Half Human, Half Xliez

By NaturalWarrior

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ONC Novella. A little of something I've thought about. Promt no. 31. Total word count: 20015 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7.1
Chapter 7.2

Chapter 3

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By NaturalWarrior

In the beginning, all she felt was a strange sensation of floating, as if she was detached from everything. There was nothing else around her - no smells, no colors, no light or darkness. It was like being surrounded by nothingness, and she couldn't even tell if it was hot or cold.

Gradually, things started to change. Darkness appeared, with tiny dots of light scattered throughout. There were shades of white, yellow, blue, and red. Then, she began to feel something. What had initially been an uncomfortable tingling turned into a painful prickling, like the sensation of cactus spines pressing against her skin all at once.

"She's waking up."

She recognized the voice, but she couldn't figure out how. She didn't have a clear sense of her own identity, let alone who anyone else might be.

As she regained more awareness, the darkness and scattered lights became hazy and eventually started to form recognizable shapes. Startled, she sat up abruptly, narrowly avoiding hitting her head against the person standing over her.

"Welcome back," the person said with a smile. "You had a really close call. We weren't sure if you'd pull through."

"Who are you?" she croaked, her voice raspy from disuse. "And who am I?"

The person in front of her locked eyes with another individual standing nearby, a secondary figure she hadn't noticed until now.

"Don't worry," the second person assured the first, his eyes shining brightly against his dark, elvish features. "It's just a temporary side effect. She'll be completely fine soon enough."

Before she could inquire further, the first person, with tan skin and radiant red eyes, spoke up. "I'm Reu, and this is Lyall. We're doctors. Even though you might not remember it right now, we're actually quite familiar with each other."

"We are?" She felt bewildered, attempting to sit up, but both figures gently urged her to stay down. With a hint of defiance in her voice, she narrowed her eyes and said, "If what you're saying is true, then it should be easy for you to tell me my name."

"Of course," Lyall responded. "You are Adeera, a unique blend of both alien and human lineage."

Before she could even ask another question, a flurry of images flooded her mind. First, she saw a figure with fair skin and dark red eyes, strong yet slender, wearing a coat that resembled a cloak approved only by the Incharges. The figure seemed to be smiling at her, with a warmth akin to that of a caring parent.

Then, an image of a boy her age named Hendrix appeared. He had blue eyes, brown hair, and a fair complexion. She knew he was skilled in combat and often came across as distant.

"Now, now, you had quite an accident. Don't stress yourself, relax. Your lady is taking care of those who harmed you."


"Adeera!" A cheerful voice inquired. "How did your exam go today?"

"Neutral." I scrunched up my nose. "Not bad, if I consider the previous one."

I let myself drop on the green chair from exhaustion, mental exhaustion to be more precise. I have been getting these headaches from gods knows how long.

"Eat. You need all the nutrition you can get. Have you see your health lately? You are getting thinner and thinner!"

I chuckled at the exclamation, wondering why I'd thought only mothers did that. "I think I'm fat enough, Lady Lidwina. But, for your satisfaction, I won't pull away."

"Good. Perhaps you could teach something to your brother. Speaking of that, where is that young man?"

I cringed at her choice of words. We are not 'men' but neither are we 'Xliez', my 'brother' and I, that is. Lady Lidwina is a Xliez through and through. And that guy's not my brother.

"Perhaps brooding in his room. That's what he does best."

That's kind of true. He always stays in his room, reading history books of both humans and Xliez. He insists on staying away from the Xliez as much as possible. Which doesn't include me. Nobody knows who he was on earth, but since Lady Lidwina was incharge of runaways, she was kind enough to take him in. Not exactly adopt but providing a home. A roof above his head.

And he repayed it by locking himself away.

"Maybe you should coax him out. You're the only one he listens to."

That's an understatement if there ever was one. He doesn't listen to me. He speaks to me and puts a deaf ear to everything I say. If you ask me, I'll say he's mentally disturbed but it has only been a few days since his arrival.

I sighed. "I'll try."

We ate in silence after that.

I wondered what was going on in Lady Lidwina's mind. She always look bold and satisfied on the outside but there has been an uprising that has proved to be tiring her. I know it has something to do with that guy in his room. She hasn't told me yet. But there had been something similar when she took me in too.

She was always levelheaded, calm despite all the disapprovals from her colleagues. She had barely won the vote. Four-three.

Whereas, I was her opposite. With me, the problem was that I couldn't be ally with calm, I just had to go for the opposite. That was one of the reasons that I got homeschooled.

After completing my meal, I stood up and made a beeline towards Hendix' room. I know, odd name, but acceptable in the Xliez.

I knocked on the pristine door which beeped. Once. Then it opened as any elevator door would, only this wasn't an elevator.

"Still sulking in your little corner?" I tried for a tease.

"You know me, I don't do that." His voice was raspy as if he hasn't drank water from a few thousand years. And no, I do not know him. "Come in. I want to show you something."

As was typical for him, he was sitting on the floor at a corner-I did say that-with a book, no less. There were dark eyebags under his eyes, his movements stiff also, he looked on the verge of passing out. He looked more weak than how he was yesterday.

"Where did you find this thing?" I asked as I sat beside him. The door gave another musical beep as it closed. "I'm sure you would not have, under any circumstances, broken the Projector?"

The projector was a blue screen which worked as any phone on earth, just more upgraded. Also, it can work with holograms. I think that's where it got it's name, hologram projector, but Lidwina disagreed. And then confirmed that she did not immerse herself with technological informations. This left me fairly confused.

"Your beloved Projector does not work." He pulled out something from between him and the wall. Thin enough to be paper, blud enough to be paint and translucent enough to be glass. Yet the 'ERROR' sign explained pretty nicely what it is. Hendrix's Projector which he had happily replaced for a book.

I squinted. Below the exclamation of ERROR there were some letters and words that I could just make out if...

My eyes widened while my heart jumped on a running roller coaster.

Data not received. Confidential content.

I turned towards him. "Have you gone mad? Acessing illegal content! Do you want the other Incharges running after you? And what are you doing with a book?"

His face was a mask of expressionlessness. Hopefully that's a word.

"Do you know what I had searched that opened this page? Humans-"

"Of course it is confidential. The rebels are already being a nuisance to us, why would we want the knowledge to spread?"

"Don't you want to know your human side better?"

That felt like a slap. "You don't know how they're like, Hendrix. My father was killed by the rebels, my mother was always incognito, heaven onky knows if she's even alive. I was kicked out of three foster homes for being what I am. Lady Lid-"

"Oh shut up with all your Lady Lidwina this and lady Lidwina that. I had have enough of this. See what I have found and complain later." He thrust the book in my hands.

I read the spine: Humans and The Danger They Possess.

"What the fuck is-"

"Read. Complain later." He repeated.

I sighed dramatically but obliged.

As an esteemed Xliez professor, I have dedicated my studies to the intriguing phenomenon of human-Xliez hybrids and their extraordinary abilities. Among these unique traits, one stands out prominently: the power of persuasion. These hybrids possess an exceptional talent for persuasion, utilizing their melodious voices and captivating charm to effortlessly influence the actions and decisions of our alien race. Their impact surpasses that of regular humans, leaving us susceptible to their persuasive words. Their mere presence commands attention, and their eloquent discourse has the ability to sway the course of our actions, compelling us to unwittingly yield to their will.

While the physical resemblance between humans and aliens is striking, save for our distinguishing features such as bulged eyeballs having spider-like feet, and divided tongues, it is this extraordinary ability of the hybrids that truly sets them apart. Their profound understanding of our Xliez psychology, which consists of their personal experiences allows them to effortlessly tap into our deepest desires and motivations. Their persuasive prowess is unparalleled, rendering them a formidable force. As an Xliez professor, I am simultaneously fascinated and cautious about the potential implications of this power, as it challenges our established notions of control and autonomy within our own species.

It is my belief that these hybrids should be executed for our own safety and any communications from the humans should not be risked.

I looked up. "From where did you find this book?"

He countered with another questiom. "Does this ring a bell?"

"No. I-is this from a reliable source?"

He nodded. "Yes. It is. Now, tell me, what do you think of this:"

He carefully took the book from my hands and turned the pages until he got satisfied and handed it back to me.

"Now read this:" He pointed to an article, it looked like an essay, on the middle of the right page.

I followed his request.

It started from a warning.

[If you're reading this, remember that I tried. Spread the word of the increase in population of the Xliez but do not pronounce the name. Spread the word and spread my story. Remember that I'd tried, but what happens now, will depend entirely on you. I did my part and now you do yours.]

Something about thewords seemed familiar. They intrigued me so I continued reading. It ended with another message.

The Xliez are dumb creatures. If you ever encountered one, tell it to wait and stall for time. Once it agrees, run like your life depends on it and don't stop until you get something to defend you with. They don't carry weapons from their planet to ours.

I looked up. "What is this doing here? With Xliez? Shouldn't they destroy it by now?"

I respect that woman, surviving from the rebel Xliez like that.

"You still don't remember?" Hendrix asked, his voice sounded a bit exasperated.

"Remember what?" This time, I countered with a question.

"Uhh," he sighed. "Read this, then. And also the article below it."

I was about to argue that if he wanted to prove a point then he should just say it but then I realised thst it would be fruitless.

He again took the book carefully from my hands and riffled to a page which seemed pretty random to me before placing it on my lap.

"Where did you even get a book?" I asked.

Books were antique in the Xliez kingdom, they used the Projector for all their works. I can't belive he got his hands on a book when no one has ever seen him getting out of his room even for toilet. Or a glass of water.

"Restricted section. Now, will you read?"

My eyes zeroed on the title, my heart suddenly beating faster.

It read: "Unforeseen Consequences: The Hybrid Experiment"

Hybrid? It's an offensive term to us. And...experiment? No. Please no.

I read further. I couldn't take my eyes away from the article.

In a groundbreaking turn of events, a memory-altering machine designed by an esteemed scientist has taken center stage in a complex tale of hybrids, us, and the delicate balance of power. Driven by curiosity and ambition, the renowned inventor embarked on a journey that would forever alter the lives of those involved.

The memory-altering machine, a marvel of technological innovation, was intended to reshape the beliefs and opinions of its subjects. The Incharges, seeking to understand and influence the hybrids, approached the scientist with a proposition: to use the machine on two hybrids who had ventured to their planet with sinister intentions.

The experiment took an unexpected twist when the machine yielded divergent results. The first hybrid, known as Adeera, succumbed to the machine's power, her memories erased and her allegiance firmly aligned with the our species. However, the second hybrid, a close friend of the Adeera, Hendrix, as he was called, experienced a malfunction of the machine, leaving him with fragmented memories and a tenuous grasp on reality.

As the baffled inventors grappled with this unforeseen outcome, it was revealed that both hybrids had indeed arrived on the our planet with hostile intentions. Their plans to attack were swiftly thwarted, and they were apprehended before any harm could be inflicted upon the Xliez inhabitants.

Now, a delicate balance hangs in the air. The Adeera, under the sway of the manipulated memories, stands firmly by the side of the Xliez, while her friend, struggling to piece together his shattered recollections, becomes a wildcard in this intricate game of alliances and loyalties.

Lady Lidwina Ortega has currently claimed both these hybrids and the inventors are given complete reign of them to experiment on them. They oversee the conditions of the hybrids.

The question on everyone's minds is what lies ahead in this extraordinary saga. Will the Hendrix regain his full awareness and challenge the influence of the memory-altering machine? Or will the Adeera's newfound beliefs solidify, leading to unforeseen consequences for all involved?

As the story unfolds, the world watches with bated breath, captivated by the intricacies of this gripping tale. The power of memory manipulation, the clash of intentions, and the enduring strength of friendship intertwine, creating a narrative that defies expectations.

Stay tuned as the journey continues, and let us bear witness to the unfolding chapters of this enthralling saga. Given below are the pictures of the hybrids.

And below that there were a picture of...

"No." I breathed.

Because that was me. That was my name. My picture. Hendix's picture.

"I'm sorry Ad, but-"

"You're lying." I concluded as things started coming back to me. "You're trying to manipulate me into whatever conspiracy you are in."

I couldn't help myself but hug him tightly, buring my face in his chest. One or two teardrops trickled down from my eyes but all I sensed were Hendrix's soft murmurs.

My memories. Lady Lidwina. A safe haven. A vote saving me...

All lies. I can't belive I actually fell for that. Let them get the better of me.

The inventors are given complete reign of them to experiment on them. They oversee the conditions of the hybrids.

Oversee? I don't remember anyone...

I pushed myself away from Hendrix, my mind running a mile a minute. Scenes played out in my head but they were pointless. I couldn't extract anything from my mind after the prison.

"Hendrix." I said, my voice urgent. "Do you remember any of the inventors overseeing our progress? Do you remember ever seeing any of them after-after-"

My voice cracked I couldn't seem to form the words. After we were brainwashed. After our memories were erased. Changed.

"No." He replied, which did nothing to assure me.

I looked at the celing, walls. The room was fairly empty except for a bed and a scolartron-a machine that is used to teach students, yeah there are actual teachers, just automatons-whose mechanical eyes pierced the air and starred at the book in my lap. I remember myself complaining to Lidwina about those eyes following my moves. She had assured that it was either a malfunction or the...

Oversee. Inventors. Hybrids. Observe.


"They are spying on us." I said in a trembling voice. "Through the Scolartron. Hendrix, we need to-"

"Come with us silently with no fuss." The door opened and there, standing with two guards, was none other than our beloved Lady Lidwina Ortega.

Note the sarcasm.

The book dropped from my lap as I jumped to my feet, landing on the floor with a loud thud. I covered Hendrix, he does not look in any shape for a fight. I will have to cover for both of us. Two to one, I do not like our odds very much but there is little choice when cornered in a not-so-large room. Also, I could feel a headache coming in.

"Adeera," Dustbin Lid purred. "You're far more knowledgeable than that. You know we won't harm you. We just want you to coexist with us."

My facade melted, showing my wistful mind grasping on her words, her letters, trying to believe it to be true when the truth was not something I'd wish for. But...

But I am far more knowledgeable than that. I know they'd either execute us for their failed plan or experiment more.

"Drix," I ordered, "S-stay back."

It was my fault that he was here, a psychotic mess of a boy. His memories was altered because of my plan. Fragmented memories. Tenuous grasp on reality. Shattered recollections. No. No more. He was not strong physically and now he was not even mentally. My fault. All my fault.

"Okay, my love, you have chosen. Guards!" Lidwina said harshly.

Her one problem was/is: I am too knowledgeable. When they replaced my memory-something which I can not get my mind around of-they replaced it with the ones of this planet. Their society. This humble house. Their weapons (from Hendrix) and ways of fighting (also from Hendrix). That guy does not fight as much as he knows about fights. He helped me with it himself.

There was a sound like a can opening and i learnt another thing.

Never underestimate the stealth of Hendrix.

From where did he steal or when did he steal, I was not aware of that but as I heard the sound and felt something near my ankle. I kicked the bomb out, straight at Dustbin Lid.


It grew cylindridal projections, as any decent bomb of Xliez should, and quickly plugged in the polished floor and made a hole that was enough to give us a break from the aliens. Now that there was a big hole in the front exit, it was blocked. And I don't know a single place we could go to.

"I know a place. Follow me."

Stiff like a cardboard, Drix tried and failed at standing up straight. Then I gave him a hand. His legs failed him so I had to wrap his hand around my shoulders, my hand around his waist, supporting his weight.

"What have they done to you?" I asked.

"Couldn't...forget so they added something...to my food. And three nights without sleep."

Anger. Anger so high and loud and of maximum magnitude. They'll pay. I looked at the manhole, wondering how they might have been injured and if I can kill them on spot with my gun in my boots...

"Don't." He said. "I know what you are thinking but don't. We have to save as much ammo as possible."

Just like that, my anger deflated. Drix requires attention more than killing some aliens. And I would hate to admit but... "You are right." I said.

"Lead on wise boy." I commented, gainingback my resolve.

As he pointed towards a wall and did his 'thievy' trick-I remember he was a thief I had rescued. Or maybe he was the thief who had rescued me. I would not have survived this planet, it's inhabitants, if not for him.

I closed my eyes, momentarily forgetting how it is like to breathe. Forgetting everything, then remembering fake memories, then remembering the actual ones a week later. That is a triggering point of an headache. A headache as strong as the Xliez who had beaten me on the one on one and had resulted me with being captured, which was not on my ten-things-I-want-to-do list.

I was bathing in self pity when Hendrix announced: "Ta-da!"

The wall he was messing with had turned out to be a door, fortunately but not very fortunately since there were three opratives, waiting for us.

But the good news was: they were dumb enough to have guns and not point them at us, to stop any movements. They looked too young, on the tender edge of immaturity and maturity.

"I don't suppose you can get another bomb to blast?" I muttered.

Drix shook his head. "This is the only way out."

I sighed. "Traditional way then."

And took out my gun.


I remember Hendrix. He wax a thief. A liar. A spy. And a pickpocketer. (If that's a word) And a hacker. Even if unlocking phones without the passwords was one of the only thing he knew.

He was sweet when he met me. Just another victim of his pickpocketing. I had noticed his eyes when I had been shopping for first aid and painkillers. But before I could corner him, he had walked off in an empty alleyway. Perfect for private spots. That was my sole reason of confronting him. That day, he had evaded all my questions, like any other hybrid would. But I had seen his expression. It was depressed, grieving. And a little frustrated.

If I had turned back even once when I walked to my place, I would surely have had seen his triumph grin. He had stolen my phone.

Truthfully, that wasn't a hig thing, since that was a second hand cheap phone.

But I was so disappointed in myself that day, that when I returned, I did not care to take out my absent phone out of my pocket. I had never met another hybrid, and until that encounter, I had lost all hope of finding one. But even after all that effort, the hybrid shut me out like he was scared if I was...

A Xliez.

That's what he was scared of. Not of a hybrid. A Xliez.

I didn't went out of my home that day. If it could be called home and if I didn't have any work. It was a plain house with one room, a bathroom with toilet attached and a small corner meant for kitchen. I laid on the bed, thinking.

Not a single person has replied seriously to my messages. I've found humans who take it as a story, Xliez who attack me at first notice but no hybrids. Either they ignore them, providing that this could be a Xliez hunting for them or the message hasn't reached yet, or...there are far more less than I had guessed.

I was almost asleep when I heard it.

A knock. And ragged breathing.

It was six in the evening. Who would be at this time? Around here, I keep my distance from the neighborhood and they returned the courtesy. And it obviously wasn't a Xliez, they have a bad habit of warning before barging in.


They have changed tactics.

My hand slowly made it's way under my socks and I unsheathed-or unsocked?-a knife.

I waited, terror clawing at my heart. But the door did not open on itself nor did it break off it's hinges.

They have finally found me...

But as the world seemed to hold it's breath, there was only the repetition of the pattern that greeted me.

And a sound.

The sound was faint but I was able to listen it. It wasn't a knock, or any sound made with the surface. There was a shuffle as a big mass leaned into it. "Please." A boy's voice. But something very very was wrong with it. "I know you're there."

I could hear his breathing. His voice sounded close to panicking. Unless that was my misinterpretion and it is a Xliez.

"I need help." There was a pause, then there was another one of that weird sound. "Please."

I heard fabric sliding against the not-so-smooth painted door. I could still hear his ragged breathing. There was no choice. Either I help someone or kill a Xliez.

I tentatively opened the door, my knife ready. (Not exactly a defensive weapon but it was all I had for the moment.)

Something tumbled towards me. I barely had time to catch it-him before he hit the ground.

It was the same boy. The one with old clothes and brown hair. I held him by the shoulders. He looked only half conscious, and grey in the face. Ther were deep gashes of wounds around his ankles, blood spilling like a waterfall. His grip on himself was surprisingly strong; he had both his arms around his knees and his head tucked between them, shaking. His face was miserable. Clutched tightly in his hands was none other than my phone. I didn't concentrate on that, instead, my eyes zeroed on his hand. They need to be healed, or else he would be infected.

I knelt, trying to bring him to a better position so that I can drag him inside.

"That's my hunt human." I heard a voice speak. And as I had looked up, fierce determination in my eyes, I could feel my appearance changing. Human to Xliez in seconds.

"See who you are calling human." I bit icily. "Now get away from here."

The Xliez gulped and ran away.

I then brought the guy in, closed the door because open doors rattled me and started cleaning the cut then appling some kind of paste I can't pronounce the name of and then bandaged it.

I let him lie on the couch and spent the day like any other until he woke up two hours later and started cowering. Unfortunately, he didn't remember coming here, or asking for my help. When I assured him that I was a hybrid, he visibly relaxed, then apologized for stealing my phone and then I told him to rest.

He told me his story in shutters. Apparently, he couldn't control his change of appearance, human to Xliez and vice versa. So, while in the midst of thieving, he'd accidentally changed to Xliez. This had caught the eyes of a Xliez on duty. For breaking secrecy laws, he had chased him away. From the sound of it, he wasn't too bad at defending himself. But, obviously, he couldn't stand against a full trained Xliez. Even I can't. He remembered our conversation that morning and had my phone, which, he'd already looked into whatever he can. This included my address.

He was the first and only hybrid I had ever met.

What to do and where to go was one of our first conversations. I didn't want to stick around here when a Xliez has already seen us. And Hendrix's place was only a few blocks away. I didn't have much to pack, my things always came from my bag and then back in it. I've learned to be ready to run away at a moments notice.

The best thing of having a companion with close ties to the thief world was that he can get me a gun.

I need a gun.

4674 words in this part

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