Rainbow Christmas

By Ellierose93131

256 53 27

The death of their mother, as well as their broken hearts, reunite an estranged brother and sister. The gay b... More

Introduction: Wisconsin, 1990
Chapter 01. Wisconsin 2019
Chapter 02. Dad and Son
Chapter 03. New York 2019
Chapter 04. Forgiveness
Chapter 05. A Beginning
Chapter 06. The First Date
Chapter 07. New Love
08. Agreements
Chapter 09. The Explosive Night
Chapter 10. The Camping
Chapter 11. Fixing A Mistake
Chapter 12. Christmas Eve Dinner
Chapter 13. Mia's Wild Night
Chapter 14. Christmas Disaster
Chapter 15. Another Problem
Chapter 17. Reconciliation (?)
Chapter 18. Back to NY
Chapter 19. Back to Work
Chapter 20. The Big Leap
Chapter 21. Owen's Lie
Chapter 22. Owen's Confession
Chapter 23. The Secret
Chapter 24. The New Sexual Experience
Chapter 25. The Pregnancy
Chapter 26. Jeremy's Confession

Chapter 27. One More Night

5 1 0
By Ellierose93131

Liam tugged his shirt that doesn't need any tugging. He's anxious to see and talk to Paul again after four years and hundreds of texts to Paul that he never get any response. Jeremy told him to visit Paul because Paul was so heartbroken from the divorce. Liam wasn't sure about it but he can't just let Paul suffer. He slept with a few men every now and then the past four years and he still in contact with Jeremy the past few years. He rang the doorbell of the apartment that he spent many nights in with Paul and Jeremy. A woman with a baby answered the door and Liam could only guess that's Mia and Alan.
"Can I see Paul?" Liam tried to fix the ribbon on the box of chocolate he brought for Paul.
"I don't know. Wait here, I will ask him. Who are you again?" Mia didn't really know who the guy is.
"I'm Liam Jones." He smiled.
"Okay.." Mia left Liam on the door.
It's rare for Liam to be asked who he is since everyone in New York knows him. He waited for almost five minutes before someone comes out to the door. He doesn't know who was the guy that came to him. He assumed that Paul was not seeing anyone since he and Jeremy barely got a divorce.
"I don't think Paul wants to see you. Sorry.." The guy smiled bitterly.
"Can you tell him I just need five minutes?" Liam sighed. He should have known that Paul still doesn't want to see him.
"You know what, you can come and talk to him yourself because I need to go." The man nodded and slipped by Liam then unlocked the nextdoor apartment unit.
Liam approached the bedroom that he shared with Jeremy and Paul before. He knocked gently and opened it. Paul was not happy to see him peeking over the door. He walked towards the door and hold it so Liam didn't came into the bedroom.
"I told Owen to send you out. What are you doing here?" He tried to put on his pants.
"Did you just had sex with Owen? Because he went to his apartment and told me to just see you." Liam sighed. He missed his window to get back with Paul.
"Liam, I don't want you. Why don't you leave me alone?" Paul didn't even acknowledge the question.
"I just want to talk.." Liam sighed. "And I bought your favorite chocolate."
"Chocolate? Come on Liam. You ruined my marriage before. You tore the heart of the only man I ever truly love and hurt him. I don't need your chocolate! Fuck you, Liam! I wished you suffered as much as Jeremy!"  Paul clenched his jaw.
To their surprise Jeremy came out from the guest bedroom. "I'm fine, Paul. I was the one that being stupid. Please don't let go someone that truly love you on my behalf. I promise your sister that I will take care of her. We can't be together again, P." He smiled bitterly.
"J, I didn't have sex with Owen." Paul walked towards Jeremy and hugged him. "Please take me back?"
"Mia needs me, P. And I don't deserve you." Jeremy looks like he was in a lot of pain saying that.
Paul released Jeremy. "I'm not letting you go but you are right, Mia needs you." He smiled bitterly. "Promise me that you will take care of her, okay?" He rubbed Jeremy's face one last time.
"You gave up your love for another person yet again. You gave up on me because of Jeremy before." Liam felt so sad looking at Paul. He wished that Paul is more selfish and put his happiness first for once.
Paul scoffed and shook his head. "Jeremy was the one that pleaded to me that we should date you and you dumped him."
"P, I don't want to talk about our past again. I really want you to talk with Liam with your heart and without thinking about me. You loved Liam. I love you, P. I will always love you." He kissed Paul's cheek gently.
"Fine.." Paul grabbed Liam's wrist and pulled him to the sofa. "What do you want?"
"One date, just you and me." Liam tried so hard not to look at Paul because he wants to take Paul to bed already. He still remembers how much pleasure he had with Paul inside him.
"I can't do that, Ly. My life is a mess right now. You don't even know me anymore. I've changed." Paul reluctantly rejected Liam.
"Daddy.." Liam whispered to Paul.
"Ly, please don't call me that." Paul rubbed his face.
"You knew that Jeremy was not the only one that suffers from that break up. You just ignored the fact that I am hurting too." Liam bit his lower lip.
"You lose a Tony, J almost died. You can't say you suffered." Paul clenched his fist.
"And I helped Jeremy to get better. You just ignored the fact that I would do anything for you." Liam tried to held his tears but he can't anymore. He started to cry in front of his ex.
"Ly, please.." Paul sighed.
"I need my Daddy back.." Liam started to sobbed uncontrollably.
"Ly, please stop.." Paul hugged Liam tightly.
"You saved me from him and you think I would just forget about you? I owe my life to you." Liam continues to cry.
"I'm just doing what every descent human would do. He raped you multiple times." Paul sighed.
"Yet no one helped me except for you." Liam tried to calmed himself down.
"Fine.. One date." Paul sighed.
"Really?" Liam stopped his crying and a smile peeked out from the corner of his lip.
"I'm a different man though." Paul pulled away.
"I don't care. I will do anything to get you back." Liam pressed his lips to Paul's.
"Ly, please don't.." Paul pushed him away.
"You're right, I should at least take you on a date first." Liam felt his heart flutter as he looked at Paul's eyes again.
"I need to go. But, I would recommend you to Owen if you need some attorney. He's a good one." Paul smiled.
"Will you reply to my texts about our date then?" Liam sighed.
"Sure.." Paul turned around and left.
Liam felt like a teenager again when he left Paul's apartment. He has been waiting for this moment for the last four years. He never fell in love as hard as he fell for Paul. He was twenty one when he first met Paul and Jeremy. He was working for a producer that did a lot of sexual assault to his actors and actress. Paul pulled him away from that producer and introduced him to a good one that respect Liam. He got so broken when Paul rejected his proposal and he ended up getting fired from a Broadway show. The man that replaced him got a Tony from that show. He got his Tony a year later, after trying so hard to pulled himself out of the misery. He and Jeremy became a friend after the whole mess. Jeremy tried to help Liam get back with Paul multiple times but Paul blamed him for Jeremy's struggle with drugs and alcohol. Jeremy never felt that it was Liam's fault and he admitted that he was the one that was deeply in love with Liam. Liam dated bunch of handsome men after the falling out but he can't forget about Paul. Paul literally save his life before and he won't forget about that easily.
He pulled out his phone and called a fancy restaurant and made a reservation for that night. He also booked a suite that overlooking the Central Park. He wants his one chance to impressed Paul. He's willing to give up everything if Paul would with him again even just for a while. He had a feeling that Paul have a deep feeling to Owen. He knew Paul is not a person who would just have sex for fun. He texted Paul after that and Paul finally replied after ignoring his texts for years.
He picked Paul up at six with a limo and a dozen of roses. Paul didn't really smile or talk much during the drive to the restaurant. Liam felt like Paul did this just to get rid of him for good. But he can't give up now, Paul gave him one last shot and he's going to try his best to make Paul happy again even for just one night.
"Daddy, I booked our special restaurant." Liam wrapped his arm around Paul.
"Ly, please don't call me that." Paul sighed. It was a sex thing that he, Jeremy, and Liam played before. He's their daddy and they both are his baby boy. But it reminded Paul to the moment that his marriage with Jeremy was amazing.
"I'm sorry.." Liam sighed.
"Ly, I did love you back then and I didn't really blame everything on you. I knew Jeremy did that to himself. But our marriage went downhill after you left and I needed someone to blame it on. I'm sorry, Ly.." Paul sighed.
"I knew I messed up your marriage with Jeremy, but I can't give up on you. You saved me. I apologized to Jeremy a hundred times." Liam rubbed Paul's back.
"Can I kiss you?" Paul finally smiled a little.
"I'm yours, always." Liam pulled Paul closer and kissed his lips.
When they pulled away from each other, Paul whispered to Liam. "Are you still a naughty boy like you used to be?" His hand travelled to Liam's crotch.
"Yes, Daddy. I am still a naughty boy." Liam felt like an electricity traveled down to his dick.
"Take me to your place instead. I need to make you a good boy again." Paul grope Liam's balls and the younger man tensed up his body. "Hey, Daddy is here. I'll take care of you. Do you trust me?"
"I always trust you, Daddy." Liam trembles and struggles to find words.
"Thank you for trusting me, baby boy.." Paul pulled away. He doesn't want Liam got too excited. "Can you tell the driver to go to your place?" He smiled.
"I love you, Paul.." Liam has a big smile on his face.

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