with her support." My Eomma stated happily. She's been developing her business plans for an upcoming theatre company but required additional support and investment to drive the plan in the right direction.

"I'm sure it'll be in all of our interests." Rina replied, taking her hand in mine that rested on the table and smiling sweetly at me as I frowned in return.

It seemed to go unnoticed by my parents who were looking out of the window in concern when a flash of lightening suddenly shone in the distance. "The weather is really starting to turn, I'm not sure you should be driving in a potential storm."

"Why don't you both stay here tonight?" My mom suggested, making my eyes go wide.

"What?! No." I protested loudly, standing up from the table as everyone looked at me in surprise. Everyone except for Rina.

"Winter, it's thundering and the road conditions will be absolutely horrible. You can't expect Rina to drive in such terrible weather. You can both stay tonight and go back to the hotel with the others tomorrow." Eomma stated with no room for negotiation.

I reluctantly nodded my head and we spent the rest of the evening talking by the warming fire with hot chocolate. It was nice to be home and in some ways it was interesting to see how Rina was away from campus.

The time continued to fly by and as the sun set and moon rose high in the sky, we decided to rest early. I got ready into my favourite pajamas, lending some of my clothes and belongings to Rina to which she stared at in wonder as I showed her towards the guest room before silently returning to my own room.

For an hour or so, I tried to fall asleep but failed miserably at the sound of the storm that continued to rage outside. I'd always hated stormy weather and found it difficult to switch off to sleep.

So in an attempt to distract myself, I grabbed my blanket and pillow before quietly wandered downstairs to the conservatory. Dalgom and Hank were sleeping in their as I smiled before getting comfy on the couch to glance out at the night sky.

I snuggled the blanket to keep warm, staring up at the sky that was flooded with stars. It was peaceful somehow, how something so ordinary could forever be just as captivating in a uniquely calming way.

"Are you okay?" A voice suddenly called out in the depths of the shadows while I was lost in thought. I knew without even looking that it was Rina.

"Can't sleep." I muttered, shaking slightly from the stormy weather whilst continuing to stare up at the night sky. The rain continued to pour, illuminated by fluorescent lights and thunder that rumbled far in the distance.

Silently Rina sat beside down, placing her arms gently around me until she was back hugging me, resting her chin on my shoulder.

It wasn't unusual, it was how we often were but it was the soft melodic melody she sang quietly that captured my attention. "Why are you singing?"

"It's your favourite song." She whispered against my ear, her warm breath fanning my neck.

"That still doesn't answer my question." I replied, turning in her hold to look at her. She was so breath-taking. She always had been. There was something so unique about Rina, something so enchanting that was impossible to ignore.

"You know why I'm singing. It relaxes you when you feel sad." She seemed to notice every detail about me, this was no different.

"That's somewhat presumptious." I sulked, turning away when she began to smirk at being right.

Her hands ran along my arms until they intertwined with mine. "Maybe so but your hands stopped trembling."

The apprehension I'd felt seemed to have vanished without me even realising. I squeezed her hand gently, mumbling under my breath shyly. "Thank you..."

"The storm will pass, Winter. I've got you." She replied reassuringly, keeping me close in her comforting embrace.

As we continued to watch the rain pour, I felt that comfortable silence resume between us. There was something about this side of her nature that felt so calming. It was like she was being herself, free from whatever expectations had been placed on her.

"What are you thinking?" She asked when I'd zoned out, feeling her fingers running through the ends of my hair.

"That you're very confusing sometimes." I muttered with a slight chuckle.

She smirked, pulling me closer. "As are you."

"This is me, Winter. You prefer this side of me don't you." She was right I was attracted to this enigmatic nature of hers that seemed to pull me into her spell.

"You haven't been acting this way in a while... so mysterious." I played with her fingers, all the while knowing she was watching closely.

"A mystery for you to solve." She whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder blade.

"I like it when it's like this between us." I did, I couldn't deny the chemistry we had.

"I like it too, very much." Rina replied, sensing her eyes searching every inch of my face like she was analysing every detail.

I turned around in her arms again to look deeply in her eyes. Those beautiful, shining hazel eyes that had me drowning from the moment we met. "Then why can't it just be like this? Why do you have to get so jealous when I'm around other people?"

She seemed in thought, perhaps she too didn't really know the answer. "Because I don't want to loose you."

"You didn't loose me. I just... you know what nevermind. Goodnight." I stood up to leave, making my way back towards my room.

Within seconds, her hand quickly caught mine pulling me back in place beside her. "I miss you, Winter. Every day I keep missing you and it doesn't go away."

"I miss you too." Because I did. Not the persona she presented at the university but the Rina I really knew who I was so enchanted by.

"Then be mine like I'm yours because I always will be." She stated adamantly as I played with the ring on her finger. It was a habit I'd developed from when we first spent our winter vacation together.

"I guess we can try being official... but you know my friends aren't exactly fond of you right now." I muttered, thinking back to my earlier conversation with my best friend that morning.

"The feeling is more than mutual." She bluntly replied, having made it evident she didn't exactly get on well with my closest friends especially Ning Ning.

"Rina." I glared at her sternly but she just gave a subtle smile.

"Will you promise to give me space when I ask for it? I know I don't always express how I feel and I am working on that but I want you to work on your jealousy too-" I began to say but the words seemed to evaouprate into oblivion when she became distracted.

"You're so beautiful." She stated breathlessly, burying her neck in my neck as if the universe had disappeared from around us.

"I... That's completely irrelevant to everything I just said!" I whisper yelled shyly but she seemed in a trance of her own, wrapping her arms comfortably around me again.

She trailed butterfly kisses along my jawline, making my heart skip a beat as she whispered gently. "I think it's entirely relevant. Everything about you is beautiful."

And just like that I fell under her hypnotic spell. Swarming in mystery with an adrenaline that lit my very soul alight. We'd write this story together. It was as if I became lost in a never-ending maze, a maze I wasn't sure I ever really wanted to leave.

The drama hadn't even started... until now.

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