Od SweetYume_16

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Peak Lords, disciples and demos are teleported into a strange room (Cinema room) and are told that they will... Více

Disclaimer and OC's

Chapter 1 ~ Scum Villain

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Od SweetYume_16

Hello, and thank you for giving my fanfiction a chance. Before you dive into Chapter 1, I wanted to provide some context. I've based this story on the book version, and while I've done my best to capture the essence of the characters, they may behave a little OOC.

If you have any feedback or complaints, I'm open to hearing them, and I'll do my best to address any concerns. With that said, I hope you enjoy the story!

Oh, and I want to ask if I wrote too much, if I did, please tell me so that I will write less next time.

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The Scum Self-Saving System
Chapter 1: Scum Villain

Everyone was alerted. "How is that thing showing this?" Liu Qingge questioned.

"Don't worry about that. This is what television is capable of. I already explained this. Since it would be boring to listen to the text, my lady decided to watch it instead." Daisy calmly explained.

PROUD IMMORTAL DEMON WAY was a male power fantasy of a stallion novel.

"Um, excuse me, Daisy. But didn't you say that our novel was titled The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System?" Yue Qingyuan's voice cut through the tension, his confusion evident.

Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua froze like deer caught in headlights. They had expected their secret to be revealed eventually, but not this soon. Shen Qingqiu's and Shang Qinghua's internal monologue echoed with a resounding 'Fuck.'

"Yeah, how could you misread the title this much?" Liu Qingge chimed in. His scepticism was palpable.

Others nodded in agreement, their gazes shifting expectantly between Daisy and Calista like students waiting for an overdue explanation.

Calista surprisingly spoke up, her tone disinterested. "It will shortly be explained. We will respond to your question only if there is no explanation soon." Her comments lingered in the atmosphere like a gripping cliffhanger, sparking the group's interest even more.

Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua exchanged glances, understanding they would not be safe for much longer. As they prepared themselves for the upcoming discoveries, Shen Qingqiu couldn't help but think, 'It looks like we're in for a roller coaster trip. Hold tight, everyone, and always keep your hands within the carriage.'

To be more specific, Proud Immortal Demon Way was a monster-fighting, escapist cultivation novel with an incomparably ridiculous length, a golden finger that broke every rule, and a harem size nearing three digits, seeing as every single female character fell for the protagonist. The year's hottest stallion novel—there was no other!

Qi Qingqi's outburst echoed through the room like a thunderclap. "Good heavens, how many wives does one man need?" She bitterly added, "Is he planning to open a bridal boutique or something?"

Shen Qingqiu couldn't help but silently chuckle at her remarks. "At this rate, other guys will be little more than decorations. Maybe we'll all wind up like potted plants in the corner."

Qi Qingqi's displeasure was obvious, matching the thoughts of practically everyone there. "The author and its readers must have been dropped on their heads as children," she asserted, followed by a collective nod of agreement.

As the room buzzed with disbelief, Shen Qingqiu couldn't resist the urge to defend himself against Qi Qingqi's implied insult. 'Hey, I may have read it,' he thought, 'but that doesn't mean I liked it. I was merely conducting... literary research, you see.'

Shang Qinghua grasped his heart and let out a hushed "Ow". Why did she need to attack him like that?

As everyone criticized the absurd harem size, Liu Mingyan wished she had a pen and some paper, as an unexpected thought struck her. 'What if Qingqiu-shixiong had a harem like this, but with men instead of women?'

The male lead of this novel, Luo Binghe,-

The room fell into a tense silence, the air thick with disbelief and judgment as all eyes turned to Luo Binghe. While some looked at him with disgust, others couldn't help but admire his boldness, albeit secretly. After all, managing such a massive harem was no small feat.

Yet, amid everyone, Luo Binghe himself had the most disbelieving expression. "What?!" His tone was a mixture of fury and bewilderment as his outburst echoed around the room. This had to be some grand humorous joke. How could he possibly be stuck with a harem of females when his true interests lay elsewhere? He glanced nervously at Shen Qingqiu, but the fan covered up any sign of his master's reaction.

Shen Qingqiu, observing Luo Binghe's bewildered expression, couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy mingled with amusement. 'Why the long face? Shouldn't you be over the moon,' he mused silently, his thoughts a whirlwind of confusion. Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua could only shake his head in pity at Luo Binghe. It seemed his poor Shizun was still in the dark about his own discipline... preferences.

Qi Qingqi, her bitterness reaching new heights, wasted no time addressing Luo Binghe directly. "Spill it, Luo Binghe." What is your grand plan with so many brides?" Her inquiry was as cutting as a butcher's knife, piercing via the tension with brutal accuracy.

"Okay, now... Everyone, please calm down. If we keep watching, I'm sure there will be an explanation. We just need to be more patient." Yue Qingyuan spoke, hoping that others would listen to him. And to his luck, most did and stopped talking, focusing their attention back on the screen.

But despite the outward calm, their minds continued to whirl like gears in an overworked clock.

'Luo Binghe with a harem? That's as likely as a chicken growing teeth! I am sure that that little beast is only interested in Shen Qingqiu. So how in the hell did he make a harem?' Liu Qingge couldn't help but scoff inwardly at the ludicrous notion.

'Interested in someone other than Shen Qingqiu? HA! That's as believable as a fish climbing a tree! If he was, then I wouldn't have half of the trouble I have now. And who would want to be in his harem?' Sha Hualing rolled her eyes, her scepticism palpable as she inspected her manicured nails.

'Well, that could make an interesting story too.' Liu Mingyan tried to prepare the story plot, but soon, the woman in the plot changed into Shen Qingqiu. 'Yeah, it's not going to work.' She gave up on the idea.

'That brat having a harem? Ha, what a joke.' Ming Fan's bitter thoughts echoed his disbelief, while Ning Yingying was torn between being happy and concerned. After all, tending so many lovers and making sure there was no drama between them was undoubtedly as tough as curing her of her own denseness.

-was neither the kind who started heroic and invincible, like a proud dragon of the heavens, nor the kind who was a loser, a good-for-nothing without merit—yet he managed to trend with tens of thousands of readers on Zhongdian Literature, inspiring countless other male fantasy novels to follow in his footsteps.

"Excuse me, Daisy, but what is Zhongdian Literature?" Asked Ning Yingying.

Daisy looked at her and answered her question. "Zhongdian Literature, also known as Shangri-La Literature, refers to a body of literary works surfacing from Yunnan Province in China. It draws inspiration from the region's unique cultural and natural landscapes, particularly Zhongdian County, known for its association with the mythical land of Shangri-La. These works often delve into themes such as Tibetan culture, Buddhism, the enchanting beauty of nature, and the spiritual allure of the Himalayas. Through vivid descriptions and intricate storytelling, Zhongdian Literature offers readers a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage and way of life of the people inhabiting this mystical and captivating land."

Ning Yingying closely listened as Daisy explained Zhongdian literature, absorbing each word like a sponge soaking up water.

"So basically, our lives?" Liu Qingge intervened with a touch of resignation, eliciting chuckles from some and nods of agreement from others.

"You could say that," Calista replied, her tone slightly amused by the suitable parallel.

Qi Qingqi couldn't resist adding her comments, her disbelief evident in her tone. "The only thing that surprises me is that this novel inspired others." She couldn't understand the allure of such stories, which she found dull and disgusting. It could make one wonder where her head discipline picked interest in writing similar stories.

Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua could not help but smile proudly. Despite the numerous creative compromises he had made, his work had achieved remarkable success, which he couldn't help but be pleased with. After all, bills had to be paid, and success was a success regardless of how it was achieved.

He was the kind of lead who was pitch-black, dark, and vicious, though before his heart blackened, he was the kind who suffered misery after misery.

Lou Binghe frowned. He recognized that his heart had darkened after returning from the abyss, but he wouldn't say it was pitch-black.

Next, let a veteran reader of this novel, Shen Yuan, omit the countless fanservice-y details and concisely summarize the million-word epic for everyone...

Ning Yingying's voice was concerned and sweet as she said, "Who is Shen Yuan? Are you positive we are seeing the correct material? If you make a mistake, it's best to admit it. All people make mistakes, so there is no need to be embarrassed."

Liu Qingge's doubt mirrored hers. "Indeed, this is becoming increasingly strange. You claimed our novel was narrated from Shen Qingqiu-shixiong's perspective. Yet so far, there's been no signs of that," he pointed out, his suspicion palpable. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Was this an elaborate joke, or was there a legitimate explanation that they were missing?

The pieces of the puzzle just didn't fit together. If this truthfully was from Shen Qingqiu's viewpoint, did it mean he was aware of the theory about other universes, or was there another explanation entirely?

"Shen Yuan is a significant figure, but his identity will be unveiled in due time," Daisy responded, her tone gentle yet firm. Hearing that, Shen Qingqiu waved his life goodbye. "Rest assured, this is the correct chapter, and it is indeed narrated from Shen Qingqiu's perspective. If you can bear with it a little longer, I believe all your questions will be answered."

Daisy understood their doubts and sympathized with their confusion. If she were in their shoes, she would probably share their suspicions. But Calista was becoming impatient and quietly wished they would just stop asking and let the damn chapter out without any more interruptions.

Immediately after birth, Luo Binghe was abandoned by his parents, swaddled in white cloth, and put in a wooden basin that was lowered into the Luo River. This occurred on the coldest days of the year, and it was only thanks to fishermen pulling him out of the water that he didn't freeze to death as a baby. Because he'd been drifting along the Luo in the season when it was choked with thin ice, he was given the name Luo Binghe.

Liu Qingge's disdain for Luo Binghe was apparent, and his comments dripped with it. "Despicable. Knowing his history does not excuse his actions. He is still a threat." His grip on his seat strengthened, and the desire to confront Binghe grew inside him.

Sha Hualing's sarcasm pierced right through the tension. "Your life didn't start off the best, huh?" She understood how little demons cared for their children and vice versa. After all, she had no issue backstabbing her father. Literally. She rolled her eyes, "Guess some parents never learn the whole 'parenting' thing."

Mu Qingfang spoke with sympathy, softening his tone. "To abandon a child like that is absolutely inhumane. Fortunately, someone spotted him in time. His eyes showed a tinge of sorrow for Luo Binghe's terrible origins, but he kept his professional manner.

Qi Qingqi's fury erupted at the thought of Binghe's parents' actions. "Disgraceful. No child should be subjected to such cruelty. Those parents have a lot to answer for." She shook her head in disbelief, her dislike for Binghe and his background evident in her remarks. She loathed Lou Binghe and didn't care much about his misery. But she was unable to bring herself to utter something like 'Pathetic. Using his unfortunate past as an explanation for his deplorable behaviour. No sympathy from me.' So she said it mentally. That satisfied her needs.

Yue Qingyuan's voice was full of sorrow. "Truly tragic..." He paused, '...but it doesn't justify his actions. He had a choice, and he chose the wrong path.' He shook his head; he was about to speak it aloud. He couldn't help but despise Luo Binghe after what happened to Shen Qingqiu that day. But most of all, he despised himself for not protecting him again.

Ning Yingying's soft tone reflected her pity for Luo Binghe. "Poor, A-Luo..." She sighed quietly, unable to reconcile the kind A-Luo she remembered with the vicious Binghe he had become.

Ming Fan's apathy concealed his underlying unbelief. "How could anyone be so heartless as to abandon a newborn?" He shook his head, trying to understand such brutality.

Shen Qingqiu's eyes shifted to Shang Qinghua, who grinned dismissively. "It was for a plot. Every main character requires significant trauma." Shen Qingqiu's answer was quick and precise: a well-aimed hit with his fan, followed by a piercing stare. "And every author needs to know when to stop talking."

Luo Binghe felt a discomfort in his chest. The age-old question of why his parents abandoned him persisted in the back of his mind like a wound that never entirely healed. Strangely, he felt split between wanting to know the truth and fearing what he may learn.

But, while he struggled with his inner distress, one thought stood out above the rest: beloved Shizun. The mere mention of Shen Qingqiu's name sparked hope in his heart. 'That right. I now have Shizun. I don't need them.'

However, behind the surface, scepticism chewed at him. Did Shizun actually care for him, as he had hoped? Or was he just a piece in his master's complicated game, a throwaway tool to be discarded when no longer needed?

Luo Binghe dismissed his concerns, clinging to the weak hope that Shizun's adoration was genuine. After all, it was the one thing he couldn't afford to lose in an unpredictable world.

Luo Binghe spent his early years wandering the streets, hungry and cold—a dreary childhood. A washerwoman who worked for a wealthy family took pity on him, and since she had no children of her own, she adopted and raised him as her own. Mother and son were poor, and they suffered much humiliation at the hands of their rich patrons.

"What a kind lady," Yue Qingyuan remarked, a gentle smile gracing his lips.

Luo Binghe's heart tightened with a mix of yearning and sadness at the mention of his mother. He hadn't seen her in years, and his memories of her face seemed like a faraway dream. His hand immediately sought the jade Guanyin he had adored, only to be reminded of its absence. His gaze focused on Ming Fan, and a wordless reproach arose inside him.

The air became tense, and Luo Binghe released a palpable sense of danger, forcing those surrounding to tremble involuntarily. But before the situation could worsen, Shen Qingqiu issued a quiet command that calmed the storm. Luo Binghe grudgingly submitted, his fury lessening at his master's order.

Growing up in such an unhealthy environment became the foundation of Luo Binghe's future twisted personality post-darkening—his inclinations to fight over every scrap, seek revenge for the smallest grievance, and hide murderous intent behind a smile.

Once, he withstood the beatings of the family's young masters for a bowl of lukewarm meat congee. In the end, he was still too late, and he failed to give his adopted mother even a single taste before she died.

The room sank into a deep silence, the moment's weight hanging like a veil. "My condolences." Mu Qingfang's soothing remarks burst through the silence, delivering a simple yet honest statement of kindness that mirrored the feelings of those there.

Qi Qingqi, who was usually austere and stubborn, couldn't help but feel sorry for the woman on the screen. "What a tragic death," she said, her voice tinted with a rare sense of pity. "And she couldn't even die on a full stomach." Her remarks portrayed a sharp reminder of life's brutal and unexpected nature, where justice was frequently elusive and fate was unforgiving.

As the scenario unfolded in front of them, they realized once more how cruel and unpredictable the world was.

Luo Binghe, unable to face the sight of his mother's death again, closed his eyes firmly, blocking off the horrible memories that threatened to overtake him. For him, it was a momentary break from the assault of sadness and pain.

By complete coincidence, he was selected for training by one of the cultivation world's four great sects, Cang Qiong Mountain. There, he apprenticed under the "Xiu Ya Sword," Shen Qingqiu.

Yue Qingyuan's brow wrinkled in puzzlement as he considered the mismatch. 'Luo Binghe wasn't picked by chance,' he reflected quietly, his mind a whirlpool of confusion. After all, Shen Qingqiu selected Luo Binghe as his pupil.

Luo Binghe thought he could finally start down the righteous path. He couldn't have expected that Shen Qingqiu was fair without but foul within, trash of the lowest caliber. Shen Qingqiu was jealous of Luo Binghe's unparalleled and exceptional talent, and he secretly feared his disciple, whose cultivation improved by leaps and bounds every day. He always found new ways to taunt and demean Luo Binghe, even enlisting the boy's peers to belittle him. Throughout these years of studying, Luo Binghe endured every humiliation. It was another heart-wrenching arc in his story, filled with blood and tears.

The room became silent as Shen Qingqiu found himself the centre of attention, his nerves fraying beneath the weight of their unbelieving stares. With a nervous flutter, he raised his fan to his face, hoping to shelter himself from the opposing eyes directed at him.

Liu Qingge's disbelieving voice sliced through the silence like a razor. "What nonsense is this? Qingqiu, everyone knows how much you adored Luo Binghe when he was younger!" His disbelief was evident; he couldn't believe Shen Qingqiu would ever lay hands on Luo Binghe. If anything, he remembered how Shen Qingqiu constantly praised the youngster, much to his dismay.

Qi Qingqi's answer was sharp, oozing with venom. "Playing with us, indeed," she hissed. 'Shen Qingqiu beating Luo Binghe?' Shen Qingqiu raising a hand against Luo Binghe seemed ridiculous to her. Shen Qingqiu's admiration for Luo Binghe was undeniable, and his favouritism was evident to anybody paying attention.

Ning Yingying's gaze moved to her Shizun in the middle of the confusion and scepticism, her mind churning with doubt. 'Could jealousy truly have been the root of Shizun's treatment of Luo Binghe?' At first, it seemed incomprehensible. However, upon further consideration, a new understanding arose... 'Maybe he was envious at first, but when he realized it was foolish to be jealous of a child, he sought to make amends and began to treat A-Luo with kindness.'

Ming Fan's thoughts raced with questions, echoing the bewilderment of the others in the room. 'Jealousy? Fear?' The puzzle pieces refused to fit together despite the idea seeming ridiculous. Shizun's behaviour remained a mystery, his motivations unclear.

For Luo Binghe, the discovery triggered a frenzy of confusion and scepticism. He had never imagined that Shizun's actions could be motivated by anything other than a desire to develop his potential. 'So, did Shizun act good to him out of fear? No, then, why would he punish me in the Endless Abyss?' Faced with envy and terror, he began to re-evaluate his understanding. 'Somethings don't add up.

Daisy sighed, exhausted, while Calista scratched her temples in frustration. "It's true," Calista said, her tone laced with despair. "If you don't believe me, ask Yue Qingyuan or Luo Binghe directly. That's enough guesswork. Let's continue." As she stated, everyone had more questions but no answers.

After much difficulty, Luo Binghe managed to turn seventeen, at which point he finally participated in the event the cultivation world held once every four years: the Immortal Alliance Conference.

Qi Qingqi's irritation climaxed, her tolerance strained by the perplexing contrasts between their reality and the emerging story. She approached Daisy and Calista with a stare that broke through the tension, demanding clarity in the middle of the chaos that swirled around them like a tornado.

"You mentioned we're reacting to our tale, which was written from Shen Qingqiu's point of view. But until right now, this tale did not fit with ours. Some of the statements are correct, while others are not. Even though Qingqiu treated the little beast abusively at first, he quickly changed his ways, and the beast ended up being his favourite. And it was before he turned seventeen. So why does it say, 'After much difficulty, Luo Binghe managed to turn seventeen'? That section is just incorrect. It's as if we're witnessing another version of our narrative, yet you stated we're reacting to our own."

Qi Qingqi's voice pierced the silence like a blade. "Enough with the riddles and contradictions. Give us a clear response."

Daisy's face became solemn, reflecting the severity of the situation. "Fine, I will only answer one question," she said, her tone serious. "Please, choose carefully. Since you will not have another chance."

As the assembly fell into a tight quiet, all eyes went to Qi Qingqi, the architect of their one opportunity for enlightenment. With a steely look fixated on Daisy and Calista, Qi Qingqi cut to the heart of the problem. "What exactly are we watching?" she questioned, her tone filled with frustration and resolve.

Daisy met her eyes directly, her face stern and unyielding. "You are watching the first chapter of The Scum Villain Self-Saving System, narrated from Shen Yuan's perspective," she stated, her tone as sharp as a hammer hitting a nail. "The story Shen Yuan is narrating is called Proud Immortal Demon Way, which is also one version of your universe."

Daisy's response flowed over everyone, sending a flood of confused emotions across the room. They were left floating aimlessly in a sea of confusion as relief blended with lingering bewilderment. With more questions than answers, they reluctantly accepted the whims of fate, knowing that the only alternative was to weather the storm and wait for their narrative to unfold.

However, at the conference, Luo Binghe fell victim to Shen Qingqiu's scheming, and he tumbled into a crack in the boundary between the Human and Demon Realms—the Endless Abyss.

As all eyes turned on Shen Qingqiu, the weight of their attention hit him like a ton of bricks. It was like seeing through a magnifying glass, with every fault and doubt exposed for all to see. Shen Qingqiu, feeling as guilty as a cat caught with a canary feather in its mouth, tried to keep an undisturbed demeanour despite the tornado of anxiety inside.

'Oh, believe me, I did not get up that morning thinking, 'Gee, I can't wait to give him a nice nudge!' If it wasn't for that fucking System always sabotaging me, I'd be drinking tea rather than shoving him around!' While trying to run away from others' gaze, in the corner of his eye, he spotted Shang Qinghua, trying his hardest to not laugh.

'And don't get me started on this fucking author! I'd be wealthier than a leprechaun's pot of gold if I had a nickel for each time he was the cause of a horrible situation!'

"What's with those looks?" He quipped, his tone as smooth as butter on hot toast, concealing a storm seething under the surface. Nonetheless, his statements were welcomed with suspicious silence, with each group member analyzing their options, like merchant's negotiations over the cost of silk.

After some thought, they decided to wait and see how things played out. However, practically everyone suspected that this event was not like their own. After all, when Luo Binghe tragically 'passed away' in their universe, Shen Qingqiu was as depressed as a fading flower without sunlight.

Meanwhile, Luo Binghe watched the situation with gloomy eyes, his heart burdened with unresolved questions. His world had been destroyed that day, shattering his hope far and wide like a fractured mirror. He wanted to face his Shizun and demand an explanation for his actions. But the possibility of receiving nothing but silence or, worse, a damning confession kept him back.

That's right, only then did the story truly begin!

Not only did Luo Binghe survive, but within the Endless Abyss, he found his personal sword, the peerless mystical blade "Xin Mo." He also learned the truth of his origins.

When they saw the sword on the screen, they froze. "It's the same," remarked Liu Qingge. If he stated that, it had to be true. After all, he sparred with Luo Binghe almost daily. With this proof, the others were certain that Luo Binghe had been stuck in Endless Abyss for all those years. They were still uncertain if Shen Qingqiu or someone else gave him the push.

Liu Qingge confronted Shen Qingqiu and asked him directly. "Did you push him into the Endless Abyss?" Liu Qingge's bluntness caught Shen Qingqiu off guard.

His lack of response shocked the others. "Spoiler Alert!" Daisy said, "Shen Qingqiu's lips are sealed." Her tone seemed oddly cheerful. The others looked bewildered. "What's that supposed to mean?" Yang Yixuan inquired.

Daisy's smile remained unwavering as she said, "To prevent any spoilers from leaking, a small curse has been placed on each of you. So, if someone asks a question and your response contains a spoiler, you will be left mute."

Shock rippled across everyone's faces, even Shen Qingqiu's. "Apologies, I failed to mention this earlier..." Daisy expressed her regret.

"So, you're telling us that some answers are off-limits?" Yue Qingyuan inquired gently. "Exactly," said Calista. "But there will be some expectations. Let's go on."

As it turned out, Luo Binghe had been born to the Demon Realm's Saintly Ruler and a woman of the Human Realm; within his veins flowed the blood of the ancient, heaven-fallen demons as well as that of the human race. His birth father, Tianlang-Jun, had been sealed beneath a great mountain, trapped for all eternity. His birth mother had been a disciple from a righteous cultivation sect, but shortly following Tianlang-Jun's sealing, she had been expelled on suspicion of having secret ties to demons. She had died from a postpartum hemorrhage after giving birth to Luo Binghe, but prior to her death, she had set her son adrift from the lonely ship she'd birthed him on. It was the only way she had been able to give Luo Binghe a chance to survive.

The room fell into a heavy silence.

While everyone was aware of Tianlang-Jun's sealing, the revelation of his personal relationships took them by surprise. Not many people were aware of his relationships, much less the son. Who was sitting in the room with them.

Caught between shock and confusion, the group tried to find a proper response. Yue Qingyuan, in particular, felt sorrow for Luo Binghe, knowing that he carried some blame for the boy's loss of his father.

The news provoked contradictory feelings in Luo Binghe. On the one hand, it provided a ray of hope, implying that his parents had not abandoned him purposely but were forced.

Luo Binghe used Xin Mo to release his body's seal on his demonic blood.

Luo Binghe and Mobei-Jun exchanged knowing glances, subconsciously recognizing that this part of the story did not reflect their own experiences.

Then, within the dark abyss, he single-mindedly cultivated and enlightened himself to otherworldly techniques before heading back to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. From there on out, Luo Binghe steadily headed down his dark path, never looking back.

"So, in that version, the little beast did come to Cang Qiong first," Qi Qingqi observed, pointing out the difference in their narrative of events. According to their narrative, he took shelter at Huan Hua Palace before eventually arriving at the Cang Qiong Mountain Sect.

Luo Binghe was confused. Was his other self more courageous in confronting the possibility of rejection by his Shizun? The prospect of facing his Shizun's criticism sent shivers down his spine.

Every single one of his old enemies suffered great torment and died a horrible death by his hand. With his steadily improving ability to lie and scheme, Luo Binghe won the trust of many people, feigning compliance while secretly plotting against them. He seized power and rose in position, beginning a reign of terror.

As the story unfolded, Luo Binghe's heart blackened further and further. He returned to the Demon Realm and inherited the position of Saintly Ruler. Yet unsatisfied, he began to eradicate each one of the Human Realm's great righteous sects, bathing them in blood, and annihilating all who opposed him.

Every gaze fell on Luo Binghe. He felt as though a thick cloak was pressing down on him from the combined weight of their attention. Just the thought that their own beastly version was capable of such actions sent shivers down their spines.

At that moment, they found themselves strangely grateful to deal with their current version of Luo Binghe rather than the alternate one. They couldn't help but feel sorry for their version in that other reality, who would have to confront with such a formidable strength.

However, amidst the collective confusion, Luo Binghe was the most perplexed. 'Why would I ever do something like that?' he wondered. 'Shizun wouldn't approve, and what would be the point of wasting my energy on them?' Questions flooded his mind, but answers remained elusive.

In the end, Luo Binghe became a legend spoken of for generations of immortals and demons, hailed for his unification of the three realms, the uncountable size of his harem, and his boundless number of descendants!

As Qi Qingqi nearly choked on her disbelief, the others laughed at the idea of Luo Binghe being a legend. "Him? The legend? "Don't make me laugh," they said dismissively. However, as they considered the effects of the second discovery, their scepticism rapidly evolved to deep alarm.

Dealing with Heavenly Demons was difficult enough, but the idea of their irritated beast leaving behind numerous offspring sent shivers down their spine. The possibility of a legion of offspring, each potentially as unpleasant as their father, threatened to shake up the fragile peace they had worked so hard to establish.

"How many wives did you have?!" Qi Qingqi almost spat with wrath as her aggravation reached a boiling point. Daisy looked at her sympathetically, considering whether to expose the whole depth of Luo Binghe's marriage actions. But before she could intercede, Calista couldn't pass up the opportunity to drop a bombshell with a smirk.

"It was said to be more than 3000," she said, loving the astonishment that spread around the crowd. "And that's not even counting the ones not part of his harem. He certainly left his mark, didn't he?"

The revelation sent Luo Binghe and the others spinning. 'Why would he/I need so many women and children?' they thought, horrified.

Despite the commotion, Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua remained unfazed. Shen Qingqiu even looked fascinated, nodding in approval at the idea of a great harem. 'Ah, yes, a good old harem. I hope I get to see it personally someday,' he reflected.

Qi Qingqi, on the other hand, was about to spontaneously explode. She issued a stinging reprimand to Luo Binghe. "You better not become like that creature! One woman is sufficient—why would you need 3000 of them?"

The accusation irritated Luo Binghe. "I don't even want a wife!" he declared. But Shen Qingqiu's reaction was surprising. His frown deepened, and he couldn't help but think, 'What do you mean you don't want a wife? The entire narrative of this ridiculous work is about you fucking around and getting wives! Did I fail as your Shizun?'

"Wait. With many wives, doesn't it stand to reason that at least one of us females here is one of them? Surprisingly, Liu Mingyan asked the question that everyone was probably thinking about. Calista wasted little time in verifying her suspicions. "You are correct!" Would you like to know who it is?

The discovery sent shivers down everyone's spines. With three ladies in the room, there was a significant chance that one of them was involved in Luo Binghe's enormous harem. Each feared the thought, hoping without hope that it wasn't them.

"L-let's wait and see..." Ning Yingying offered tentatively, secretly hoping her name would not be mentioned. Though she had a crush on Luo Binghe in their childhood, those feelings had gone, replaced with a platonic fondness at best. She dreaded the possibility of being one of his wives.

Sha Hualing's face twisted with loathing as she looked at Luo Binghe. "It better not be me," she said furiously, her displeasure evident. To her, Luo Binghe was nothing more than her boss, and the prospect of sexual entanglement with him was downright revolting.

Meanwhile, Liu Mingyan seemed unmoved by the development. She realized that even if she was a member of his harem in another dimension, it was impossible in this one. Her faith in her reality kept her from being concerned about the circumstances.

Calista groaned with annoyance. "When you get a chance to get answers, you decline, but when you want them, you can't get them." She was itching to reveal the truth, but without a direct inquiry, her hands were tied. Daisy noticed her friend's predicament and sympathetically shook her head. She then patted Calista to show her support.

"Dumbfuck author, dumbfuck novel!" With his dying breath, Shen Yuan spat this final curse.

"..." Everyone fell into stunned silence.

Suddenly, the room erupted into laughter. Even Yue Qingyuan and Mu Qingfang couldn't help but chuckle. "Those were his last words? Seriously?" someone remarked incredulously. "Did he genuinely just curse the author and the novel on his deathbed?" another chimed in. "Well, talk about holding onto a grudge until the bitter end," added another voice. "I never would've imagined he'd go out like that," someone else commented amid the laughter.

"He certainly had a flair for the dramatic," remarked another amidst the amusement. "I wonder if the author even knows they were cursed on their deathbed," pondered someone else. "Well, that's one way to exit the stage," added another, joining the choir of comments. "I think he just won the award for most memorable last words," quipped another voice in the room.

Shen Qingqiu couldn't resist the urge to hide his face behind his fan in embarrassment, feeling like he'd been caught in the act of reading some scandalous gossip. 'It's not my fault I kicked the bucket right after penning that ridiculous novel! Can't I catch a break?' he lamented inwardly, longing to vent his frustration but knowing he was trapped in his role as the dignified master.

Shang Qinghua couldn't help but burst into laughter, thoroughly amused by the absurdity of the situation. "Haha, even in your final moments, you couldn't escape the grasp of my masterpiece, could you?" he teased, earning himself a barrage of smacks on the head from Shen Qingqiu's fan. But despite the pain, he couldn't wipe the grin off his face, finding the whole ordeal hilariously ironic. Daisy and Calista watched the exchange with a twinkle in their eye, thoroughly enjoying the show. The moments like these made their job as hosts all the more fun.

Ning Yingying let out a long exhale, feeling like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. After the nerve-wracking possibility of ending up in Luo Binghe's harem, she couldn't help but appreciate the sudden comedic turn of events. "Ah, that was like a breath of fresh air in the middle of a stuffy room," she confessed, her eyes sparkling with relief.

Ming Fan, ever curious, couldn't resist asking, "If you don't mind me asking, how did he die?" Shen Qingqiu resisted the urge to smack him, mentally cursing. "He choked on a meat bun," Daisy answered innocently, unaware of the turmoil she had caused. 'Traitor!' ' Shen Qingqiu mentally screamed while Daisy, oblivious to his inner turmoil, wondered, 'Did I say something wrong? That information wasn't classified, as far as I know.'

The room again burst into laughter, and it took quite some time to calm them down. They were very thankful for Shen Yuan's last words.

Who could have imagined that an upstanding young man like him— who had properly purchased the website's VIP currency and read the novel's official version—would find himself persevering before his untimely death to finish a novel so stallion, so money-grubbing and overly padded, that it left him speechless with rage? How could he not curse?

Qi Qingqi chimed in, echoing the man's sentiments about the absurd premise of a protagonist with thousands of wives. "Who in their right mind would invent such a foolish story? Even toddlers could come up with something more riveting!"

"Ow..." Silently said Shang Qinghua. 'Is that seriously how you speak to your dad?'

Mu Qingfang raised a valid question, prompting a chorus of agreement from the others. "If he detested it so vehemently, why subject himself to the agony of reading it?" Yang Yixuan voiced similar confusion, "Why would someone waste their money on something they hated enough to kill them?"

Ning Yingying, ever the optimist, suggested a more capricious explanation. "Perhaps deep down, he held a secret fondness for the novel but couldn't bring himself to admit it!" she chirped, her smile beaming with innocence.

Shang Qinghua glanced at Shen Qingqiu, who shot him a glare as icy as the Arctic tundra. "Not. A. Word." Shen Qingqiu said. But Shang Qingqhua wasn't undeterred by Shen Qingqiu's frosty manners. After all, if the reader despised the novel as much as they claimed, why endure the torture of finishing it?

Proud Immortal Demon Way, by Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky. Just looking at that euphemistic handle smacked you in the face with a dirty feeling. Grade-school level writing with landmines everywhere, breaking all suspension of disbelief. And Shen Yuan couldn't bear to call that incoherent mess of a world the author had built a cultivation setting.

What kind of cultivation world had people using horses and carriages all day? What kind of cultivation world had people who, after achieving inedia, still needed to eat and sleep? What kind of cultivation world had an author who occasionally mixed up even the stages of Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul?

Qi Qingqi shook her head in disbelief, her irritation evident. "Mixing up the Foundation Establishment and Nascent Soul stages? It's like attempting to ride a horse backwards and expecting to win the race! What's next, growing carrots rather than cultivating qi? What's the purpose of creating a cultivation book if you cannot tell the difference between the basics? It's like trying to fish without bait—utterly pointless!"

Mu Qingfang nodded in accord, his face bewildered. "Absolutely ridiculous! Even after achieving inedia, one still needs food and sleep? It's akin to complaining about a flower not needing water."

Liu Qingge chimed in, his annoyance clear. "What's with this crap about not always using swords? How else are we expected to go around if not with horses and carriages? We can't use our swords all the time."

Their astonishment rang throughout the room, leaving everyone startled by the ridiculousness of the author's mistakes.

Shang Qinghua wished the ground to swallow him whole. While Shen Qingqiu was pleased that others agreed with him. Expect Liu Qingge.

When faced with the protagonist, every single character acted like his total edge lord aura had devoured their intelligence—especially Luo Binghe's master, Shen Qingqiu, that idiot among idiots, scum among scum! His only purpose was to dig his own grave, and he hadn't even managed to finish before he was killed by the protagonist instead.

The room fell into a stunned silence, the weight of the revelation hanging heavy in the air.

"WHAT!?" The combined uproar was loud and echoed off the walls. Nobody could get their brains around the frightening news. But none were more surprised than Luo Binghe himself. How could he be responsible for Shizun's death twice?

"So, Shen-shidi dies in both versions?" Yue Qingyuan's voice trembled with shock and sorrow. The realization that he couldn't save his beloved Xiao-Jiu in any scenario struck him like lightning, breaking his heart into a million pieces. He quietly apologized to the gods for failing to protect Shen Qingqiu.

Liu Qingge's attention was fiercely focused on Luo Binghe. "So you're responsible for Shen Qingqiu's death in both versions? It would be a blessing if you ceased to exist!" His words dripped with malice, and his rage boiled over. Shen Qingqiu stepped in and requested Liu Qingge to stop his outburst.

"Liu-shidi, please refrain from further remarks," Shen Qingqiu's tone remained calm, his manner unruffled. Despite the seriousness of the situation, he remained composed, much to Liu Qingge's displeasure.

"It's unbelievable that you can sit there silently. You've been killed twice by this beast! Stop defending him!" Liu Qingge's rage had no boundaries as he vented his pent-up fury.

"Liu Qingge has a point. You have brought nothing but dishonour to Qing Jing Peak! Killing Shen Qingqiu twice!" Qi Qingqi commented. A glimmer of worry for Shen Qingqiu could be seen under her severe appearance.

"Why does Shizun have to suffer in both versions? And who dares to label Shizun as imbecile among morons, filth among scum? I want to give them a piece of my mind!" Shen Qingqiu shuddered at the notion of Ning Yingying's increased aggressiveness.

Ming Fan nodded in enthusiastic accord. "Indeed, how dare they!"

Meanwhile, Luo Binghe was immersed in a tornado of thoughts, struggling with the weight of his imagined guilt. 'Did I also have a role in Shizun's death in that universe? How? Why?' His mind was full of unresolved questions, and his heart was heavy with regret. 'I am sorry, Shizun. It's all this disciple's fault,' he mourned quietly, obsessed with self-blame.

So why had Shen Yuan started this book, even going so far as to read it to the very end? Don't misunderstand, Shen Yuan didn't enjoy degrading himself. The reason he had persisted was also what had caused him the most frustration.

"I highly doubt that!" Qi Qingqi retorted sharply, her frustration evident in her tone as she spoke.

This novel had an incredible amount of foreshadowing, plotlines everywhere, mystery after mystery, layer upon layer of red herrings. And at the very end—not a single one paid off! It was enough to make him want to puke a fountain of blood.

Liu Mingyan sympathized with the frustration, having experienced her fair share of disappointments with books that promised much but delivered little. It was like biting into a juicy peach only to find it filled with rotten spots—utterly vexing. Nonetheless, she saw the need to struggle, even in the face of rising disillusionment.

"Well, it sounds like the author hit a creative roadblock and decided to detour through Plot Hole City. If you're going to write a novel, at least have the courtesy to follow through with the storyline!" Liu Qingge's remark struck home, echoing the sentiments of many in the audience.

Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua was nearing a breakdown. 'Come on!' I didn't want it to end out that way, either! But you have to give the fans what they want. Bills do not pay themselves! Give me a little grace, would you?'

Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu fought back tears of a different kind, filled with relief. 'Finally, someone understands the pain of sloppy storytelling.'

Daisy was split between tears and laughter, and Calista battled to contain her laughter. To her, the scenario was comic gold: the troubled author was subjected to a storm of criticism from his own characters while the reader was dealing with a different type of emotional misery. Oh, how ironic!

Why were priceless herbs, spirit elixirs, and peerless beauties everywhere, like they didn't cost a cent? Why were the villains' speeches and poses as they dug their graves and got offed all exactly the same? The dozens of maidens barely glimpsed, all of whom agreed to enter the harem, what happened to them...?

Yang Yixuan's sentiment resonated with the group, prompting nods of agreement. "Honestly, if I were in his shoes, I'd have tossed that garbage out the window ages ago. Or maybe even set it on fire," he remarked, his frustration palpable.

The others couldn't help but sympathize, even though they hadn't read the novel. The sheer hate emanating from the discussion was enough to sour their opinions.

Shang Qinghua, feeling the weight of the criticism, couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Why are they being so harsh?"

Shen Qingqiu didn't mince words in his response. "Because your novel sucks," he stated bluntly, leaving no room for interpretation.

All right, skipping that last one for the moment—who had been the culprit behind the scores of atrocities? Exactly what was the purpose of the unending list of characters so hyped up for being awesome and without equal? Why did none of them make an appearance, even at the very end?!

Towards the Sky-bro, Airplane-bro, "Great Master": Can we have a discussion? Fill! In! Plot holes! Okay?!

"That's the least he could do, honestly," Shen Qingqiu furiously said, his frustration noticeable. Others nodded in agreement.

Shen Yuan felt like he could have come back to life with the power of sheer rage.

"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he could," Ning Yingying stated frankly. It was evident that Shen Yuan truly despised this story. Even in death, he couldn't refrain from insulting it, which was quite amusing.

"I'd be more surprised if he couldn't," Liu Mingyan remarked. His disdain for that novel seemed to reach new heights.

Shen Qingqiu, overhearing their conversation, couldn't resist a wry thought. 'Well, I did come back to life, just not in the way you think,' he mused.

In the endless darkness, a mechanical voice sounded by his ear:

【Activation code: "Dumbfuck author, dumbfuck novel." System automatically triggered.】

As others became aware, Mu Qingfang expressed his surprise. "What is this?" he inquired, his eyes fixated on the odd object before them. It was unlike anything he had ever seen, but he had never seen television either.

Qi Qingqi, always blunt and to the point, wanted a response. "What's going on? What is this system, and how does it function?"

Daisy hesitated, wondering how to explain every aspect of the system to her confused audience. "I am not sure how to say... "You'll be encountering it more in the future, so I hope you can adjust," she said nervously.

Yue Qingyuan wrinkled his brow with worry. "But why does it involve Shen Yuan?" he said, perplexed by the system's apparent interest in someone who had already passed away. Did it only activate after death? He couldn't be sure.

Meanwhile, Shen Qingqiu felt a droplet of sweat run down his forehead. He was struck with dread at the thought of his true identity being revealed, a sensation made worse by the fact that he was powerless to stop it. Shang Qinghua, noticing Shen Qingqiu's distress, offered him mental encouragement. 'You have this, Cucumber-bro!'

Ming Fan couldn't help but comment on the odd choice of activation code. "But is that the code to activate it? "Really?" he said, astounded by the simplicity of the process.

While the others were discussing, some chose to disregard the dilemma entirely. Opting instead to concentrate on more pressing concerns.

The tone reminded him of Google Translate.

Ning Yingying inquired, "What is Google Translate?"

Daisy, ever eager to share knowledge, responded with enthusiasm. "Google Translate is a multilingual neural machine translation service developed by Google to translate text, documents, and websites from one language into another."

Calista, who is usually eager to simplify things, offered a more basic answer. "In simpler terms, it's a tool that helps with translating different languages into one another," she said simply for people who may find technical terms difficult.

Ning Yingying graciously expressed her gratitude to both Daisy and Calista for enlightening her on the subject. "Ah, thank you, Daisy and Calista," she said politely, pleased to have her question answered.

"Who is this?" Shen Yuan looked around. It seemed like he was floating in a virtual space, one so dark that he couldn't see his hand before him.

The voice came from all directions.

【Welcome to the System. This System operates in line with the design concept "YOU CAN YOU UP, NO CAN NO BB"; we hope to provide you with the best possible experience. It is our sincere wish that during your time, you can fulfill your desires and, in accordance with your wish, transform a stupid work into a magnificent, high-quality, first-rate classic. We hope you enjoy.】

"Huh? What does that mean?" inquired Mu Qingfang. Clearly puzzled by the concept.

Yue Qingyuan thought about the ramifications. "It seems like this System is allowing him to change the story he despised... But how is that possible?" He wondered aloud, attempting to make sense of the unclear system's goal.

Ning Yingying offered her own interpretation. Hoping to inject some lightness into the discussion. "Well, it's not like he will get into the novel and possess one of the characters to change the whole plot of the novel. That would be crazy!" she remarked, hoping to lighten the mood with humour.

Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua exchanged startled glances, surprised by Ning Yingying's astute observation. 'How did she guess right?' they both wondered, impressed by her insight.

'Sister, you just jinxed yourself.' Couldn't help but to add Shen Qingqiu.

In the midst of his ensuing vertigo, a man's voice asked lightly beside him, "...Shidi? Shidi, can you hear me?"

"Hmm, doesn't that... Doesn't it sound like Zhangmen Shixiong's voice?" Mu Qingfang's voice quivered with concern as he looked at Yue Qingyuan. "It does," Qi Qingqi agreed, a knot of uneasiness forming in her gut. She felt trouble gathering like a storm on the horizon.

"Why on earth would we be hearing his voice?" Liu Qingge thought aloud, his instincts twitching in anticipation of danger.

Yue Qingyuan tried to maintain his composure as he addressed the group. "Everyone, please try to remain calm. We should wait to leap to conclusions. It may not even be me speaking. There could be someone with a similar voice," he reasoned, his anxiety noticeable as he tried to calm the rising terror.

But his sensible explanation fell on deaf ears, and worry spread like wildfire across the gathering. "I have a bad feeling about this..." "Me too," Ning Yingying and Liu Mingyan agreed, their womanly intuition kicking into high gear.

"At last! Things are getting intriguing!" Sha Hualing's voice boomed out with eager eagerness. She was on the verge of a boredom-induced nap when a bit of drama revived her spirits. Mobei-Jun remained stoic, silently observing the unfolding drama.

While others debated and aired their theories, Shen Qingqiu begged Daisy and Calista to let him leave the room. "Come on, they'll dismantle me like a malfunctioning toaster if they get wind of this! I'm not ready to be recycled yet—I've already exhausted my supply of spare bodies! This is turning out to be a genuine 'life and death' crisis, and I'm out of extra lives! I've used up all my spare parts and am not ready for another role in the afterlife comedy show!" His protestations, however, were unheard, and the two hosts responded dismissively.

"Do not worry, Shen Qingqiu! No one can kill you as long as you're here," Daisy soothed him, oblivious to Shen Qingqiu's growing terror. "Enough yapping." Calista snapped, her patience wearing thin. "The sooner we get through this, the sooner you can stop having heart attacks worrying about being exposed."

Shang Qinghua tried to soothe Shen Qingqiu using black humour. "Don't worry, Cucumber-Bro. I'll make sure to bury your body properly," he stated, earning himself a whack on the head from Shen Qingqiu's admirer.

"Why do you need to expose me but not him?" Shen Qingqiu's complaint dripped with bitterness and resentment, the unfairness of the situation weighing heavily on him.

"Oh, he will be," Daisy smiled, throwing Shang Qinghua into a frenzy. "I will?" Shang Qinghua echoed, his uneasiness increasing. Daisy's nod of confirmation just added to his anxiety. He mumbled, "Oh, fuck..."

"Everyone! Blind guesswork will not get us far. Why don't we stop and observe? I'm confident it will answer all of our questions," Yue Qingyuan remarked, seeking to guide the group in a more constructive direction.

"Ah, I would ask you to watch until it automatically pauses. That way, it would be easier to understand," Daisy explained. The others, eager to unravel the mystery, nodded or verbally agreed to comply.

With bated breath, they turned their attention back to the screen, anticipation tingling in the air like static electricity. Each moment felt like an eternity as they waited for the revelation that would quell their mounting curiosity.

Shen Yuan shuddered and settled his mind, forcibly peeling open his eyes. The scene that appeared before him was a massive, whirling flurry. It took a while for everything to finally coalesce and slowly become clear.

He lay on a bed.

Looking up: a white, gauzy canopy hung overhead, with finely crafted perfume pouches dangling from the four corners.

Looking down: he wore a white robe of an ancient style. Next to the pillow lay a paper fan.

Looking to his left: a handsome, elegant young man dressed in xuanduan formal robes sat by his bedside, looking at him with concern.

Shen Yuan closed his eyes, then sharply reached for that folding fan and opened it with a snap. He lightly waved it, fanning away the cold sweat pouring down his face.

The man's eyes lit up with joy. "Shidi finally woke up," he said warmly. "Do you have any discomfort?"

"Nothing too bad," Shen Yuan said with some reservation.

As the screen froze, every pair of eyes in the room shifted to Shen Qingqiu, their looks resembling a wild combination of frightened cats caught in a rainstorm—confusion, wrath, and astonishment all whirling together in an emotional storm. For a moment, an uneasy stillness came over them like a heavy fog, leaving them mute as a chicken confronting a fox in its henhouse, unsure where to begin undoing the twisted web of deception before them.

Shen Qingqiu's face was drained of all colour, leaving him pallid as a ghost in a snowstorm as he frantically sought shelter behind his fan, using it as a weak barrier to cover the chaos raging inside him.

'Good luck, Cucumber-bro... You're going to need it,' Shang Qinghua secretly wished Shen Qingqiu, bracing himself for the inevitable disaster.

"So, Shen Qingqiu, or should I say Shen Yuan, you've been playing us for fools all along, haven't you?" Qi Qingqi's voice was filled with poisonous accusations, and her eyes narrowed in contempt. She couldn't believe the treachery before her. Someone had taken over Shen Qingqiu's identity, twisting it into something as twisted as a pretzel in a blender. "How dare you deceive us? Are you wishing for your death, taking the boldness to control us like this?"

Her words cut through the air like a blade through butter, each syllable as sharp as a fox's wit. Her cold manner left little space for pity. As if she appreciated the opportunity to pass judgment on the impostor who dared to enter their ranks.

"Shizun... You're not our Shizun..." Ning Yingying's voice trembled with anger and sorrow as she realized the heartbreaking truth. The thought that Shizun may be replaced, especially by someone who dared mock him, sparked a flood of emotions in her. Anger flared in her breast, but underlying it was a deep despair that threatened to drown her like a cat in a bathtub. "How could this happen?" she said quietly, struggling with the betrayal that had crushed her trust.

Ming Fan's eyes drilled into the impostor, and his words pierced through the tension with an icy sharpness that Shen Qingqiu had never experienced before. "You have no shame! Return our Shizun immediately!" Shen Qingqiu raged inside, his head filled with silent retorts. 'Do you think I'm lounging around here for fun? If I had a golden ticket back to my world without kicking the bucket, I'd have snatched it quicker than a cat on a hot tin roof! So zip up, you impudent ankle-biter!

Luo Binghe's face creased in surprise, his words tinged with amusement rather than outrage. "You aren't Shizun...?" he said, twisting his head curiously.

Shen Qingqiu's remark was typically enigmatic, given with an ironic gleam in his eye. "Depends on how you look at it," he said, his tone slick as an eel in a pail of oil.

The bizarre response appeared to rub Liu Qingge the wrong way, and his patience was running thin like a tattered cloak. "What the hell do you mean 'Depends on how you look at it'?" He exploded. His rage rose to the surface like an unattended saucepan. "You are not Shen Qingqiu, no matter how you attempt to hide it! Did you ever consider coming clean about who you are? Or were you scheming to pass off as Shen Qingqiu, sneaking around hoping no one would see through your charade like a sly fox in a henhouse?"

Shen Qingqiu found himself in the hot seat as the entire room focused on him like a pack of starving wolves on prey. He tried to calm the mounting tension with a flip of his fan, but it felt as ineffective as attempting to stop a torrent with a teacup.

"I mean... Shizun is someone who teaches others. And because I taught Luo Binghe, I am his Shizun! But if you want to know if I'm the original, that's another story..." Shen Qingqiu's statement hung like a clumsy acrobat on a tightrope, poised between truth and falsehood.

Meanwhile, in the stillness that followed, Luo Binghe's thoughts ran like a hamster on a wheel, attempting to make sense of the situation. 'From the looks of it, the Shizun I fell in love with is sitting there. Then it doesn't matter; as long as it's Shizun, I don't care where he comes from.'

Yue Qingyuan's gaze bore into Shen Qingqiu like a hawk eyeing its prey, his voice as cold as a snowstorm in the dead of winter. "Tell me, Shen Yuan, what happened with Shen Qingqiu? Where did he go?" His tone left no room for evasion, demanding answers as if he were interrogating a criminal.

Shen Qingqiu, on the other hand, was unable to meet Yue Qingyuan's penetrating look head-on, preferring to move his head slightly, attempting to escape the intense gaze. "I don't know... I'm sorry," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of genuine uncertainty. Despite his honesty, scepticism persisted like a stubborn stain that refused to be removed.

"How could you not have known?! You were the one who took his body. You should at least tell us where the rightful owner has gone!" Qi Qingqi's voice grew to a crescendo, her fury erupting like a pot left unattended on a roaring fire.

"So, how did you get past Hong Jing? That should be impossible. Or do you know a trick? Mu Qingfang's question pierced through the tension like a scalpel, digging for answers with surgical accuracy.

"He must have known a few tricks! Otherwise, he would have been revealed much sooner," Qi Qingqi added, her tone sceptical.

Meanwhile, Sha Hulian observed the unfolding scene with eager expectation. Her delight was as evident as a fox in a henhouse. "I am loving this," she laughed, stuffing a handful of popcorn into her mouth with the joy of a child at a carnival.

Shang Qinghua, too, found himself engrossed in the show, his enthusiasm boiling over like a pot on the stove. 'Ah, free drama,' he said, chewing his popcorn with glee. Shen Qingqiu couldn't help but want to hit Shang Qinghua with a fan a thousand times, but for the time being, he was focused on finding a way out of his dilemma.

After what felt like an eternity of endless accusations and violent tirades, Shen Qingqiu's patience had finally run out. He unleashed anguish of pent-up irritation and anger on the disorderly assemblage, surprising himself with his viciousness.

"Enough! "Can you all just shut the flip up?" He shouted, his voice ringing across the room like thunder in a hurricane. The sudden eruption halted the cacophony of voices, leaving an unsettling silence.

"For your information, I, myself, don't even know how I came into possession of Shen Qingqiu's body!" Shen Qingqiu continued, his voice tinged with frustration. "I, like you, am a victim of this nonsense. Second, I did not even want this! One moment, I was on the verge of death, and the next, I was waking up in a strange location! I was perplexed and terrified!"

His words came out in a rush, flowing with rage and desperation. "How can I possibly know where the original Shen Qingqiu went when I have no idea how I got here in the first place? Maybe he was reincarnated elsewhere, or perhaps he died! I! Don't! Know!" Shen Qingqiu amplified each phrase with increasing irritation, his hands clenched into fists by his sides.

"And as for returning his body. If I could, I would do it in a heartbeat! But alas, I am powerless in this situation! Do you honestly believe I would willingly choose to remain in this state of limbo?" His voice cracked with emotion. The weight of his burden bore down upon him like a leaden cloak.

"Moreover! Regarding Hong Jing's puzzling silence, I am just as perplexed as the rest of you! I didn't use trickery or deception to get past its security features! So stop your endless accusations and allow me to speak!" Shen Qingqiu's chest heaved with effort as he presented his emotional plea, his breathing raspy and heavy.

With his final remark, he sank back into his seat, exhausted from the emotional outpour. He had no idea when he had stood up and launched his stream of complaints on the crowd. But as he looked around at the astonished hush that had suddenly encompassed the room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction rush over him. At the very least, his emotional plea had succeeded in stopping the never-ending accusations. He considered it a well-deserved victory.

'Wow, that was... Surprisingly cool...' Through Shang Qinghua.

Yue Qingyuan's behaviour softened as the weight of Shen Qingqiu's words fell on the crowd, and his eyes became filled with a newfound understanding. "You truly didn't want to take control of Shen Qingqiu's body? And you have no idea where he went," he wondered, his tone evoking pity.

Shen Qingqiu, exhausted of energy and emotion, just nodded in agreement. "Yes," he said tiredly, his voice barely above a whisper. "But haven't you all seen it for yourselves? You witnessed the events firsthand.

The room became silent as the truth of Shen Qingqiu's remarks dawned on them. Indeed, they had all witnessed the mysterious event that had delivered Shen Qingqiu into their midst. And it was clear, more than ever, that he was as perplexed and disoriented by the alteration of events as they were.

A flood of shame swept over the crowd as they exchanged glances, each reflecting the growing knowledge of their guilt. They had let anxiety and scepticism cloud their judgment, striking out at Shen Qingqiu without correctly considering the situation.

In that moment of clarity, they realized they had been too quick to judge, failing to understand the guy before them's essential fragility. They saw him as a culprit rather than a victim, passing judgment without fully comprehending the complexity of his case.

As they thought about their actions, they felt a deep sense of grief with a newfound empathy for Shen Qingqiu's circumstances. After all, they weren't dealing with the actual Shen Qingqiu. But with a guy forced into a foreign position against his choice.

And when they thought again, the Shen Qingqiu they grew close was the current one and not the original.

Daisy sighed a sigh of satisfaction as she realized the matter had been settled. She wasn't sure if she should assist, and even if she did, no one would listen. Calista and Sha Hualing, on the other hand, were upset since everything had ended.

"Let's take a break, everyone," Daisy said. Hearing that, everyone nodded. They needed one after that drama.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

As the break began, enthusiasm spread across the assembly, with each member eager to ask Shen Qingqiu an ocean of questions. Their enthusiasm was short-lived as they turned their attention to him and saw Shen Qingqiu slipping into a deep slumber.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

"Now that everyone has settled down and regained their composure. Let's proceed," Daisy announced, clicking the remote to revive the screen.

The information overload was a bit much. He dazedly tried to sit up. As he did, the man quickly reached out to support his back, letting him lean against the headboard.

"You must have been very confused," Ning Yingying said sympathetically, her expression softening with understanding. She had accepted that Shen Yuan now occupied Shen Qingqiu's body, realizing that resistance was futile and bearing no ill will toward him. She admired Shen Yuan deeply, liking his kindness and understanding.

"Yes, I very much was," Shen Qingqiu said honestly. He saw no reason to hide the truth. After all, what purpose would lying serve in a situation that is already complex?

"Wait a minute," Liu Mingyan said, drawing the attention of everyone present with her request. Qi Qingqi raised an eyebrow in curiosity, waiting for her disciple's sharing. "What is it?" Qi Qingqi inquired, her curiosity aroused.

Liu Mingyan moved her eyes to Shen Qingqiu, her gaze serious as she addressed him directly. "Correct this disciple if she is wrong, but doesn't this mean that Shen-shixiong already possessed foreknowledge of future events?" She began, her tone full of interest.

"Before Shen-shixiong died, he buried himself in the pages of Proud Immortal Demon Way, which may be viewed as a blueprint for our original universe. This would have given Shen-shixiong the knowledge about future occurrences. Consider, for example, the demon invasion of Qiong Ding Peak. Did Shen-shixiong predict such incidents?"

A solemn stillness descended upon the room as Liu Mingyan's observant comment echoed. Everyone looked at Shen Qingqiu, expecting him to answer, as it was a question that had not been asked before. Sha Hulian, in particular, fixed her gaze on him, drawing a displeased frown from Luo Binghe before she surrendered.

The unexpected question caught Shen Qingqiu off guard, causing him to temporarily lose his composure. Nonetheless, he kept his steady manners as he answered Liu Mingyan's inquiry. "This shixiong was indeed aware of those events," he said.

However, before Shen Qingqiu could explain, he was swamped with fresh questions from all sides. "Doesn't that mean you could have prevented certain events from occurring?" "Why didn't you disclose this information earlier?" "Were you also aware of the Immortal Alliance Conference incident?" Shen Qingqiu struggled to respond to the flood of questions.

However, when he attempted to speak, the curse that chained him muted his voice, leaving him unable to offer the clarity and reassurance that others craved.

Recognizing the pointlessness of their questioning, the assembly grudgingly resumed their attention to the screen, accepting that their questions would go unanswered for the time being.

Lou Binghe felt himself caught up in a tornado of thoughts. 'According to Shizun, my status as a Heavenly Demon caused him to throw me into the Endless Abyss. But didn't he already have that knowledge? That could not possibly be the true motivation. Furthermore, he must have been aware of Meng Mo's training beforehand. So why did Shizun shove me away? What could have been the real reason?' An uneasy dread came over him, causing depression and concern. 'Could it be... he grew sick of me?'

Having read many of Zhongdian's transmigration novels, Shen Yuan had long ago resolved that, if he one day woke up to find himself lying in a strange place, the first words out of his mouth before he understood what was happening definitely wouldn't be a carefree giggle and, "Are you filming a movie? The props look so real—your crew's really giving it their all!" I.e., the words of a person slow-wittedly trying to find their footing.

"That's smart. You wouldn't want others to think you lost your mind." Said Mu Qingfang.

Rather, Shen Yuan concentrated on acting like he'd just woken up, expression absentminded. "I... Where is this?"

The man startled. "Did you sleep yourself into a trance? This is your Qing Jing Peak."

Internally, Shen Yuan was shocked, but he continued to act muddled. "Why...why was I asleep for so long?"

"You sure are a good actor. No wonder we only suspected memory loss," Qi Qingqi stated, her tone betraying a trace of annoyed admiration. She couldn't help but admire Shen Qingqiu's remarkable capacity to remain calm midway through havoc, masking any sign of terror with great delicacy.

"Why, thank you, Qi-shijie (not sure if this is the correct way to address her)," Shen Qingqiu replied gracefully, with a tinge of satisfaction in his tone. He took confidence in his ability to act.

"That's what I wanted to ask you. You were in perfect health, so how did you suddenly come down with a high fever? I know that with the Immortal Alliance Conference approaching, you've been training your disciples and are anxious to see results. But with Cang Qiong Mountain being such a well-established and renowned sect, even if one of our own didn't attend this time, no one would dare question us. Why concern yourself with empty words?"

The more Shen Yuan listened, the more something felt off. Why did these lines sound so familiar? No, why did this setup seem so familiar?

The man's next sentence, single and earnest, confirmed all his suspicions. "Qingqiu-shidi, are you listening to Shixiong?"

At this moment, something dinged, and the mechanical, Google Translate-like voice from his dreamscape spoke again.

【The System was successfully activated! Bound Role: Luo Binghe's master, Cang Qiong Mountain Sect's Peak Lord of Qing Jing Peak, "Shen Qingqiu." Weapon: the sword Xiu Ya. Starting B-Points: 100.】

"Here we go again with that blasted system," grumbled Liu Qingge, his irritation palpable. Shen Qingqiu, sensing Liu Qingge's distaste for the system, couldn't help but revel in it. 'Yes! Finally, someone else sees the nuisance it truly is!'

As Shen Qingqiu pondered the system's absence, a sudden realization struck him like lightning. 'System, are you ghosting me?' he silently questioned, half-expecting the familiar robotic voice to respond. But alas, silence reigned, prompting Shen Qingqiu to break into an impromptu victory dance.

"It seems to be feeding She Qingqiu information. And why is Zhangmen-shixiong blind to it? Is Shen Qingqiu the exclusive system VIP?" mused Qi Qingqi, voicing the collective curiosity.

"Why has no one mentioned the B-Points? What's their deal? And how do you get more?" chimed in Ming Fan, eager to unlock the secrets of the elusive B-Points.

"Daisy, can you answer any question?" queried Yue Qingyuan, turning to the silent presence of Daisy. However, Calista, ever the rebel, intervened before Daisy could demur. "You are asking the wrong person. You see, Daisy here is a stickler for rules. But lucky for you, I'm the rebel with a cause! If I'm feeling generous, even spoilers won't be safe from me," she declared, her mood buoyed by recent events.

"Fire away," Calista encouraged, knowing Daisy's silent protests would fall on deaf ears. 'Well, it's not like she is spilling the on anything major...' Daisy consoled herself silently.

"Alrighty then, spill the tea. What's the deal with this System?" Yang Yixuan prompted, seeking clarity on the enigmatic entity. Calista sighed, shaking her head in resignation. "That's the million-dollar question, brother. Daisy's not lying when she says she's clueless. The System's like a phantom that whisked Shen Qingqiu into the wacky Proud Immortal Demon Way world."

Her explanation hung in the air, allowing the group to ponder their next steps. "Okay, one more question, and then let's resume," Calista declared, prompting a flurry of discussion among the group as they deliberated on their final question.

"Can that System control Shizun's body?" Luo Binghe blurted out, catching everyone off guard. Calista chuckled, redirecting the hot potato to Shen Qingqiu with a mischievous grin. "Why don't you take the stage, Shen Qingqiu? You know the answer better than any of us." she teased, passing the buck with a playful smirk.

'Hey! Why are you tossing me under the carriage? You promised to spill the beans!' Shen Qingqiu fumed internally but begrudgingly provided an answer. "It can't puppeteer my body; it's more of a quest-giver," he clarified, withholding the full extent of the system's meddling for the time being.

As realization dawned on Luo Binghe, his expression grew darker by the second. 'So, the system's not to blame for Shizun's shove...' he mused, his thoughts veering into darker territory.

'You sly fox. You could've spilt the tea. But you're keeping them in the dark. Well, at least it'll be a juicy surprise,' Calista mused to herself while Daisy breathed a sigh of relief that no major spoilers slipped through the cracks.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, what bullshit is this? How come you're speaking directly into my brain? Does Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky know you're plagiarizing Proud Immortal Demon Way's setting like this?!"

'I do. I do,' mused Shang Qinghua, feeling a pang of solidarity as another victim of the system's shenanigans.

"Sh-Shizun?" stuttered Ning Yingying. Hers, Ming Fan's and Liu Mingyan's eyes widened in disbelief. It was as if the heavens had cracked open to reveal a startling revelation: Shen Qingqiu, the embodiment of poise and elegance, had just let slip a curse word. The shock rippled through the room, evoking a few stifled chuckles from the onlookers.

"Shen Qingqiu, who would've thought it? The embodiment of propriety letting loose like a bull in a china shop in his own head," Qi Qingqi quipped, unable to resist teasing her esteemed colleague.

"Shen Qingqiu, I'd suggest you don't say a word to me next time," warned Liu Qingge, his tone tinged with amusement. Shen Qingqiu's cheeks flushed crimson as he sought shelter behind his fan, silently cursing his slip-up.

'Well, at least I'm only mouthing off in my mind, not broadcasting it to the world, unlike you!' Shen Qingqiu fumed internally, clinging to the shreds of his dignity.

Meanwhile, Luo Binghe observed his Shizun with a newfound sense of amusement. Seeing this unexpected side of Shen Qingqiu made him realize that being stuck in this chaotic world wasn't all bad after all.

Of course, Shen Yuan didn't say this out loud, but the voice swiftly responded.

【You have triggered the System's execution command and have been bound to the Shen Qinggqiu account. As the plot progresses, various point types will gradually become available. Please ensure that no score falls below zero, or the System will automatically mete out punishment.】

The atmosphere shifted and smiles faded as Luo Binghe voiced his concern. "It can punish Shizun? How?" His worry etched deep lines on his face as he turned to Shen Qingqiu. "Shizun, didn't you say it can't harm you? Why did you lie again?" His voice carried a mix of anger and anxiety, echoing the sentiments of the others, albeit begrudgingly, except for the unwavering gaze of Liu Qingge.

"Shen-shidi, what kind of punishment are we talking about here?" Yue Qingyuan inquired, hoping for clarity.

Shen Qingqiu met Luo Binghe's gaze with a steady look, his tone measured and sincere. "I didn't deceive you, Luo Binghe. I was honest when I replied to your question about whether the system could control my body. It cannot."

He then glanced at Yue Qingyuan and Liu Qingge, offering a small, concealed smile behind his fan. "As for the nature of the punishment, I'm afraid I cannot reveal that information. But fear not, it shall be revealed soon," he said.

A faint buzzing sound filled the room, coming from Daisy's pocket. Shen Qingqiu and Shang Qinghua exchanged a wistful glance at the familiar sound, a pang of longing stirring within them for the world they left behind.

"What's that noise?" Mu Qingfang interjected, but Daisy paid no heed as she swiftly retrieved her phone, prompting curiosity and concern among the others.

With Daisy's departure, all eyes turned to Calista for answers. Her furrowed brow mirrored the collective confusion in the room. "Well, Shen Qingqiu is quite familiar with such devices, isn't he? Why not ask him?" she suggested, shifting the burden onto Shen Qingqiu again.

Shen Qingqiu's smile faltered slightly, replaced by a strained expression as he addressed Calista. "While I would be delighted to enlighten everyone, it has been some time since I last saw one of those gadgets. I fear my explanation may fall short. Perhaps you could do us the honour of clarifying the matter?" he deflected smoothly, hiding his annoyance behind a facade of politeness.

Unable to evade the responsibility a second time, Calista begrudgingly acquiesced, explaining albeit with a hint of annoyance.

Stop. Enough. Shen Yuan was sure now. He'd hit the jackpot—he'd transmigrated!

"A figure of speech! That was a figure of speech! I didn't literally mean I hit the jackpot," Shen Qingqiu hastily clarified, hoping to dispel any potential misunderstanding.

His explanation hung in the air, but to his relief, none of the others offered a response. 'Thank goodness, I didn't need another rodeo of drama,' he mentally wiped his sweat.

Meanwhile, Shang Qinghua and Sha Hualing frowned in disappointment. They were hoping for another rodeo of drama to entertain themselves.

Transmigrated into a story he'd just finished, moreover, even if it was a pitch-black stallion novel he'd hated, and even if it came with some kind of shitty "system." As a 21' 21st-century veteran VIP reader of Zhongdian Literature, Shen Yuan had read various types of do-over and transmigration male power fantasy novels year in and year out, so theoretically, he could have happily and easily accepted this fact. But of all people, the shell he was borrowing just happened to belong to the male lead's scum villain master, Shen Qingqiu. This...uh, made the situation rather complicated.

Once again, stares came Shen Qingqiu's way. They didn't say anything, but you could practically read their minds, thinking, 'Just a figure of speech, huh?'

Realizing he couldn't escape this one, Shen Qingqiu reluctantly closed his fan and faced everyone. "Alright, I'll admit, I was pretty pleased not to have kicked the bucket," he confessed. But then, as memories flooded back, he couldn't help but add, "Though, in hindsight, I might've been better off just biting the dust... It would've been a walk in the park compared to this mess."

Once he started venting, there was no stopping him. "And let's not even get started on the body I ended up with. I mean, out of all the vessels in the world, I had to inhabit Shen Qingqiu's? Now, hold your horses! Before you jump down my throat with 'What's wrong with Shen Qingqiu?' None of you has read the novel, so you wouldn't understand, but let me tell you, Shen Qingqiu's original fate was a real-" He suddenly trailed off, his words cut short by the curse that silenced him. 'Curses, foiled again!'

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Qi Qingqi teased, her eyes dancing with amusement. Shen Qingqiu opened his fan with a huff. "You know perfectly well why I've fallen silent."

The amicable-looking elder-brother type beside him was Cang Qiong Mountain Sect's current sect leader, Shen Qingqiu's shixiong, the "Xuan Su Sword," Yue Qingyuan. Fuck.

"Excuse me, Shen-shidi, but did I do anything in the novel that warranted this reaction?" asked Yue Qingyuan, his confusion evident in his tone.

Shen Qingqiu felt a pang of guilt and shook his head. "No need to worry. I didn't mean to imply that you did anything wrong. It's just... well, it's a bit complicated. Yue-shixiong will get his answer in a second if he continues watching..." he reassured Yue Qingyuan, hoping to ease his concerns.

There was a very important reason Shen Yuan emphatically thought "fuck" at the sight of Yue Qingyuan. In the original work, Yue Qingyuan's death had been caused by his good shidi, Shen Qingqiu, okay?!

The room descended into an eerie silence, the weight of the revelation hanging heavily in the air. Nearly everyone's complexion turned ashen at the shocking disclosure. Yue Qingyuan sat in stunned silence, grappling with the crude revelation. He knew Xiao-Jiu harboured resentment towards him, but the notion that he could harbour such intense hatred as to resort to murder seemed unbelievable. No, he couldn't bring himself to believe that Xiao-Jiu was capable of such a heinous act. There had to be some misunderstanding.

"That brat really crossed the line! How could he do this to Qingyuan-shixiong, who always treated him with nothing but kindness?" Liu Qingge's voice trembled with disbelief and resentment. While he bore grudges against the original Shen Qingqiu, the idea that Shen Qingqiu could commit such a deed was beyond his comprehension. Moreover, how could Shen Qingqiu, who could never best him in combat, manage to stage such a scheme?

"It seems that brat wasn't worth an ounce of trust! How could he betray his own comrades like this? Perhaps it's for the best that he's no longer with us," Qi Qingqi remarked bitterly, her tone laced with disappointment and disdain. The revelation shook her faith in the original Shen Qingqiu.

"How... How did Qingyuan-shixiong meet his end?" Mu Qingfang's voice trembled with trepidation as he posed the question, his heart heavy with dread at the anticipated response. And in that moment, the answer came, shattering the silence like glass.

And what a horrific death it was. Tens of thousands of arrows had pierced him until not even his bones remained!

"WHAT THE HELL!" bellowed Liu Qingge. That death was horrific! 'How on earth did Shen Qingqiu manage to pull that off?' was the collective thought racing through everyone's minds, even surprising Luo Binghe, Sha Hualing, and Mobei-Jun.

All disciples, particularly Ning Yingying and Ming Fan, couldn't fathom the truth. 'How could Shizun/Shen-shixiong have committed such an act?' Ning Yingying adamantly refused to accept it.

Mu Qingfang cast a worried glance at Yue Qingyuan, whose complexion was paler than a ghost and whose entire body trembled. Just as Mu Qingfang was about to inquire about his well-being, Yue Qingyuan abruptly stood up and directed his gaze at Calista, who sat nonchalantly eating something.

Sensing the weight of his stare, Calista paused mid-bite and glanced back at Yue Qingyuan with minimal interest. "What?" she asked indifferently. Seizing the opportunity, Yue Qingyuan posed his question. "Did Shen Qingqiu truly murder me? Or was something else at play, with Shen Qingqiu unfairly shouldering the blame?"

Calista heaved a sigh. "I'll address that query after this chapter. Just jog my memory," she replied casually before returning her attention to her meal.

"Qingyuan-shixiong, I fail to comprehend why you persist in defending that scoundrel!" barked Qi Qingqi and Liu Qingge in unison. However, Yue Qingyuan chose to disregard their protests. Realizing they wouldn't obtain an immediate answer, they ceased badgering Yue Qingyuan.

"Like I said... It was complicated..." Again, said Shen Qingqiu.

At this moment, the victim was facing his own "murderer" and showering him with concern. The pressure was immense.

Liu Qingge's blunt response broke the heavy silence, his words carrying a raw edge of disbelief and frustration. "Now that fuck makes perfect sense. I think you should say it more than once," he remarked. Almost everyone nodded in agreement.

On second glance, though, the story hadn't yet unfolded to that point. Yue Qingyuan was still in perfect health, meaning that at this point in time, Shen Qinggiu had yet to reveal himself as a hypocrite, and his reputation was still pristine. Yue Qingyuan was a bleeding heart, nothing to be afraid of. Though his character ended up suffering quite a bit, during his read, Shen Yuan had been rather fond of him.

"You were?" Yue Qingyuan's surprise was evident in his voice. He hadn't anticipated that Shen Yuan held any fondness toward him. Shen Qingqiu nodded in affirmation. "I was," he replied.

Yue Qingyuan's smile softened at the confirmation, a glimmer of warmth touching his eyes. Despite the chaotic events and shocking revelations, Shen Yuan's past acknowledgement of his regard for him brought some comfort.

He was just about to relax when a string of words floated eerily to the forefront of his mind.

...Within the dark, gloomy room, a metal chain hung from a beam. At the end of the chain dangled a ring. The ring was fastened around a person's waist—if it could still be considered a "person." This "person's" appearance was filthy and disheveled, like that of a madman. The most frightening thing about him was that all four of his limbs had been severed. His shoulders and thighs were only four bare knobs of flesh. When touched, he would let out a hoarse "ahhh" sound. His tongue had been torn out too, rendering him unable to form complete words.

—Proud Immortal Demon Way, a selected passage on Shen Qingqiu's fate.

The room fell into a heavy silence, tension thick in the air as the shocking revelation sank in. Shen Qingqiu felt a chill run down his spine, his composure wavering slightly as he addressed the image before them. "This is what I've been trying to tell. The original Shen Qingqiu's fate was neither swift nor merciful..."

Ning Yingying's voice trembled with shock as she sought explanations. "What has happened to Shizun? Who could have done such a thing?" Her eyes widened in horror, searching for clarity amidst the chaos. Meanwhile, Luo Binghe's glare shifted to Calista, his demand for answers noticeable in his gaze. "What the hell happened to Shizun, and who is responsible for this?!"

Calista's smirk was unapologetic as she redirected the attention to Shen Qingqiu. "My dear Shen Qingqiu, why don't you tell your dearest disciple who did that to you? I am sure he would appreciate it more if you told him than me." Her tone carried a hint of cruelty, a subtle stab at Luo Binghe's earlier outburst.

Luo Binghe's manners softened at Shen Qingqiu's gaze, his expression fraught with uncertainty as he awaited the disclosure. Shen Qingqiu's sigh preceded his response. "Luo Binghe, are you certain you wish to know?" At the affirmative nod, Shen Qingqiu continued. "Luo Binghe, the one who got me into that state was you."

The collective gasp echoed through the room, all eyes turning to Luo Binghe in disbelief. His world seemed to shatter as the weight of his actions crashed down on him. "I... I did this?" His voice quivered, his guilt evident in every syllable. "How could I have done such a thing? To Shizun..." His self-reproach was palpable as he crumbled under the weight of his remorse.

Shen Qingqiu's question hung in the air, a sobering reminder of the harsh reality they faced. "It was already revealed that you were responsible for my demise, Luo Binghe. Why are you acting surprised?" His inquiry held a mix of curiosity and resignation, his gaze never wavering from Luo Binghe's troubled form.

Shang Qinghua's eyes widened in shock as he stared at Shen Qingqiu. 'Cucumber-bro, are you trying to throw Binghe into an emotional meat grinder? Why add salt to the wound like that?'

With Calista's announcement, the room fell into stunned silence, and each occupant was left to grapple with their own thoughts and emotions as they awaited the continuation of the unfolding drama.

─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───

"I'll do anything, please! Go give Luo Binghe a hug or pat on the head! Anything to get him out of this emotional pit!" Daisy pleaded fiercely. Despite the passage of time, Luo Binghe remained preoccupied with his melancholy, and Daisy felt he might miss important plot moments if this persisted.

Shen Qingqiu raised an eyebrow, a sly twinkle in his eye. "Anything, you say?" "Truly anything?" he said, his mind already racing with possibilities. Daisy nodded eagerly. "Absolutely! Whatever you want!"

"Very well then," Shen Qingqiu said, his gaze shifting to Luo Binghe's sorrowful posture. With a dramatic flourish, he closed his fan and smiled sweetly. "Binghe," he shouted out, his tone gentle.

Luo Binghe's attention shifted to Shen Qingqiu, and his heart skipped a beat at the sound of his Shizun's warm and affectionate voice. "Yes, Shizun?" he replied enthusiastically, hope blossoming inside him.

"Enough with the sulking," Shen Qingqiu said firmly, his face gentle yet commanding. "Understood, Shizun," Luo Binghe quickly replied, the clouds of sorrow vanishing as if by magic. For the time being, his attention has moved from grief to delight. 'Shizun called me Binghe and smiled at me!' he exclaimed silently.

With a knowing glance at Daisy, who beamed with gratitude, Shen Qingqiu offered a subtle nod. "Consider it done," he remarked, a twinkle in his eye.

Shen Yuan—ah, no, Shen Qingqiu—rested his forehead on his hand. He was in no position to lament the horrors of other people's deaths—the most horrific death was his own, okay?!

"Agreed," Qi Qingqi chimed in, her expression clouded with discomfort. "That wasn't a pretty sight." The image of Shen Qingqiu's fate lingered in her mind, casting a shadow over her thoughts.

Henceforth, he had to avoid any critical errors!

First: eliminate any mistake at the root.

Second: from now on, cling madly to the male lead's thighs.

Third: be a good mentor and helpful friend who is earnest and gentle in his teachings; meticulously show the male lead every kind of concern.

"So that's the reason why Shizun suddenly decided to cozy up to that beast!" exclaimed Ming Fan with newfound understanding. The mystery that had been gnawing at him was finally resolved. "Shizun's kindness was just a survival tactic!" He blurted out, oblivious to the impending death glares aimed his way.

Ning Yingying, one of the glares' owners, discreetly stepped on Ming Fan's leg. He promptly fell silent, casting a puzzled glance at her innocent smile. "Is something amiss, Shixiong?" she innocently inquired. "N-nothing," Ming Fan stammered nervously.

Shen Qingqiu observed the exchange with a mix of admiration and amusement. 'Impressive, little sister! You've grown quite fierce. No more damsel in distress act. Looks like my mentorship isn't going to waste,' he mused silently. However, his moment of pride was interrupted by Shang Qinghua, who leaned closer with a smirk. So you're also a fan of hugging the man's thighs, huh? Oh, and good job with Ning Yingying," he teased.

Shen Qingqiu shot him a sharp glare. "Don't lump me in with your thigh-huger antics, Shang Qinghua. And thank you. It wasn't exactly a walk in the park," he retorted. Shang Qinghua feigned innocence. "Hey, I was just trying to survive!" he protested. Shen Qingqiu scoffed. "Sure you were," he replied sceptically, not buying Shang Qinghua's excuse for a second.

As Luo Binghe stared at the screen, a whirlwind of doubts and questions stormed through his mind like a tempest in a teacup. 'Was all of Shizun's kindness merely a facade? Did he only pretend to care for me? Was that why he pushed me into the Endless Abyss? Did Shizun ever truly care about me, or was I just a pawn in his game, a tool to be discarded when no longer needed?' The uncertainty gnawed at his heart, leaving him adrift in a sea of doubt and sorrow, unsure of what to believe or whom to trust.

The moment Shen Qingqiu had these thoughts, a long string of alarms erupted in his mind, as if one hundred police cars carrying one hundred shrieking divine beasts were zooming past. It was so cacophonous that he shuddered, clutching his head in pain.

"Shidi, does your head still hurt?" Yue Qingyuan asked worriedly. Teeth clenched, Shen Qingqiu didn't answer.

【Warning,】 the System shrilly notified him. 【This proposed plan is incredibly dangerous and qualifies as a violation. Please do not attempt, or the System will automatically mete out punishment.】

"What is the name of all things holy is that system blabbering about now?" demanded Liu Qingge, his frustration evident in his tone. "And it dared to scold you just for pondering it! Talk about an invasion of privacy. It's like it's reading our minds! Next thing you know, it'll be charging rent for squatting in our heads," he grumbled, crossing his arms with a scowl.

Yang Yixuan chimed in, adding fuel to the fire. "Exactly! It's like having an unwanted roommate who never pays their share of the rent and leaves dirty dishes everywhere. I wouldn't be surprised if it starts giving us fashion advice next," he quipped, rolling his eyes in exasperation.

"How was that a violation?"

【Currently, you are at the beginner level, and the OOC feature is frozen. You must complete a beginner-level quest to unfreeze it. Before unfreezing, any act in violation of the original Shen Qingqiu character settings will result in a deduction of a fixed number of B-Points.】

"What does OOC mean?" Asked Mu Qingfang, his curiosity piqued. Daisy happily answered his question. "OOC stands for Out Of Character," she explained. Calista chimed in, adding to Daisy's response, "It will be explained in the next scene." Mu Qingfang nodded appreciatively. "Thank you for explaining, Daisy and Calista."

"So you needed to act as Shen Qingqiu, or else your points would be deducted?" Questioned Qi Qingqi, seeking clarification. Shen Qingqiu nodded in agreement. "Yes, until that beginner-level quest was over, I couldn't act freely."

"And what would happen when you lost your points?" Asked Yue Qingyuan, his curiosity evident. "Well... Nothing will happen if they don't go below zero... But if they do, then I'll face punishment," Shen Qingqiu answered truthfully.

"And what kind of punishment would that be?" inquired Liu Mingyan. Shen Qingqiu hesitated for a moment before responding, "Cannot say."

With that, they redirected their attention to the screen, awaiting the next developments.

As a semi-otaku, Shen Qingqiu had seen a number of fanwork-related terms here and there—you know what I mean—so, of course, he knew the definition of OOC: adj., acronym for "out of character," defined as breaking character or acting in a way inconsistent with the character's canonical personality.

"In other words...before that whatever feature gets unfrozen, my behavior and actions can't differ from what 'Shen Qingqiu' would do?"


This System had already let him transmigrate into Shen Qingqiu's shell, replacing him, but it still cared about a detail like being OOC?

"You have a point. That seems like a waste of time. And I bet it was annoying," remarked Yang Yixuan.

"Believe me when I say, it very much was," replied Shen Qingqiu. Just thinking back to when he needed to worry about OOC, he felt a strong urge to hit someone and let his frustration out.

"You just said something about how...the points can't fall below zero. If they do, what happens?"

【You will automatically be deported back to your original world.】

The room fell into silence, the gravity of the situation sinking in. They all vividly recalled that Shen Yuan's original body was deceased.

"So if you lost your points you die!?" Qi Qingqi blurted out in shock, her eyes wide with disbelief. She hadn't anticipated such a dire consequence.

"So you're telling me, it's either death by point deficit or death by demon hands?" Liu Qingge interjected, his frustration palpable in his tone. "That's hardly a buffet of options," he added, crossing his arms with a scowl.

"Shen Qingqiu, have you ever come close to hitting zero points?" Yue Qingyuan asked with concern etched on his face. Shen Qingqiu paused to reflect before responding, "If memory serves, the closest I came was at 30 points. After that, I kept a close eye on my balance."

"That's dangerously low." Luo Binghe remarked, his brow furrowing with worry. The thought of his beloved Shizun vanishing because of a point shortage didn't sit well with him.

Original world? But in Shen Yuan's original world, his body had already expired. In other words, if he lost all his B-or-Whatever-Points, what awaited him was, in short, death.

Well, if he just ignored the male lead and avoided doing anything, things would be fine, right?

"You accepted the situation quicker than a cat jumping out of a bathtub!" Qi Qingqi exclaimed, her frustration evident in her tone. "And seriously, Shen Qingqiu, you need to flip through the dictionary and find the definition of 'ignore,' because you did the complete opposite!" She crossed her arms, clearly exasperated. Ignoring that little beast would have been the smarter move, so why did he go all "perfect Shizun" mode?

"I second that notion," chimed in Liu Qingge. "If Shen Qingqiu had stuck to that plan, half of our troubles would've vanished."

'Hold on a second. Did Shizun plan on giving me the cold shoulder?' Luo Binghe's heart sank like a stone in a pond. 'Does Shizun really dislike me that much?'

He raised his head and scanned the room, but among the disciples waiting on him by his bedside, he didn't see anyone that matched Luo Binghe's description. Feigning unconcern, he said, "Where is Luo Binghe?"

Yue Qingyuan paused, giving him a strange look.

Shen Qingqiu remained straight-faced but was secretly filled with glee. Was it possible that the time wasn't ripe? That the male lead had yet to apprentice to Cang Qiong Mountain Sect?

'Shizun was even over the moon at the mere thought of me not being his disciple yet...' Luo Binghe felt like he'd been hit with a ton of bricks.

"You raised your hopes faster than a kite in a gust of wind," remarked Qi Qingqi. She knew that by that time, Shen Qingqiu had already taken Luo Binghe as his disciple.

"Shidi, don't be angry," said Yue Qingyuan. An ominous premonition stirred in Shen Qingqiu's heart.

Yue Qingyuan sighed. "I know you don't like him. But that child's already worked hard enough, and he hasn't made any significant mistakes. Don't punish him any further, all right?"

Hearing this, Shen Qinggiu's lips felt dry. He wet them and said, "... You can just say it. Where is he?"

Yue Qingyuan was silent for a moment. "Whenever you finish stringing him up and beating him, haven't you always shut him in the woodshed?"

"Oh, so Sect Leader knew about the abuse that was going on, but turned a blind eye?" Luo Binghe's bitterness seeped into his words. Yue Qingyuan glanced towards Luo Binghe with a hint of regret in his eyes. "I didn't feel it was my place to interfere in the affairs of others, especially when it comes to their methods of discipline. And even if I had intervened, Shen Qingqiu likely wouldn't have heeded my words."

Calista snorted at that explanation. 'What a fibber. If you had commanded him to treat Luo Binghe better, he wouldn't have had much of a choice but to comply. You simply didn't want to give Shen Jiu another reason to hold a grudge against you.'

Shen Qinggqiu's vision went dark.

At first, there was silence, but then laughter erupted throughout the room. "You actually fainted!?" Qi Qingqi teased, unable to contain her amusement. "What a drama queen! Even my disciples wouldn't faint over something like that!"

"Cucumber-bro, you really fainted? Just like that?" Shang Qinghua chimed in, adding to the teasing. Even Yue Qingyuan and Mu Qingfang couldn't suppress their laughter, though they attempted to do so discreetly.

Shen Qingqiu's face flushed with embarrassment as he hurriedly hid behind his fan, wishing he could disappear altogether.

Daisy left them to continue teasing Shen Qingqiu for a little longer before she clapped her hands to grab their attention. "Okay, everybody, I've got some news! We're going to switch things up for the next chapter. Two more people will be joining us, and they're currently watching this chapter from another location. To react together, we'll be given Chapter Two on the side, and we'll react to a side story from your novel. This side story will be written from an Airplane Shooting Toward the Sky POV. As for what it's about, you'll find out soon enough. Now, you've got an hour's break to do whatever you want, just don't leave this room," Daisy informed them before she and Calista exited the room together.

-End of Chapter 1: Scum Villain-
-13.785 text + 3.070  story = 16.855 words-

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