Yuno Sykk: Drawn to Danger

By burberrychild

532 17 2

Yuno Sykk and his adventures in Los Santos surrounding his idol Jean Paul, loyalty to Mr. Lang, and other she... More



45 1 0
By burberrychild

The roar of the engine fills the tense silence within X's car as it speeds through the city streets, the urgency of their mission palpable in the air. X's knuckles are white against the steering wheel, his mind racing with thoughts of Yuno's safety and who is to be involved in his abduction.

X: (voice tense) Where could they be keeping him?

His question hangs in the air, unanswered, until Raymond's voice breaks through the tension on the radio.

RAYMOND: X, I think I might have found something. A CG drug dealer named Nicky owns a black van. It wasn't hard to track down, considering the recent downturn in car sales due to the economy and low stock.

X's grip tightens on the wheel as Raymond's words sink in. The realization that Yuno might be in the clutches of the dangerous CG crew sends a surge of adrenaline coursing through him.

X: (grimly) CG. Ruthless bastards.

Memories of past encounters with the CG flood X's mind—their brutality, their disregard for human life. He knows they're dealing with a dangerous adversary, one who won't hesitate to resort to violence.

Raged with emotions to rescue Yuno at any cost, X's eyes narrow with resolve as he addresses his companions on radio.

X: Listen up, everyone. We need to find every CG associate in this city. Look around, keep your eyes peeled, and report any sightings immediately.

The urgency in X's voice galvanizes his crew into action. With every passing second, the need to locate Yuno grows more pressing, driving them onward in their relentless search.


The dimly lit room feels like a suffocating prison to Yuno, his mind clouded with exhaustion and pain. Hallucinations of X dance at the edges of his vision, taunting him with a sense of safety and protection that feels just out of reach.

Yuno's stomach twists with hunger, his body weary from hours of relentless torture and deprivation. The relentless barrage of questions and accusations from the CG members only adds to his despair.

MR. K: (starting to lose patience) Speak, Yuno, or suffer the consequences. We know you're hiding something.

Yuno's voice trembles as he tries to explain, his words barely audible over the pounding in his ears.

YUNO: I-I'm just a Senior Buns worker... I took a job with Jason's crew to fix their computers, nothing about a USB was mentioned. This is the first I'm hearing of it.

But his protestations fall on deaf ears as the CG members grow increasingly impatient and aggressive.

CG MEMBER: (mocking) Don't play dumb, Yuno. We know you were the best hacker in the old city. A crew like Jason's wouldn't even know where to begin with hacking. You're hiding something, and we intend to find out what it is.

The piercing ring of a phone cuts through the tense atmosphere of the room, jolting the CG members to attention. With trembling hands, one of them retrieves the device and swipes open the notification from Twitter. As the message unfolds before their eyes, a chilling sense of dread settles in.

The tweet, sent by X, contains a grim warning accompanied by a horrifying image of Randy and Taco's battered bodies. The CG members exchange horrified glances as the severity of the situation sinks in.

X's message is concise, but its implications are crystal clear: Yuno's safety hangs in the balance, and any harm inflicted upon him will be met with deadly consequences

As Vinny makes a call for backup, Yuno's heart sinks with the realization that his chances of escape are dwindling by the minute. He knows that he is alone and no one is looking for him, with each passing moment, the hope of rescue feels more like a distant dream.

Another blow lands with brutal force, this time from Ramee, sending waves of agony coursing through Yuno's battered body. Tears mingle with the blood and sweat on his face as he struggles to endure the pain, his mind consumed with thoughts of abandonment and betrayal. In the darkness of the room, Yuno feels more alone than ever before.


The aftermath of X's grim message weighs heavily on the company bois as they scramble to clean up the mess left by Randy and Taco's bodies. Benji, ever the voice of reason, attempts to dissuade X from further escalating the situation by posting on social media, but X's mind is consumed by thoughts of Yuno, his only priority in that moment.

BENJI: X, don't post this stuff on Twatter. It'll only make things worse.

X pays no heed to Benji's warning, his focus singularly fixed on the task at hand. Yuno's safety is paramount, and he'll stop at nothing to ensure his rescue.

The company bois know all too well that X is off the leash, his fury and rage unchecked. Another tip comes in from Mickey over the radio, revealing Curtis and Orlando's movements toward Sandy Shores. Raymond quickly connects the dots, realizing that CG must be bolstering their ranks at their base, likely where they've taken Yuno away from the city.

RAYMOND: They're preparing for us. They know we're coming.

With a sense of urgency, X starts the car and barrels toward Sandy Shores, his foot heavy on the pedal. He barks orders over the radio, commanding everyone to join him with guns in hand.

X: Get there, with guns. Now.

But the rest of the company bois hesitate, knowing it'll take time to gather weapons and mobilize. They try to reason with X, warning him of the dangers of going alone into what could be a death trap, urging him to wait for the crew to assemble.

However, X's resolve is unyielding. He's willing to risk everything for Yuno, his heart consumed by a singular purpose. Ignoring their pleas, he barrels ahead, the radio connectivity dwindling as he races toward Sandy Shores at breakneck speed.

X is going to be entering lion's den alone, for what he doesn't want to accept- love. Love for his Yuno.

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