Asta Silva - Childhood and tr...

By HoShiTet

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What if Asta was born a noble? And what's more as the son of Nozel Silva and his beloved? Asta Sliva has neve... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23

Chapter 22

108 5 1
By HoShiTet


I decided to take my chance when the cannibals began running away.

"Liebe, untie us!"

The spirit helped me and Daichi. We both hurried to free the rest from the cage. But before I could even touch the lock, I felt a presence behind me. I looked back and saw a cannibal with a spear, ready to stab me. I closed my eyes, but nothing hit me. I peeked and saw that the man has been thrown into a nearby wall by the gryphon.

I sent him a grateful look, then turned back and began working on the lock.

"Hurry up, we don't know how much longer the gryphon's gonna last" Daichi prodded at me. I kicked him in the shin, letting him know to shut up.

"It's open!" I cheered after a moment.

All three of them hurried to get out, not waiting for me to step away, so I got hit with the door.

"Oww" I whined, rubbing my nose.

"Let's go" Daichi spoke up. I looked at him, irritated with his heartlessness. Someone could've apologized, at least!

Everyone took off, while I looked back at the gryphon. It saved us and I didn't want it to be harmed. I saw that it was doing well, but I still wanted to help it. I can't just abandon it like that.
I didn't even get a chance to lift a finger however, as Kouchi grabbed my arm and pulled me away to the others. I obediently ran with him, but my mind stayed on the gryphon.

God, please, let it be okay.


When we escaped, we found an abandoned house - two days walk away from that village - in which we stayed. We spent a few days there, licking our wounds and foraging from the forest.
I felt good being with these people. We got along surprisingly well, maybe except for Aki's sister, but besides that it was okay. Even Liebe came around, and that was not an easy feat.

Together we gathered wood, food. We played around the fire that we made in the houses fireplace. It was really nice. Maybe I could even call them friends? We went through so much together after all... Barely, but still.

Considering them friends shouldn't hurt, right?


"Okay so..." I started "Since we're relatively safe now..."

"I want to go home" the hysterical girl cried.

I sighed heavily, counting to three in my mind, so that I do not punch her. I should't hit a girl, especially a one like that. I've had a few close calls these past few days.

Calm down Asta. You know better how to behave than her... Calm... She's just a village girl...

Ugh... My inner noble is coming out because of her. I hate it. I shoved those thoughts deep down and decided to forget about them. I don't want to feel superior than them. I shouldn't because I'm not. We're equal. But sometimes it's hard to remember that. After all, I've been raised as a noble for these past ten years.

"So can someone enlighten me what is it than you actually want from me?" I inquired, and everyone fell silent. "No offense. I like you, well, most of you" I looked at the girl "But you have to go back, and I don't know what you expect from me. Freeing you was spontaneous."

Apparently no one knew the answer to that question, because we just sat there, looking at each other for ten minutes. I didn't actually want to part with them, but I couldn't just keep them for myself. Their families must be worried sick. If not for Kouchi's mother, I would keep him with me, but he actually has a person that loves him, so I don't have the right to intervene.

"Okay, so maybe from the start" Daichi said "Each one of us wants to go home, but we all live in different places. I think the best way would be to go to the palace, tell them our situation, and ask for help" Daichi proposed reasonably. Everyone agreed with him.

"We would first have to get rid of Asta if we even want to get there" the hysteric murmured.

"Excuse me?!" I cried out.

"You always get us in trouble! We almost died because of you and multiple times at that! And you don't even treat this seriously!" She screamed.

"I'm not doing this on purpose!" I shouted, a bit hurt.

"Right! If you didn't find us, the guars probably would eventually, but no! You just had to help us!"

"I didn't force you to go with me!" I started to lose control over my nerves.

"Not at all! The only problem here is you and only you? If you weren't here, we would've found the way home by now! You're just a deadweight! You have no magic which would help our escape and you only cause problems!"

I looked at everyone else, but they just turned their gazes away. Except for Kouchi, who looked down. Was I really such a burden? I felt like the ground was slipping under me. I choked when I tried to breathe calmly. I lowered my head and tried again.

I felt tears forming in my eyes, but I had no intention of showing them.

"Fine. Then I'll go" I choked out, then turned and ran away.

"Asta! Wait!" Liebe shouted.

I didn't listen to the spirit or anyone else. I ran through the forest until I lost all strength. Everything was blurry. If not for the fact that I didn't feel that weird numbness, I would've thought I had a panic attack. Maybe it was just exhaustion. I don't know for how long i ran, but I have plenty of stamina so it must've been for quite some time. I fell on the ground and looked around. I had no idea where I was. I felt the weight in my chest grow heavier with each second. I curled up under a tree and cried.

I couldn't help that I felt bad. I thought of them as friends, but apparently they only thought of me as a burden. I should have left a long time ago. They would be fine without me. I just ruined things. Why do I have to be so stupid? Father and others were right about hating me. Who would love someone like me?


It's been a week since I ran away from Liebe and the others. I miss them, but it is what it is. Apparently even Liebe has had enough of me. Maybe he'll find a new user who isn't useless like me.

I sighed, dragging my feet. I don't know how, but after two days of walking I ended up in the mountains. I decided to go through them, since I didn't know where I was anyway. Besides, what worse could happen? I already died once. I hope I don't wake up the second time.

Well, I think I know now.

I felt the ground tremble. I tried to regain my balance. Fortunately the ground didn't crack, but it still shook violently. After a while I heard loud... droning? What the hell could it be?

I ran in that direction, still loosing my balance along the way.

Suddenly I stopped and I felt like something stole my breath away. Nearby stood a massive, truly massive, about two mansions put together massive, dragon. A beautiful black dragon with red spots. It looked inside a cave and looked deep in thought. After a moment it scoffed and began glowing. I covered my eyes, not wanting to be blinded. When the glow stopped, on the entrance to the cave stood not a dragon, but a man. I didn't see how he looked like because he was too far away. I only saw him go into the cave.

I, of course, not thinking much, went there. Because what else could I do? Even if he killed me, then it wouldn't be that big of a deal.


Getting to the cave took longer than I thought it would. I got there just as it was getting dark and I was exhausted. At the end of the rocky path I dragged myself slowly, but I finally got there. I went inside and it was dark as hell. No torch or anything.

I sighed irritably, then grabbed two rocks and threw the wood I gathered on the way on the ground. I tried to make it catch fire, but after a few failed attempts, I just sat there looking at it hoping it will light up somehow. I know it's impossible, even for me, but damn.

I don't know how long I sat there, but my eyes started hurting. It was pretty weird, but before I turned my eyes away from the wood, I saw a spark. And then the wood bursted with fire. I jumped away with fear.

What the hell just happened?


After I got over the shock, I began exploring the cave. On a makeshift bed, made from straw and a blanket, lay that man. He was sleeping. I think. I came closer, wanting to take a good lok at him. He had short, red hair, dark skin and a long scar going from his chin, through his left lip corner, left eye and ending on his brow.

I furrowed my brows, wondering what happened to hm. The man looked like a criminal, but I felt safe, so I laid down nearby.

Liebe would kill me if he found out I went to sleep near a stranger, who is probably a dragon. But well. He's not here. What he doesn't know won't hurt him... Or something like that.

I closed my eyes and floated to dreamland.


When the sun arose, I woke up first. I looked at the stranger and it turned out my last night observations were correct. I also noticed some weird red rectangles on his cheeks.
Without anything better to do, I tried to wake him up. I poked his cheek, but it didn't do anything. He just scrunched his nosed and turned his head away. I pouted and sighed. I stood up and looked around.

I'm hungry. I should find something to eat. I stretched to do some basic training, meanwhile gathering some food. On the way here I saw a berry bush. I wouldn't get full, but at least I would put something in my stomach. And maybe I'll find some water.

After about fifteen minutes of stretching I ran down the path to the bush, which I hoped I didn't hallucinate last night. I got there after about twenty minutes, and luckily my eyes didn't decieve me. There really were some bushes here. I grabbed some berries and began eating.

Maybe I should leave something for mister Dragon? Hmm... No. Dragons probably don't eat such things... Right? Meh.

When I ate, I started looking for a stream. I went a bit down and found a cave with a little stream. Big enough to drink from, but not to take a bath. After drinking I started to go back, hoping that the man didn't wake up and escape.

But when I got back, he was still sleeping. I looked at him irritably. How long can one sleep? Like a rock at that. I could stab him if I had something sharp.


A few days passed, and mister dragon is still asleep. Honestly, after a while I got so fed up I started to jump on him like on a trampoline. I know, not the best way make an acquaintance, but how long can you sleep?!

Well, I can't say that I'm better, because I can sleep whole days myself, but still.

I sighed heavily when after a few hours of jumping he didn't wake up. Pah, he didn't even flinch.
What... What if he's dead?!

I quickly put my ear to his chest and listened. He's breathing. Oof... I was scared I killed him with that jumping. Oh well. I'll have to wait until he wakes up.

But I have to find a new food source, because the bushes ran out. But I saw a few animals running here and there.

Hunting something shouldn't be that hard.

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