
Par iris-haze

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When Delilah moves back to Dublin, Ireland she takes interest not with her childhood bestfriend Elijah but hi... Plus

Indroduction to my characters!
Chapter 1 - Lemons
Chapter 2 - Records
Chapter 3 - Geography
Chapter 4 - Discussions
Chapter 5 - Band practice
Chapter 6 - Party Planning
Chapter 7 - Party Night
Chapter 8 - Lessons
Chapter 9 - Singing and other things..
Chapter 10 - Walking home
Chapter 11 - Date night
Chapter 13 - Lyric writing
Chapter 14 - Ice skating
Chapter 15 - Spending time
Chapter 16 - New years eve
Chapter 17 - Prepairing
Chapter 19 - Valentines

Chapter 18 - First gig

115 1 0
Par iris-haze

I sit in 5th period geography. I'm writing off the board making pages upon pages of notes, trying to keep up with the fast rate that sir clicks through the PowerPoint. I hate when teachers skip to the next slide when I'm mid sentence! As I'm so busy scribbling down I don't take much notice of Rob sat beside me. His chin rests on his hand and he stares out the window, bouncing his leg up and down.
"Hey.." I whisper. He doesn't respond still in a daze.
"Hey rob." I say a little louder. He snaps out of it and looks at me.
"Wh..what Lils?"
"You alright?" I question giving his arm a little rub.
"yeah all good." He faintly smiles.
"You sure?" I say raising my eyebrows.
"Just stressed about later?."
"Why your fucking great on your bass?"
"Yeah I know it's just hit me the amount of eyes that will be on us."
"Don't worry about that we've just got to get out there and show them what we can do." I smile and slide my fingers around his hand, his eyes meet mine and he gives me a small smile back.

Josh's dad has a van so we're going to put all our gear into it and get a lift to the venue. I walk home with my girls they're all coming to watch tonight which should be nice, they're all excited. "See you after the gig." I say as I wave them off and walk down my road back to mine.

I've picked my outfit and get changed as soon as I get home from school to make sure I still like what I chose the night before. For the first gig i don't fancy wearing anything too extravagant or revealing, just jeans and a ice top you know. I've gone for a black flowery mesh top and black boots with blue jeans.

I wear my hair down, but have to drench in water and lots of curl cream to get rid of the frizz. I put on a fair amount of make up, my pale skin tone always looks even more washed out in bright lights so a bit of bronzer on my cheeks an eyelids should help .And of course some glittery eyeshadow for my inner corners and a tiny brown eyeliner wing. By 5 ish I'm all ready. Maybe too early, but I don't fancy rushing today. I walk downstairs and sit on the sofa to watch some Netflix for a bit. Soon enough it's dinner, as hungry as I am I can barely eat a thing, it's mac and cheese as well one of my favourites but the nervous feeling in my stomach prevents me from being able to eat it all. I sit moving the left over pasta around on the plate.
"Not long now Delilah, how you feeling?" My mum asks. Clearly noticing my quietness.
"Yeah nervous but good." I say eating some garlic bread.
"Look out for me and Quinn in the crowd we'll be cheering you on with everyone else." Mum smiles.

Dad is staying a home with Gus he said he will definitely come to the next gig but the Gus isn't old enough for this venue and they couldn't get a babysitter.
"Get some good photos won't you" Dad says.
"Yeah of course." Quinn says.
"Novas taking her camera to get some as-well." I smile.

The doorbell rings making me jump, I spring up from my seat and head to the door. Josh stands there smiling.
"Hey D."
"I'll be one sec just getting my boots on! Come in." I say hopping around trying to get them on.
"Hah you're all good we've got ages." .
"Okay umm, shoes, jacket, keys, phone, lipgloss, think thats everything let me just go say bye."
I go back into the kitchen "Byeee"
"Bye Dee have fun up there!" Dad says.
"Will do!!" I wave...
"Alright lets go." Josh grins as I shut the front door. "We're sat upfront with my dad, thought you would be best as your smallest out of us lot and it's a bit of a squeeze."
"Okay." I laugh.

He opens the door and slides across to the middle seat, I get in after him onto the 3rd seat. Benefits of a van more people fit upfront.
"Hi delilah." his dad smiles, I've met Gavin like twice now after being round josh's.
"Hey Delilah!" Ryan, Eli and Rob say from the row of seats at the back.
"You guys are so far away hah." I laugh.
"You raring to go then?" Gavin asks.
"Bit nervy but yeah excited, are you watching?"
"Of course got to see my kiddos play."
"Hopefully we get a bit further than the machines" Josh jokes.
"That was my band when I was what 18, me and my mates, that was the life."
"Yeah until everyone got so high they wouldn't ley you onstage isn't that what happened?" Josh asks.
"Well yeah a few edibles were fun but once Marty got on the coke or was it ket? I don't know but it went downhill from there, don't you get into the bad drugs you lot!" Gavin says
"What was that Gav?" Rob asks.
"I said don't get into the hardcore drugs."
"Don't worry Gav we wont!" Eli says laughing.
"Some booze and cigs is all you really need, not drugs okay."
"Wow thanks dad you know I was really looking forward to getting stoned for the first gig" Josh says sarcastically.

A few minutes before we arrive it starts pouring with rain. Typical Irish weather.
"God sake." Gavin complains.
"We'll have to be quick running in." I say.
"Yeah grab the guitars and dash." Josh responds.
"Atleast you avent got to carry a drum kit in." Gavin shouts to the back.
"Yeah thank god." says Ryan.
"Alright i'll pull up and you guys run in, I'll go get a parking spot and then see you all on stage in a bit!"
He drives onto the curb and we open the door to rush out through the downpour.
"Cheers dad." Josh replies.
"Yeah thanks Gav." We all say.
"Its alright go on you lot!" He laughs.

We all run through the rain, I pull my jacket over me to stop my hair and make up getting wrecked. Eli bashes on the back door. We wait a few moments huddling our bodies close together, trying to shelter under the tiny door ledge.
"Ffs its freezing." Rob grumbles moving his legs back and forth.
"Cmon its pissing it down." Ryan complains.
The door creaks open and a tall dark guy with tattoos who looks about 30 stands there.
"You lot playing?"
"Come in." He says.
"So you lot must be.." he mumbles reading off a clipboard.
"Inhaler." I say.
He looks up, probably just noticing I was stood behind josh.
"Cool erm your in dressing room number 3, just down the corridor on the right and we'll come and check your all good 15 minutes before your on."
"Okay cheers..?" Eli asks his name.
"Flynn." He gives us a nod and a small smile.

We walk through the dim lit corridor, it smells of smoke and the carpets are marron and swirly patterned.
"Here we are." Rob says opening the door, the rooms small with yellowy walls, a few chairs and a mirror. The mirror has the little circlar lights around it.

"Sick a hollywood mirror." I say.
"Oh cool it's cuz we're proper celebs you know Lila." Eli smile.
"Of course."
"So lets just get tuned up I guess." Josh says.
"I printed out the set lists here, not that we can forget at this point." Ryan says giving us one each from his bag.
"Thanks." I say.
"And I brought some booze." Rob gets out a hip flask and stakes a swig from it.
"Oh pass it round." Josh says taking a swig.
We all drink out the flask. "Should get us warmed up."
"You know im feeling less nervous already." Eli jokes.

After about 10 minutes we hear a faint noise of music coming from outside the room.
"One of the other bands must have started. "
"Not long now. "I say.
"Do you think we'll meet them after?" Josh questions.
"If they stick around I guess." Ryan comments.
"I might go find the bathroom, anyone else?" I ask.
"I'll go." Rob says.
"Okie." I open the door and we start wandering in the other direction of the corridors entrance.
"This is spooky." I say.
"Rahah" Rob does some evil witch laugh and tickles me from behind.
"ahah stop!" I giggle turning around so im walking backwards.
"Not going to find the loo facing me Lils." Rob smirks. 
"Yeah well your better to look at." I grin, he smiles then pins me against the wall and make out. One hand on the wall the other hand trails up my waist sending butterflies into my stomach. Then we hear a door open and the sound of voices, he grabs my arm and pulls me around the corner, we both try and contain our laughter.

"Ah there they are." I point at the 2 pink and blue painted doors. "Wait for me outside yeah?"
"Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you alone in the scary corridor."
"Shut up." I smile and walk into the ladies. I do my business and hear the door creak open. I walk out the toilet... "BOo!" Rob jumps out at me.
I jump and splutter "Jesus. Rob this the ladies. " I laugh.
"Yeah well no ones in this dogey place." he beams at me and starts giving me little kisses all over my face then trailing down my neck.
"Robbb." I pull away grinning, I need to wash my hands. He stands behind me and we look at eachother in the big rusty toilet mirror. I reach for my lipliner and gloss and quickly do my lips before I forget.
"Ready?" I turn and smile at Rob.
"Wait let's get a photo." He says.
"Okay.. oh wait I left my phone in.."
"Here." He passes me his then wraps his arms around my waist and puts his chin on my shoulder giving me a cuddle.
"Cheese." I smile and take a few photos of our reflections in the mirror, then snap a few selfies of us two.
"Okay now let's go." He says taking my hand and leading me down the hallway.
"Rob I'm pretty sure it was back the other direction." I say.
"Oh really?" He asks, we can hear the music getting louder as we walk further forwards.
"We must be getting closer to the stage."
"Yeah." We creep through a open door to see another band waiting. By the looks of it we're in the room next to the wings of the stage, since the other door says stage entrance, wow clever of me I know. The band waiting looks up at us a little confused. I hold robs hand a bit tighter.
"Hi." A boy with long curly hair whispers.
"Hello." Rob says.
"Who are you?" A blonde guy asks.
"I'm Delilah." I say
"Rob." Rob says. "We're in a band inhaler we're playing after you guys." He says.
"Oh cool. We're the shamrocks." The girl with black braided hair smiles.
They introduce themselves, Charlie's the one with curly hair, the blonde is Rowan , the dark hair guys Elliot and the girls called Adeline.
"We're were wondering where the other band was the lot on before us are like 25 and didn't seem to fancy a chat." Elliot says.
"Oh hah, yeah we're in a room down that creepy hallway." I smile.
"Guys your on in five." Flynn pokes his head round the door of the stage to tell them.
"Okay." They whisper back.
"Well eh we should meet for a drink afterwards if the rest of your lot would be up for it?" Rowan asks.
"Yeah that would be great." Rob says.
"Good luck." I say as we leave them to prepare.
"You too." They respond and we head back down to the dressing room.

"You guys good your time." Eli says raising an eyebrow.
"We met another band."
"Oh cool." Josh says.
"Yeah their called the shamrocks, they asked is we want to go for drinks after if you guys fancy it?" I ask.
"I'm down to, if all goes well that is." Ryan says.
"Yes let's all go we can drag some friends along aswell if we find them after." Eli says. 
"Yay.." I respond.

Within the next 20 minutes we're stood in the right wing of the stage ready to go on. My hands and shaking and I feel like I could throw up. I'm just praying my voice doesn't go off pitched or I forget the lyrics, that's the aim at this point.
"Guys we should all like group together and say good luck or something." Eli whispers.
"Hah okay." We say huddling around eachother.
"Okay ur so let's hope everything goes to plan and we have the best first gig ever!" Eli whispers.
"Let's do an inhaler count down." Ryan laughs.
"Okay 3...2..1. Inhaler!" We all shout but stay quiet at the same time.
"Alright your on." Flynn says ushering us onto the stage as the other band runs off saying good luck.
Ryan first, then Rob walks on, I follow with Eli and Josh behind. The bright amber lights shine onto the crowd, I spot some familiar faces and feel slightly calmer.
"Hey everyone were inhaler!" I say into the mic, the crowd cheers and the lights brighten over us slightly.
"How's everyone feeling tonight?" I shout. The crowd cheers.
"Well eh we're feeling very excited to be here so thanks for having us, this is a song we wrote, it's called falling let's see what you think. " Eli says.. "1..2..3.4."

We play though the entire song. I dance around holding onto my mic and tapping and swaying to the beat. The boys all seem to be enjoying it and the music just seems to flow out of us, guess that's what practice brings.

"You'll know these next few so sing along." Eli says smiling as he speaks into his mic. We get through love will tear us apart, I wanna be adored which the crowd love! We then do the killing moon, the lights dim a little to a purplish colour bringing a different atmosphere.

"This next one we recently learned together and it's just such a beautiful song we couldn't not play it so here we are, this is fade into you." I say and many people in the crowd cheer and whistle.

"I wanna hold the hand inside you...
I wanna take a breath that's true...
I look to you and I see nothing...
I look to you to see the truth..." As I sing I look across to Rob who's looking back at me, for a short second it feels like just us in the room staring into eachothers eyes, then we both turn back to the crowd my heart feels so full of joy in this moment. As we play though Rob also joins in with me and Eli's vocals, the layers of our voices creating a harmony with the guitars. Ryans playing the keys for this song he's great at piano so it works out well. A few people put up their torches and sway along.

"Thanks everyone." I laugh as it comes to an end.
"Okay this is our final song, we've had a great time up here tonight thanks for having us, we're inhaler, this is one of our own, Ice cream sundae." Eli says.

As I dance around up on stage I feel so incredibly happy and exhilarated, I look behind me to Ryan who has a grin across his face as he smashes his drums. When the song comes to an end the crowd cheers and claps we say thank you and wave as we wander of stage.

"Fucking hell we smashed it!!" Josh says.
"I know that went so well!!" I say.
"The crowd seemed to really enjoy it aswell." Rob says.
"Yeah even our own stuff which I was shocked about." Eli grins.
For those few minutes it's just us, the rooms filled with this buzz of excitement which I've never felt before. As we chatter, hug and laugh I can't help but feel incredibly proud of what we managed to pull off.
Just us 5, sixteen and seventeen year olds.

the cooler dublin

played our first gig tonight thanks to everyone who came along 🎸



Think this chapters cuteeee apologies for the big gap since the last upload I've been super busy 🥲 Enjoyyyy!

- Iris :)

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