The Last Light Keeper

By LaiGrey18

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Hello, this is a fantasy novel I've been working on for almost a year now! I'm really proud of it. I know it'... More

Chapter 1: An Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 2: Cauldron Chaos
Chapter 3: Friendly Fire
Chapter 4: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter 5: Tom-ay-toe, Tom-ah-toe
Chapter 6: Picking a Fight
Chapter 7: The Deal
Chapter 8: Amara Crest
Chapter 9: The Book
Chapter 10: Progress
Chapter 11: Reoccurring Dreams
Chapter 12: Fortis Arbor
Chapter 13: Discovery
Chapter 14: Do Not Come Back
Chapter 16: The Solstice Ball
Chapter 17: Friends
Chapter 18: Make Me

Chapter 15: More Questions

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By LaiGrey18

Aster was determined when she left for Evania. She still hadn't received word regarding Nelly or Miss Madeleine, but she tried to push that into the back of her mind.

  One problem at a time, she told herself.

  The bus ride wasn't pleasant, but Aster occupied her thoughts through the course of it. She remembered vividly what the Faery had done to her. And she was ready to perform the cast.

  How long, that depends on your power.

  Aster wished the Faery would've gone into further detail. At least she could be thankful for the fact that she didn't owe anything to the Faery, really. She just needed to stay clear of the Greenwood. She could do that.

  Sebastian was waiting for Aster at the bus stop. Seeing her friend lifted her spirits more than what she thought possible. She didn't realize how much she missed him until she saw him again.

  Sebastian opened his arms and she walked right into them. They hugged for a long moment, and then broke the embrace to look at each other.

  "How is she?" was the first thing Aster asked.

  Sebastian shrugged. "Not much worse. We found a wonderful nurse. She kind of reminds me of you."

  "That's good," said Aster. "I have to tell you something."

  "What is it?"

  "I went back to the Greenwood and met with the Faery."

  Sebastian's face turned to shock then to anger. "Are you joking? Aster! You promised Huck."

  "Sebastian, we're desperate. But it's okay. The only deal we had was that I stay away from her and the Greenwood."

  "Why in the galaxy would that be the deal?"

  Aster shrugged. "I think the Faery has something against Keepers. I don't know."

  "How do you know she actually helped you? That this isn't a trick?"

  "I just know. Do you trust me or not?"

  Sebastian sighed. "I don't want you to get hurt again."

  "I don't think I will. I think she taught me to halt the spread of the Dark Magic, as if to seal it. It's not going to cure her, but it should give us time."

  Sebastian seemed to accept this. "Whatever, Aster, do what you have to. I trust you."

   Amara did look better than Aster had hoped. She was sitting in her bed, the head of it propped up. The color in her cheeks was still rosy, and her eyes didn't look so exhausted. She instantly beamed when she saw Aster.

  "Come here, dear," she sang.

  Aster approached and took Amara's hands, which pulled her right in for a hug.

  "We've missed you," she whispered into Aster's hair.

  Aster pulled back and smiled, relieved to see Amara wasn't worse for wear. "I've missed you both."

  "Sebby found the perfect nurse," said Amara. "She's so kind and smart, just like you! She was intrigued to find out Sebastian's best friend is a Light Keeper, I know she'd love to meet you soon."

  "I'd love to meet her as well," said Aster.

  "Next time of course, you kids have to get back to school for the Solstice Ball."

  "The ball isn't until tomorrow, mum," said Sebastian. "We can hangout a little longer. We'll take the late bus ride back home."

  Amara's brow creased. "I don't want you walking from Jobbleville in the dark."

  "All right," Sebastian groaned. "We'll take the almost late bus. We'll be back at school before the sun sets."

  "That's better," Amara gleamed. "Aster dear, are you hungry?"

  Aster was somewhat anxious, so she wasn't very hungry at all even though she hadn't eaten since lunch. She forced herself to eat one of Sebastian's famous peanut-butter sandwiches, knowing she would need her strength to perform the cast.

  After a little bit of them spending time together, Sebastian brought up Aster's healing magic. Amara seemed against it almost immediately.

  "It's all right, dear. I fear you're completely draining yourself and for what?"

  "Mum, her healing magic has helped you so much these last few months," said Sebastian. "You're almost like the mum I knew before you got sick. Isn't that worth it?"

  "Worth your friend risking her own health?" Amara's eyes scowled.

  "I promise I'm okay," Aster spoke up. "I've learned a new cast from a Faery."

  Sebastian looked at Aster in shock. She didn't even know why she said that. Maybe she was just tired of sneaking around. She hated the idea of lying to Amara.

  Amara's eyes grew wide. "A Faery?" She glanced towards Sebastian. "I thought you said the Fae by your school were nothing but tricksters."

  "They are, but it seems the Fae take a special liking towards Aster," Sebastian explained. "They're the same way with Miss Madeleine."

  "This cast will help halt the spread of your disease," said Aster, making sure she didn't bring up anything to do with Dark Magic. "I don't know what that really entails... it could just be your symptoms really... but I think it's worth a shot."

  "You kids are relentless," Amara sighed. "All right."

  "You know, mum, someday Aster is gonna be a famous Healing Keeper, who also kicks lots of arse. You should be proud that you're her first patient," Sebastian winked.

  Amara couldn't help but smile. "Well when you put it that way."

  Aster assumed she was given the okay, and stepped forward. She placed her hand on Amara's chest, just like the Faery had done to her. It seemed the Faery unlocked some reservoir inside Aster, as if she had access to magic she hadn't had before. She allowed it to pull from her into Amara. She could feel it dense up inside Amara, almost like a vault. She knew it would linger inside of her, fighting the Dark Magic. She started to feel herself slipping, and began to reel herself in before passing out. She was a little disoriented, and her vision was blurry, but Sebastian helped her down into a chair.

  "How do you feel, mum?" Sebastian asked, his hands still placed on Aster's shoulders.

  Amara was silent for a moment, hand on her chest. "I don't know."

  "What does that mean?" Sebastian asked.

  Amara looked over at the two Keepers, her eyes bewildered. "It's not bad. I just, I can't explain it. Are you all right, Aster."

  Aster nodded as she tried to ground herself.

  "Sebby, I swear if she isn't well enough to go to the ball-"

  Aster stifled a laugh, causing Sebastian to let out a sigh of relief.

  "I'm okay, Amara," she said. "It's always a little funny, using a cast I've never used before. But I'm okay."

  Amara let out her own sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. Sebastian, get her some more tea and another sandwich."

  "That's okay-"

  "Just drink your damn tea," Sebastian interrupted, pouring Aster a cup from the steaming pot.

  Aster moved herself to the table where the cup of tea was waiting for her, and sipped on it until Sebastian brought over a peanut butter sandwich. He even made a sandwich and cup for himself and sat down with Aster to enjoy it together. Amara felt well enough to sit on the edge of the bed and chat with them. It was very nice, Aster thought, and she tried to take in the moment.

  "So, Aster, are you excited for the Solstice Ball?" Amara asked as she sipped tea from her own cup.

  "Yeah, I think so," said Aster. "I don't really know what to expect."

  Sebastian shrugged. "You just show up with your parents and it's basically a chance for your families to meet your professors and classmates. Except everyone dresses up. There's a dance floor and stuff, but nobody really dances. I don't know why Miss Madeleine devoted a class to trying to teach us."

  "Oh," said Aster.

  "It's kind of awkward because when you first walk in you're introduced to the whole party with your family," Sebastian continued.

  "Oh, Sebby, that's all in your head," Amara told him.

  "Well, it's going to be awkward this year, when I show up by myself without any parents," said Sebastian.

  "I told you Roger can go with you!"

  Sebastian shot a glare. "Right, that's how he would want to spend his night."

  Amara nodded. "He would do it for me and for you because he loves us."

  "No, it's fine. I'd rather him be here with you."

  "Well, maybe you can walk in with Aster and her guardian," Amara gleamed at Aster. "Nelly, you said it was, right?"

  Aster felt her face go hot. "Yes, but actually I don't think Nelly is going to be able to make it after all."

  Sebastian looked at Aster. "Really?"

  "Miss Madeleine was supposed to go see her, because she wasn't responding to any of my letters, but it doesn't seem to be good news. She hasn't returned and said the trip may take longer."

  "Aster, why didn't you tell me any of this?"

  Aster shrugged. "I don't know. I told you Miss Madeleine was going to fetch Nelly. I just didn't wanna burden you with all of the other stuff I guess. You've got a lot going on."

  Sebastian's face distorted into guilt. "Aster..."

  "Honey, try not to jump to conclusions," said Amara. "Miss Madeleine isn't going to worry you unless there's a reason. I say just try to be optimistic until you truly have a reason not to."

  Aster nodded. "Professor Heathcliff said the same thing pretty much."

  "Well in the meantime you and Sebastian could enter the ball together? That way neither of you have to walk in alone," Amara suggested.

  Aster looked towards Sebastian who raised his eyebrows. "That sounds good."

  Sebastian nodded. "Yeah, sounds good to me."

  Amara's expression softened into sadness. "I do wish I could see Sebastian all dressed up in his suit."

  "I would say we get ready here, but the bus ride would wrinkle my suit immediately," Sebastian laughed. "Then we'd have to walk from Jobbleville..."

  "Oh I know, I'm just thinking aloud," Amara quickly responded. "Don't let me dampen your special day. I do expect you two to get a photograph together! From the photographer! Aster, please make sure? I won't be there to force Sebastian, and last year it took a lot of forcing."

  Sebastian groaned, but Aster smiled. She'd never had her photograph taken that she could remember.  "Of course."

  Sebastian looked towards Aster. "What are you wearing? Did Sorbit let you borrow a dress?"

  "Actually Miss Madeleine had one for me," said Aster. "Well, it actually belonged to my mom..."

  Sebastian's eyes widened. "No joke? That's amazing, Aster."

  "Oh, Aster, you're going to look so beautiful!" Squealed Amara, causing Aster to blush.

  They spent as much time together as they could before Amara rushed them off to the bus stop. As she hugged Sebastian tightly, Aster overheard Amara whispering in his ear to be a gentleman and something about treat her like a lady. Sebastian's face was a little red as he pulled away, but Aster pretended not to notice. Amara gave Aster an extra tight hug and her usual peck on the cheek. She looked at the two Keepers fondly one last time before they ushered out the door.

  It wasn't until they were safely on the bus that Aster decided to bring up her conversation with Heathcliff. She told him everything Heathcliff said, about the book and the dark sacrifice.

  "You didn't mention anything about my mum, right?" Sebastian asked.

  Aster shook her head. "Of course not. I only asked about the Dark Ritual, the same one that Huck's grandfather performed."

  Sebastian looked puzzled. "What would that have to do with my mother?"

  "Well, we're pretty convinced Dark Magic did this to her, I mean I'm like positive it's what I felt last weekend."


  "And... who in the galaxy would want to curse your mom with a Dark Magic illness?"

  Sebastian shrugged, not knowing where Aster was leading with this.

  "What if your dad somehow gained Dark Magic and used it to curse Amara?"

  Sebastian looked even more puzzled, then his face distorted into anger. "Why would you think that?"

  "It's just a theory," said Aster, hoping she hadn't spoken out of term.

  Sebastian looked to the ground, deep in thought. Suddenly the bus halted to a stop, catching the two Keepers off guard and slamming them into the seat in front of them. Sebastian quickly pushed himself back into his seat and shook his head.

  "I'm sorry," said Aster as she righted herself. "I shouldn't have said that."

  "No, it's okay," said Sebastian, pushing his messed up hair out of his eyes. "I mean, it's not like it's impossible. It's just my mum never did anything awful to my dad, bad enough to make him want to curse her...I don't think."

  "Well, that's why I want to find out more about this ritual. It's unnatural, and maybe after the user gains Dark Magic, it changes them. Turns them into someone who lacks empathy, and love."

  Sebastian shrugged. "It could very well be. I just guess my mind never wanted to process that possibility."

  "It's going to be hard to find information, it seems anything that had to do with the ritual was destroyed."

  Sebastian nodded. "I just would hate to put all of our energy into learning about the ritual, but it not even be related to my mother."

  "I understand," said Aster. "If we could only learn more about the dark sacrifice. What if your dad chose Amara?"

  Sebastian's face distorted into utter pain. "You don't think the sacrifice was instant?"

  "It could've been. We just don't know."

  Sebastian groaned. "Let's just get through this damn ball. Then we'll put all our effort into this. Maybe Huck will cover the Dark Ritual garbage while you and I work on other Dark Magic illnesses."

  "Right," Aster agreed. "Hey, at least now we know for sure it's Dark Magic."

  Sebastian nodded, sullenly.

  Aster placed her hand on his arm. "You and Huck are the smartest people I know. The three of us are bound to find answers."

  Sebastian forced a weak smile. "I was about to say the same about you and Huck."

  Aster and Sebastian made it back to Jobbleville in time to enjoy a quick bite before heading to the Academy. They eventually made it before nightfall. Aster was somewhat optimistic that maybe there was news about Nelly and Miss Madeleine, so she had gone to ask Professor Heathcliff. Unfortunately Miss Madeleine hadn't returned and there was no further word from her.

  Aster began to worry that something bad may have happened to Miss Madeleine, but Professor Heathcliff was quick to dismiss her worries.

  "Miss Madeleine is a capable Keeper," he told Aster. "I wouldn't worry about her. And if she did find herself in a jam, she's more than capable to use her magic to send a message back to the Academy."

  Aster wasn't too convinced. "Are you sure?"

  The professor nodded. "Trust me. I'm not just saying that. I'd be the last person to compliment Maddy. It's just a fact."

  This caused a smile from Aster. "Have you two always been at odds with each other?"

  Professor Heathcliff's face went red, the first time Aster had ever seen it. "Uh, well..."

  Aster giggled. "You don't have to answer if you don't want to."

  "It's not that I dislike her... I guess our personalities have always clashed. Even when we were students."

  Aster thought it was funny her mom's two best friends didn't get along well. Then she was reminded of her own two best friends, Sebastian and Sorbit, and how they tended to clash when around each other. Maybe she really was just as much like her mother as people said.

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