Two Worlds- Larry Stylinson A...

By Ooreos

1.3M 54.5K 44.3K

The one where Louis has two gorgeous sons and a job as a waitress in a gay strip club. He has to handle being... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chaper 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 3

51.5K 1.9K 1.9K
By Ooreos

Chapter 3

The bus ride was thirty minutes tops as Louis and the boys shuffled into seats, Xander falling to sleep as soon as the bus took motion.

Louis took to raking his hand through his youngest son's hair as he napped peacefully on his lap, the bus engine steadily playing in the background. Nolan had took it upon himself to sit far away from Louis, gazing out the window with his hood over his head.

Hopefully his mood will brighten up when he sees what I got him, Louis thought. He probably shouldn't play into his son's grouchy mood but it was making Louis frustrated, not used to being ignored by his first born.

He had to pick Xander up, careful not to wake the boy, as the bus rolled to the stop a block away from their small home.

"Come on, Nolan." Louis said, looking over his shoulder at Nolan as he walked slowly behind him.

It was unusually hot for a spring day in London but Louis wasn't complaining because with the cold came money needed to be spent to buy jackets and scarfs etc.

In the midst of opening the door and trying to kick off his shoes, Xander ended up waking up, his messy blonde head rising from Louis shoulder.

His blue eyes blinked open slowly."Daddy?"

Louis hummed and pecked a kiss on his head. "Lets get you changed and then you can have something to eat, baby. Does that sound good?"

"Uh huh," The boy mumbled as Louis took him into the boy's shared room.

"Nolan, are you eating first or doing your homework?" Louis asked, changing Xander into his house clothes until bath time.

"Eat," Nolan said walking into the room. He dropped his book bag on the floor. "I don't have a lot of homework today."

"You don't?" Louis spoke, glad the boy was communicating with him again. "Oh, did you give your teacher the money?"

"Yeah," He answered and that was the end of the conversation as he strolled out the room in an old pair of basketball shorts and a white t-shirt.

Louis sighed in disappointment and started tugging the shirt over Xander's head, the hole of the shirt getting stuck on his head.

Xander giggled behind the shirt. "Daddy, I'm stuck!"

"I'm trying, baby." He laughed, tugging Xander's ears away so it didn't pull on the shirt. "When did your head get so big?"

"My head's not big, daddy." He proclaimed as his head finally got through the shirt, his face was flushed red.

"Of course not, baby." He kissed his forehead and held his hand out for the toddler to hold. Xander grabbed it immediately.

Louis had managed to cook up some chicken stir fry for dinner, which took him two tries to be honest. He was not nearly as good of a cook like his mother but he tried his best to make the meals decent enough, enough if it took him more than one try. Another thing he had accomplished today was a meeting with a dealer that was selling a car for an extremely low price. That was honestly music to his ears because with a car meant no more waking up early in the morning to hop on the bus with the boy's and no more relying on Niall to drop him off to work.

A car was extremely convenient.

The only thing heard in the room as he and the boys ate were the clinking of forks against their plates and the low hum of the air conditioner going in the living room.

He thought it was the perfect time to bring out the surprises.

"So boys, I have a surprise for you." Louis sipped on his water, smiling discreetly behind his glass as he held the gifts under the table.

Xander's head was the first that popped up, his eyes wide in excitement.

"Gifts?" He squeaked. Louis nodded and smiled pushing his plate away to put the stuff on the table.

"Weeell, I got some clothes for you guys first." He showed the boys each of there outfits, pulling back his seat to hold it out. Both were consisted of a pair of skinny jeans, sneakers and a graphic tee.

Xander stood up from his seat and took his clothes, his face bright and exhilarated meanwhile Nolan got up and smiled, gratefully taken the clothes from Louis hands.

"Thanks, dad," He muttered and Louis felt his heart burst with pride.

"Thanks daddy!" Xander plopped on Louis lap and hugged the life outnof him.

"Okay, baby." Louis patted his back softly, chuckling. "Thats not all though. I got the toy that you wanted." Louis said taking the action figure out the bag, its shiny box displaying the toy inside.

"No way!" Xander shouted in disbelief, squealing as grabbed the box out of Louis hand, his eyes lit.

"I got the right one, right?"

"Yes!" He shouted. "Thank you thank you thank you." He hugged Louis again fiercely.

"Your gift is in the bag too, Noly." Louis said to the boy sitting there examining his clothes.

"Me?" His first born bit his lip hesitantly. When he opened the bag and saw the game his eyes immediately widened and his jaw dropped.

Louis smiled softly, still gripping Xander's back as the boy bounced in his lap trying to rip open the box.

"I thought you said I was grounded," Nolan's voice said small.

"I know, but I saw in the store and thought you would like it." Louis replied. "That doesn't mean you're gonna play it right away, though."

"Thank you so much," Nolan stood up and wrapped his arms around Louis. It was a weird position because Xander was in bis lap already but Louis heart soared nevertheless and he felt an overwhelming amount of happiness clog his senses. He loved his kids so much it hurts.

"And I'm uh, sorry for throwing the phone at you this morning," Nolan muttered meaningfully, his bright blue eyes sincere. "I shouldn't have cursed and you were right for taking it away."

Louis felt his eyes gloss over as emotions clouded his vision. Nolan was way too mature for his age. "Aw baby," He ruffled his blonde hair and smiled watery. "You know I love you and Xander, right?"

Nolan nodded silently in response. Louis gazed into his son's blue eyes and stroked his cheek. "You guys are always number one, but you're the older one and sometimes I need you to help. You knew better than to curse in front of Xander. He practically picks up anything he hears or sees."

"I know," He whispered silently. "I swear it'll never happen again, dad."

"Good," Louis beamed. "You boys should finish up eating. I gotta call your father to remind him he's taking you guys to his tonight." He stood up slowly, letting Xander slide off his lap.

"Are we sleeping over?" Nolan asked as Louis cleared the dishes from the table.

"Yeah. Since today's Friday you guys can sleepover and then hang out with him tomorrow. He'll drop you back off tomorrow night."

"Okay," Nolan shrugged. "Can I bring my new clothes?"

"I don't think so. Who knows where the hell your father's taking you guys or if he'll just keep you inside. You should save it," Louis said. He couldn't depend on the asshole to do something for his own kids. It was sad enough he had to call Drew to remind him not to forget.

After washing the dishes, Louis went to the wash room and took the clothes out the dryer, placing them in the basket. He was exhausted, to be honest but he had sucked it up today, making sure to tidy up the house and the boy's disastrous room before they got home.

He was in no mood for Drew's shit but with Xander and Nolan also came their father. There was no way to go around it.

Louis walked into his room and face planted the bed, groaning into the soft mattress. He reached his hands out, blindly grabbing his mobile. He released a warm breath and sat up against the headboard, dialing the number.

"Whats up." Was the immediate words that voiced through the phone after the dial tone stopped.

"Hi, Are you-"

"You gotta leave,"Louis was interrupted by Drew as there was a slight shuffle of sounds. His eyes narrowed in annoyance. The sound and words were too familiar.

"Hold on, Louis," Drew said before there was whispered conversation, a heated one it seemed like, between Drew and probably another one of his nightly conquests.

It took nearly two minutes before what sounds like a door slamming was heard through the phone then a muffled curse.

"Lou, you there?"

"Still here." Louis replied. "I thought you were seeing someone."

Drew chuckled, a disgustingly cocky sound that made Louis skin crawl. "He was too clingy. You didn't call to judge me, right?"

"No, of course, Drew." Louis snapped. "I can give two shits who you sleep with."

"Right. What do you want then?"

"You have to pick the boys up today. But I'm pretty sure you forgot about that, right?" Louis snarled.

"Of course, I didn't," Drew said defensively. But Louis knew better, the man was a master at lying "What time?"

"Eight," Louis answered. "And where are you planning to take them tomorrow."

"Uhh, I dont know yet. I'll figure it out tomorrow."

"Just-" Louis ran a hand through his hair. "Nowhere too dangerous, it has to be child friendly and don't-"

"I know, I know," He sighed through the phone. "I got the whole rule thing down. Their my sons, I wouldn't put them in danger, Louis."

Louis resisted the urge to snort. The statement was coming from the guy that thought having his mates come over to drink while the kids were in the bedroom was a good idea. Louis had threatened that he wouldn't being the boys over anymore and to say the least, the problem was solved quickly. But that didn't mean he wasn't cautious.

"Don't be late," Louis spoke up after a minute and then hung up the phone.


"Boys you have your things packed?" Louis called from the living room as he walked to open the door.

"Yes!" Came the immediate reply as Louis opened the door, revealing Drew in all his conceded glory.

The man looked him up and down with heat in his eyes, surveying Louis silk robe he had adorned last minute because he was getting ready for work. Drew was late, unexpectedly so, therefore Louis had no choice but to grab a quick shower only in time for Drew to ring the doorbell. The robe on the door was convenient enough.

"You're late." Louis crossed his arms tightly over his chest.

Drew seemed to snap out his trance then, his lips lifting into a smirk.

"You look good, Lou," He said simply, ignoring the glare Louis was shooting at him.

Louis rolled his eyes and looked over shoulder as the boys came out the room, a stuffed book bag on their backs.

Nolan's face instantly lit up as he saw his father while Xander stayed quiet as usual when it came to his father, opting for a simple smile.

Louis watched as they both greeted Drew with warm smiles. Louis couldn't help but smile either when Drew reciprocated the warm look.

"You guys ready to leave daddy alone?" Drew said, his gray eyes latched on Louis.

"Daddy won't be alone. He's going to work." Xander inserted then turned to Louis. "Right daddy?"

"Thats right, baby." Louis bent over and pressed a kiss on both of their heads." Love you both, please behave, yeah?"

"Yes, daddy," They said in unison and Louis raised up only to see Drew's eyes snapping up from its latch on what was probably Louis arse. Louis mentally rolled his eyes. Drew never changed and never will, but what was new?

"Take care of them," Louis stared into his eyes, making sure to express exactly what he'd do to the man if otherwise.

Drew only rolled his eyes and grabbed the boy's book bag, mumbling a goodbye as he held both of their hands and walked away.

Tonights outfit was different, way different from Louis normally sexy but simple look he dressed the boys in. Louis was in fact the head stylist tonight, having the job of not only waiting on tables but also picking out the clothes the waitresses were going to wear tonight. The job rotated throughout the four waitresses but tonight was Louis turn.

He didn't know if it was the fact that Harry was probably sitting at a table waiting for Louis entrance that made him decide on the outfit. It was a risky one for sure, styling for the boys to wear cute red boy shorts that showed nearly half his arse with tiny black bows at the hips and simple black suspenders over their naked chests.

Louis had even went far enough to put in his belly piercing that he hadn't wore for quite a while, being as the attention from the frisky men was becoming overbearing. He didn't know what it is about a man wearing a piercing on his belly that turned them on.

Niall had done his makeup today, Louis trusting his best friend because he knew full and well Louis was more for the natural makeup instead of the full on drag queen look. Not that there was anything with it.

When Niall finally finished and Louis stood up from his seat, he received a loud wolf whistle from his smirking best friend.

"Damn, Lou Lou. Who are you trying to impress?"

"What?" Louis felt his cheeks heat up as he gazed at himself in the long mirror. "No one," He continued, looking at his friend.

"Yeah, right," Niall snorted. "You've even got your piercing in, mate."

"So?" Louis pursed his lips. "I thought it looked nice with the outfit."

Niall hummed and sauntered pass Louis. "That's what they all say Lou Bear. Just know I'm watching you." He pointed two fingers at his eyes and gestured between himself and Louis.

Louis rolled his eyes. "Whatever."

He just felt like dressing up. Thats it. Maybe it has no reason to do with the curly hair lad with a gorgeous body and stunning eyes. He was just doing his job.

As the other boys filed out the room one by one, Louis had to take a deep breath and will his feet past the door leading into the club.

It wasn't pack tonight, thank goodness for that. That means less tables for him and more time to break and probably chat with Harry.

Louis tried to subtly search through the club, roaming his eyes across the room until he finally spotted the only person in the club with long curly locks resting on his shoulders. Louis had to fight back the smile, the the man's eyes searching around too, hopefully looking for Louis.

With a sudden burst of confidence, Louis sashayed his hips towards the lone table at the back of the room, aware of the fact that Harry hasn't spotted him yet.

But when he did it was almost like the world closed around them in a small space of time and the air around him became clear. The way Harry's eyes rolled down his body made his hole clench tight in yearning and his shorts tighten. He felt his heart rate pick up as not only did he stare at Louis with eyes of a predator but a predator that knew exactly how to devour his meal.

"You look-" Harry paused and Louis felt as his large hand placed themselves softly on his curvy hip dent.

"You look stunning, Louis." Harry finally breathed, the heat in his eyes smoldering Louis body.

Louis suppressed a shiver as Harry's hands held on a little firmer. His lips lifted up slightly. "Thank you," He whispered.

"You're here early."

Harry smiled crookedly. "I didn't want to get here too late for anyone else to grab your attention."

Louis laughed at that. "Oh, I don't think you have anything to worry about there."

"Yeah?" Harry's grin expressed a look of satisfaction.

"Yes, Harry."He assured him. "I usually don't do this, you know that right?" He gestured between the two of them. He wanted to make sure Harry knew that Louis didn't make it a habit of of having random men touching him and sharing his number and all that.

"Yeah, I know," Harry's eyes softened. "You don't seem like the type to give anyone your number, therefore I'm pretty honored I did."

"You should feel that way, even though I barely know you."

"I'd like to," Harry countered. "I'd like to be able to know you in every possible way."

Louis trembled at his words and the way his eyes had gazed earnestly into Louis eyes. Louis couldn't even remember the last time he had sex. He wanted to say the day he got impregnated with Xander was the last but then again vibrators and dildos technically counted as sex too.

"I want to get to know you too," Louis muttered. "But not right now. I'm kind of on the clock." Louis giggled and stepped away from the man's hold on his hip.

Harrys pout nearly made him give in but he shook his head and flashed him a flirtatious smirk, leaning closer towards the man's opened legs.

"I promise I'll come back on my break," He whispered, making sure his breath fanned across Harry's lips. He was a horrible person for teasing the man, but he couldn't help it, Harry made him feel so good, made him feel comfortable enough to say and do anything around him.

"Promise?" Harry growled playfully and Louis giggled airily nodding his head at the man.

"Promise. Give me twenty minutes and I'm all yours." Louis told him and then sauntered away when the man nodded, biting his lips.

Louis waited four tables in the space of twenty minutes. He had encountered probably one man that got a bit handsy but Louis managed to step away from his grip on his ass with a grimace. It wasn't a normal night unless some asshole decided not to abide by the rules.

Harry of course, had permission. Louis was completely acceptant of Harry's hand touching him. It was strange really how in one day he managed to melt like putty into Harry's eyes. He'd never experienced something like that before. Not even with Drew. It took the man more than a few tries before he eventually swooned Louis and ultimately had him pregnant by the end of the year.

Harry was different.

Louis made his way towards Harry after his third round of going back and forth for one table. The man sat back in the chair lazily watching one of the boys on stage.

"You're okay?" Harry slightly jumped at Louis voice, emitting soft giggles past Louis lips.

"You scared-" Harry was grinning, a hand over his chest. "Hahaha. Very funny, you scared the life out of me."

"Why are you so jumpy anyway?" Louis asked, taking the seat across from him.

"I'm not jumpy. I'm just on edge. I've had a long day." Harry admitted, raking a hand through his curly locks. Louis wanted to touch it so bad, feel the silkiness under his fingers.

"Like work related stuff?"

Harry nodded and stirred his drink. "Yeah, I run a company, or well more like I inherited it, that buys land and invests in buildings."

"So basically, real estate," Harry nodded at his words again."Wow, that must be a lot to handle all by yourself," Louis realized.

Harry shrugged. "Not really, the hard work only comes from trying to keep away potential competitors."

"Ohh I see." Louis said. "Is that what happened today?"

"Yeah, pretty much." Harry smiled sadly. "We lost a vacant land today to a guy doesn't plan to put the space...into good use."

"What was your company planning to build?"

"Another hospital."

Louis eyes bulged. "Another?"

"Yeah we own the hospital downtown. The Desmond Hospital of Health. It's named after my father."

The name became familiar to Louis in a snap. "Holy shit. That's where I gave birth to my kids."

Harry's eyebrows lifted in surprise."Really?"

"Yeah, its a great hospital with surprisingly great food." Louis laughed. He's never been to any other hospital but that one before, but he was pretty sure Harry's hospital was the only one that gave out a five star breakfast in the morning.

"Yeah, that's another thing we're pretty known for." Harry beamed pridefully. "I'm surprised I haven't met you before though, Im usually there twice a week."

Louis smirked."Well its a pretty big hospital, Harry."

"When did you have your first child?" Harry asked. "If you don't mind me asking."

"Uhh." Louis stalled, he really hoped this wasn't a deal breaker for them. It wouldn't be the first the first time he got judged because of it. "I was actually sixteen," He breathed out in one exhale.

"Sixteen?" Harry's eyes widened a little bit. Though Louis couldn't decide whether or not he was thankful for the obvious shock or not.

"Yeah." He smiled softly. "I'm not gonna say it was a mistake because I don't think of Nolan as a mistake at all but it was definitely..." He searched for an appropriate word.

"Unplanned?" Harry pitched with a crooked smile.

"Yeah, it was very much unplanned."

"My mother had me at seventeen." Harry offered with a faint on his cheeks.

Louis laughed because it was the most genuine reaction he's ever received. Harry even made it upon himself to offer something probably extremely top secret in their family in order for Louis to understand that he want at all judging. Louis felt his heart warm centerfolds.

When both their laughters died down Louis smirked and used his index finger to slide Harry's gin and tonic towards himself.

"So, why are you all alone then? Don't you have friends that want to hang out with you at a gay strip club?"

Harry sat back in his chair watching as Louis wrapped his mouth around the straw. Louis felt his heart speed up as he looked up innocently at the men through his lashes, watching as followed Louis movements with smoldering green eyes.

"No, well yes, but I thought last night was the only night I was supposed to be here but I found another reason why I wanted to keep coming back." Harry said slowly, his eyes not removing from Louis.

Louis reveled at the way the strong liquid burned down his throat, lighting a fire into his already heated insides.

He pulled his lips from the straw. "And you have a reason now?" Louis fluttered his eyelashes, he didn't know what he was trying to accomplish here but he was just gonna go with it.

Harry nodded wordlessly, his eyes fixed on Louis lips. "Are you going straight home after work?"

Louis smiled. "Yeah, I usually hop on a bus or my friend takes me home."

"You don't have a car?"

"Sadly, no," Louis admitted. "But I have plans to meet a dealer soon."

Harry nodded in understanding his eyes finally latching on to Louis. "I wouldn't mind driving you home."

"Uhm." Louis hesitated at that. The gesture was a bit forward being as Harry would be seeing where he lived. "I don't know," He muttered uncertainty.

"I promise I'll take you straight home."

Louis watched the man give him the cutest look with his stunning green eyes and it wasn't long before he caved in.

"Fine." He huffed and his insides did somersaults at the triumphant smile that graced Harry's lips.

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