Rise of the Guardians female...

By Rebelkindalove

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"My fellow guardians, it's is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe. To bring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

115 4 0
By Rebelkindalove

"If there is something I'm doing wrong, can you just tell me what it is?!" She looks up at the moon, because I've tried everything and no one ever sees me." She sighs "you put me here! The least you can do is tell me... tell me why." She turns and flys off the roof stepping onto a power line freezing it. She twirls her staff in her hand, behind her golden lines appear in the night sky, one dashes in front of her, she follows it making her turn around "right on time sand man." She runs on the power line and jumps touching the dust, a dolphin appears from it doing flips and tricks in the sky.

One of the golden dust lines appear in cupcake's room, she was dreaming of unicorns, as one appears above her small head in a cloud of golden dust. It prances and runs along the golden circle. Evil laughing was heard "what an adorable dream, and look at her, precious child. So sweet, so full of hope and wonder. Why there's only one thing missing. A touch of fear." Pitch touches the golden dust making it black, the dream forms a black horse. "Yes, what a pretty little nightmare!" The horse whips around his neck and cuddles into him for a moment until he holds the horse in both his hands looking the horse in the eyes. "Now, I want you to go tell the others the wait is over."

The horse neighs and soars out of the window. Pitch walk out and looks up at the moon " don't look at me like that old friend, you must have known this day would come, my nightmares are finally ready, are your guardians?" He asks as five little black horses gallop in front of the moon.

The golden lines of dreams disappear in the night sky. Jackie watches in awe, then something dashes in front of her making her dress flow in the wind. "Whoa!" She jumps off the power line and flys towards a tree, She lands on the tree looking around for it. It dashed through the branches and is gone again. She runs on top of cars making the car alarms go off. Jumping from pole to pole, she lands behind a building near an alley way.

"Hello bewdy" she hears the familiar voice of her crush she gasps, she turns to see him doing tricks with his boomerang in the shadows of the alleyway. "Been a long time, blizzard of sixty eight I believe. Easter Sunday wasn't it?" Jackie smiles "bunny! You're not still mad about that, are you?" She leans on to her staff facing him. Bunny narrows his eyes "yes" he grins "but this is about something else" he smirks and looks down at his boomerang running his hands all over it. She gulps and looks between him and the boomerang. 

"Fellas?" She glances around spotting two yeti's. One grabs her around the waist, "Hey!" She says trying to hold down her dress. The yeti speaks a language she can't understand. "Put me down! Bunny! What the.." soon all you can hear is muffled shouting and the yetis speaking gibberish. The yet shakes the snow globe and drops it on the ground, making a portal appear.

One of the yeti's gesture for bunny to go first. Bunny laughs "me? Not on your Nelly! See you back at the pole!"  He taps his foot twice making a hole appear, he looks back at the red sack in the yeti's hands before jumping in leaving the yeti's, Jackie, and a little pink flower. The yetis speak gibberish to each other and one of them throw the sack that held Jackie in it, through the portal and then they walked through it. "Whoa!" She says with a grunt as she lands onto the floor.

"She's here!" The elves undo the rope and open it, meeting the pretty lady with a smile. They quickly move out the way. "Quiet!" She looks up seeing Santa, sandman, and the tooth fairy. "Hey! There she is!" North says "Jackie Frost!" She sits in wonder "wow, you've gotta be kidding me!" The yeti grabs her and pick her up placing her upward "hey put me down!" North smiles "I hope the yetis treated you well?" She takes her stick, flipping it in the air and onto her shoulder. "Yeah, I just love being shoved in a sack and tossed through a magic portal."she says sarcastically

"Oh good, that was my idea!" North says with a smile. "You know bunny obviously!" She notices that bunny is not looking at her, which kinda disappointed her. She shrugs "obviously" north then points at the woman "and the tooth fairy!"
She flys in front of her "hello Jackie, I've heard a lot about you, and your teeth!" Jackie squints her eyes "from who?" She smiles and glances over behind her. Jackie turns and sees who she's looking at... it was bunny? Jackie turns back to her with wide eyes as she smiles knowingly at Jackie. Tooth flys closer to her "open up! Are they really as white as they say?!" She said excitedly putting her hands in her mouth, looking and feeling around. Tooth gasps "oh, they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow!" She says with a smirk, Bunny clears his throat "tooth!" She giggles at bunny's misfortune. The baby fairies squeal and fan over Jackie's teeth "girls pull yourself together, let's not disgrace the uniform!" Jackie smiles "I think we're gonna be best friends" tooth smiles and flys back towards north. "And sandman.." Jackie looks down at the golden sleeping man. Poor thing has been working all night. "Sandy?" North nudges him "Sandy?" North says louder "wake up!" Sandy opens his tired eyes and looks at her. "Hey, ho, anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?" Sandy raises his hand happily and shows Jackie and mixture of little signs above his head. "Uh, that's not really helping, but thank you." She says gratefully making him smile with a nod.

"I've must've done something really bad, to get you four together." Tooth scoffs and flys beside me "if you did, we would've brought you to bunny." Jackie stands opened mouthed at her shocked, while bunny coughs, sandman and Santa look between the two. She freezes an elf that  was carrying cookies with her staff "am I on the naughty list?" She asks Santa. North laughs "ha! On the naughty list!" North says with narrowed eyes "you hold record" he then says with a smile "but, no matter, we overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate." He says as he wipes the word naughty on his arm.

Jackie looks at them questionably "how come?" Bunny nods and points "that's a good question" north walks forward "how come? I tell you how come! Because now you are guardian!" The yetis raise the fire sticks and north raises his hands happily. The elves and yetis celebrate with north. The elves blow the trumpets making their way towards them. The two baby tooth fairy's bring something towards Jackie, but she steps back from the snowflake necklace they were carrying. Feeling overwhelmed, she falls back into a yeti, the yeti taps her shoulder in comfort. North laughs "this is the best part!" They all start marching and putting on a show around Jackie. It was getting too much for her. The yetis pick her up and put her on top of the guardian sign. The elves bring over blue heels. The little elf points to her feet to the shoes. "Huh?"

The yeti brings out a book to north, he opens it. Jackie starts to feel the pressure, grabbing her stick. Sandy makes a toast to her, while bunny looks grumpy. Jackie catches the guardians attention when she lifts up her staff and slams it on the ground, making north go wide eyed. Ice forms on the ground, the fire goes out, and everything goes quiet. Everyone looks at her "what makes you think I wanna be a guardian?" North burst out laughing, bunny wears a small smirk, then it quickly vanished, none of the other guardians laughed or smiled. North looks to her "of course you do! Music!" Jackie quickly cuts the elf off. "No music!" The elf gives Jackie a mad look, throws the instrument on the ground and walks away, pushing the other elf in the process. "This is all very flattering, but you don't want me. Your all hard work and deadlines, and I'm all snowballs and fun times, I'm not a guardian." Jackie says with a sad look on her face. Bunny chuckles "yeah that's exactly what I said!" North gives him a look that quickly makes him stop talking. Tooth flies towards Jackie, "Jackie, I don't think you understand what it is we do." She flys towards the globe "each of those lights, is a child." North continues for her "a child who believes, and good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them." There were noises heard, the three guardians glance over to see tooth fooling around in Jackie's mouth again. "Tooth! Fingers out of mouth!" North scolds her, She blushes "sorry, they're so beautiful!" She flys away, Jackie blushes touching her mouth.

"Okay no more wishy washy, pitch is out there doing who knows what!" Jackie looks over to North "you mean the boogeyman?" North nods "yes! When Pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well." Jackie walks away "all the more reason to pick someone more qualified." North replies "pick? You think we picked you?" North shakes his head "no! You were chosen like we were all chosen, by man in moon." Jackie's eyes grow wide "what?" Tooth tells Jackie "last night, Jackie he chose you." Bunny says "maybe" Jackie ignores him "Man in moon, he talks to you?" She says looking back at the others. "You see, you can not say no. It is destiny!" Jackie stares up at the moon in the sky "but why wouldn't he tell me that himself?" Jackie sighs "after three hundred years, this is his answer! To spend eternity like you guys? Cooped up in some hideout thinking of new ways to bribe kids!" Jackie shakes her head "no, no that's not for me! No offense.." bunny grows mad at the woman that he is  infatuated with  "how is that not offensive? You know what I think, I think we dodged a bullet. I mean what does this girl know about brining  joy to children anyway!" Jackie turns and smirks towards the rabbit as he scratches his ear "you ever heard of a snow day? I know it's no hard boiled egg, but kids like what I do." She says testing the rabbit. "But none of them believe in you do they mate?" Jackie gasps hurt that he knows he hit a soft spot. "You see your invisible mate, it's like you don't exist." Tooth gasps "bunny enough!" Jackie smiles "no no the kangaroo's right" bunny's bright green eyes grow big "the what? What did you just call me? I'm not a kangaroo bewdy!" Jackie smirks leaning in on her stick getting close to his face. "Oh, and this whole time I thought you were." She winks at him and he stands still for a second before shaking his head to continue. "If you're not a kangaroo, then what are you love?" He gets close to her face "I'm a bunny, the Easter bunny, people believe in me." Jackie swore she would've cried right there, but all she could smell was musk, the outdoors, and carrots.

Sandy puffs out his cheeks and taps North's legs. "Jackie, walk with me" Noeth takes her to the elevator "it's nothing personal, North. But what you all do, it's just not my thing." Her dress flows over a small elf knocking him down. She turns and helps the poor little guy up. "I'm sorry!" He smiles and jingles as he walks away. "Man in moon says it is your thing!" Jackie shrugs "we will see, slow down will ya? I've been trying to bust in here for years, I want a good look!" North looks at her "what do you mean, bust in?" Jackie smiles to him "don't worry, I never got past the yetis." She spots a familiar yeti "oh hey Phil!" Get gives her a fist to the hand signal,  she just kept walking. "Keep up Jackie, keep up!" North says as she picks up her dress and runs to catch up to him.

They walk into the workshop, where the yetis were making toys. "Whoa! I thought the elves made the toys." North whispers to me "we just let them believe that." Jackie looks to a few of them, one was wrapped up in Christmas lights and ornaments with a star on the top of his head. The little elf beside him plugs the two wires together and electrocutes the one dressed up like a tree, making him spin around and around. "Very nice, keep up good work!" North looks to me and pulls me along with him.

"I don't like it! Paint it red!" Jackie sees the yeti with hundreds of blue robots he was hand paining. She looks to him sadly as he shouts gibberish looking up at the tower of robots and groans throwing his face and arms on the table in defeat. "Step it up everybody!" North tells them. The place was marvelous all the toys and colors. North then brings Jackie to his office. She looks around inside, it was full of ice among other things that you would find in North's office. A elf brought over a fruitcake, North sees this and takes it from the elf, making him fall to the floor, poor thing. "Fruitcake?" He asks Jackie "uh, no thank you" she says with a gentle smile. He throws the fruit cake behind him "now we are down to tacks of brass." He says cracking his knuckles "tacks of..?" The door closes masking a gust of wind that makes the skirt of her dress flow with it, the door locks making her nervous. She looks back up to North, but he was already walking towards her, getting closer to her making her gasp. "who are you Jackie frost?" He points to the center of her chest "what is your center?" She furrows her eyebrows "my center?" She asks him, "if man in moon choose you to be a guardian, you must have something very special inside." He leans back with a hmm, looking at her with his hand upon his chin.

He looks over at something and smiles, walking over to get it, Jackie sees him pick up a Matryoshka doll, that looks like him. "Here this is how you see me no? Very big, intimidating," he chuckles "but if you get to know me a little..." he smiles and hands her the doll "we'll go on" Jackie opens it to find a smiling North "your downright jolly?" She asks him "but not just jolly!" She opens it to the next one and it was a mysterious looking one. "I am also mysterious," the next one showed him with a red angered face. "And fearless" and the next one showed him with a cat and a bunny and a tear coming from the eye. "And caring, and my center?" Jackie looks up to him with a small smile and opens the last one, the little one shows a "tiny wide eyed baby?" Jackie says looking back up at him "look closer, what do you see?" She picks it up and looks closer at it "you have big eyes.." Noeth yells out excitedly "yes! Big eye! Very big! Because they are full of wonder! That is my center." Jackie smiles to him watching as he talks with his hands, walking around the room.

"It is what I was born with, eyes that have always seen the wonder in everything!" The toys ride and fly about his office as he walks around them. Jackie smiles looking at it all. "Eyes that see lights in the trees and magic in the air!" The door opens to reveal his workshop again, "this wonder is what I put into the world, and what I protect in children!" He says as they walk out looking down at the workshop and every flying toy in the air. He turns to her "it is what makes me a guardian!" Jackie smiles then looks down at the doll "it is my center" Jackie looks at North "what is yours?" Jackie sighs sadly "I don't know" north smiles to her and closes her hand on the wooden doll. She looks from her hand to him with a small smile.

There was a sound, they see tooth fairy's shadow fly across the window of the office. Then they both  turned to the sound of feet running down the hallway. It was bunny and Sandy, "we have a problem mate, trouble at tooth palace." Jackie gasps worried for her new friend.

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