BroZone's Mom? (TBT [OC Inser...

By EndouHya1115

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This is the story of BroZone's single yet young mom, Hya Evans, a singer and dancer, who is a 43-year-old pur... More

Hya's Information
Chapter 1: A Human Girl?
Chapter 2: BroZone Reunion, BroZone Reuniting With Hya!
Chapter 4: It Takes Two

Chapter 3: BroZone's Back!

551 4 6
By EndouHya1115

Third Person's POV

In Mount Rageous, Velvet and Veneer were practicing for their performance at the Rage Dome in their music studio

But unlike what everyone else expects, the two are vocalizing off-key

Velvet groans when she realizes their singing isn't as great without Floyd's talent

"If we're gonna make it to through the Rage Dome show, we're gonna need more troll."

Both of them enter the small studio room, and Velvet kicks a chair

"Crimp, what are you doing? Why are you always hovering?"

A small creature made out of orange construction paper, with small purple arms, is messing around with the digital audio mixer. Upon hearing her voice, Crimp turns around to look at her

"Uh, I'm standing?"

Besides Crimp is Floyd, Hya's long-lost son, trapped in a perfume bottle...

Veneer stands next to his sister with annoyance

"Well, be a good little assistant and go stand in the corner."

"Oh, yes." Crimp hops off the table and walks over to the other side of the room, but due to the shape of the room being octagonal, unfortunately, she's having a hard time determining where the corner is

Velvet and Veneer stares at her in disbelief

"Okay, I cannot with her." Velvet groans

Veneer shakes his head

"It's really too much."

Velvet immediately turns her attention to Floyd

"Well, time for a spritz."

Floyd shakes his head in desperation

"No, please! I barely have any talent left to give. I mean, maybe like a desperate Christmas album or a one-off national anthem performance... but that is it!" Floyd said before crossing his arms

Velvet, along with Veneer, leans over to the diamond bottle

"Oh really? You don't wanna? Okay, that's fine. We'll just kiss our careers goodbye and focus our efforts to charity." She said sarcastically

Veneer chuckled at that response

"Good one."

Velvet takes the perfume bottle in her hands and sprays the essence of Floyd's music talent, onto her. Now that her eyes glow pink for a few seconds, she vocalizes a lot better than she did before

"That's more like it." She said with a sigh

"We're so close to having everything we always knew we believed we deserve to have!"

Veneer sits back on the chair and glanced at the perfume bottle in worry before looking back at Velvet, but she seemed to notice

"Veneer, what's with your vibe and your face? Why do you have resting-moody-vibe face?"

Veneer lifts his hands up

"No, I know we deserved to be famous just cuz we wanted to. But honestly, that dude looks rough." He said, referring to Floyd, who looked drained out

"He's fine." Velvet stated

"And he's getting pale. And not in like a stunning, Victorian way." Veneer adds

Floyd gasped when he sees his feet turned white/or transparent

"Don't you see what you're doing? You're literally sucking the life out of me."

Velvet groans

"That's what we tell Crimp every day." She also takes the opportunity to shoot a glare at her

"What are we gonna do? We obviously can't rely on this troll to get us through the dress rehearsal. Let alone the Rage Dome show." Veneer said in a scared tone

"It's all going to change as soon as we have BroZone, and, maybe that troll's mom." Velvet said, reassuringly as she sits on the table

"BroZone? Wait, and my mother?"

Floyd asked in surprise

"Yep! I forged a letter begging for them to come save you. I love me." Velvet said the last part to herself and Floyd bangs on the glass

"No! You leave my family alone!"

Velvet groans once again

"I'm exhausted by this drama." She puts the bottle down on the table and looks at Veneer

"Hey, do you wanna buy a yacht?"

Veneer immediately gets up and follows his sister out of the room

"Oh, good idea. Let's buy matching yachts."

Floyd watches Velvet and Veneer leave before sighing to himself. As more as his feet turn white/transparent, he closed his eyes

Play Lonely People by Troye Sivan - Trolls Band Together version (originally by America)


This is for all the lonely people

Thinking that life has passed us by

We won't give up until we drink from the silver cup

And ride that highway to the sky...

In the background, Crimp was playing her small ukulele, and stops as the song finished

(End Song)

Floyd looks in her direction

"Your ukulele skills are improving."

"Thank you." Crimp said with a sweet smile


Meanwhile with Hya and the gang...

"So, John Dory," Poppy said, "who wrote that song 'Girl, I Love Your Love, Girl'?"

"I did." John Dory answered

"Cool. Who wrote 'Girl, You Break My Heart, Girl'?" Poppy asked

John Dory turns around to quickly glance back at them

"I did."

"So cool. Who wrote 'Girl, I Love Your Love, Girl, You Break My Heart, Girl, I Still Love You, But I Seriously Think We Should Have A Talk About our Relationship, Girl'?" As Poppy asked this question, she uses her hair to grab a pool noodle and pull it closer for them to walk across

"Bruh, that's some long freaking name I just heard, but I bet it's JD." Hya said as she chuckled, already thinking and knowing it was John Dory who wrote that song, but was surprised and amused of how long that song name was

"Oh, it was Branch." John Dory said

In excitement, Poppy spoke

"Shut up! That was my favorite BroZone song, like, ever!"

"JK! Also me." John Dory said, putting his hands together so he can hoist Poppy over to the pool noodle and he does the same thing for Hya and follows behind afterwards

"Yep, I knew it." She said as she shrugged her arms and shoulders and chuckled

"Branch has never written a song."

Hya look back and sees Branch place his hands on his hips

"I was a baby. What do you want me to write about, diaper rash?"

This made her stifle a laugh as she tries not to laugh and looks away as John Dory grabs leaf-shaped floaty and places it down on the pool noodle angled downward

"Branchie, no need to be so sarcastic." Hya said as she tried not to laugh

"Okay, take it easy, Bitty B." He then hops on the floaty and rides it down the pool noodle, almost like riding a skateboard

Hya grabs her own leaf floaty of her own and followed after him, but instead of standing, she just sat down just so she won't have to worry about falling off

Once her floaty came to a full stop at the end, Hya and John Dory waited for Poppy and Branch to catch up. Once they did, they all finally walk out of the forest

"Alright, y'all. We're getting closer to something. I can feel it." John Dory said, facing them

Hya was about to say something but it was pretty too late when he bump into something

Whatever he bumped into turns around, revealing a giant face of a creature they're not familiar with. The skin made out of white wool and orange yarn for hair

They all yelp and backed away when they saw the face

The creature gave them a pretty chill expression

"Woah. What do we got here?" He looked down as if he was talking to someone

"Hey, guys. Looks like I found some fellow rock climbers."

Looking down at the edge, they saw little creatures, similar to the one they bump into, climbing up a sand wall with him

The others stand besides Hya and take in the surroundings as well

"Uhh... yo." Hya said, awkwardly

"Hi!" Poppy also greeted them

"Welcome to Vacay Island. Where every day is a vacay." The creature said to them

When you're on a holiday

You can't find the words to say

On an island in the sun

We'll be playin' and havin' fun

And it makes me feel so fine I can't control my brain

Beachball birds appeared and approached them

She call me Mr. Bombastic

Tell me fantastic

Touch me on my back she says I'm Mr. Ro...


And finally, there's Spruce, surfing



Takes me away

To where I've always heard it could be

Poppy looked at the old magazine of Spruce


Just a dream and the wind to carry me

And soon I will be free~

"Oh yeah, I totally see it." Poppy said with a smirk before looking at Hya, who was still staring in shock and awe

"Uh, hello, Hya!"

She suddenly yelps, flinching as she snapped out of it and looked at Poppy

"What??" Hya said

"Come on, we gotta go!" Poppy said and quickly went to the others

Hya's eyes went back to Spruce and chuckled

"Wow... my boy had grown up and still looking the same heartthrob that could steal any girls' hearts." She said before she quickly followed Poppy and the others

"Cannonball!" One of the Vacationers jumps into the pool

Unbeknownst to Spruce, the four trolls and Hya catch up to him

"Running drinks to the back two-top. Hey, Lenny! Seaweeds floats are almost out."

"Thanks, boss."

"Hey, yo, Spruce! Spruce!" John Dory calls him out but Spruce just threw the menu to his face since he doesn't know his brothers are here

"Specials are on the back. Don't order the clams. Don't ask why. Fricassee squid and one jellyfish slider."

"Spruce, wait!" John Dory calls out again

"Huh? Oh, no, I knew this would happen one day. Listen, I know you recognize me from BroZone, and I'm happy to give you an autograph or whatever. But can you please be discreet about it?"

"Spruce, it's us. It's your brothers."

Spruce's head perked up and turned around

"Woah, Bitty B?" Spruce said and ran past John Dory and to Branch, much to JD's shock


Spruce suddenly picks Branch up and tossed him around

"Woah! No tossing, okay? Too big to be tossed!" Branch said

"The last time I saw you, you were in diapers!"

"Diapers. Right."

"Wet Willy!" Spruce said as he was playing around with Branch, while he gets annoyed

"Stop it! That's disgusting. I am a grown-up."

"Oh, sorry. A wet William."

Meanwhile Hya in the background was trying not to laugh at the reunion of her sons

"Hi, Spruce. I'm Poppy. Wow, it's like-- it's so cool to meet you or whatever. Uh, this is Tiny Diamond."

"Hey, what's up? Killer nachos you got there, by the way. Yeah!" Tiny Diamond said and jumps into the bowl of nachos

"All right!" One of the Vacationer shouts

"Okay, Spruce. About that, we're here because of Floyd--" Spruce cuts John Dory off

"No one's called me Spruce in years. I go by Bruce now."

"Bruce?" Hya said in confusion as she tilted her head slightly

"I'm sorry. Did you just say Bruce?" John Dory asked

"Yeah. I wanted to put the whole boy band thing behind me now that I'm a dad."

"Oh boy." Hya said, seeming surprised a little bit

"Wait a minute, you're a father?"

"Yeah. I can't wait for you to meet everyone. Hi, honey. These are my brothers, and my mother, unexpectedly." Spruce, or Bruce introduces them to his wife, Brandy

"Oh. Oh! Oh, hello there. So nice to finally meet you."

"Hi!" Poppy greeted

"Hey." Branch said

"Hello." John Dory said

"Ayo. Sup." Hya said

"This is my wife and business partner, Brandy. She is my soulmate, my very tall soulmate. But we make it work."

When Bruce said that, this confused John Dory


"We don't even really know how it works. I'm kidding. I'm--I'm not. I'm--I don't know."

Hya chuckled at that as she looks elsewhere

"Hah, just like me and your father did, oh boy, we don't even exactly know how we worked that out." Hya spoke

Bruce looked at Hya, and his eyes widened, as he recognized her

"Mom, is that you?" Bruce asked in shock

"Heya, sweet Spruce-- Oh, sorry, I mean, Bruce. Sorry, I'm getting a little mixed up right now, I just haven't seen you or any of your brothers in ages." She said and chuckled nervously

"Wow, it's... so good to see you again, Mom! I missed you!" Bruce said as he hugs her

Of course, he truly missed her, even though he's a grown adult now that had his own family

"You've grown so much now, I almost couldn't recognized you."


"If we practice, I know we'll be able to nail it. We have to." John Dory said, which made Bruce scoff

"At my age? I really don't think that--"

"See, guys. I told you Dad wasn't in a band." One of Bruce's half-troll kids, Rainy said

"Oh, I was in a band. I was in THE band, you ask your mother if I was in a band."

"Oh, he was in the band." Brandy said and chuckled

Suddenly, Hya, Poppy and his kids started chanting

"Prove it, prove it, prove it, prove it!"

"Alright! I'll prove it. I'll prove it right now." Bruce gave in and went to the stage with John Dory, which made them cheer

Even until now, Hya still acts like a real Gen Z teenager even though she was born in 80s

"Yes! Bring it in, brother!" John Dory said

"Go, Dad!"

"Branch, get up there. Go sing with your brothers." Poppy insists Branch

"I'll do it to save Floyd when I have to. But I'm not doing it right now just for "funsies"." Branch said and folds his arms to his chest

"Oh, yeah. Okay, you're probably right." Poppy said

"No, no, no. You're the one who-- wait, what did you say?" Branch asked, because the way Poppy said that got him confused

"You're afraid that singing with your brothers again after all these years will overwhelm you with emotions too powerful for you to handle. I agree with you. I don't think you can handle it, so I think you shouldn't do it." Poppy said

"I think I can handle singing a song." Branch said

"Oh really, Bitty B?" Hya asked with a mischievous and devilish smirk as she looks at him

"Prove it, prove it, prove it, prove it!"

"All right! Fine. But this is more than likely beneath me." Branch finally gave in and went to the side of the stage

"Yeah! Lezz get it!" Hya cheered with Poppy and Bruce's kids as Poppy puts the cassette tape on the speaker and the song played

Play BroZone's Back from Trolls Band Together

(Verse 1: Bruce, John Dory)

My girl's like candy, a candy treat

She knocks me right up off my feet

She's so fine, as can be

It's like a perfect harmony

(Pre-Chorus: Both)

Candy girl, you are my world

You look so sweet

Hya, Poppy and Branch went to the side of the stage, and Branch and Hya started warming up as his brothers continued singing and dancing

Come back to me

All I know, when I'm with you (ooh-ooh)

Suddenly, his brothers pointed at them, and they dragged their mother and Branch to the stage

"Woah!" Hya yelps slightly

"Yay!" Poppy cheered

You got the right stuff, baby

Love the way you turn me on (oh, oh, oh-oh)

You got the right stuff, baby

You're the reason why I sing this song

When both Hya and Branch looked at each other and smiled, they were now started to get into the song and dance

Even though she's 43 years old, she's still has a teenage body and skincare that still has the power and energy to dance and sing, and that would make anyone mistaken her as an 18-year old girl

(Chorus: Branch, Hya, Branch & Hya, BroZone with Hya, All with Poppy)

You're all I ever wanted

(Baby, you're all) you're all I ever needed, yeah

So tell me what to do now

When I want (I want you) you back

Doom, doom, da-dab

Doom, doom, doom, da-dab

Yeah-yeah-yeah, yah-rap

Dab-da-dab, BroZone's back, alright!

And now, this is where Hya and Branch gestured Poppy to join them, Branch holding out his hand to Poppy and she didn't hesitate and takes it and finally joins in

Whether you're a mother or whether you're a brother

You're stayin' alive (ooh-ooh), stayin' alive (ooh-ooh)

Feel the city breakin' and everybody shakin'

And we're stayin' alive (ooh-ooh), stayin' alive (ooh-ooh)

Ah, ah, ah, ah (BroZone's really back again)

Stayin' alive, stayin' alive

(Outro: All)

Doom, doom, da-dab

Doom, doom, da-dab

I want you back!

(End Song)

The song ended with all of them posed in different poses and the Vacationers and Bruce's family cheered

"Ah, yes! We still got it." John Dory said

"Oh, tell me that didn't feel good." Bruce said

"I can't believe I remembered every word and every step." Branch said to Poppy

"Looks like your band days aren't behind you." Poppy said and flirtatiously purred to him

"Woah, that felt so good to be back at dancing and singing after 20 years." Hya said as she sighs in relief

"What? You haven't danced and sing for 20 years too, Mom?" Branch asked

"Uh-huh. Yeah, feels good to be back. You know, I was forced not to do that anymore after I went back to the human world. You know how your, uh, human grandparents were..." She said, before looking away

Branch realizes what she was talking about and got sad about it, knowing that backstory about why she left and didn't came back for years

"...Hah?" She hummed in confusion and looked behind her

"Hey, guys, we gotta go. It's time to find Clay." She said before rushing back to Rhonda and went inside the vehicle, along with Branch, Poppy and Bruce after they said goodbye his family and the Vacationers

Will they be able to find Clay and save Floyd from Velvet and Veneer?



See you in the next chapter!

Jaa ne minna-san!!

(3030 Words)

EndouHya1115 signing out!~

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