Transcending Time ~Book 1~ (A...

Od CatsLoveDisney11

1.7K 70 2

Years after the fight on Namek the Z warriors and others have been living peaceful on planet Earth. Freeze ba... Více

Return of a Hero!
The Boy and Girl From the Future?!
Future Go-Go
The Terrible Androids Arrival!
Another new Android!? A new threat appears!
Another time machine... What is that?!
Da.... Son Goku-sama! Your wake!
Trunks and Go-Go Story: The Lone Warriors
Go! Be safe! I want to see my boyfriend alive when I get out of training!

We have to get 'EM back and bring those people that cell killed back to life

91 3 0
Od CatsLoveDisney11

Goku had told them that they should go out early. Much to Goten and Go-Go's surprise as the female warrior asked him, "D...Goku-san? Why are we leaving early? Shouldn't we train ourself more? Are we strong enough to defeat cell!"

He turned to her and said, "We need rest too. The three of us have trained as much as we can. I think we should take it slow now and enjoy life. That's am order that you'll come and stay with us for the next..."

"Goku-san.... I..." Go-Go started to say before Gohan grabbed her with a smile.

He cut her off saying early, "You have to stay with us! Please! Go-Go!"

She looked at him and sighed knowing he had won answering, "Yes, I'll stay with u."

Gohan let her go and danced around happily as the older Son spoke, "I'm happy you agreed. Know that Trunks is well as well."

She looked at him and smiled telling him, "Thank you. I've been so happy training with you and Gohan. It feels..."

"Yes, feels like?" He asked her turning as if waiting for something.

Go-Go just looks away and says changing the subject, "So we need to... ya.."

Making Gohan chase after her with a smile grabbing the older saiyan girls hand. Goku looked at the two before following with a smile on his face. They could feel Piccolo, Tien, Trunks, and Vegeta's ki. The three walked to the entrance with golden hair as Goku spoke, "Huh?! Vegeta and Trunks are still here... But I can feel cell's chi too, so it must be alive! What's going on here...?"

"It feels stronger..." Go-Go said with anger in her voice.

They all stared at the three in shock and clear disbelief as she watched Trunks stand up fast and hugs the surprised super saiyan. Just for Gohan to let go and stare at the two teens in shock. She looked at the boy holding her in his arms and asked, "Trunks? What's wrong?"

He just buried his face in her neck. Causing all the people watching the teens to stare in shock at that. She chucked saying to him with a smile and a chuckle, "You cut your hair again."

Trunks smiled put didn't let her as Goku asked confused, "Tell us what happened."

Piccolo looked to the boy that held his girlfriend and started to explain that to the super saiyans. They listened to it all as Goku nodded and finally spoke as he finished, "...So that's it... A tournament huh? Sounds exciting..."

"Exciting?" Piccolo asked looking to his friend in shock.

Goku ignored it as Goku asked the man on the look out, "Mr. Popo, Do you still have my GI?"

"MMM... Popo kept it. Yours is where you left it as well." The alien said turning to the girl.

She turned still holding Trunks and said, "Thanks, Mr. Popo. I need to go get changed."

"Wait, Go-Go! Um... Mr. Piccolo?" Gohan said grabbing the older girls hand that finally got out of her boyfriends hold towards the older Namekian.

She looked at the boy in surprise as he just smiled and said, "I want some new clothes just like yours."

He smiled at the boy and answered, "Of course. Consider them my gift to you."

"Gohan I should go get my GI on if we are going." Go-Go told him starting to walk away again.

He quickly said to Piccolo, "Can you make Go-Go and outfit like dad..!"

Causing the hole look out to do quite. Go-Go shook her head and told him with a smile, "It's alright Gohan really. My GI is still useable. I can always fix it like I have done for years."

Piccolo looked at her embarrassed and shy expression that made him think that it reminded of the past. He held his hand up and the next thing she new Go-Go was wearing a new GI that matched her old one and Goku's but fit her perfectly. She looked at it and smiled looking up at him and said, "Thank you, Mr. Piccolo."

Goku watched the girl with a strange expression. Piccolo smiled at the girl just so Vegeta made them all look at her, "...Talk. So you think you can beat cell?"

"I dunno. I haven't seen it since it's metamorphosis. I'll go check it out now. Hmm... Let's see...." Goku tells the prince before hold his fingers to his head before teleporting away.

Causing them all except for the other two super saiyans to look at the spot he disappeared. Trunks turned to her and smiled asking, "So do you think that we can use the chamber to train again like back in the future? After Piccolo and my dad and Tien of course."

She turned to him and looked at him guiltily. He looked at her and asked, "What? You make that face when you hiding something. What is it?"

Gohan looked in the teens direction as she started into his blue eyes as he meets her blue ones. She then looked down and said, "Mr. Goku... Um..."

Just for Goku to come back as Trunks turns away from Go-Go and asks, "Goku... Wh-what did you think?!"

"...Frankly, I didn't think it would get that much stronger. No way of knowing how powerful it'll be when it finally gets down to business. I won't really know until I try... But as I am now I probably don't have a chance." Goku tells them with a smiled.

Causing Vegeta to look at him as Trunks and Go-Go to look at him surprises as he asks confused, "It's... That powerful? ...I was afraid of that..."

Then use the room of spirit and time again. We've just decided that I would go first then Vegeta... Then Trunks and Go-Go. Then you two." Piccolo spoke to him.

Goku looked at the girl and looked back to the Namekian as Tien speaks up, "I'm sorry. I can't. I'll never be a match against that..."

"Nah. Gohan, Go-Go, and I will pass. We'll train out here. We'll manage in nine days." Goku answers catching the two saiyans attention.

Trunks looks to his girlfriend that refused to look at him. Piccolo looked at the older super saiyan confused.

"You'll pass?! You won't use the room again?!" Piccolo asked Goku trying to see if her heard him right.

Goku just nodded and answered, "That's what I said."

"It's pretty rough in there, even if you're not doing anything. I'll do better resting my body. I'm having Go-Go do the same." Goku tells them before turning to Trunks that was still looking at her.

Vegeta started laughing making them all look at the prince, "HA! Even the great Kakarrot... Admits defeat against the rigors of the room."

Goku turned to him and answered, "Maybe. but there's a point where stressing your body more is just torture, not training. I've got nothing against you guys using the using the room, though. You're probably still got room to improve."

"What did you say?! Are you suggesting that you are more advanced than I am?!" He asked getting more and more angry at the super saiyan.

He smiled and answered, "Uh-huh. A lot."

"WHAT...?!" Vegeta started clearly angry at him.

Goku turned around ignoring him and spoke to the others, "Good Luck, everybody! We'll meet again at the tournament! Let's Go, Gohan. Go-Go!"

"Y...yeah...." Gohan answered going to stand by him.

Go-Go turned and kissed Trunks cheek whispered, "Don't train to hard."

With that she took after the two as both saiyan teens stared at Goku who smiled. He turned to them and said, "Could I make a short stop here?"

The three landed on Korin's tower as he smiled at the cat, "Hello, master Karin!"

Gohan and Go-Go both bowed and told him, "Nice to meet you...!"

"My how you've grown." He said looking at Gohan with a smile before turning to look at the saiyan girl with them.

"Hey, Yajirobe! You're back!" Goku said waving at the guy sitting to the side.

He looked to the three and said sweating, "What are you ding here, Goku?! You better not be tryin' me into fightin' in that stupid tournament!!"

"Don't worry. That's not why I'm here." The older super saiyan tells him with a smile.

"G...Good... Although I know you must be wishin' you could beg f'r my help?" Yajirobe continues to ask with a a nervous laugh.

Karin spoke up to Goku, "Earth is dire straits indeed terror... Chaos..."

"I've never see anything like Cell. In its complete form it might be the perfect fighter." Goku said to him with a smile.

"...You're certainly calm, considering that. I suspect you made some valuable discovery in the room of spirit and time." The feline said looking up at the super saiyan.

He scratched his head and laughed answering, "HEH. HEH. HEH. Sort of."

Gohan and Go-Go looked at each other as the saiyan girl though, 'What... Wait? Is Dad for real. I've been with him and Gohan the whole time...'

"Master Karin, you've got a pretty good idea how strong cell is by watching from here, right?" Goku asked him with a smile.

Karin stared at him sweet dropping and nodded telling him , "Mm-Hmm. He hasn't shown his true powers, but I have a sense."

He smiled and asks Korin, "Can you compare us? I'm gonna rev up right now."

Just for him to power up as Gohan and Go-Go just stood there as if it was noting as he continued to incurrences his power as the two fought to stay on the tower as Korin yelled at him, "ENOUGH!! YOU"RE GOING TO SHATTER THE TOWER!!!!"

He stooped as the two started trying to catch their beaths as the feline said, "Well...!"

"That was about half power. What do you think?" Goku asked him as his smiled didn't drop.

"H-half power?! You never cease to astound me! Is there no limit to what you can become?!" Korin asked him clearly impressed.

Go-Go looks at the older saiyan and thinks confused, ' That can't be dad's full strength...'

The two younger saiyan shared a look between the two knowing they where thinking the same. Goku looks at his old friend and asked, "But how am I compared to cell?!"

"Hmm... You always ask the most difficult questions... As I said this is only speculation... But honestly... I'm afraid cell is still a bit stronger." Korin answered him causing the two kids look at him surprised at that.

Yajirobe seemed to be surprise standing up as he said, "Oh, geez... What is this cell thing?!"

"I thought so. I guessed right! Thanks, master Karin! Let's go yo two. Go-Go grab Gohan." Goku said with a laugh putting his hand on Gohan shoulder as she grabs the boy.

They two look back as he waves, "S-see you later...!"

Leaving to two surprised by their sudden exist as the three arrive at Kami's house. He turned to them and smiled, "Let's grab you mom and go home. We can rest better there. We'll rest 3 days, train 3 days, and rest another 3. The It'll be time to fight."

"Dad... Is that really enough? Can we win?" Gohan asked his father confused.

Go-Go then nodded and said to him, "I agree with Gohan. Mr. Goku? Is this really for the best?"

"Don't worry. Come on!" He said pushing the two.

Once they entered the house Chi-Chi screamed running to the younger boy, "Y-YOU'RE... GOHAN?! IN HEAVEN'S NAME... WHAT DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?! YOU'VE BECOME A PUNK ROCKER!!"

Chi-Chi and Go-Go set up the picnic as the saiyan girl helps her set it up. She looks at the women and blushes telling her, "Thank you for letting me stay with you guys. I hope I'm not imposing... Also you didn't have to let me barrow you..."

The older girl looked at her and smiled at her answering kindly, "Not at all. I am glad for help the really. It's nice having another girl around the house. Those where clothes I never use anyone anyway."

She turned to the older women with a big smile on her face with a blush. They finished calling to the boys, "Hey, you two! The picnic's ready! Hooray!"

Goku smiled back to them and said, "Hooray! Come on Gohan! Forget what's comin' up and have a good time!"

He turned the two girls as Gohan stared after him and followed. Goku turned told the two, "OOH, looks yummy! Could you all at least stop being a super saiyan while we eat?"

They all just looked at each other with a sweat dropped.


"Nothing's open. All the stores are closed." Goku said looking around as Go-Go and Gohan look at each other before looking back up to the front.

Chi-Chi looked around and answered without looking at him, "Well, yeah. Who wants to works when they're gonna die in 7 days?"

Just for the radio's music to stop as a voice came on, "We interrupt this program for a special new report."

Goku looked down and smiled saying happily, "There's someone working."

"The royal defense force is at this moment racing to point 5, region 28, to bring down the monster called Cell they are about to launch their attack!" The man continued to speak to anyone listening.

Causing both Goku and Go-Go to say at the same time, "What?!"

"No, don't be stupid!!! Stay away!! What are they thinking?! Don't they understand they're just going to their deaths?!" Goku screamed shocking Go-Go as she stared at him.

They all listened to the radio announcer, "This is an all-out attack!! The blasts are deafening!!! I've never seen such firepower they're still not letting up!! Surely nothing could survive this onslaught!!"

"No..." Go-Go said looking back to the radio worry clear on her face.

Goku gripped the wheel and said angrily, "Get out of there now!"

He started speaking clearly in fear yelling, "It's...It's alive!! It's like nothing happened...!"

Only for the radio to go silent as Goku goes to try and change the station as it all the same. Go-Go said with anger, "...That... monster....!"

Goku said also as angry saying, ""

Goku gets out and tells them all starting to get out, "Could you three go home by yourselves? I'm sorry, I have to see Piccolo."

Only for Go-Go quickly get out and asks, "Can I come with you... Please!"

He looks at the girl as his expression seems to soften as Goku looks down to her shaking hand on his arm. Without saying a word he lifted his fingers to his head as teleported away leaving Chi-Chi and Gohan alone. The older women asks the boy, "Huh...? What would he need to see Piccolo for...? Why did she need to go with him for."

Gohan climbed to the front of the car as he answered just as confused, "...I dunno..."

He appeared on the look out gaining their attention or more a certain saiyan teen's attention. He quickly got up and moved over to the girl that let go of her father. Goku continued to walk as the couple hugged each other as he said, "Hey."

Piccolo looked at the man confused asking, "Goku?"

"Hey.... Piccolo! Did you go in the room of spirit and time?" Goku asked the Namekain with a smile.

He looked at the super saiyan and answered, "Indeed."

"I can tell! You look a lot stronger!" He told him with a bright smile.

He didn't respond and asked him getting to the point, "...Why don't you just say it?"

"Well...Duh." Goku started to say as if find it hard to ask.

"HMPH. I suppose I ask for that one. So what do you want here...?" He said with a laugh.

He the asked the taller alien, "Um... Is it possible for you and Kami-sama to split in two again?"

"What?!" Piccolo asked looking to him in surprise.

"The dragon balls disappeared because you and Kami fused together, right? We have to get 'EM back and bring those people that cell killed back to life. And I bet we'll need 'EM, too!" Goku asked him in hope causing the teens to looking in their direction.

He looked right into the saiyans eyes and told him, "Yes, I see...Unfortunately, it's not possible. Once two can never separate again. That's why I hesitated so much before doing it."

"Yeah... That's kinda... what I figured. Hey, I heard from Gohan that the surviving Namekians went to another planet! Maybe I'll try looking for them! Maybe one O'them would be willing to come live on Earth! He became a GOD like kami!! And the dragon balls will be restored!!" Goku said to them with a smiled looking with confident blue eyes.

Trunks and Go-Go looked at each other. Popo had a smiled grow across his face at the saiyan's words.

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