Rise of the Guardians female...

By Rebelkindalove

1.1K 47 4

"My fellow guardians, it's is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe. To bring th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 2

121 4 0
By Rebelkindalove

A baby tooth fairy was gliding through a child's room, taking his lost tooth from a pillow and putting a quarter under it. The child moves around and sighs as baby tooth flys under the pillow. She makes a noise of happiness looking at the tooth. Then she flys off heading towards her home, which is tooth palace.

Hundreds or even thousands of little hummingbird fairies fly through the beautiful sky going towards their home carrying children's teeth from around the world. "18 central incisors, Moscow sector 9!" Tooth exclaims "22 incisors, 18 premolars, Des Moines!" A little tooth fairy puts away the tooth into a golden tube of memories set up for the child.  "We've got a cuspid at 23 Maple. Head out!" Tooth tells them. Tooth flys around and then was stopped by a little tooth. "Wait! It's her first tooth! Have you ever seen a more adorable lateral incisor in all of your life!" Tooth says happily as she holds the tooth "look how she flossed!" The baby fairies squeak to her pointing her little hand to the sky, showing the tooth fairy the northern lights were signaling her. Tooth gasps as she sees the purple and green lights. She darts off with a few baby tooth's behind her.

Sandy was giving sweet dreams to children of the world. The golden lines spread across the sky as he looks upon them with a smile. He turns and spots the northern lights, he moves his hands around making an airplane out of his golden dust, and he flys through the air heading towards the North Pole.

The Easter bunny hops through the tunnels of the Warren, passing by eggs that were walking along the path. The colorful colors of spring blended together as he hops through the tunnels. He makes it to the end. A hole appears in the North Pole, his ears sticking up out of the ground listening to what's around him. The Australian bunny hops out of the hole and into the cold winter snowy air. He inhaled deeply and rubs his arms trying to keep warm. "Oh, it's freezing!" He takes a deep breath and makes a run for the workshop. "I can't feel my feet! I can't feel my feet!" He exclaims as he dashed and hops through the snow.

"Cookies, eggnog, anyone?" North asks the three of them. Bunny says "this better be good North." Sandy gives north a shrug "I know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have had called you all here unless it was serious." North says to them "My fellow guardians, it's is our job to watch over the children of the world and keep them safe. To bring them wonder, hope, and dreams. So I have called us all here for one reason, and one reason only. The children are in danger, the enemy was kept at bay for centuries, he has finally decided to strike back. We alone can stop him." Tooth shushes her fairies "the boogyman was here! At the pole!" Tooth gasps "pitch?" Sandy, the little yellow man looks up at her "pitch black was here?!" North nods and tells them as he talks with his hands "yes, there was black sand covering the globe." Bunny stammers "what do you mean, black sand?" North looks at him "and then a shadow!"

Bunny looks up at north from the egg he was painting. "Hold on, hold on. I thought you said you saw pitch!" North scratches the back of his head and tells bunny "well, uh, not exactly.." bunny replies "not exactly, can you believe this guy?!" He asks the other two guardians. A golden question mark appears a top of sandman's head "yeah, you said it Sandy."

"Look he's up to something very bad, I feel it, in my belly." North says as he holds onto his stomach. Bunny shakes his head and questions Santa "hang on, hang on, you mean you summoned me here three days before Easter, because of your belly. Mate if I did this to you three days before Christmas..."

North pats bunny's cheek "please, bunny, Easter is not Christmas." Bunnymund laughs scornfully "here we go" Sandy watches unbeknownst to him, an elf was drinking his drink beside him. "North, I don't have time for this! I've still got two million eggs to finish up!" Sandy looks down at his cup and gives the elf a scornful look taking the cup away, as the elf falls to the ground. Sandy notices the moon and tries to get everyone's attention, "no matter how much you paint, is still an egg!" North tells bunny "look mate, I'm dealing with perishables, right? You've got all year to prepare!" Sandy whistles and still no one pays attention to him. "Why are rabbits always so nervous?" North hits bunny's hand making the egg fly up in the air and back into his hand. "And why are you such a blowhard?" Tooth flys around in her own little world jabbering to her baby tooth's. "Tooth! Can't you see we are trying to have an argument here?" She holds her hands up "sorry, not all of us can work one night a year, am I right Sandy?" Sandy makes an arrow above his head pointing towards the moon. Tooth gasps, Sandy thinks he's got someone attention, but sadly he doesn't "San Diego, sector 2."

"Come on mate, pitch went out in the dark ages, we made sure of it." Sandy gets a look of determination on his face and looks around "I know it was him, we have a serious situation!" North tells bunny. Sandy spots an elf trying to drink eggnog. Sandy flys over and lands beside the small elf with an aggravated look, the elf looks up at him scared. He pick a up the elf and shakes him. The little bell on top of his head makes a ringing noise catching the attention of the others. He drops the elf and the elf drops to the ground rolling over, not moving. A half crescent moon appears on top of Sandy's head and he points to the sky. North looks to Sandy to the sky and sees the moon "ah! Man in moon!" He looks back to the little man in gold "Sandy, why didn't you say something?" Sandy looks in anger at the man with the white beard and blows golden smoke from his ears. North, being oblivious, turns to the sky and says "it's been a long time, old friend. What is the big news?"

A beam of light shines down onto the guardian symbol. Tooth gasps happily until she sees a shadow of pitch appear. Bunny lowers his ears and turns to North "it is pitch" North pats his belly and looks up to the sky "manny, what must we do?" The G symbol glows and opens up, a diamond crystal appears out of the hole. "Uh, guys, you know what this means?!" Tooth says north replies "he's chosen a new guardian."

"What? Why?" Bunny asks him, North replies "must be big deal, manny thinks we need help." Bunny shakes his head "since when do we need help?" Tooth said excitedly "I wonder who it's gonna be!" A four leaf clover appears a top of sandman's head "maybe the leprechaun?" Tooth asks, Sandy smiles with a nod. "Please not the ground hog, please not the ground hog." Bunny said hopefully, the blue sparkles and mist show a silhouette of a woman with a staff. "Jackie Frost" North says, the fairies squeal excitedly "Uh I take it back, the groundhog's fine." Bunny says, Tooth squeals in delight as another girl was gonna join them. "As long as she helps to protect the children. Right?"

"Jackie frost?! She doesn't care about children! All right? All she does is freeze water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Alright, she's an irresponsible, selfish..." north cuts him off "guardian"
Bunny replies "Jackie frost is many things, but she is not a guardian."

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