Half-Blood Curse

By Juniper-Anne

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Lucas has been hiding for his entire life. Cursed by what he is, eeking out a living on the fringes of wizard... More

1 - a call for help
2 - Son of the Devil
3- Strange Dreams
4 - Sonia's Coven
5 - Resist
6 - Hunted
7 - On the Run
8 - Joseph
9 - Road Trip
11 - Surprise Visit
12 - They Want War
13 - Wiccan Spells
14 - Blood Mage
15 - Familial Magic
Chapter 16 - A Gathering of Alphas
Chapter 17 - Keeping Secrets
18 - Tracking Oskar
19 - Revealed
Chapter 20 - That's Not Me
Chapter 21 - Midas

10 - Making Love

211 11 13
By Juniper-Anne

Lucas woke up before the drive was over, but they didn't try to talk again. Instead, Gabriel held him, and they looked out the window together. It was one of the most peaceful moments Lucas could ever remember living. He had never felt so safe. Even in the midst of all of the shit with the wizard council, he still felt safe in that car.

The landscape changed from rural countryside to urban neighborhoods, and then to lit up city streets. By ten at night they were in Chicago, and by ten-thirty they pulled into the secure parking garage under the pack office. Lucas found he wasn't tired due to his nap, and looked around with interest. Their fleet of cars parked together, and Lucas climbed out of the backseat to explore his new home.

Temporarily, at least, he reminded himself. He glanced at Gabriel and found that the alpha was looking right back at him with those glinting amber eyes. Lucas coughed and looked away.

The shifters from the other cars split up into three groups. One spread out in the garage to act as security, one went to the large elevator leading up into the building, and the last was a small group of three kind-looking shifters who escorted Joseph and Sonia from their car. The wiccan was nervous and jumpy, but she gave Lucas a brave smile.

"Welcome home," Gabriel said, leaning down so his lips brushed against Lucas's ear. Lucas shivered with want, and had to concentrate to get himself under control.

"Soon, my love," Gabriel smacked Lucas on the ass, hard, and Lucas squawked in indignation and embarrassment. Gabriel only laughed and pulled him to the elevator, which was finished being inspected by the second shifter team. Sonia looked as though she was suppressing a grin of her own, but Joseph actually looked a little nervous. But not nervous in the way of a person frightened of an intimidating encounter; no, more like a man ready to face a deadly opponent, knowing death was a possible outcome but willing, albeit reluctantly, to do it anyway. Just what was he expecting from the pack?

The elevator was massive, like the kind Lucas had seen at bulk-item stores or in museums that often needed to move large exhibit items up or down a floor. Somehow, even with all the extra space, Lucas still felt like there wasn't enough air. It probably had something to do with the man standing firmly against his back and wrapping strong, defined biceps around him. Gabriel's hands settled on his waist, and Lucas found his head leaning back against Gabriel's shoulder against his will. Gabriel placed a small, discreet kiss against Lucas's temple, and it took everything he had not to maul the alpha right then and there.

"So, what happens now?" Sonia asked when the elevator doors shut them all in.

"We have some long-term suites on the third floor for people who need them," Gabriel said. "You'll be safe there. My apartment is on the fourth floor, and I stay there permanently. Lucas will stay with me."

Lucas opened his mouth to protest, but Gabriel's thumbs slid under the bottom of his shirt and brushed against his bare skin. A flash of heat rolled through Lucas's body, and that was all it took to keep him quiet. The elevator rose up out of the underground garage.

Pathetic, Lucas grouched, but he couldn't deny that he was looking forward to being in a room alone with his ... mate. It sounded weird in his head, but he wouldn't hide from it anymore. Gabriel was his mate, they were about to be in an apartment together, all alone, and the alpha shifter looked strong enough to manhandle Lucas in the best possible way. Lucas shivered and Gabriel pulled him back more firmly against his chest.

"We have an SIA agent coming in the day after tomorrow," Gabriel continued once he was sure Lucas wasn't going to argue about the living arrangements. "They're in charge of the investigation regarding the attempt on my life. We will make sure you have your chance to tell them your testimony."

"The SIA is compromised," Lucas warned. The shifters in the elevator stiffened at his words. There was a gentle chiming sound and they came to a stop at level three.

"What makes you say that, consort?" one of the shifters in the group asked. The doors opened and Gabriel ushered Lucas out into a long, wide hallway interspersed with numbered doors.

"Please tell me that's not what everyone is going to call me."

"We were going to turn ourselves over to the SIA," Sonia explained. "But someone on their side must have warned the wizard council. The SIA agents we met were actually wizard assassins. We nearly died."

"Speak for yourself," Lucas said as the shifter who had questioned him led them all down the wide hall. "I feel like I kicked ass."

"That could be a problem," the shifter said, sharing a look with Gabriel. Lucas narrowed his eyes and studied the shifter more attentively. The black man wasn't as tall as Gabriel, but he was at least Lucas's size, just shy of six feet. He was lean with corded muscles and a slighter frame not usually seen in the shifter community. It leant him an air of gracefulness and allure. Lucas guessed he was a panther or a leopard. His hair was cut in a stylish fade and his dark eyes were deep and pretty. He was handsome, and he was sharing meaningful looks with Gabriel.

Lucas was startled to feel a rumbling growl work its way up his chest. He jumped and cut it off as quickly as it started. He blushed, embarrassed, but Gabriel seemed pleased.

"Lucas, this is Micheal, my security chief and pack officer. He is in charge of the safety and welfare of myself and the pack. He is happily married and has a baby on the way."

"Sorry," Lucas muttered. He didn't even know he could growl, let alone that it would happen against his will.

Micheal only grinned and stopped at the fifth door down the hall. There was a keypad above the door handle, and he punched in a code. The door clicked open and he gestured for Sonia to take a look inside. She obliged with a curious peek, scanning the interior of her temporary home from the doorway. Maestro yowled inside his carrier as if realizing he was about to be let out again.

"This will be your suite during your stay," he said, his voice cool when talking to a magic user. "And that one is yours," he said to Joseph a little more warmly. He pointed to the door directly across the hallway.

"You've got to be kidding me," Sonia muttered, annoyed. Joseph gave her a smarmy, shit-eating grin just to needle her, and she pointedly ignored it.

"The door codes are programmable," Micheal said, typing another number into the keypad. "Now you can choose your own code. Very few people know the master code to reset the lock, and I trust all of them with my life. You will be safe here."

Sonia nodded her thanks and punched in a quick code, hiding the pad with her body so no one could see. Micheal opened and reset Joseph's door as well, and Joseph shrugged and put in his own code.

"The first floor is offices and conference rooms that we use to meet with the general public and alphas from other territories," Micheal said. "The second floor has a pack meeting hall, a cafeteria, and a communal kitchen. You are welcome to eat or cook there, but there are kitchenettes in your suites."

"Can someone get me some cat food? And a litter box?" Sonia asked.

"Sure," Micheal said.

"You're keeping Maestro with you?" Lucas asked, surprised.

"I just have a feeling you're going to be busy for a little while." Sonia's words sank in and Lucas blushed.

"Micheal," Gabriel proved Sonia's words true. "I'm taking Lucas upstairs. Please give these two a tour, or whatever they need. Don't interrupt me unless somebody is dying."

Even as he spoke, Gabriel was dragging Lucas back to the elevator. Micheal nodded, the other shifters grinned, and Sonia looked away, embarrassed on Lucas's behalf. Lucas could feel his cheeks flame.

"Alpha," Joseph said before the elevator doors closed. "I'll be here if you need me."

"He won't," Gabriel said testily.

The doors closed and Gabriel fished a key out of his pocket and stuck it into a keyhole near the button for the fourth floor. He turned it, the button lit up, and Gabriel slammed his palm against it as if pushing it harder would make it go faster. Lucas found himself panting, unsure why and unable to stop it. His blood raced, his skin flushed. He knew what was about to happen.

"Hold on a little longer, my love," Gabriel said, not following his own advice. He ran a hand up and under the front of Lucas's shirt, sliding his palm over Lucas's abs and pecs and pulling Lucas hard against his body, his back to Gabriel's chest. Lucas gasped at the hot feel of skin on skin.


"My thoughts exactly," Gabriel laughed, and the sound was enough to make Lucas weak in the knees. The elevator chimed and the doors opened into the living room of a comfortably furnished apartment. The dark-wood floors and soft rugs were familiar. There was a giant, luxurious looking couch on the left facing a fireplace and beautiful bay windows. To the right was an open floor plan kitchen with all the stainless steel appliances a kitchen could ever need, and what appeared to be a balcony next to a dining table.

Lucas took it all in at a glance, unable to spare more than a moment's attention to it all. Gabriel swept Lucas off his feet and strode through the home to the door straight across from the elevator. He kicked it open, revealing the bedroom from their shared dream-space. He stepped inside, kicked the door shut, and put Lucas on his feet just long enough to spin him around and pin him against the door.

Lucas had thought the three or four inches Gabriel had on him in height wouldn't be that noticeable. It was. It felt like Gabriel was looming over him, caging him in. His hips pushed forward and pinned Lucas to the wood behind him. Lucas gasped at the pressure against his already hard, aching cock, and Gabriel swallowed that gasp in a searing kiss.

Gabriel put one strong hand under Lucas's chin, almost around his throat, to hold him where he wanted him. The other hand pulled one of Lucas's legs up and around his waist so he had better access to push and grind against Lucas's groin.

Lucas had never had such a demanding partner. He felt inflamed by the need for more. He reached out with greedy hands and ripped Gabriel's shirt with a strength he didn't know he had. They didn't break the kiss as Lucas started learning the curves and lines of Gabriel's body with his fingers. Gabriel groaned and rocked forward, causing the door to shake in its frame. Lucas swung his other leg up and around Gabriel's waist, and Gabriel caught his weight with easy strength. One of his hands lowered to Lucas's ass and groped him through his jeans while the other tilted Lucas's head the way he wanted it.

"Clothes," Gabriel demanded against his mouth.

"Yeah," Lucas nodded, only to moan when Gabriel bit his bottom lip, leaving a little sting. He felt that sting go straight to his dick.

Gabriel walked them to the bed and dropped Lucas onto his back on the mattress. While Lucas watched, entranced, Gabriel pulled off the remaining shreds of his shirt and unbuttoned his jeans.

"Clothes, Lucas," Gabriel said, eyes roving his body as if he couldn't help himself. "Now."

Lucas obliged, kicking off his boots and socks, then squirming on the bed to wriggle out of his jeans. Gabriel reached down and yanked them the rest of the way off, but his briefs had been partially pulled down by his pants and had gotten stuck around his thighs, just under his balls. Gabriel groaned and caught Lucas's hands before he could remove the underwear.

"That's fucking hot," the alpha said, putting one hand around Lucas's cock. "It's like you're tied up. I want to fuck you like this someday, with your briefs around your thighs like you couldn't wait long enough for my cock to take them all the way off. Like you want it so badly you'd let me just move them aside and start fucking you anytime I want. Like you're trapped and I can do whatever I want to you."

"Fuck, Gabriel," Lucas's voice was a croak, and he trembled at Gabriel's words. He had always wondered if he would find a sex partner that would meet his more secret needs. It seemed like Gabriel didn't just meet them, he matched them.

Gabriel leaned down and swallowed Lucas's cock, pulling it into his hot, wet mouth. Lucas bucked, his hips pushing up, but Gabriel fisted his hands in the side's of Lucas's tangled underwear, holding his thighs together and down. Lucas's eyes crossed at the sensation of being at Gabriel's mercy.

The alpha's tongue did wicked things to Lucas's cockhead, and he groaned in sweet agony. He glanced down and found that Gabriel's eyes had shifted to a more golden hue, and he was staring at Lucas's flushed face with unbridled intensity. He watched Lucas's every reaction, drank in his every expression like a fine wine. Lucas made a high-pitched sound in his throat he didn't even know he was capable of making. Gabriel slowed his mouth to a crawl, dragging his lips up and down Lucas's dick so gently it was nothing more than a tease. Lucas whined again, louder, but the grip holding his briefs kept him from being able to move. Gabriel pulled off, satisfied.

"Shirt, Lucas."

Lucas reached for the hem of his shirt, then hesitated. He always left his shirt on during his one-night stands. The long sleeves covered his scars, and he didn't like answering questions about them to strangers. Lucas pulled the hem of his shirt up and put it between his teeth, baring his abs for Gabriel's view in what he hoped was a sexy peek-a-boo fashion. With his briefs still around his thighs, he knew it made him look slutty. The thought of it made precum leak from his cock.

"Fuck, baby," Gabriel said, pausing with one knee on the bed, still wearing pants with the button undone. His eyes roamed Lucas's exposed body, appreciating the view for far longer than Lucas wanted him too. The bulge in his pants was evidence that he liked what Lucas had done, but it was making Lucas crazy with want.

Lucas reached out a hand and grabbed Gabriel's arm. He yanked him down and let the shirt fall from between his teeth so he could kiss Gabriel.

"I know what you're doing," Gabriel said into Lucas's desperate mouth. Before he even had a chance to process Gabriel's words, Lucas found his shirt being ripped off his body. Gabriel tore the shirt like it had personally offended him. "As much as I appreciated that image, I'm going to fuck you without anything in the way. This time, at least. I bet we could revisit that little pose later."

Lucas shuddered and wrapped his arms around Gabriel, trying to keep them out of sight. Gabriel pulled away, though, and grabbed Lucas's wrists. He pinned them to the bed on either side of Lucas's head, in plain view. Lucas couldn't help it, he closed his eyes and turned his head away. He didn't want to see if Gabriel found them ugly. His skin was wrinkled and rough with scar tissue, lined with the evidence of over a decade of cutting. He didn't want to see-

A gentle kiss on his wrist made his eyes pop open. Gabriel was an inch away from his face, kissing his way reverently down Lucas's mottled arm. He ran his tongue over the skin, making his way down to Lucas's elbow, where he left a playful bite. When he met Lucas's eyes, there was no disgust or repulsion or even suspicion. Instead, his eyes still smoldered with need and desire, tinted with a hint of gentle consideration. He kissed Lucas firmly, communicating with his actions that Lucas was all he wanted. But he didn't stay long. Instead, despite Lucas's whimpered protests, he moved to the other wrist and gave it the same worship.

It wasn't fair. Lucas was bared for Gabriel's pleasure, totally vulnerable, and Gabriel wasn't allowing even a single corner of his heart to remain untouched. He dominated the encounter, taking everything Lucas had to offer and more, marking his heart and soul as easily as his mouth marked Lucas's skin. Lucas felt his eyes fill with tears. When he saw them, Gabriel kissed those away, too.

"You are precious to me," Gabriel whispered against Lucas's cheek.

"I- I can't-" Lucas didn't know what he was trying to say, and he closed his mouth, at a loss.

"I'll give you what you need, Lucas. Don't worry." Lucas wasn't sure if it was his imagination, but for a second Gabriel's teeth looked just a little bit too sharp. The sight didn't scare Lucas like he thought it would. Instead, it made him hotter and he writhed under Gabriel's body, trying to speed things back up.

Gabriel ignored the silent demand, keeping Lucas's wrists pinned easily as he carefully and gently licked and nibbled his way down Lucas's throat. His bites on the delicate skin were just enough to make Lucas pant with want, but not enough to draw blood.

"Fuck me, Gabriel, please."

"That's right, Lucas, beg me." But Gabriel didn't speed up. Instead, he worked his way slowly back up Lucas's neck and over his jaw to his lips. They locked mouths in a battle of wills. Lucas's kiss was rough, desperate, and pushed for more. Gabriel's was steady, possessive, and leisurely. Gabriel won out in the end, and Lucas groaned in frustration as he resigned himself to learning the shape of Gabriel's mouth more thoroughly.

Lucas didn't do slow. His one-night stands didn't do slow. They came together to get off, and that didn't require slow. But Gabriel was determined to pry Lucas's emotional shields open, and he did it one unhurried kiss at a time. Lucas was powerless to get him to switch over to the kind of fucking he was used to and realized, as his heart pounded with emotion, that maybe he didn't really want to.

Gabriel released one of Lucas's hands and slid his down the length of Lucas's body until it reached his cock. He touched it gently, mindful of the friction, and drove Lucas mad with sensation. Lucas found his muscles shaking and realized he was about to come despite being damn-near the beginning of the whole encounter. He ripped his mouth away from Gabriel's to warn him.

"Stop, I'm gonna cum," he groaned, embarrassed. His cheeks were red, he could feel it. "It's been a while since it was more than just my hand. I can't- I'm not up for any more teasing or I'll finish too early."

Gabriel eased up, leaving his cock cold without the alpha's hot hand around it. He started placing gentle, quick kisses down Lucas's throat and to his chest. "You tell me when you've calmed down a bit, love," Gabriel said smugly. "I've got plans for you that don't involve you finishing quite yet."

Lucas focused on his breathing, trying to comply. Gabriel gave him a few nips on his abs, making Lucas twitch and gasp. Then Gabriel jackknifed up off the bed to finish taking off his clothes. He pulled Lucas's underwear off, finally, and tossed them across the room. Gabriel pulled his own pants and briefs off - god, Gabriel in a pair of tight briefs was Lucas's new wet dream, surpassed only by the vision that was Gabriel naked - and went to the nightstand by the head of the bed. Lucas watched him, captivated by the unselfconscious way Gabriel moved, even naked. He looked like some kind of god, like a warrior of legend, rippled with smooth muscle and glowing with strength.

Lucas felt his breathing pick up when Gabriel pulled a brand new bottle of lube out of the nightstand drawer.

"Full shifters don't catch or carry sexual diseases, Lucas," Gabriel said softly, hesitating by the drawer. "If you know you're clean, I don't think we need a condom. But I did get some, in case you want one..."

He trailed off, letting Lucas decide. The thought of Gabiel actually cumming inside of him, a huge secret fantasy that Lucas had never indulged in, made his eyes cross.

"I know I'm clean," he said breathlessly.

Gabriel pounced on the bed and Lucas allowed himself to be manhandled further up the mattress to make room for both of them. He rolled Lucas over onto his stomach and Lucas tilted his ass up, expecting a few fingers to prep and then a hard cock. Instead, Gabriel's big hands spread his cheeks open and the pads of his thumbs ran lightly over Lucas's hole. He touched and teased it gently.

Lucas choked on air, unsure if he should tilt up even more or try to wriggle away. "That's ... intimate."

"That's the idea," Gabriel said, spreading Lucas's legs so he could kneel between them. He pushed his hand firmly on Lucas's shoulders, indicating he wanted them to stay down, and one hand lifted Lucas's hips a few more inches. With his legs spread and ass tilted up, Lucas knew he probably looked like a complete and total slut. He groaned into the pillow, on the edge of cumming from the thought alone. But the angle of his hips kept his cock from brushing against the sheets, keeping it in the air, untouched, so he didn't cum too early. Lucas bit the pillow to keep himself from making any more humiliating whining sounds as Gabriel once more opened Lucas's ass cheeks for his viewing pleasure.

"Gabriel, please..."

"That's it, beg me more," Gabriel responded the same way to Lucas's pleas as he had before, with obvious pleasure and yet no intention of giving in. It made Lucas shudder in acute bliss and arousal so strong it was almost painful. He traced Lucas's entrance with his thumbs once again, keeping it spread open. It was almost humiliating, but in the best kind of way. Lucas could barely breathe.

Instead of slick fingers, it was Gabriel's tongue that breached Lucas's ass first. Even with the pillow between his teeth, Lucas whimpered and whined in response to the wet heat against his sensitive flesh. This was not something a one-night stand did, and not something he had ever wanted from a one-night stand, anyway. Gabriel was methodically breaking down all of his reservations and ruining him for all other men. Lucas was so horny and desperate that he couldn't even find it within himself to care.

Gabriel used his thumbs and tongue to tease Lucas's hole, never penetrating it more than a few centimeters. It was a promise of more without any of the follow through. It was driving him wild. Lucas couldn't help it when he started to writhe and push against Gabriel's mouth.

"Please," Lucas heard himself begging again, "please, Gabriel, I need you. I need you Gabriel, please. Fuck!"

Gabriel pushed two slick fingers into Lucas and leaned over his back. Lucas could feel Gabriel's rock hard cock against the top of his ass and felt his heart skip a beat. As Gabriel's two fingers slowly quested and explored, his lips ghosted along Lucas's shoulder and to his ear. He bit it gently.

"I like you like this," he said. Lucas shuddered, incapable of giving him a coherent response. "Do you like it?"

Lucas let out a long groan as Gabriel's fingers slowly slid inside and stretched his hole. Gabriel took that as the agreement it was meant to be. He leaned closer so that his breath was right in Lucas's ear.

"Tell me what you want," Gabriel said roughly, his teeth and tongue brushing against skin as he spoke. "Tell me exactly what you want. Let me give you the perfect fucking that you deserve."

"Fuck me, Gabriel." Lucas demanded, nearly sobbing with his desire. "Wreck me. Make me beg. Please. I need you. I need you so bad."

"With pleasure, my love."

He pushed a third finger into Lucas's ass, filling it and stretching it in the most delicious way. Lucas did yelp then, so mindless with need that he didn't feel embarrassed. Gabriel hummed in pleasure and finished his preparations. Lucas heard the click of the lube bottle and the unmistakable sound of a cock being slicked.

Gabriel once again contradicted Lucas's expectations. Instead of driving his cock into Lucas right then and there, he flipped Lucas back over onto his back so they were face to face. Lucas gasped at the sight of Gabriel. He looked like a man obsessed, like a man starving, like a man in the most desperate need of his life. Lucas reached up with a shaking hand and cradled Gabriel's neck. He wrapped his legs around Gabriel's waist, pulling him closer in a blatant command to get started. They shared a soft kiss as Gabriel lined up his cock and slowly pushed his way inside.

They both groaned loud and long as Gabriel's cock stretched Lucas open. It was a tight fit. A very tight fit. It dragged against every nerve ending he had, setting his entire body aflame with pleasure.

Gabriel let him have a moment, a much needed moment, to get used to the size. Lucas groaned as his body adjusted to a cock larger and longer than the hookups he'd had in the past. And none of those hookups had been recent, so Lucas was out of practice. He took the moment gratefully, letting his body relax on the cock that was filling him up.

"You feel ... so good," Lucas said. He clutched tighter at the back of Gabriel's neck until his blunt nails dug into skin. Gabriel groaned.

"You too. God, you do too. That's it, hold onto me. I'll take you there."

Lucas moaned as Gabriel's cock eased out and then back in. It tapped his prostate and he couldn't hold in his squeal of pleasure. He buried his face against Gabriel's neck and bit the skin there, desperate for an anchor to keep him grounded. Gabriel didn't give it to him. Instead, he kept moving at that brutally relaxed pace, slow but oh-so-deep, teasing Lucas's sweet spot with every pass. Lucas stretched his arms up so he could push against the headboard, trying to shove himself down harder onto Gabriel's cock. It worked once, then Gabriel dragged him further down the bed, out of reach of the headboard, and laid his body more firmly on top of Lucas.

At that angle, when Gabriel slowly thrust in and out, his abs dragged against Lucas's cock, finally giving him some friction where he needed it. Lucas cried out and tipped his head back.

Gabriel took advantage of that position and struck with his mouth, leaving love bites and kisses along Lucas's exposed throat. His teeth felt too sharp to be human, and Lucas shivered with the knowledge that Gabriel was close to losing control over him.

"You need someone to treat you right," Gabriel said against his skin. He snapped his hips forward with a little more force. He dragged out slowly, so slowly, just to snap back in again. Not fast enough to satisfy, only inflaming Lucas's building need.

Lucas let out a shaky cry, body trembling as Gabriel repeated the move over and over. Lucas's cock was trapped between their sliding bodies, and the pleasure made his head swim. He scraped his nails along Gabriel's back in an attempt to pull him even closer.

"Faster," Lucas demanded. "Harder."

"You like my cock inside of you?" Gabriel asked instead of complying. "You like the way I fuck you, Lucas?"

"Yes!" Lucas couldn't help but be honest. "Yes, god, fucking yes. How many times do you want me to fucking say it- ah!"

Gabriel rolled his hips again, still slow but with just a tad more force right at the end of the thrust, hitting Lucas's prostate with more pressure. Lucas found himself shouting out his ecstacy, grasping Gabriel desperately with trembling hands. No matter how much he begged or demanded it, Gabriel refused to speed up.

"Trust me, Lucas," he said, kissing away the pleasure-induced tears on his cheek. "I know exactly what you need. And this, this is what I need, too. God this is so. Fucking. Good." He said each word in time with a slow thrust. "I never want it to end. I want to fuck you like this forever."

I think I'm going to die if this goes on much longer.

"I wanna cum," Lucas whimpered, trying to roll his hips and grind his erection into Gabriel's chiseled stomach.

"Yeah, me too," Gabriel admitted. He snaked one hand between their bodies and grabbed Lucas's cock. They had been fucking long enough and with enough passion that they were both a little sweat-slicked, and Gabriel's grip on Lucas's cock was just right. Lucas cried out in relief, seeing the end in sight at last.

"Lucas," Gabriel whispered his name like a prayer, keeping his rhythm steady even as they both began to quake with the beginnings of their orgasms. "Lucas."

"Gabriel!" Lucas didn't whisper, he screamed, which was a first. They both reached their peak and flew over the edge together, gasping and groaning and trembling in tandem. Gabriel kissed Lucas as his head swam in a sea of stars and satisfaction. His lips responded on their own, because god knew he didn't have enough brain power left to consciously kiss Gabriel back.

Gabriel groaned one more time and pulled out to collapse on the bed next to Lucas, who relaxed bonelessly onto his back, totally strung out and mindless.

They looked at each other. Gabriel's gaze was soft, and knowing, and warm. Lucas was too well-fucked to be embarrassed yet, but he knew it would come eventually. He had never fucked like that before. He had never made those sounds during sex before. He had never lost control like he just did, but Gabriel had shaken him to his core.

Lucas hummed, satisfied beyond all measure. Gabriel grinned, a smug look that he had more than earned the right to have. Lucas's body shook with aftershocks. He was going to be a little sore in the morning, but it was totally worth it.

Gabriel got off the bed and walked on shaky legs to a door near the bookshelf. It satisfied something inside of Lucas to know Gabriel was as affected by their experience as he was.

The door turned out to be a bathroom, Lucas could tell from the sounds of the sink, but he was too boneless to get up and take a peek. Instead, he laid on the bed as Gabriel brought out a warm, wet cloth and cleaned the mess he had made between Lucas's thighs. Lucas did blush at that, unused to being treated with such care.

The cloth swiped gently against his over-sensitized asshole, and Lucas groaned.

Gabriel smirked, and Lucas lazily smacked him on the shoulder. "Don't laugh at me."

"I'm not," Gabriel's words were proven wrong because he was laughing even as he said them.

Lucas rolled his eyes and Gabriel stared down at him fondly. Lucas had to look away from the affection he saw there.

"You took a nap on the drive here," Gabriel said. "Are you tired?"

"I'm tired, but not sleepy, you know?"

"Yeah," Gabriel said with another laugh. "Want to take a bath?"

"Yes." Lucas lifted his arms in a clear demand to be carried. Gabriel didn't complain or even bat an eye, picking Lucas up right away and carrying him to the bathroom where a large, luxurious tub waited for them both.

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