By Raven_hokage

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Meet Aryan Singh, an engineer navigating a world where the engineer's curse is a reality-no luck with girls... More

Writer's Note
Hello, Mr. Adani
Hey, Mr. Jobless
Bonjour, Mr. Singh
Here Comes Singh
Love Has Found Me
National Crush
He's Your What?
Echoes Of Kabir
Broken Bonds
I Know Everything
Is Sana Here?
Setting Things Right
Not An Update
Worst In Me
It Was Natasha
The Swift One
Face To Face
Let's Get Started
Emotion Called Love
What Lies Ahead [Finale]
Found Deceased
Black Out
Heavy Cloak
Emotional Dilemma
Heart To Heart
Mother's Love
Until Next Time
Strength And Weakness
Getting Acquainted with
Promise Of Harmony
End Things
Back To Town
Unknown Number
I'm The Problem
Back To Mumbai
Get Married

What Do You Want?

319 18 10
By Raven_hokage

"Kabir," I said, taken aback.

"Yes, that's me," he replied, his tone chilly.

"Dude, you did not hear us right?" Raghav asked cautiously, sensing the tension.

Kabir raised an eyebrow. "I heard enough, and whatever I missed, you both will explain."

I tried to ease the situation. "Listen, there's no need to get worked up. It's not as serious as it seems."

"Yeah, doesn't seem like it, judging by how nervous you're acting," Kabir remarked dryly.

"Dude, Aryan's right," Raghav intervened calmly. "The director wants to recast Sana because she'll be in the hospital for a while, and he doesn't want to wait. That's all there is to it."

Kabir leaned in closer, mindful of the patient in the room, but his expression was intense. "That's only part of the story. Someone better start talking right now."

I exchanged a cautious glance with Raghav. We both knew Kabir could be quite intimidating when angered, and we didn't want to face the consequences. I nodded to Raghav, silently urging him to explain.

Raghav cleared his throat and began, "Kabir, the crux of the issue is that Arjun made a questionable comment about having control over Sana, implying some sort of shady advantage. Aryan and I are concerned about what this could mean."

Kabir's gaze fixed on me, his scrutiny palpable. Feeling the weight of his stare, I spoke up, "That's the whole truth, Kabir. And please, can we discuss this without the intense glare?"

He let out a sigh of relief and softened his gaze before speaking, "Whatever plan you guys are hatching, count me in. I'm all for it."

I shook my head vigorously. "Absolutely not, Kabir. You're a public figure, not suited for undercover operations or detective work."

Kabir raised an eyebrow. "But Raghav is famous too."

"True, but that doesn't mean I'm enlisting him either," I retorted. "This is a solo mission for me, guys. You'll just assist with connections and logistics." I couldn't help but channel my inner spy, complete with dramatic flair. I mean, that's how it's done in the movies, right?

"Hey, who died and made you the boss?" chimed Raghav.

"No one died making me the boss," I replied, pausing for effect. "I've been the boss from the get-go, you know." I winked at him playfully.

Kabir stepped in between us, coughing to get our attention. "Raghav, I think Aryan is onto something this time," he began, trying to diffuse any potential arguments. Before I could retort with a witty comment about "this time," Kabir continued, "Let's not interfere with whatever he's planning. Sana is involved in this one."

After a brief moment of contemplation, Raghav nodded in agreement. The room then lapsed into a comfortable silence.

I jumped in with a playful tone, "Hey, totally off-topic, but imagine Sana doing that trend 'My boys won't hesitate to run up on your boys'—except it's us! Her brother, friend, and colleague."

Kabir sighed, giving me an amused look. "You always bring up the most random things out of nowhere."

"Hey, it keeps things interesting!" I retorted with a grin. "You gotta learn to roll with it."

Raghav rolled his eyes while Kabir watched with a fond smile. His gaze softened as he looked at me and whispered, "Always."

Raghav burst into laughter but quickly winced, exclaiming, "Ouch!" as Kabir playfully jabbed him.

"You deserved that," Kabir remarked, unfazed.

"You know, you can be a real pain," Raghav grumbled through his laughter, rubbing his side.

Kabir shrugged with a smirk. "Guilty as charged."

"Guys," I interjected, trying to steer the conversation back on track. "Could we focus on the important matter at hand?"

Raghav nodded, refocusing his attention. "Right, as I was saying, Aryan, since you're determined to go solo due to your low profile, both Kabir and I will respect that. But if you need backup, you know who to turn to."

"The police?" I quipped.

"No, me," Kabir replied promptly.

"And me," Raghav added.

"Aw, you guys," I said with a smile, "I might as well make a video on 'my boys will run up on your boys' featuring both of you and Riddhi."

"Who's that?" asked Raghav and Kabir simultaneously.

"Oh, she's my childhood friend," I explained. "We're practically like siblings. She's a travelogue writer."

"Ah," Raghav nodded. "What's her account name?"

I raised an eyebrow teasingly. "You seem quite interested. What's up with that?"

"Nothing much," he shrugged. "I just enjoy travelogues but haven't found a good one yet."

I smiled, sensing his genuine interest. "Well, you're going to enjoy hers," I said. "Her account name is 'Venture Vistas.'"

"Cool," Raghav remarked, pulling out his phone and immediately following her account.

"Right," acknowledged Kabir, "Can we focus on figuring out what your plan is, Aryan?"

I scratched my head. "Well, I haven't quite made up my mind yet."

"Are you certain you can handle this alone? Arjun is quite cunning," Raghav cautioned.

"Well, then I'll be a strategic anaconda," I retorted with a smirk.

Kabir chuckled. "At best, you're like an irritated squirrel."

I crossed my arms, playfully feigning offense. "I hate you."

Kabir met my gaze, his smile softening. "No, you don't."

"No, I don't," I whispered softly, feeling an unfamiliar warmth spread through me.

"Aryan, here's my suggestion," Raghav began, leaning forward with a serious expression. "You can always adapt the plan as needed, but here's what I think will work best. Talk to the director, build a rapport with him, and find an opportunity to get him alone, perhaps in a bar. Once he's a bit tipsy, you can ask him your questions more freely."

"If that's the plan, count me in at the bar," Kabir chimed in, his protective instincts kicking in. "Can't let that man be alone with Aryan."

My heart quickened as I responded, "I can handle myself, Kabir."

"I know, but..." He hesitated, his eyes reflecting concern. "You're Sana's best friend, and I can't bear the thought of anything happening to you."

His words pierced through me, reminding me of my place in his life — just Sana's friend, not someone he saw as Aryan. I managed a smile, trying to hide the hurt as I whispered, "Sure."

Raghav's sympathetic gaze mirrored my sadness, as if he understood everything without a word being spoken. But why was I feeling this way? Why the sudden sadness and sentimentality? It's not like I had any expectations from Kabir. After all, of course he only sees me as his sister's friend because he doesn't know me personally. I scolded myself internally for becoming so emotional lately. Ugh, I've turned into such a sap.

As I pondered over my thoughts, Kabir leaned in close to my ear and whispered, "You mean a lot more to me than just my sister's friend, you know."

Surprised, I met his gaze, feeling a warm blush creeping up my cheeks. "What do you mean by that? And was I being too obvious?" I asked.

"Not at all," he reassured me with a gentle smile. "I can just see through you."

"Right." I responded playfully, sticking out my tongue at him.

Amidst our banter and laughter, the door creaked open, and a man entered. He had a wheatish complexion, wore glasses, had neatly styled hair, and donned a white shirt paired with black pants. He looked at us and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Um, who are you?" I inquired, curious about his sudden appearance.

Adjusting his glasses, he introduced himself, "I'm Sana's therapist, Aditya." He approached me and handed me his business card, which read 'Aditya Verma, Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology.' Below his name were his contact number and clinic address.

"Pass me that," Kabir whispered to me as I handed him the card. I was completely unaware as he discreetly tossed it out of the window. What was he thinking, doing that right in front of the therapist?

"Sorry about that," I apologized, trying to ease the tension. "We usually keep him in a cage."

"I see," Aditya responded with a small smile, although a hint of unease lingered.

"So, you're Sana's therapist?" Raghav inquired, shifting the focus back to the conversation.

"Indeed," Aditya affirmed.

"Before we continue, let me introduce us," I began, gesturing to each person. "I'm Aryan, Sana's friend. This is Kabir, her brother, and that's Raghav, her colleague."

Aditya nodded, absorbing the information.

"What was she receiving therapy for?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

He glanced at Sana's still form on the bed before turning back to us. "Depression and PTSD, mostly," he revealed.

"Oh," we responded in unison.

"She's incredibly strong," Aditya continued, admiration evident in his tone. "Considering everything she's been through in the past and what she's dealing with now, she's handling it remarkably well."

"What do you mean by 'what she's dealing with now'?" I inquired, raising a curious eyebrow.

He hesitated for a moment, gathering his thoughts before responding, "I understand you all are close to her, but patient confidentiality is paramount in my profession. I'm bound by ethics to keep certain information private, so I must respect that."

"Bullshit," Raghav exclaimed as he approached Aditya, grabbing him by the collar. "Listen, man, we're in a desperate situation here. It's best if you spill the beans right now and tell us exactly what Sana confided in you."

Aditya smiled calmly, freeing himself from Raghav's grip. "You seem to have some anger issues. Maybe you should visit my clinic," he suggested before continuing, "I can't disclose a patient's confidential information. It goes against my ethics, even if you're a group of three hotheaded individuals."

"Did you just call us animals?" Raghav retorted, rolling his eyes.

"Yes, I did," Aditya affirmed. "Because it's true. I mean, who grabs someone's collar seconds after meeting them?"

I stepped forward, my expression hardened with determination as I approached Aditya. "Listen, Doc, the three of us need to know what Sana confided in you about her recent issues. There's something that urgently needs solving, and we need all the help we can get. It's not a breach of trust if it benefits your patient. We're not gaining anything from it; ultimately, it's going to benefit Sana."

Aditya let out a weary sigh. "You guys aren't going to give up, are you?"

"No, we won't," I replied firmly. "We'll keep trying to convince you for as long as it takes because we're absolutely fucking desperate right now."

I turned my gaze toward Kabir, who stood quietly by the window, watching the interaction. I furrowed my brows and spoke with concern, "This is about your sister, Kabir. Can't you say something?"

He shrugged casually. "There's no point."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked, puzzled by his nonchalant response.

"Aditya has been playing both of you," Kabir explained calmly. "He made up his mind the moment Raghav asked about Sana. Apparently, he enjoys the power trip of watching people beg and crave his attention. He was always going to reveal information to you. This whole charade was just a game to him."

I was stunned by Kabir's revelation, my eyes snapping back to Aditya, whose expression remained inscrutable. Then, he smirked, "Another maniac like me. I like that."

Anger surged through me like a raging storm. "You're the real maniac here," I shot back, my voice escalating with frustration. "We're in dire need, and here you are, toying with us like pawns to feed your sadistic tendencies."

He smiled sickly sweetly at me, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Easy there, shortcake. You're being a tad harsh, don't you think?" His fingers traced along my jaw, sending a shiver down my spine. "I'm not the villain in your story. You're directing your anger at the wrong person. So what if I enjoy a bit of sadism? I also help countless people overcome depression and other struggles. The good in me outweighs the bad, so my karma balances out."

I took a step back, processing his words. This was the first time I had encountered someone like him—twisted in the mind yet not entirely despicable. He was almost like an anti-hero from those Hollywood movies. Fascinating and dangerous.

"Well, start talking before I rearrange that perfect face of yours," Raghav threatened, his fist tightening in anger.

He raised his hands in a mock surrender. "Easy there, tiger," he teased with a smile. "Now, what was it you wanted to know? Ah yes, about Sana." Rubbing his hands together, he continued, "In short, your girl is in trouble from the top to the bottom."

"Don't speak in riddles," I scolded him.

"I'm not being cryptic, shortcake," he retorted with a twisted grin. "You've got half the puzzle, and I just filled in the rest. What are you waiting for? Go confront the person." He shrugged indifferently. "But if you want more details, I'll need something in return. After all, what's a poor psychiatrist like me doing, helping others for free? I'm not getting anything out of it. As a wise man once said, 'If you're good at something, never do it for free.'"

After a prolonged silence that seemed to stretch for several minutes, Kabir finally broke it by speaking up. "What do you want?"

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