Lament (Sebastian Sallow)

By EllaSallow

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In the year 1900, Penelope Silverthorn returns to Hogwarts after eight years of leaving only to find herself... More

Lament (Sebastian Sallow)
Chapter 1: Floor -4
Chapter 2: Professor Sallow
Chapter 3: Luna, The Dog
Chapter 4: Percy
Chapter 5: P.S (P.S)
Chapter 6: Sebastian's Journal
Chapter 7: Pen, Get It?
Chapter 8: We're All Parentless
Chapter 9: Cecil's Red Flags
Chapter 10: Professor Sallow's Distraction
Chapter 11: Sebastian's Grudge
Chapter 12: A Summer Fling
Chapter 13: A Drunken Owl
Chapter 14: I Think I'm Drunk
Chapter 16: Prewett's Legacy
Chapter 17: Coach Sallow
Chapter 18: Time For A Proper Welcome Back
Chapter 19: The Rabid Fiancée
Chapter 20: At What Cost?
Chapter 21: The Undercroft
Chapter 21 1/2: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 22: Missed Me, Britain?
Chapter 23: Poppy's Reflection
Chapter 24: Matching Rings
Chapter 25: Sebastian's (Dis)Respect
Chapter 26: Professor Sallow's Office
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 1
Chapter 27: Halloween Night Part 2
Chapter 28: Did Merlin Do This Too? *
Chapter 29: Dreams Show Signs *
Chapter 30: Sebastian's Nemesis
Chapter 31: Professor Sallow's Outburst
Chapter 32: Restricted Section, Restricted Things *

Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law

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By EllaSallow

Chapter 15: Sister-In-Law

Anne Sallow greeted Penelope Silvethorn in a very polite manner, keeping her light hazel eyes crinkled as she smiled over at the hungover women, but if you looked within, you could sense a hint of awkwardness in the greeting.

The two women glared at each other for a moment. One in the kitchen and one in the mid-living room, but perhaps from all those years of not seeing each other, the awkward aura left.

Anne turned down the fire from the baking pan and wiped her hands, finally gathering herself to walk toward the living room and open her arms.

The hug was like a friendship that never ended. It was tight and full of laughter.

It was certainly a different reunion with a Sallow twin for Penelope Silverthorn.

Penelope kept a half-smile, hiding the fact that the hug movement made her feel dizzy from the post-drunk night; her head throbbed at the sight.

"It's been so long," Anne let out as they separated again.

"I know." Penelope said breathlessly, not wanting to think of the length of years, "Anne, what—what are you doing here?"

Anne kept her hands intertwined with Penelope's shoulders as both women spoke with emotion and support.

"What do you mean?" Anne gave out a soft laugh, "We live here, Pen."

Penelope stood in a dumbfounded gaze, her body frozen as her eyes stared around the home setting.

The home was structured well. The nice opened living room with a comfortable maroon couch. An entrance hallway with portraits that she couldn't really distinguish, yet. The old vintage kitchen from afar. The stairs that led up to the second floor.

It wasn't Feldcroft. I could say that. Penelope thought to herself, observing.

"We?" Penelope said confusedly.

Anne nodded, "Yes. My brother and I!" She assured, and Penelope tingled a little at the news of Sebastian also living here, "Well, we always's our childhood home." She fixed.

Penelope's eyes widened a little, the structure and portraits making sense over her observations. Now, she took a deeper feel over the home.

"Really? You're saying," She lifted a finger, pointing around the place, "This is the famous Sallow's home?"

It was mentioned in the past that the Sallow's Home was put up for sale the moment the Sallow twins became orphans. Solomon Sallow wasn't up to taking over the home, so ignoring the children's love for it, he sold it and took them to Feldcroft with him.

Penelope Silverthorn did attempt to re-enter the Aranshire home with Sebastian Sallow one night during a quest mission in 1892, but the owner wasn't very fond of his space and it was a saddening failure.

"Yes," Anne said happily, "My brother gathered enough money to bribe the previous owner to land it back. It was a hard move, but we won." She informed.

Penelope didn't want to think about how much money was put in to make that grumpy owner leave this place. He was very secure over the home that didn't belong to him, so it might've predictably been a lot.

"The cellar..." Anne rubbed her own shoulders nervously, looking down as she spoke, "The cellar is still forbidden from entering. Not that anything is wrong with it, but me and Seb decided it's best not to go down there until we are ready." She said nervously.

Penelope gave a nod, not wanting to intervene or ask anything regarding the traumatic event beyond that cellar.

Instead, Penelope began to walk around the home slowly, keeping her balance and distracting herself from the fact that although she drank a few vials to feel better, she felt off.

The portraits over the walls were hung nicely, varying different styles and eras as Penelope would squint and read through each one. Some contain regular paintings of nature or cute animals, but some contain the Sallows themselves.

Penelope found herself drawn to a particular portrait of the Sallow family. Sebastian and Anne were children dressed in their finest suits and dresses; Sebastian looked so happy and innocent.

A stark contrast to Sebastian Sallow's current demeanor now, Penelope thought.

Penelope knew the Sallow parents were young. Way too young. You could see in the portraits how Samuel and Anna Sallow looked like they were freshly out of Hogwarts.

"I made a spare stack of pancakes this morning," Anne's voice cut out Penelope's daze over the portraits, "I think it's only best you digest a bit of food in your stomach." She advised.

Penelope grew heat over her face by Anne's words. Anne didn't say anything, but it was obvious that whatever Penelope pulled last night must've been awful. Her stomach did feel empty, so she could recall vomiting at some point,

"I...yes, thank you, Anne." Penelope said in care, her arms crossed as she walked over to the kitchen counter.

Penelope Silverthorn sat in such a bad posture on that wooden stool minutes later. She tried her best to not be uncomfortable as she watched Anne Sallow be nice to her.

It was difficult to concentrate when you thought about the reality that Penelope was in the presence of the woman who probably knew the most out of everyone in Sebastian's situation.

Despite the awkwardness of sitting in that home as if disappearing for eight years was nothing, Penelope couldn't help, but notice the beauty of Anne Sallow.

Her long honey-brown hair waved around nicely; it had grown tremendously over the years. Her body moved freely as she paced around that kitchen with no pain. Anne Sallow was healthy.

If anything, to both of them that morning, Anne Sallow might've been the healthiest one compared to Penelope Silverthorn. (And her shit-show hangover).


Penelope Silverthorn's wand stood in a statue-like form over the weak aura of Anne Sallow. Both girls' bodies close to each other as the powerful form of magic disguised itself.

"Pen?" Anne whispered, so only Penelope herself could hear.

Penelope lost concentration for a moment, but glared at the girl above, "Yes?"

Anne Sallow looked at her twin brother from across the Undercroft.

Sebastian Sallow bit his nails nervously in the far corner, his soft brown hair now dampening as he watched his girlfriend attempt to finally save his sister.

There was a lot of debate over the ancient magic to save Anne theory Sebastian spent his entire fifth year doing. He didn't have to convince Penelope Silverthorn to do it, but he needed to wait the entire summer after the fifth year until Anne Sallow came back from ignoring him to accept the method.

It was dangerous indeed, and from what Sebastian and Penelope gathered during their time together looking over Isadora Morganach's history of taking people's pain, it was scary.

"Are you sure this is alright?"

Penelope snorted a little, "Saving you? Yes, it is. It doesn't hurt to try." She let out.

"You're not doing this because my brother forced you—"

"No." Penelope refused immediately. "He didn't. Trust me."

It took a matter of four hours. Yes, four hours inside that cold Undercroft for Penelope Silverthorn to save Anne Sallow.

Four hours of concentration.

Four hours of fails.

Four hours of theories.

Four hours of pain.

"You did it!" Sebastian Sallow's voice cracked over the results, his hands cupping over Penelope's sweated face, "You did it, Pen. You saved her. It worked."

Penelope stared at her lover with joy, despite her pain, she smiled tiredly, "We did it."

Sebastian could just kiss her right there, but the family's emotions were so high, he had to turn to his now-cured twin, Anne Sallow, and hug her.

"No pain?" Sebastian asked.

"No pain." Anne cried.



Penelope lost the traces of her thoughts, and stared up at the twenty six year old woman over her.

"Hm? Sorry."

"I asked if you wanted apple juice or orange juice?" Anne offered.

Penelope nearly gagged over both options realizing her nightly effects were still churning over herself.

"Perhaps, water." Anne noticed a face of disgust from Penelope as she grabbed a cup and got water from the bucket.

Penelope stared glossily over that cup of water, not wanting to move for a moment as she stared at Anne.

Anne stared at her back with a smile.

"You look...amazing, Anne." Penelope finally scoffed out her truth with a compliment.

Anne took a sip from her orange juice and set it down as she nodded, "Yeah, I could honestly say the same to you, Pen. You haven't aged a bit."

Penelope threw a smile and tried to enjoy her breakfast that morning. Although the pancakes were delicious, it was a hard pill to swallow eating breakfast with her ex-boyfriend's sister, let alone, his twin.

There was a silence between that munching and drinking, Only the sounds of the birds outside the open window whistled in between.

Penelope's feet tapped over the first line of the stool at the bottom. The silence wanted to kill her before she finally set her fork down and looked at Anne.

"Listen, Anne, I want to apologize for barging into your home." Penelope sighed, "I didn't intend to invade in any way. I know last night—"

"Oh, don't be silly," Anne waved her hand over the apology, "I'm sure you're welcome into our home any time." She said, but there was a voice of sarcasm that lingered over Anne's tone.

Penelope nodded.

"I've actually heard about the news of your return! It was quite...a surprise, I may say, but there was an urge to take a stroll down the castle to make sure it was true." Anne continued.

Penelope grew a slight flush, not wanting to wonder if Sebastian had been the one to tell her the unfortunate news of her return, especially bringing her home in her most intoxicating way.

"Well," Penelope shrugged, "It's true." She joked out.

Anne nodded back, but licked her lips, looking down oddly at her fingers.

"Not for long though, right?" Anne asked, more serious.

Penelope also looked down at her hands, playing around with the ring over her finger as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"Uh, no." Penelope breathed, "I'm just here for a work case. That's all."

"Oh." Was all Anne Sallow could say.

Again, awkward.

Penelope brought her face up again, looking around, "I'll assume your brother left."

"Oh, yeah," Anne picked up her plate and set it over the dirty dishes, "He left pretty early this morning. It's a school day, and he's a professor, so,"

Penelope gasped at the realization of it being a school day again, "Oh, shit—a school day?" She began to rush, "I-I must be so behind, and the time..."

"I'm sure my brother might've handled an excuse for your absence." Anne informed.

Penelope stopped shuffling for a bit at the recall and blinked. "Oh, I...right."

Those birds were really singing a melody by this point from the silence.

"I take it I should thank him then," Penelope thought to herself, "Merlin, I can't even recall what I might've done last night. I don't even want to know." She closed her eyes in embarrassment.

"Yeah, you should thank Sebastian." Anne Sallow finally let out coldly, her arms resting over the counter as she stared at Penelope.

Anne Sallow tried not to hold a grudge against Penelope Silverthorn. Ignoring the fact that the girl who had left her twin brother eight years ago was making herself at home like nothing, it was nostalgic to have her back for a moment and she didn't want that feeling to go.

Penelope swallowed, and she almost felt the pancakes rise over her throat again from the feel. She could feel the emotions shift from Anne's tone of voice.

"I'm sorry, Anne." Penelope finally gushed out in guilt.

"For last night? That's alright. I don't judge seeing you let yourself loose. We deserve it sometimes." Anne joked out.

"No, not that," Penelope shook her head, but then wondered, "Well, yes, I am sorry for that, but, I mean sorry." She corrected, "you know..."

Anne knew exactly what Penelope referred to. You can hear a shallow breath come out of the innocent woman before her chin rested over her hand, still directing her view on Penelope.

"I believe it is not ,I, you should be apologizing to, Penelope." Anne corrected.

Penelope kept her eyes low, feeling guilty as ever. She deserved that feeling. She needed someone to humble her and there was no other way than the sister herself.

"I know, but you're his sister." Penelope explained herself, "It wasn't fair for you either."

Anne stood quiet, wanting to process Penelope's apology. Unlike Sebastian, Anne took in the apologies light. She forgives and forgets, but she also needed to reflect on the state her brother was in at the time.

There were shivers down Anne Sallow's body at the thought, but she sighed and nodded.

"Well, past aside, we are here now. By coincidence." Anne looked up, "I don't think poisoning yourself with alcohol was your first excuse to see me after so many years." She joked.

Penelope wanted to laugh, but instead, she played with the fork below her, "Yeah, surely."

"It was very kind of Sebastian to do what he did last night," Anne confessed, "You sure gave us entertainment."

"Yeah, I know." Despite everything, Penelope took a breath at the image of Sebastian caring for her. It was embarrassing — humbling.

Penelope wondered what Sebastian could have been possibly doing during her outage at Hogs Head. Was he with Anne? Was he at Hogwarts grading his student's work? On a Sunday? No. Was he with his partner? That would be impossible.

At the end of all, what the hell did she write on that parchment paper sent by the owl?

"Do you, by any chance, know w-what—"

"I'm sure my brother has more insight on last night's event." Anne said lowly, not wanting to rise the odd tension, "Maybe, you should talk to him about it."

Again, there was that spiced tone coming off Anne Sallow. It was not on purpose, but there had to be a reminder that she was Sebastian Sallow's sister, and although Penelope Silverthorn saved her life and was a good person, she left. She left her brother.

Penelope knew Anne's words were on purpose.

The most common sense was the avoidance between her and the professor. The least that could happen was a talk, but there was no other way. Penelope embarrassed herself and Sebastian saw it and helped her. She owed him.

Anne Sallow was the closest insight regarding Sebastian Sallow for Penelope.

Penelope played with the rim of a teacup Anne had given her a few minutes later within the silence. The hot air came off the glass rapidly, making Penelope's nose go pink and she took it in.

"It should help with the, well, drastic morning after drinking." Anne pursed, "I used to make it for my brother often, and he said it always worked, so, dig in."

Anne might've hoped Penelope would ask why she would make it in the first place for her brother. Why did she have to be the one to deal with the aftermath of the mess her brother became? Why did it have to be that way in the first place?

But Penelope was tired and hungover.

Penelope blinked at the sentence, but took a sip. It was an excruciating burning sensation in her throat, but it settled in her stomach well.

"Thank you for this," Penelope said softly, like a child as her legs swung on that high stool.

Anne just gave a slight nod of approval.

Once more, silence descended anew.

"I heard about the wedding." Penelope finally emitted from her intrusive thoughts.

There was no choice. The topic had to be brought up. It was the truth and she wanted to hurt herself more than she already was.

Anne peered up at the unpredicted mention and tilted her with a clouding expression, "Pardon? Wedding?"

Penelope's throat tingled at the word, "Yes."

Anne bubbled a faint laugh, "Oh, you're referring to my brother's engagement?"

Penelope squinted, but kept a smile, "Yeah...that."

The exchange of words between the two was fraught with uneasy tension regarding the subject. The setting was thick, as if it was a good, yet a bad idea.

"Oh, happened earlier this year," Anne admitted, as though she couldn't fathom the news herself.

"I heard." Penelope said. Sebastian Sallow made it very known he was engaged the first time he saw her in eight years.

Shivers. Penelope shivered at the reflection.

"Congrats." Penelope honored Anne, but you can hear the torment over her breaths at the end.

Anne Sallow's expression was devoid of any emotion.

"What? Congrats? To me?"

"Yeah," Penelope husked, clearing her throat, "You were always so fond of weddings, dresses, and planning. This is your time to shine."

The funny thing about twin telepathy was that somehow, there were always similar reactions that came with "genetics", and right now was a great example.

As in, when Penelope said that, Anne wanted to drop her cup of orange juice and ask her if this was a joke. Tell her how she was fond of weddings eight years ago. Only eight years ago. Same aim as Sebastian Sallow in that office.

Unlike her male twin, Anne bottled up the reaction. She had patience.

Anne's fingers tapped the wooden counter, keeping a tight smile as she held in her inner thoughts.

"Oh, haha," It was sarcastic, really, "I was, really was. I do love the idea of that," Anne looked down with a laugh, "But,"

Anne didn't finish her words, and Penelope stared at her in question, as if there was something persisting her truth.

"His fiancee," Anne contemplated, "Cecil," The name now triggered Penelope and she didn't know why. Cecil Greengrass did nothing wrong.

"—she's more conservative in her wedding plan. And it is only best for me to respect that." Anne sighed.


"Be honest, Pen," Anne Sallow nudged Penelope SIilverthorn in Charms class. "Would you marry my brother?"

The sixth year student flushed mid-class, her eyes landing on the Slytherin boy across, who sat with his best friend Ominis Gaunt. His concentration was on the ceiling above making him lose the lesson by being, well, Sebastian.

"Anne, we are only in year six!" Penelope giggled.

Anne looked over at her twin brother across, his attention span awful as he bothered Ominis.

"You're dating him now, it's only best to ask," Anne joked, "I don't judge if you don't. His hobbies are utterly rubbish. And I mean, look at him! A menace!"

Penelope laughed, causing Sebastian to look over the two girls gossiping from across.

"Wouldn't it be cool though? Imagine the wedding planning! Merlin, we would be sister-in-laws! Oh, not only that, we could have the same last name! We could be sisters and we're the same size. I have an excuse to try on dress—"

"Anne," Penelope tried not to fall for the imagination.

"I'm sorry," Anne sighed, sitting back in her seat, "You saved my life a few months back, and I don't know how to behave I'm a buzz as my brother, aren't I?"

Penelope smiled, "You'll be a great maid of honor one day, Anne." She fed onto Anne Sallow's delusion.

Both girls squealed in place, their whispers echoing in the classroom.


They were only students. Very young. The thought of marriage and the future only became an ongoing joke for the girls. Yeah, as years went on, it became more imaginative, but when the time truly came for their words, plans changed.

Anne knew a lot.

The two stood quiet inside the vintage kitchen. Mugs were untouched as if they were looking back over the same events as Hogwarts students. The delusions that were killed years later.

Penelope Silverthorn always did see Anne Sallow as a sister. Along with her other female friendships at Hogwarts, but Anne was her supporter. Penelope saved her life, so she owed her everything.

From future sisters-in-law to acquaintance. How funny.

"I-I should really go now," Penelope said suddenly, the stool squeaking back as she hopped off and cleaned off the clothing, "Before I get into more trouble. So unprofessional of me." She excused.

Anne followed along, "Right...I agree."

Penelope sighed and looked down at her clothing, realizing it must've been Anne's. She didn't even want to ask what happened to her previous clothes.

"Nice to know we're still the same size," Anne confessed, noticing the observation of the outfit.

Penelope swallowed, "Yeah...thank you, a lot, Anne. I really appreciate your help. I can guarantee your clothes will be returned—"

"Keep them," Anne cut in, "Don't fret. I'll be fine." She crossed her arms, wearing a nice, cozy cardigan.

"Thank you." Was all Penelope could say.

"Of course." Anne walked.

Penelope fidgeted with her fingers again, not knowing how to walk out of the home with a departure. The entire morning was hectic and unplanned. It was a lot to deal with.

"It was nice seeing you again, Anne." Penelope let out.

Anne stood in a posture, "It was nice to see you too, Pen. I'm only an owl away."

Penelope thought about it.

"It's long overdue, but I should've said that eight years ago too," Anne said, giving out a dark humorous snort at the truth.

Penelope laughed in hurt, "Yes. Of course..."

"I just hope this isn't the last time I see you again." Anne said in honesty.

"I'll be around, Anne. I'll be around before a leave this time." Penelope said in worry, "I promise."

Anne took in the words, debating whether to believe her or not, but she kept her kindness at heart, "Take care, Pen. As in for my brother too. I only hope well for the students. Curses aren't fun."

"Yeah. Take care, Anne. Again, thank you."

"Thank my brother." Anne reminded.

Penelope didn't argue with Anne's words. It was her brother after all. She would hold the grudges the twins held over her very high. She deserved it and last night was only the cherry on top.

And Penelope Silverthorn stepped out in the beautiful hamlet of Aranshire; her breath taking in the cold air as she stared over at the castle on top of the mountain.

A smile grew on her as if her stomach wasn't turning again at the thought of confronting Sebastian Sallow after her stupidity of drinking.


Anne is me with my brother's ex-girlfriends. Like yes, we can still be friends, but if you break my brother's heart I shall be passive-aggressive until further notice. 🫡

Is there certain scenes you'll like to have unfold in this book? 🤔

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