The billionaires secretary

By pettyson

16 0 2

His in love with his beautiful secretary but she has a boyfriend. More

The billionaires secretary

16 0 2
By pettyson

Chapter 1 - Louis Vuitton
Chapter 2 - Tope turned 20
Chapter 3 - Miss grace and Mr Adams
Chapter 4 - Steak and Grass
Chapter 5 - A trip to Paris
Chapter 6 - Surprise visit
Chapter 7 - Breakfast with boss
Chapter 8 - Family dinner
Chapter 9 - Eligible brother
Chapter 10 -End of the beginning
Chapter 11 - Am someone's boyfriend
Chapter 12 - We are dating
Chapter 13 - proposal
Chapter 14 - Introduction
Chapter 15 - Family Introduction
Chapter 16 - The wedding

Chapter 1- Louis Vuitton

James walked into the ladies boutique after searching the mull for what to buy he looked around for some jewelry but non picked his interest, he pocket his hand as he kept looking around almost forgetting he had his secretary with him, he stood in front of the shelf where beautiful and expensive shoes were placed

"Which one is the latest design?" He asked the staff, a lady who has been following his around the whole time

"We have this heel from Louis Vuitton and only two of this design are left" she showed him the black heel that looked like leather but the bottom part was made of white glass

"Let me test it" he took the heels from her and walked up to his secretary miss Grace "put this on" he ordered


"Your legs are small probably the same size as my sister's" he held her hand to a chair and made her sit, he untied the sneakers she was wearing and took it off for her

"Sir let me do it"

"Don't bother" he continued with wearing the heels on her leg "take a look in the mirror" miss grace slowly stood up and walked to the long mirror that was placed in the room, the heels looked so pretty she loved it but she didn't let it show

"Am sure your sister will like it sir" she took it off and handed it to the staff

"Should I wrap it up sir?"

"Hmm the two" he walked over to the counter and paid, the two shoes were boxed up and handed to him.

He walked out of the mull with his secretary behind him

"You need to prepare for tonight's party, you can go home I'll take it from here"

"Alright sir, see you in the evening"

"Miss Grace....have this" he stretched his hand giving her one of the shoes he brought


"See you in the evening" he walked into his car and drove off

"Are you fucken kidding me this is an expensive shoe!!" She ran back into the mull and went to the boutique

"Ma'am you're back"

"Yeah is there a way for me to return this and collect the money for it?"

"Do you have the receipt?"

"Let me check" she checked inside the bag and the boxes but there was no receipt "oh no...he took it with him"

"There is no problem Mr Adams is a regular here..I will need your account details"

"Ohh thank you so the way how much is it though?" The staff smiled and transferred the money to her, miss Grace checked her phone and gasped she covered her mouth with her hand "....1.5m".

Chapter 2- Tope turned 20

The night fell and everyone majestically walked into the Adams family mansion that was located inside an estate in Abuja, it was one of the biggest houses in the area and the light that was lit could be seen from seven streets away.

Mr Adams driver stopped right in front of the house

"We have arrived sir" he announced

Before stepping out Mr Adams noticed the shoe miss Grace was wearing

"Why didn't you wear the shoe I got you?"

" got your sister the exact same thing I thought it would be bad to wear the same shoe you got for her as a present sir"

"... right I didn't think about that.. let's go inside" they walked out of the car, miss grace wrapped her hands around his as they walked into the party room.

It was quite fancy, a lot of renowned business men and women, celebrities, politicians from all over the world were at this party, everyone kept laughing and clicking their glass as the melodious music was played in the background

"There is my brother" tope rushed to hug James

"Happy birthday"

"Thank you...I finally turned 20 today" she was excited "oh my God miss Grace you look amazing" she hugged her

"Thank you miss tope and happy birthday...a gift from me and mr Adams" she handed over a bag to her

"Oh my you didn't have to" she looked into the bag and saw a small box she opened it and saw an hand chain decorated with butter flies "wow it's so putting it on right now" she wore it on her wrist and she loved it "thank you so much miss let me check Mr Adams gift" she glanced at her brother and opened his gift box "no way... Louis Vuitton?!! I already ordered one online" she said laughing" I guess I'll have to cancel my order..thank you so much big brother I love you"

"You're welcome....where's mom and dad?"

"I think they're at the back...but I would like to steal miss Grace for a while I would like to introduce her to some eligible men"


"You're not married right, don't worry these guys are loaded with lots of money" she wrapped her hands around miss grace and dragged her away

Mr Adams walked around the part and said hi to the people he knew and he finally found his parents

" Mr and Mrs Adams" he called them

"James.. you're here" his mom gave him a hug

"I thought you weren't gonna come"

"Tope turned 20 of course I have to show up

"And miss Grace did you bring her along?"

"Yeah tope is showing her to some eligible men"

"And you allowed her?!!...aren't you eligible as well if you don't tell her how you feel on time you'll allow other men to steal her away"

"I'd rather not talk about this mom"

"Why not, you are not getting any younger?" His dad injected

After about 30 minutes tope went to say hi to her parents who were busy chatting with their friends and her older brother

"There you guys are?"

"Where is miss Grace?" James asked

"She received a phone call and went outside"

"Uhm I'll have to excuse myself for a while" James said and walked away

"He obviously likes her" his mom said feeling pleased

"Likes who?" Tope asked

"You are so slow you know, you didn't know your brother has feelings for Grace?"

"What?!!!...why didn't he tell me?"

"You know how he can be when it comes to women..his good with business but terrible with women"

"Oh no and she already has like 6 pending guys waiting for her...I even gave them her number!" Tope was feeling frustrated.

Mr Adams walked out of the party and saw grace sitting on the stairs while talking to someone on the phone she was smiling and giggling, he stood there and watched her

"I miss you so much...don't worry after the party we'll do a 2 hour voice call" she smiled

"That if your boss doesn't call you in the middle of it"

"Oh come know I have to keep my job"

" Miss Grace" Mr Adams called

"My love I have to go, I'll call you later bye!" She cut the call "yes sir" he glanced at her phone and  pocketed his hand

"Who was that?"

" boyfriend sir"

"You have a boyfriend?"


"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh! I..I didn't know you were interested in my personal life"

"Oh right! long has it been?"

"7 will be 8 in four months time"

"7..7 years?" She nodded " should go back inside, my mom was asking about you"

"Alright sir"

They walked back into the party

"Mrs Adams" she called James mom

"My dear" they hugged each other "you look stunning my love"

"So do you...I love your dress"

"Thank's from Paris"

"Wow!, well Paris should be thankful that this masterpiece was worn by you, you are the true beauty in the dress"

"Oh you and your flatters... hope you're enjoying the party"

"Yes I am...please excuse me I want to say hi to Mr Adams"

"Oh! go he has been waiting" Grace excused herself "so did you find out who she was talking to?"

"Yeah...her 7 years boyfriend mom"

"7?... it's not that bad you just have to wait for the right moment for them to break up"

"Mom come on"

"What's come on.... I like her, do you really want to miss a good girl like her because of some 7 years relationship....she doesn't have a ring on her hand means she's still single....girls like to have two options and you can be the second option"

".....are you really my mom?"

"If am not then where did you get your good looks from.... it's definitely not from your dad" they both laughed.

Chapter 3 miss Grace and Mr Adams

The next morning miss Grace arrived at work and quickly ran over the files she has to submit to Mr Adams this morning, once that was settled she brought out her breakfast green salad and raw fish , with avocado and lime blended mix, that was her usual breakfast she eats before mr Adams gets to work

"Good morning sir" she created as he walked in

"Good morning miss Grace" he dropped  a bag on her counter "do not return them this time" he walked into his office, miss grace took the bag and brought out the box that was inside she opened it and saw the shoe she had returned before

"How did he know?" She asked herself, she wondered if the staff at the boutique had told him she dusted the thought away, after a few minutes she took the files and entered his office

She walked up to his desk and placed the files on it

"Here you go sir"

"You sent me money?" He asked

"Ah! Yes...for the shoe I returned...It would be unfair"

"I already sent it back to you, keep it"

"But sir..."

"It's yours anyways why return it"

"Thank you so much sir"

"Am hungry"

"What would you like to eat?"

"Hmm... I am in the mood for amala and cow intestine"

"Right away sir" she walked out of his office and came back after a few seconds, she placed a small plate on his table

"Cake?" He asked

"It's from your sister's birthday, I noticed you didn't have any yesterday so I kept some for you"

"How thoughtful, thanks"

She walked out of his office and went to sit on her desk

"How can he just dash out 1.5m just like that, it's like double of my salary" she was happy and glad he didn't collect the money back though.

Miss Grace went and brought the amala he wanted, there was a dinning table for four people in his office she placed the food there, Mr Adams took off his jacket and rinsed his hand inside a bowl, miss Grace dished up the amala inside one plate she added ewedu and gbegiri and then soup and meat and intestines

"Two amala is enough you can throw the rest away"

"Throw??!!!" Miss grace shouted without realizing

"You only ever eat salad so I thought you won't be able to eat this?"

"Oh...then I will throw it somewhere safe" she covered the food up and walked out of the office

She went to her desk

"Amala that is hot like this he wants me to throw it away, and it smells so I will eat this one oo, what concern me concern diet" she opened the food and mixed the soup together and began to eat she enjoyed every bite, it's been a while since she had eaten confirm food like this she really missed the feeling, once she was done she threw the plate away, Washed her hand and cleaned her mouth and re-touched her makeup.

She focused on her work genuinely once she was done with the necessary things of the day she decided to chat a little, luckily her boyfriend was online, she kept smiling as she chatted with him she was completely lost in the conversation she didn't notice Mr Adams was standing behind her desk

"Miss grace?!!" He called

"Oh my!... Yes sir"

"I want you to photocopy this for me" he handed her an A4 paper that has words written on it, she took it from him and faced the photocopy machine behind her, Mr Adams took this moment to glance at her phone he saw the name she used to save her boyfriend number "my love" this made him feel a little heartbroken but he didn't lose faith

"Here you go sir" she was done

"Thanks...uhm miss Grace"

"Yes sir"

"Do you have plans for tonight?"

"Hmmm no sir"

"Okay then let's have dinner together"

"Like a date?"

"Hmm..yeah.. like a date"

"Okay" she smiled



"Ah thank God"

"Why sir?"

"I thought you were gonna say no"

"See it as me repaying you back for the money you gave me"

"..the money? don't have to repay me back"

"But I want to"

"Repay in a different way...okay"

"Ok sir"

Mr Adams noticed the stain of oil on her cloth which means she ate the food he chuckled and walked back into his office

"Why did he smile like that?" She took a mirror to look at herself and saw the oil stain she felt so embarrassed.

         Chapter 4 - steak and grass

Miss Grace went to change her clothes and went to the location Mr Adams sent her, it was one of the biggest restaurants at a five star hotel, she spotted the table from afar and walked up to him, he raised his head he was speechless every single time she always wowed him with her outstanding beauty and dressing style, she was wearing a nude colour gown that brought out her curves and assets

"Sorry am late sir" she said after sitting down

"It's look amazing"

" too" she returns the compliment

"Good evening ma'am, Good evening sir can I take your orders?"

"I want a plain salad with avocado and egg..thank you"

"What about you sir"

"..steak, lobster, grilled fish and wine please and if you have pasta I would like that as well"

"Right away sir" he walked away

"I had no idea you eat a lot"

"It's not for me alone"

"Is someone joining us?"

"No!...but what kind of a person orders salad when a billionaire offers to buy her dinner?"

"Was i being weird?"

"Not only ever eat grass why?"

"I am watching my weight" Mr Adams glanced at her body

"I don't see anything wrong with your body"

"Yes but my body react to fat very I try avoid eating anything that has fat in them"

"One small dinner won't make you fat over night you know"

"Am not taking any chances"

"Well you will have to take chances tonight cause you're not eating just grass In front of me" the waiter brought the food and placed it on the table, and also opened the wine and poured it inside their glass

"Enjoy your dinner" he bowed and walked away

Mr Adams and miss Grace stared at the foods on the table for a while then glanced at each other and smiled

"Which one should we eat first?" He asked

"I'll eat my salad first"

"Then I'll eat my steak" he picked the knife and fork and cut the steak into half and placed the other half on her plate

Mr Adams succeeded in making miss grace eat a lot of food, once the dinner was over he dropped her off at home and went home.

Miss Grace arrived at the office the next day,she had her usual breakfast and was ready for work

"Good morning sir" she greeted as he walked in

"Good morning miss Grace how was your night?"

"It was fine sir" she replied with a smile

Mr Adams walked into his office and went over his schedule for the morning, looks like he was gonna be less busy for today, the thought of it made him happy.

Miss Grace walked into his office to submit some files to him

"Are you prepared for our trip tomorrow?"

"Yes sir"

"Our flight leaves by 6 in the morning"

"Alright sir....uhm sir what would you like to eat today?"

"KFC chicken and a cup of ice coffee please"

"Right away sir"

"Are you wearing a stomach gaddle?" He asked as he was scrolling through the files she gave him

"It shows?...the food I ate yesterday made my stomach puff out"

"Really?" She nodded and turned to leave the room ".....wait!!" Miss grace paused in her tracks and turned to face him

Mt Adams gave her a seductive look he scanned her whole body as he kept tapping on his desk, he gazed at her intensively and stood up he slowly walked towards her without breaking his sharp gaze, he placed his hand on her waist and pulled her closer


"Relax.." he moved his hand under her gown and lifted it up above her waist he leaned in forward like he wanted to kiss her and unbuttoned the stomach gaddle miss grace let out a sharp breath, he pulled her dress back down

"There you go much better.... your stomach is already flat enough...miss grace"

"....can I have it back?" She summoned the courage to ask

"No! keeping it, you can go now" miss grace nervously walked out of his office she let out the breath she didn't know she was holding.

She went to buy the KFC chicken and ice coffee he asked for she arranged them on his dinning table

"You can eat now sir"

"Did I make you uncomfortable?"

"Hmm a little"

"Am sorry I didn't mean to" he moved closer to her pocketing his hand "so you've never been naked in front of a guy before" miss grace slowly Shaked her head "wow!...what has your boyfriend been doing?"

"We never had the chance to...his working in the united states for the past 3 years now, have not seen him since"

"And you're okay with that?"

"What choice do I have"

"I hope you don't mind that I am asking you questions"

"No it's fine sir"

"You can leave now" she bowed and walked out, his eyes didn't leave her body as she did.

       Chapter 5 A trip to Paris

The trip to Paris was quite long as they finally arrived at night, Mr Adams booked a suite for both of them, grace was escorted to her room she couldn't believe how big and beautiful the room was she jumped on the bed several times

" on this type of bed would be amazing!!" she said to herself as her phone suddenly rang "yes sex!! I mean yes sir"

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah I'm just a little tired"

"Well get some rest we have an early business meeting tomorrow"

"Yes sir you too" he cut the call, miss Grace continues to roll on the bed.

The next morning they both got dressed and head to the company in which they had a business meeting with, miss grace put on a white body hug gown and a wine spotywave wig she looked amazing, Mr Adams went with his usual black suit

They sat majestically on the table where the meeting was to be held

"Good morning Mr Adams" a young woman greet "muah! Muah!" She kissed his cheeks "this is mr floater his my business partner"

"Nice to meet you" the men Shaked each other

"And she is miss Grace my business accompanist"

"Nice to meet you miss grace"

"Same here" they Shaked each other hand

"Let's have a sit" they all sat down

"Why did you ask us to meet you at a restaurant?" Mr Adams asked

"This is one of the best restaurants to hold a business meeting...I hope you don't mind"

"Not at all?"

"So you say you want to be part of our project in Africa the one for homeless children who are given the opportunity to find a new home"

"Yes am very interested in that project... building an orphanage and helping kids get a new home"

"With a renowned business man like you we have no much exactly do you plan on donating to us?" Mr floater said

"I'll start with a small amount of 100million dollars, will that be okay"

"Certainly but we do have one issue though, according to our research online you're not married yet is that true?"

" there a problem with that?"

"We don't involve single investors...we are talking about finding a home for children here, investors who actually have a home are the ones that can find a good home  for the children if you understand what am saying"

"Does it really matter...his willing to invest a lot of money" miss grace interfered

"Yes it does... it's the way we work"

"Do I have to actually be married?"

"Not necessarily, you can be engaged or in a relationship as long as you're not single..are you in any relationship?"

Mr Adams glanced at miss grace and nodded "hmm I am"

"That's good then...who is she exactly? I would like to put her name in the record"

He took miss grace hand and held it "she's right here" he said surprising everyone including his miss grace

"You're dating your sectary?" Mr floater said

"Is there a way for you guys to prove that you're actually dating?"

"Will a kiss be okay?" Mr Adams asked

"Sure why not?"

Mr Adams and miss Grace stood up he moved closer to her and grabbed her cheeks he stared deep into her eyes

"Sorry about this" he whispered to her

"It's fine" she whispered back

He then leaned in slowly and  kissed her, Mr floater took a picture, but they didn't stop kissing he went in hard and intense

"You can both stop now" they didn't listen and after awhile they finally stopped

"Wow you both must be madly in love" Mr floater teased

Mr Adams sat back down as miss grace was about to sit her gaze fell on her boyfriend who has been standing there the whole time, she was shocked but she couldn't react she had to sit back down like nothing happened until Mr Adams signed the contract, once he sighed it they both greeted each other goodbye, shortly after miss Grace went to look for her boyfriend she searched around the restaurant until she found him

"Israel!!" She called, he slowly turned to face her "how come you're here?" She asked him

"Why? Is this what you do when I am not here?"

"I was working"

"And you do your job perfectly well.."

"First explain to me how you're here in Paris"

"When you told me you were coming, I took a leave from my boss so I could come and see you but I see you were already into someone else"

"You know that's not true! His my boss what we did was because of business"

"Business? If he had asked you to take off your pants instead would you have done that!!"

"...oh maybe I would, maybe i should have... you're acting like I committed a big crime, what about you ugh...what about those girls you had sex with, the ones you went to the bar with and kissed did I ever complain about anything to you"

"So are you getting your revenge?"

"Of course not"

"At least you weren't there to see it....I watched another man make out with you, do you know how horrible that feels!!!"

"Do not shout at me!!! Did you know how terrible I felt when you told me about all those things you do, despite everything I still stayed with you!! Because I love you"

"Did you kiss him because you love me?...answer me!!!...... you're a whore as well aren't you?.. you're probably sleeping with him "

"How dare you?!!"

"Mr Israel...pleased to finally meet you"

"Talk about level of shamelessness"

"You can either continue to drag this issue or you have to pay a fine of 10m for my staff's mental stability which you have just disrupted"


"If you cannot settle this without raising your voice and calling her names then you'll have to either get arrested or pay up"

"Are you being serious now?!!...who the hell do you think you are?"

"The name is James Adams, am a multi billionaire nephew to the president of Nigeria and you know what that means can be given serious court charges if you make me angry"

"So this is who you choose over me,a wealthy wretched man"

"Watch the way you speak to my boss...and I never want to speak to you ever again... let's go sir" they both walked away.

          Chapter 6 Surprise visit

They boarded the plane back to Nigeria, they both sat on the plane quietly but Mr Adams could still see how unhappy she looked

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Hmm yes sir"

"I hope I wasn't too harsh on him?"

"No sir...I should be thanking you instead, I can't believe that bastard would call me..."

"You can take the day off tomorrow to relax at home"

"No sir it's fine"

"No I Insist...there is really not much to do anyways and beside we have another trip very soon...we're going to India so prepare"

"Yes sir"

The next day miss Grace prepared rice and vegetable soup, she was almost done cooking when her door bell suddenly rang

"Who is it?" She went to open the door Mr Adams was standing there holding two nylons "sir?!"

"Can I come in?" His eyes suddenly glanced through her boobs she was not wearing a bra and it looked bigger than usual, miss grace noticed that, she covered them with her arm

"You can come" she rushed to the room and quickly put on a tub to pack her breast a little

"Where you cooking?"

"Ah!...yes" she went to the kitchen and turn of the gas and came back to sit

"Rice and efo!"

"Grass again?!!" Miss Grace chuckled

"What did you bring?" She opened the nylon "KFC smells so good and malt how many malt did you buy?"

"10 is it too small?" Miss grace took one and opened it to drink

"Wow it's so cold...but...why the surprise visit?"

"I was worried about you...but you seem to be doing fine"

"Of course..this is not the first time we've broken up, am sure it will take a while but we'll get back together" she took a bite from the chicken

"You must really love, you keep going back to him"

"Hmmm...I don't think love is the right word, I would rather say  committed he might act very annoying sometimes but..his a really nice guy...and besides it's not like I have a choice his the only guy in my life right now"

"...what about me?"


"Am also in your life and am a guy"


"My mom really like you and my dad too even tope...and me as not asking for an answer right now I just wanted you know about my feelings for you"

"... you're not a very good man sir any lady will be lucky to have you..but am not sure I can be that lady, I mean am just a secretary and we are way too different in educational aspect and money aspect we're not compatible at all...why would you even like a girl like me you should like someone who can matches your standard..sir" Mr Adams smirked

"....rice and efo you said?...I would like to have some"

"Sure.. right away sir!"

"And one more thing miss grace...I choose to like you for who you are I don't care about those things you mentioned, you shouldn't think of yourself that way either.."

"... alright sir" she smiled and went to dish up the food and came back "here you go"

"It looks amazing" he took a spoon full "you are good at a lot of things miss grace, this taste amazing"

"Am glad you like it"

Once they were done eating they drank malt and did a little chitchat

"We're having a family dinner the day after tomorrow my mom asked me to bring you along"

"Bring me to a family dinner...what would I be doing"

"You still have to come or she might just kill me"

"Of course" she said laughing.

   Chapter 7- Breakfast with boss

Miss grace arrived at the office the next morning she was dressed in a white gown and black bob wig she also did a little touch of make up.

"Am quite early today" she said to herself as she arranged her desk, she looked down at her stomach "oh no I shouldn't have eaten that chicken my stomach is now big again...I need my stomach gaddle" she suddenly remembered Mr Adams took it the last time "I wonder if it's in his office" she decided to take a look, Mr Adams was not yet on seat so she had a good chance to look around

His office was quite big, she kept searching every locker but she couldn't find it

"Where could it be?"

"Miss Grace" Mr Adams called, she didn't notice when he walked into the room

"...ah..yes sir"

"Did you lose something?"

"Hmm...I was looking for the gaddle you took the last time"

"Oh! I took it home"

"Ugh! Why?..sir"

"Something like that shouldn't be kept in an office don't you think"

"Hmm you're right..but I really needed it"

"Why? To suffocate yourself again?...if you're really worried about losing belly fat why don't you try the gym" he walked towards his desk

"I don't have the time to go to the always occupied with work even on weekends"

"Are you complaining?" Miss grace slowly nodded "..too bad I wanted to see your face everyday that was why I made you work on weekends...but since you need a break you can have the weekends to yourself from now on" miss Grace covered her mouth with her hand

"Thank you so much sir" she had a bright smile on her face

"Geez are you that happy?"

"Very very...oh by the way sir what would you like for breakfast?"

"Hmm...the board meeting is later in the afternoon so am  free for the morning...let's have breakfast together"

"Ugh..what about the other staff's sir?"

"What about them it's not like we're committing a crime...let's go"

They both went to the nearby cafe they were about to start eating when  a staff approached them

"Good morning sir"

"Mr Michael good morning"

"I see you're not having breakfast in your office today sir"

"I needed a little frash air"

"Oh I see.. enjoy your meal..miss Grace" he bowed and walked away

"Are you feeling embarrassed?" He asked seeing the grimace she pulled

"....hmm I'll be the office topic for the next two weeks"

"Aren't you always the topic because you're my secretary?"

"Hmm...I even have a lot of enemies because of that...but that is so different Mr Michael might think I am seducing you or something"

"You seduced my heart and now it's trapped"

"Your sense of humor is odd sir" mr Adams burst out smiling

"Your food will get cold, you should eat up"

They head back to the office after they were done, they both walk into the office together when Miss Grace's phone suddenly rang the ID caller was  "My love"

"You finally decided to call" Mr Adams turned to face her he could already tell who it was

"My love am know how I hate to see you with other men"

Miss grace looked at Mr Adams who was obviously feeling jealous she could tell how sincere his feelings for her is and she didn't want to hurt him "Sorry...can't talk now my boss needs me" she cut the call

"Why did you hang up? I thought you were waiting for his call"

"...I was but...I don't feel like talking to him right now"

"Are you feeling alright?...sit down" she sat on the sofa and he sat on the table "if he calls again you should talk to him"

"Sir...have you ever dated before?"

" why?"

"Then I guess you might not understand how I am feeling right now"

"If you make me understand I might"

"When he called just now....he didn't sound sorry at all..maybe because he knew if he just apologized I would forget about it and things will go back to the way they were"

"What exactly do you want?"

"........I don't know, I just know that I don't want to talk to him right now, that annoying animal"

"You can talk to me instead or do you want to be alone" miss grace Shaked her head

"...I like seeing your face sir" Mr Adams smirked

"Same here" he glanced at her lips"....can I kiss you?...I want to kiss you so badly"

"Wouldn't that make my lips hurt?" She teased, Mr Adams moved closer to her and placed a soft kiss on her lips then he went in harder he pushed her back to hit the chair and continued to kiss her intensively Mr Adams did not stop biting her lips he enjoyed every single moment of it and so did she.

       Chapter 8 Family dinner

A long table was set in the Adams family house it was decorated with different delicacies from the Yoruba culture everyone gathered around to eat including miss grace and Mr Adams

"Let's start by clicking our glass to a new start" James dad said raising his glass in the air everyone clicked their glasses together

"New start of what?" Miss grace whispered in Mr Adams ears

"My uncle just had his second child with his seventh wife" he whispered back to her

"You mean Mr president?" He nodded

"Is something wrong my dear?" James aunty Mrs temi asked

"No ma"

"You kept whispering something to each other I thought something was wrong"

"No ma...everything is fine"

"Temi leave her alone... she's probably feeling shy" James mom said

"Of course it's not easy to land a job like this where you get to sit with the president of your country and his must be filled with lots of emotions at the moment....I hope you don't mind my curiosity but how old are you?"

"You don't have to answer that if you're not comfortable" James injected

"James!! How dare you?!"

"My apologies aunty temi"

"I just wanted to know if she was qualified to be your woman...I heard the both you might end up together so I was curious...if you can't answer that then fine, what school did you graduate from?"

"Weldious ma"

"What did you study?"

"Business administration ma"

"Did you attain a master's degree?"

"Not yet ma"

"Not yet what is stopping you"

"I want to make a lot of money first, I have younger ones that i am sponsoring abroad at the moment so I can't afford to leave my job"

"But you've been working with my Adams here for two years now haven't you saved enough money"

"Not yet ma"

"She did not attain a master degree there is no way she is suitable for a guy who graduated from oxford university"

"Temiloluwa you did not even go to university yet you're condemning someone else"

"Carry microphone and tell everyone"

"Just allow the girl to eat in peace that's what I'm saying"

"So are you guys officially dating?"

"Not yet...I already asked her and she's yet to give me an answer"

"Are you kidding me...miss grace you are quite arrogant, how dare you keep him waiting other girls would never miss an opportunity like this"

"That's because she doesn't see me as an opportunity you still have more questions?"

" am done" she took a sip from her wine

"Miss Grace I accept as my sister whether you date my brother or not" tope who was sitting next to her said

"I also accept you I can sponsor your siblings to a bigger school if you want and even buy you a house and a car anything or do you want your own estate you ask me for anything, just don't turn James down" James dad said

"You are very kind sir...but I don't need any of those things"

"Are you trying to bribe her or something... she's already part of the family so just give it to her without her sure she won't turn James down you two look so good together"

"What in the world is wrong with you all? Do you even know her well?" Mrs temi injected

"If they don't know her well do you think they will be this free with guys should not pay attention to her she's always jealous of young lovers" Mr president finally intervained

"You and my sister are really really the worst..I need to relieve my stress, I am going for a spa....the lunch was good...oh and miss Grace you and I still need to talk you must attain your master degree before the end of next year understood"

"Yes ma!"

After the lunch Mr Adams decided to show miss grace around he took her to his old room where he grew up

"Wow... it's really big"

"It's very scary at night and quite lonely"

"Was that how it felt when you sleep here"

"Hmm I usually sleep with my mom and dad until I turned 15 but it was scary and very lonely I tried sleeping in my sister's room but she would kick me out each time"

"You must have been desperate"

"I got used to it...when I turned 19 I moved to the USA to study and after that I never came back... it's still exactly the way I left it"

"You must have liked toys a lot... there are lots of action figures...even spiderman"

"Most of them were actually birthday gifts since I was a boy everyone would assume I like action figures...but I never played with them I was not interested in toys like this"

"What type of toys do you like?"

"....books I love reading so I expected books as gifts but no one ever gives me a book"

"Why would they it's absurd to want a book as a toy, especially when you're the son of a tycoon"

" the way sorry about aunty temi she can be a little annoying sometimes"

"Not at all...I am sure she's just looking out for think she's annoying you should see my aunty I won't be able to eat a spoon if she was the one questioning me" James smiled

"That reminds you've never said anything about your family mom or dad?"

"I don't have a dad  and mom she's chopping the head of her life in Canada and my aunty is also in sister is in turkey and the rest are here in Abuja"

"Are they old enough to live alone?"

"Yeah I visit sometimes but it's been a while"

"Let's visit them tomorrow...I want to see them"

" sure they'll be shocked"


"Have never brought a man home before"

"You had a boyfriend for 7 years and they didn't know" miss grace nodded "what a bad sister you are"

"I felt it wasn't necessary... I'll introduce you as my boss tomorrow"

"No introduce me as your friend, I'd prefer that"

"......alright sir"

"And please can you just call me James when we're alone"

"Am not sure I can"

"If you call me sir I won't answer you"

"What about Mr Adams?"

"It sounds like you're calling my dad... just call me James"

"Okay.... James" they both smiled

   Chapter 9 - Eligible brother

They walked back outside to have dessert Everyone ate their desert quietly and soon everyone departed.

Mr Adams drove down to his house with miss grace

"You remember where your room is right?" He asked as soon as they got inside

"I do"

"Are you hungry? Should I make something?"

"No! just tired" he moved closer to her and grabbed her cheeks and kissed her

"Good night Grace"

"Good night..James"

She took her shower and found some clothes she had left behind she Turk into bed and went online she took pictures of the room and herself and posted it on her status, she also checked her boyfriend DM he had dropped over 20 messages for her she had the urge to read them but she didn't want to so she just ignored it and slept off.

The next morning she woke up early to make breakfast for Mr Adams, she made toasted bread and fried egg with sausage and hot coffee

"Good morning grace"

"Good morning sir...I mean James"

"It smells heavenly in here"

"I made breakfast" she dished up and served him

"Let's eat together" she dished up for herself and sat next to him

"Did you sleep well?" He asked

" a baby"

"I couldn't sleep"


"I kept thinking about you...the picture you posted yesterday was really cute I couldn't stop staring at it"

"You're flattering me James"

"Remember we're visiting your siblings today you better not take back your words"

"Hmm I already told them..they sounded really excited"

"We should stop by at a mull and buy things for them..what do you think they like?"

"Lots of money"


"They prefer money to receiving of gifts..but if you really want to give them something then ice cream and cake sounds nice"

"Ice cream and cake... I'll get them any of them old enough to have a car"

" of them turned 18 this year...but you can't get her a car"

"Why not?"

"It will give her too much freedom...I could have gotten her a car but I didn't want to I know my sister to well"

"Okay then I'll just go with the ice cream and cake"

They arrived at the house miss grace rented for her sisters, Mr Adams carried the  things they bought on their way coming

Miss grace knocked on the door and one of her sisters named Mary came to open the door

"Sister grace has arrived!!" She rushed back into the house to inform everyone

"Big sis!!" They all hugged her

"How have you all been?"

"We are doing he the one?" Faith the oldest one asked

"Hi everyone I am Grace friend"  they all sat in the living room

"Just a friend?" Faith asked

"This is the first time she's bringing a man to the house I don't think they're just friends" mercy said

"We can be more than friends if you guys want" Mr Adams said

"You're good looking but we have to see if your bank account is handsome as well...we don't want our sister to suffer" faith said

"Alright then...give your account number let me show how handsome my bank account is"

"James no....she hasn't even welcomed you yet...will you not serve your visitor"

"I'll be right back" mercy went to the kitchen to get soft drinks

"You guys didn't"

"I was angry at haven't visited in two months how do you expect me to cook for someone like don't interrupt us anymore your friend was saying something, should I still call my account my number?" Mr Adams nodded she called it and he transferred money to her, she checked her phone and covered her mouth with her hand after seeing the money  "....I approve of your relationship, you can marry my sister you pass!!"

"What about us?" Mercy asked

"How about you introduce yourself first" grace was feeling embarrassed for her sisters

"No it's fine we can get to know each other as we talk...I got you guys ice cream and cake I hope that's okay"

"Ice cream!!" Mary checked the nylon and brought out the ice cream, she rushed to the kitchen to get a spoon

"Looks like she loves ice cream"  Adams was amazed at how fast she was

"Her name is mary, she's 14 and that one is mercy she's 16 and the oldest among them faith she's 18" miss grace introduced them to him

"You all have pretty names...nice to meet you"

"Am very happy to meet you brother in law" faith said happily

"You haven't given me something so I still don't like you" mercy said

"You girls are unbelievable" miss Grace complained

"It's fine...mercy let me have  your account number " mercy called her account number and he sent her money

"3 million!!!" She shouted

"Sorry it's small"

"James that money is too much"

"They're girls they'll need money for a lot of you know how much my sister's allowance was when she was 15"

"Your sister is different"

"Well they are my sister's now so there's no difference, so you agree with me dating your sister"

"Yes!!" They all shouted

They spent the day talking and getting to know each other the girls were really getting found of James as time passed Mary fell asleep, James had to carry inside cause she fell asleep on his laps, he returned back in the middle of a conversation miss grace was having with faith

"You graduated last year for goodness sake!!"

"But I am still young...I don't want to go to school"

"Then what do you want to do with your life, waste it all away!!"

"I want to travel around and see the world"

"No...I have a better idea I'll open a shop for you  in front of the house, you'll be selling bags of rice and  garri, you can travel around the world once you've saved enough money"

"Wow you already have a full prove plan on how to ruin my life"

"You're the one that wants to ruin your life"

"Faith why don't you want to go to college?" Mr Adams asked

"I don't like Nigerian schools...I want to school abroad but my elder sister is in turkey, my mom is in Canada and my aunty is in the united states, I have already run out of options"

"Then what about UK?"

"Never... I'd rather go to the Philippines"

"Then go.... Philippines has good schools"

"Never...I don't like their language...I want to go to an English speaking school"

"James you can see how confused she is.... you know what I will do I will just pick a school and force you to go"

"Then I'd rather study here in Nigeria!!"

"Even better I don't have to waste money... I'll help you process a good School"

"Mr James...what school did you attend?"


"Wow!!...your family must really be loaded, but I bet you didn't come out as first class right?"

"If there was something better than first class then it would have been mine"

" must be very smart then, unlike my sister her beauty and body is all she has"

"You disrespectful brat"

"Whatever...I'll search online for a good schools I can go to and send it to you but am never ever schooling in Nigeria"

"....whatever...James we should leave now... it's already getting late"

"Let me see you both out" they all walked out of the house

"I'll come visit again" James said

"Please do.. I'll cook for you next time...big sister see you in two months"

"Ungrateful child" she said as she entered the car, the car engine started and drove off

"Annoying skinny woman" she said before walking back into the house

"They left?...but I was cooking noodles"

"You didn't tell them you were cooking how would they have known"

"I wanted to surprise him by showing my appreciation"

"We can eat it together"

"By the way how much did he give"

".... 5 million"

"Wow! Is it really that easy to just give someone that kind of money?"

"They are people who are really rich and that type of money means nothing to least now I can change my wardrobe"

"Me too!! I can buy new wigs!" They were both very happy.

Chapter 10 End of the beginning

The next grace prepared a feist she was almost done setting the table when James walked down the stairs

"Wow...did you even sleep at all?" He was surprised

"I wanted to show my gratitude for what you did for my sister's yesterday"

"You didn't have to, jollof rice, toasted chicken, salad, fried rice, fruit salad and fried fish" he said as he opened each of the plates

Grace sat him down and dished up for him she also dished up for herself

"This tastes amazing but you really didn't have to"

"Just accept it this is the best I can do anyways" a message suddenly popped up on her phone ".. unbelievable"

"What's wrong?"

"Faith is asking me for your number"

"Give it to her"

"No way, she's going to be disturbing you"

"My sister disturbs me all the time I don't mind adding one more"

"Ok if you say so" Mr Adams slowly paused and looked at grace who was busy eating

"By the way...I know I said I'll wait but...when will you give me an answer to what I told you about my feelings for you"

" sorry...I forgot you were waiting...I just have some unfinished business I promise to give you an answer today, just wait a little longer"

"Okay...I can do that"

"But I have to go home for now I'll be back later"

"Why?...did something happen?"

"No I just want to clean up and take care of some things that's all don't worry"

"Alright then".

Miss Grace went home and did a little cleaning once she was done she talked to her boyfriend over the phone about them breaking up for good

"We really tried our best to stay together...but I guess we're not meant to be" grace said feeling a little emotional

"Am sorry, you deserve all the happiness in the world, I guess it's time to let you go for good"

"Good bye Israel I wish you all the best"

"Same here I hope you remain happy" miss grace cut the call and let out a breath, finally she didn't have any reason not to date mr Adams.

It was quite late at night Mr Adams was eagerly waiting for miss grace to arrive he could no longer contain his anxiousness

"You're still awake" she said as she walked in  carrying a bag, mr Adams slowly turned to face her

She was dressed really beautifully he had almost forgotten how beautiful she was but she reminded him again

"....I couldn't sleep" he pocketed his hand

"Do you want me to give you an answer now?"

"Have been anxiously waiting for it" he slowly moved closer to her "let me ask you properly.....will you accept my feelings for you and be my girlfriend?"

"....there is nothing I want more than to be yours James"

"...thank you" he hugged her happily and slowly pulled away he held her cheeks and  kissed her, miss Grace dropped the bag she was holding and wrapped her arms around him.

The kissing became more intensifying James  lifted her From the ground and matched upstairs without breaking the kiss he kept kissing her all that way up, once they got to the bedroom he placed her on the bed

He kissed her so passionately holding her hands down on the bed, then he took off her gown and his shirt he got down from the bed and opened a small cabinet he took out the condom and wore it he was bare naked in front of her he moved between her laps and kissed her then slowly took off her pants and gave her a soft kiss on her stomach and moved to her upper body continue to kiss her neck down to the Middle of her boobs he kept kiss her until she was completely wet, he used his hand to feel her pussy once it was wet enough he leaned in and kissed her hard before putting his dick in her pussy grace moaned loudly as he kept stroking her, he went in and out as gentle and passionate as ever every stroke let a moan out of grace mouth, she wrapped her hands around his back as she wanted more and more and James made sure he satisfied her to her highest level.

  Chapter 11 Am someone boyfriend

The ray of sun fell on grace face as she slowly opened and stretched her arms under the duvet she sat up right as she used the duvet to cover her body

"Good morning Grace" James crawled on the bed and kissed her  "freshen up I made breakfast" he got off the bed and walked out of the room, grace was completely embarrassed.

She got out of bed and took her bath she wore the cloth James had chosen for once she was done she walked downstairs still feeling a little shy, James already set the tables with lots of delicacies

"Have this" he handed her a glass of juice  "it helps boost your strength after sex"

"Hm....Thank you" he took her hand and exported her to the dining

"I made healthy food" he dishes up for her and watched her eat it was obvious she was still feeling shy "it was really tight..." Grace choked on the drink she was having  "easy easy, are you alright?" He asked while tapping her back

"Hmm...I am, thank you"

"I was talking about the bag of rice I had them deliver this morning it was really tight, it took me about 10 minutes to get it to open"

"Ohh i see"

"You look a little flushed, are you feeling shy?"

".....a little"

"Cute, you should eat up you need to recover your strength" he said adding more eggs on her plate.

Once they were both done eating they both laid on the coach staring at each other

It took over 10 minutes they didn't say a single word they just kept staring at each other

"Are we going to keep staring at each other?" grace asked breaking the silence

"I still can't believe you're finally mine...There is something have always wanted to do when I finally have a girlfriend"

"What is that?"

James took her down to the mull

"Show off my money" he said as they walked in

"Welcome sir" one of the staff greated

"I would like to buy your latest designer of clothes, shoes and purses for my girlfriend" he pointed to grace who was pulling a fake smile she really hates spending to much money

"James I don't need any of those things I have a lot at home" she said to him

"You will need more.... give me the clothes from this role down to that side over there" he pointed at the extreme end of the shop, then he moved to the shoe area they had a lot of beautiful shoes  "I'll take all the shoe"

"All the shoes can't be my size!"

"Then just dash them out....I would like the purses as well"

Once the staff were done loading the purchase good into his car James leaned on the car acting cool

"Is your boyfriend cool or what?"

"Show off!" She entered the car, he got into the car as well  "this time we're doing my shopping"

"Yes ma'am"  they drove down to a store "we're buy groceries?" He asked before coming out of the car

"We need to restock the fridge....let's go my boyfriend!"

"Am someone's boyfriend" he said happily and ran to catch up with her

James kept driving the cart around as grace was confused on what to buy

"You acted like you knew why you were here" he said feeling bored

"Of course I do but they sell cabbage at 2000, in the Market it's 400 and if am able to price it well 250" James burst out laughing "why are you laughing?"

"You're acting very cute right looks like I have to do the shopping if not we won't be able to buy anything here today" James began to pick the necessary things they would need, he paid and they finally got out of the store

"I'll return the money"

"You don't have too, In the bible it says the man has to provide allow me do my job" grace chuckled.

Chapter 12- we are dating

The following week at office miss grace sat behind her desk gathering the company sales data she was focused not to make any mistake but Mr Adams couldn't help himself he kept looking at her from the window next to his office door, he shifted the cotton slightly so she won't notice

Mr Adams walked out of his office holding a paper

"Miss Grace can you brief me about this goods" he sat on her desk and stretched the paper, but on that paper was a small note that says "I love you" miss grace saw and blushed

"It's the same as usual sir" she said loudly so the staff in the other room won't get any funny ideas

"I see.." he winked at her "once you're done here meet in my office so we can analyze them together" he was caressing her hand

"Yes sir"She pulled her hand away, Mr Adams walked back into his office.

Few minutes later she walked into his office Mr Adams gave a tight embrace

"I think we were being too obvious"

"Are you afraid they'll suspect we're dating?"


"Are you embarrassed of me?" He asked

"Of course not, I just don't want to be the topic for everyone"

"We can't hide it forever, I already told my mom"


"They've prepared a small dinner for you so we have to leave early today" miss Grace wrapped her hands around his waist and placed her head on his chest

"Is Mrs temi going to be there?"

"Why, are you afraid of her?"

"For some reason yes"

"Don't worry, no extended family"

"Then I better wear my best dress"

"You look good no matter what you wear my crazily hot girlfriend"

"Wow your sense of humor has changed for the better I am impressed" she said laughing.

Miss Grace entered the main staff room to submit the data she has gathered to the manager but the moment she worked in everyone went silent and they kept their gaze on her it was odd but she didn't act like she cared

"I came to give you this Mr Michael" she handed him the files

"Oh thank you miss grace I was expecting this"

"Is everything alright, everyone looks a bit on the edge?" She asked the manager

"Well you see...miss titilope saw you hugging Mr Adams in the office just now and she told everyone, am sure they are all curious about your relationship with him" Mr Michael whispered to her, she was totally shocked and embarrassed she decided to ignore what Mr Michael said  and walk out but as she was half way through the room she paused

"....we are dating!!" She announced and everyone gasped


"I told you!!"


"This is crazy new!!"

"Am so jealous!!"

"I still can't believe it!!"

"She's so lucky!!" Everyone so totally shocked

"She probably seduced him" a woman sitting at the extreme end of the office said and everyone turned to face her

".....not everyone is like you mrs Ade that is why you're divorced and raising a child as single mom" miss grace gave her fitting reply before walking out of the office, everyone clapped for her as she did.

    Chapter 13 - Proposal

The moon was shining brightly in the sky as Mr Adams driver drove them down to the Adams family house

"So you told everyone?"

"I had too"

"But don't you think you were too harsh on Mrs Ade?"

"I think so my chest was tight for almost an hour but she started it"

"Then you did well, I am glad everyone knows about us now"

"Hmm it's not as bad as I thought it would be"

"We have arrived" the driver announced

They both got down and matched towards the entrance of the house

"Please don't say no" Mr Adams begged before opening the door

"To what?"

"You'll see" he said and opened the door the lights in the room suddenly went on

"Surprise!!!!" Everyone shouted coming out of nowhere

"Oh my God!!" she said holding her chest, they all hugged her one after the other "what is going on?" She asked as they walked further into the room

"Turn around" tope said, grace slowly turned James was on one kneel holding a ring box

"Oh my God" she covered her mouth with her hand

"Will you do the favor of being mine forever and accept this ring...please marry Grace?"

".....oh my God James yes! I will marry you" he slowly placed the ring on her finger everyone clapped and they both hugged each other  "you caught me off guard"

"That was the you like the ring?"

"It's Beautiful"

"I chose the brother is terrible at choosing rings if not for me he would have chosen something terrible"

"Do you really have to say that now?"

"What I meant to say was thanks for giving me a big sister" she hugged grace tightly

"Welcome to the family my dear" his mom hugged her

"Am really glad you said yes" his dad hugged

"Thank you all so much, this is still a lot for me to take in"

"You'll get used to it for now let's party!!" James mom was extremely happy, she poured Champaign into everyone's glasses and they all clicked


Everyone sat together and had dinner they all talked about how they planned the surprise, it was really fun once dinner was over, James and his dad had to quickly discuss something important,tope and grace sat in the living room together tope couldn't stop taking pictures of the ring

"Did you know the ring is worth over 50million dollars" tope said

"No way"

"Don't tell him I told you he would kill me"

"What are you both whispering?" Mrs Adams said walking into the room holding a small box in her hand

"Nothing mom, just a sisterly gist"

"She told you the price of the ring didn't she"


"If James finds out he will kill you...grace my dear the price doesn't matter it's the thought behind it that matters okay"

"Yes ma"

"I want you to have this" she brought a golden bangle bracelet "it's a family alum, my mother in law gave it to me when I got married now am giving it to you and you will give it to your son wife in the future"

"...thank you it's beautiful.. I'll make sure to keep it safe"

" I know you know James told something a while ago he said if you ever agree to be his girlfriend he would propose to you the following week, I thought he was joking"

"I had no idea he liked me that much, all these years"

"Well now you do, you guys can start a new life together" tope added

"Thank you so much am really happy am getting such am amazing new family".

Chapter 14- The introduction

Grace's family had to fly back to Nigeria for the introduction, it was the first time she has ever introduced a man to the family they were all curious about who he is.

James took hours  to get dressed cause he was really nervous about meeting his future in laws heWondered if they would like him and if they didn't he was ready to beg on his knees for them to allow him to marry Grace, he looked at himself in the mirror one more time after spraying over 12 perfumes he walked out of the house still feel nervous.

Grace's mom and aunty were really excited and happy to meet their future son in law they made their nicest traditional food pounded yam with vegetable soup and different protein, with the money grace was able to earn from working with James for the past two years she was able to buy a family house.

Once James arrived Grace went to bring him inside to meet her family, he postrated the moment he saw them

"No no stand need for that" grace mom said

"Good afternoon ma"

"You're welcome come please sit down" grace aunty said

"Go and help him to bring drink from inside the fridge" she sent faith who immediately stood up

"How was your journey I hope finding the house was not hard" her aunty asked

"Not at all ma"

"Grace has told me everything I need to that have seen you in person I am satisfied because when she told she wants to bring a man home I was surprised cause she has never said anything about man to me before, so I had to fly back to Nigeria to come and see for're welcome to the family" her mom explained

"We don't have much to say as long as you both like each other that's all that matters...and grace looked really happy when she was talking about you with that alone have already know she likes you" grace aunty said feeling happy, at this point James was feeling relieved

"Thank you so much ma....I assure you that I have nothing but good intentions for your daughter, and I hope you'll both give us your blessings"

"My blessings are with you both already...I heard you're from Ondo state it makes me very happy, Ondo people are good people"

"Thank you ma...I got something it's in the car I should go and..."

"Go where don't bother yourself....Mary!! Come here" aunty bissi shouted


"Collect the car keys and go bring what is inside his car" Mary collected the keys and went to bring the things in the car, he got a lot of things she had to go outside three times to bring them in

"All this for us?" Grace mom asked

"You buy a lot of things o" aunty bissi said "go and bring pounded yam for him let him eat!!" She ordered one the girls

"You still probably don't know which one is my mom?" Grace asked

"Uhm no I can tell she's your mom" he said pointing at her mom

"How did you know?"

"You both have the same hand and voice" everyone stared at him awkwardly "....I stare at her hand a lot at the office...I basically know how every single part of her body looks like" he said nervously but everyone burst out laughing "I shouldn't have said that last part right?" He whispered to grace

"Yeah" she whispered back, James felt so embarrassed

"So mom....we're the doing the two family introduction next" grace changed the topic

"Have you guys decided on a date?" Her mom asked

"Next week Tuesday...James already picked a location"

"Ohh so where is it so we can know" aunty bissi said

"It's at a restaurant...the address is a bit complicated so I'll send a car to bring you guys there if that is okay?"

"It is fine but are we to bring anything?"

"Of course mom...why will you come empty handed?"

"I just want to be sure"

"Don't worry we will bring gifts" aunty bissi said

The conversation went smoothly and they all really liked James the night drew closer and he eventually had to leave.

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