Tensura, The Short Story, Rea...

By VoidGod0

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So It's my Second Fanfic and I Will Primarily be Short Story, React, Short Crocssover and Oneshot. And My Au... More

React-0 Introduction Of Characters
React-1 React to Rimuru Part-1.
React-2 React to Memes-1
React-3 React to Pics-1
React-4 Rimuru's Stats Part-1 and Intelligent Species in Tensura Part-1
Author's Note.
Short Story-1 Rimuru The Fifth True Dragon. Chapter-1 Birth of the Fifth One.
React-5 React to Rimuru Stats Part-2.
Short Story-1 Rimuru The Fifth True Dragon. Chapter-2 Time with the Younger One.
React-6 React to Facts, Theories and Clips- 1.
Author's Note (Important Please Read)

OneShot-1 Gobuta, A New Half-Dragon.

1.6K 12 8
By VoidGod0

(A/N- Oneshot by Rodikoda )

My Name is Gobta, I am a hobgoblin from the city of Jura tempest, one of the four members of
the "Heavenly Kings" group (and the weakest of the four), General of the "Green Corps" and
Captain of the “My in Riders".
If I had to say what characterizes me, I would say that I am a very lucky person. Before
receiving my name, I had managed to defeat a “sword tiger” while I was still a simple goblin,
it was mostly because I had a magic weapon that I had been offered if I went to Dwargon, I
was the first to have managed to summon a “Direwolf” when I was imprisoned in Rimuru's
web, I survived Shion's cooking which allowed me to acquire [poison resistance], and so on.
I sometimes even wonder if my luck is not due to a skill or something like that, because even
when I undergo torture sessi... I mean training sessions of hakurou and Millim, even if I am
wounded to the bone, I remain alive.

Since the end of the Tenma war, things have calmed down, the days are sometimes similar,
surveillance in the streets of the city, training with hakurou and the cycle is repeated every

Now, "I am" patrolling the streets of the city, while resting in a hidden corner of the Jura
forest which is very little frequented by locals and travelers.

but there is surely a question that would come out of everyone's mouth if I told them what I
was doing now : "How can you be in two places at the same time?".
If I had to answer the question, I would answer that I was "lucky" to get a unique skill that I
think is the most awesome and practical of all.
This skill is called [Perfect Clone], it allows me to create a clone of myself that has the same
stats as me and it does not require any magicules. This skill had seven sub-skills:
[Replication] : Allows the user to create an identical clone of himself. This clone will have
the same memories, personality and skills except for [Perfect Clone].
[Shared Vision] : Allows the original user to see into their clone's eyes, they can even hear
the conversations their clone can hear and know where they are.
[Restricted Thought Communication] : Grants the user the ability to communicate through
thought to their clone, does not work with other people.
[Come] : The original can find itself in an instant near its clone or within a radius of 100
meters from its clone. Not magicules required.
[Return] : The original can summon its clone near itself or at a location within 100 meters of
itself. Not magicules required.
[Life Legacy] : If the original decides to bring his clone back into him or is killed by someone,
the clone will transform into a small luminous orb and will enter the original, granting his lived memories as well as his skills if he has acquired any and [Perfect Clone] will be inactive
for one day.
[Death Legacy] : If the original dies, the original's spirit will be teleported to the clone body
becoming the new original body, the clone's spirit will be destroyed, and [Perfect Clone] will
be inactive for seven days. User will get resistance skill equivalent to how he died. If the
[resistance] is already acquired, possibility that it evolves into [Nullification].
It's been a month since I got this skill, I did different tests with my clones to see what it
looked like. I let my clone take my place for a whole day in Tempest, result, nobody had
seen the difference, I used [Life legacy] to bring him back in me and have access to his

I also had an idea in my mind, I got [Poison Resistance] with Shion's "delicious" cooking, I
had the idea that I could get [Poison Nullification] by eating more of her cooking, I
therefore placed an order under a false name and had the dishes delivered to a specific
place, once the order arrived, I summoned my clone and began to eat his dishes, I knew that
Shion had a skill to modify the taste dishes, but I had specified that the dishes be prepared
without the help of skill, result... I "died" by not having even finished the first dish.

I then found myself in the body of my clone which had become my real body, the feeling
was indescribable, I could not move for a few minutes before I could move again and had to
hide the food i I n my shadow with [Shadow Step] so that it does not rot.

It took me a month to finally hear the voice of the world say that I had acquired immunity to
poison, it took me a while, but I finally got it, now the poison is no more a threat to me.

This brings us back to the present moment, I'm resting under a tree in a corner of the forest
not frequented by locals or travelers at all, so I don't risk being scolded by Hakurou or
Rimuru. If anyone were to learn about my unique skill, I'm pretty sure I'd have a bad time
with Hakurou or Millim, or both, or intensive training until I "died" and back in life in the
clone's body to continue, or scientist test on me to know the best ways to obtain

But hey, whatever, as long as I don't get busted, I'll be fine. I rest under the shade of a tree
protecting me from the sun, hearing the sound of the wind blowing slightly moving the tree
branches and the chirping birds.

I pity Rimuru because he who is always in his office working
on paperwork all the time, he doesn't have time to rest, but hey, he's still a true dragon a
demon king so he has nothing to complain about either.
While I'm resting under the trees, I hear footsteps, I tell myself that it must be a passerby, I
just have to hide and that's it. However, the passerby emanated an aura, something I will
always recognize is hakurou's aura. I get up slowly and run away hoping he doesn't find me,
because if he finds me, I can say goodbye to my "days off".
I increase my walking speed and run so as not to be seen, I stop thinking I'm far enough
away from him, but I hear footsteps coming towards me, it's probably him.

I run again to escape "death", but unfortunately I end up in a dead end. Gobta (thought): I could use [Shadow step] to hide, but I don't know how long I could hold
my breath, I could also try to leave by climbing on the sides, but he will spot me and I'll be

Each idea had little or no chance of a market, if I wanted to get out of it, it would take a
miracle, I'm glued to the stone wall and staring up at the sky.
Gobta (thought) : God of luck, if you exist, I beg you, HELP ME!
Suddenly, I fall backwards taking a few steps before falling to the ground, I look around me
and find myself in a kind of cave.

gobta (thought) : But, how? I'm sure I was in a dead end. Would it...
This is where hakurou sees coming from afar, I panic because he approaches me slowly but

Gobta (panicked) : M.. M.. Master, what are you doing here? It's  funny to see you here, isn't
He approaches me, then stops, I imagine already undergoing the infernal "trainings", but to
my surprise, he turns around and leaves.

Gobta (thought): ... What?
He keeps walking without looking back until I can't see him anymore.

Gobta (thought): I am saved.
I calm down and decide to get out of the cave, but instead of getting out of the cave...

Gobta: Ouch!

I bump my face causing me to recoil, I look ahead, but see no wall, I raise my hand and
slowly approach the exit, my hand touches some kind of invisible wall.

Gobta (thought) : I understand now.

I look at the invisible wall and then decide to use [Shadow Step] to get out of here. But ...
Gobta : I can't do it?
I try again, but I can't. I then try to use it indoors, it works. I then try to invoke my direwolf
from outside, but it only works inside.

Gobta (thought) : The good news is that hakurou didn't find me, the bad news is that I'm
stuck in this cave by an invisible wall and I can't teleport to it. outside and I can't
communicate with my clone or even teleport near it, great.
I look in the direction opposite the exit and see a path going down.

Gobta (thought): Two choices: 1. Wait here and hope someone comes here to try to get me
out of here at the risk of getting me caught on my actions. 2. Explore the cave and find
another exit.
I could wait here and hope that someone would come, even hakurou, but I doubt that
anyone would pass here, besides, I don't know how long I would last with the little food I

The decision was made, I was going to have to venture into unknown territory, I look in the
direction of the unknown and walk in that direction.

I advance in the cave being careful not to activate any trap, the path continues straight and
descends slightly, the light from the outside is enough to see the interior of the cellar, a few
steps later, I see a kind water point, or rather a water hole, looking around this one, I saw
that it was a dead end, I try to touch the walls everywhere to find a mechanism, but

Gobta: Damn.

The only thing there was was the water hole, looking better at the water, it seemed to be
illuminated, but I don't know how, I stand above the water, take my breath and duck my
head to see it's an underwater cave and the light is coming from several glowing crystals,
possibly magisteel. Seeing the surroundings, I take my head out of the water and catch my

Gobta (thought): The underwater cave is quite spacious, you can see far and the water is
warm. I won't have gained by staying here, maybe there will be an exit, or a treasure lost for
centuries, or a forgotten weapon, or nothing.

I undress and put my clothes away in my shadow and take my bathing suit, it must be said
that it's cool to be able to use your shadow with [Shadow step] to store your things.

I stand in front of the water, I also decide to take out my sword just in case there are
monsters, I take a deep breath and dive into the water.

I look around and see a single tunnel leading somewhere, having no choice, I swim towards
the tunnel.

Along the way, there are small air holes to catch my breath, but the distances between each
of them grow bigger each time and I start to have spins in my head, I start to think that I
should I'm turning around while I still can, knowing that I couldn't get out of the cave with
my skills, there's a big chance it's the same with [Perfect Clone], I'm not guaranteed to
return to the body of my clone.
But at the last moment, I see a big ray of light in the distance, looking closely, it was...

Gobta (thought): AN EXIT!

I swim quickly to reach the exit before running out of air, when my head comes out of the
water, I take a deep breath of fresh air, I get out of the water and fall to the ground catching
my breath.

Gobta: I didn't...think...that I would eventually...find...an exit...

I lay down on the ground looking up at the sky.

Gobta: I forgot what the sky was...wait a minute...

Looking better at the top, I realize that the "sky" is actually a gigantic Magisteel producing
light throughout the cave, It's still impressive to find a magisteel of this size, I wonder how
others will react seeing this.

Gobta: I don't know how Kurobe or Kaijin will react, but I know very well how Rimuru would.
I took a pose..

Gobta (imitating Rimuru with movements): walks like Rimuru, sees the huge magisteel,
swallows the magisteel and pats his belly as if he had eaten well.

I chuckle a bit thinking about this and look at the new cave.
The cave is huge, the interior is lit both by crystals attached to the ceiling and also by
glowing purple mushrooms, the trees were also emitting light, but less compared to the crystals and mushrooms, each was different, l one of them was all green with vines.

I was hanging, another looked like a Japanese cherry tree, There are also bushes, plants and
flowers scattered everywhere, the ground was covered with grass except in some places
where it was just plain dirt or sand, at the bottom of the cave there was a small waterfall
flowing into two streams, before ending towards the access leading to the underwater

Gobta: Well, I'm still stuck, but it's nicer here than in the cave entrance.

I continue to explore the "underground garden", it is very quiet here, there is not a single
animal or monster here, the only noise there is the sound of running water of the waterfall
and which arrives at the passage to the underwater cave.

Gobta: It must be very nice to take a nap here, but unfortunately I don't have time, maybe
another time.

I approach the waterfall, it is transparent and looks even drinkable, but it could be poisoned,
at worst, I have [immunity to poison], I reach out with both hands to collect water. water, I
bring the water to my mouth and drink it.

Gobta: Wow, she's pure and good.
I continue to drink a little water before stopping, I decide to take a water bottle out of my
shadow and fill it with water fromk the waterfall just in case.
As I filled my water bottle I noticed that I felt different, I felt like I woke up from a good nap,
I felt like I had regained the energy I had lost in swimming here, was it the water? Maybe.
I put away my canteen and resume my way to try to get out of here, there was a passage
here near a tree resembling a Japanese cherry tree, I think that's what Rimuru called them.
The passage led to a smaller cave where there were two smaller trees producing a weak
light as well as mushrooms which shone everywhere, in front of me was a passage in a kind
of tunnel, or rather a mine because we could see that crystals of different colors shining, the
difference with the underwater cave is that there was more light, but I can breathe here at

Before stepping inside, I get dressed and prepare my sword just in case.

Gobta: Here we go again.
I move forward in the tunnel and see the different crystals present in the tunnel, there were
even magisteel everywhere and different different crystals.

Later ...
I've been walking in this tunnel for half an hour, so far I've seen a lot of crystals and also
what looked like magisteel, sometimes there are a few gaps with a lot of deposit
everywhere, a miner's paradise.
What the Goblin doesn't know is that all the crystals he sees are extremely rare, this includes
Dragotite, Adamentite, Orichalchum and even two or three Hihiirokane ore.
Path stays straight sometimes turns left or right I heen here, I don't know what's
going on outside, I just hope everything goes well with my clone.

I continue to advance in the tunnel, then I hear a small noise coming from the bottom, the
more I advance, the more I hear noise, I start running to finally get out of the tunnel.

When I stop, I see in front of me a new landscape, it was still a new cave, but this one was
even bigger than the previous one.
I was above an indescribable landscape, there was a big forest, a big lake, some waterfalls
spread in the cave and there were also animals, I couldn't see what kind of creature it was,
but there were several kinds.
I look at the landscape around me and notice in the center of this cave a crater where all the
rivers in the cave were connected to form one and flow into what was a crater from afar.

I head down using a stone staircase, I cross a forest made up of trees of different colors and
see different animals pass from the surface like rabbits with ears resembling wings allowing
them to fly or some kind of small sharks looking more like puppies playing in the water of a
small lake.

I finally approach the crater and see the inside of it, I see nothing, it looks like a
kind of bottomless pit, enough to make the blood run cold.

Gobta: That doesn't make you want it to go down.
Goblin: ...
Time had stopped for the goblin, a sensation of pain was felt throughout his body, blood
came out of his mouth, he lowered his head and noticed that his body was pierced right in
the heart.

He turned his head and saw a creature he had never seen in his life, its body was covered in
fur stained with blood, its eyes made anyone who saw them feel despair, the goblin did not
know what rank this creature was, even when he wanted to beat him, his body refused to

And even if he could move, he would have had to heal himself, but he had forgotten to buy
a new dose of healing potion, but his habit of letting himself "die" made him forget that.
The monster pulled the goblin from its long claw and threw it into the abyss, the goblin saw
his life flash before his eyes while his body continued to fall.
But suddenly, nothing more, I open my eyes and say that I haven't touched the ground, I
have the impression of floating in the air, that's when I see a hugeh fire appears in front of
me, a dragon comes out emanating a lot of power, I can't@ move or react, I can only tremble
when I see him, if Hakurou were there, I'm sure he would have the same reaction, he would
hide it, but he would feel it deep inside.

This is where a luminous orb comes out of the dragon and enters my body, my body is
immediately healed and covered with numerous tattoos all over my body except for my

? : Do not forget
I look at the dragon who suddenly opens his mouth and spits fire at me.

I suddenly woke up, I was in the water of a big lake, I swam towards land and came out of
the water to catch my breath, I noticed that I was in a new cave "again" , but I was no longer
with this creature, I don't know what it was, but I had the impression of being petrified.
There was also this dragon, I don't know if it was a real dragon or a normal dragon.

Gobta : At least, I'm still alive.
As I rub my forehead to remove my sweat, I notice that my skin is different, I look at my
hand and notice that my arms were no longer small, I also feel muscles that I didn't have
before behind me, I sees a sort of mirror crystal, I approach it and realize what is happening
to me.

Gobta: Am I still in a dream?
The reflection in the mirror showed a green dragon standing on its feet, it also had a pair of
wings on its back and it had blue eyes, I make some movements, the reflection do the same,
I understand that this green dragon … was me.

Gobta: I'm still in a dream, come on, wake up, wake up, WAKE UP!
I try to hurt myself thinking that I will wake up, I then see my body glow and I also feel my
body change, the light disappears after a few seconds, I look at myself again and I see myself
as a goblin again, but I see so the tattoos from my dream and I also notice that I have gained
muscle, I was taller, my hair grows, my face look a bit different... and that I am completely


I then take out some emergency clothing from my shadow, it's tight, but it will do it.

Gobta: Now let's see this cave.

There was a huge lake filled with glowing water, some waterfalls connected on a few levels,
plants and vegetation of immense size, there are also lots of crystal deposits everywhere in
this cave, as well as the hole I came through arrived here, perhaps.

just for info, all the crystals here are ores and are Hihiirokane.
To recap, I entered the secret passage, then I went through an underwater cavern, I arrived
in a sort of underground garden, I went down a mine filled with crystals and ore, I arrived in
a huge cave which was a kind of immense forest and finally, I get myself killed by a horror
monster, fell into the abyss to meet a dragon who heal me to burn me next, to arrive in this
cave located very deep far from the mainland and I am stuck here unless I can get out by
where I fell.

Gobta : I just wanted a break, nothing more, even Rimuru would have done the same.
While talking to myself, I notice a sort of passage in a wall, a new passage.

Gobta : At this point, i don’t care if this is another cavern or else.

I enter the tunnel and see that there is very little visibility due to the lack of crystals glowing
here, but I could see as if there was light in there, I didn't understand why.

I arrive in some sort of empty room with crystals illuminating the inside and some sort of
circular slab with symbols on it, there was also some sort of crystal ball placed on a rock
with a stone tablet.

I first looked at the crystal ball and touched it without thinking about what could happen to
me, the sphere started to shine and sent some kind of waves of energy into me, I couldn't
move without knowing why , I could see them on my body circling before returning to the
sphere, I raised my hand and noticed that I could move again.
The tablet began to display inscriptions, it indicated information in a language that I could

Name : Siegfried Wyrm (Former Name : Gobta)
Race : Half-Hobgoblin, Half-Dragon (final evolution possibility : True Dragon)
Titles : Descendant of Ur-Wyrm, Chaos dragon of the Fallen-world; Big Four
Blessings : Rimuru Tempest, Ur-Wyrm (Chaos Dragon [Otherworlder])
Level : 1
Exp. : 0/1000
Exp. Total : 0 EXP Points
Age : A few years
EP : 100
AP (Attributes Point) : 0
SP (Skill Point) : 0
CP (Class Point) : 0
JP (Job Point) : 0
Strength : F
Endurance : F
Agility : F+
Dexterity : F
Intelligence : F
Mind : F
Luck : E – B

• NEW [Dragon Fall], Ex-Lord of Elderia
➢ [Shapeshifting]
➢ [Dragon eyes]
➢ [Level-up]


• NEW [The Owner] : Nobody except the owner can enter in this place, unless he let
them enter in this place.
• [Give me strength] (LOCK)
• [Perfect Clone] (LOCK except for the clone actually summoned)
• [Lucky] : multiplies the chances up to times 1000 depending on the situation. The
more dangerous the situation, the more his luck will increase. (Lock to 90%)

• [Shadow Step] (LOCK)
• [Danger Sense] (LOCK)
• [Sage] (LOCK)
• [Poison Immunity] (LOCK)

“Gobta”: ...

I rubbed my eyes thinking what I was seeing was an illusion, but ylooking back at the tablet,
the text was still the same.
Everything surprised me, my name which changed, my species, a new title as well as a new
blessing, but I think what shocked me the most was in the skill part, it indicated the skills
that I had already along with two new skills, I'm afraid I'll wake up in my bed thinking it was
all a dream.

"Gobta": ...an...ultimate...s-s-skill...
I smacked myself in the face to try to wake up, but nothing, the tablet still showed my new
ultimate skill, [Dragon Fall].
I touched the tablet where [Dragon Fall] was indicated, pressing it, sentences appeared with

[Dragon Fall], Ex-Lord of Esteria
Current User : "Gobta" Siegfried Wyrm
Former User : Ur-Wyrm
Skill from another world, which lost much of its strength and effectiveness after changing
Can regain its abilities with time as well as help from the current possessor.
Cannot be used by other clones of the same person.
Usable only by the original.
Current Abalities :
• [Shapeshifting] : Allow the user to shapeshift into different forms (more forms obtain

o Goblin "no tattoo" (Gobta)
o Hobgoblin "tattoos" (Sieg)
o Baby green Dragon (No time limit)
o Green dragon (1 minute per day) (Limit time can grow)
o More forms availables when you level up
• [Dragon eyes] : Increases visual acuity and allows you to analyze what you want.
• [Level-up] : The more the level increases, the more the owner will have access to skills
as well as more powerful spells.
The tablet showed everything this skill could do, including what it could become.

But looking again at my descriptions, I realized that most of my skills were locked, even my
EP had drastically decreased from 20,000 to 100, perhaps that was why my skills were

"Gobta": Let's recap, I'm stuck in this place, without my skills and without knowing how to
get out of here.

I then noticed that the circle began to glow, I slowly approached it, two solutions were
available to me: 1. Look for a new path, with little chance of success or 2. enter the circle
and see where this takes me.
Gobta: ...I'll wait a bit, first, get some food and hope it's edible.
I return to the previous cave and look for something that seems edible, I manage to find
some berries and some fruits that I recognize, I also take some wood to make a fire and look
for a place to sleep to spend the "night", although I don't know if it's day or night outside.
After collecting what I needed, I settle down near the lake where I light the fire and eat, I
settle on the ground and look at the landscape listening to the waterfalls, I think that if
Treyni were knowing about this place, she would be delighted.
I then remember one of the shapes that I could take, but first, I decide to look for what
could serve as a bed for a small animal, after a quarter of an hour, I built a sort of makeshift
cushion using flowers and my shirt on top.

I step back and decide to try.

“Gobta”: shape shift. Baby green dragon.

I feel my body changing and shrinking, I approach the lake and see that I have become a
small green dragon walking on all fours with wooden horns on my head, a kind of fur on my

I head over to the makeshift pillow and fall asleep on it to spend the “night.”
“Gobta”: I hope to have more answers tomorrow and get out of here.



Author & Wiriter : Rodikoda

Publisher: VoidGod0

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