Gentle touch

By sleepysappho

66.3K 1.4K 464

It had been mere months after her eighteen birthday, when she was pulled from the safe haven of her life and... More

Malibu barbie
Lunatic land
Biting down
Girls against God
Pink tigers
Crying over spilt milk
Big bad wolf
Number seven
Three clicks
The grudge
Lizzy McDizzy
Welcome to Litchfield
Cold cereal
Witching hour
Drama queen
Sink or swallow
Sick day special
Cool about it
Invisible string
Cowboy like me
The blues
I know the end
O'Romeo Romeo
Wine and worry
Garden of Eden
Marshmallow meltdown
Spelling is fun
Me & My Dog
Strawberry shortcake

On the down low

1.8K 40 7
By sleepysappho

Her head was laid in Daisy's lap, her body sprawled across the couch. Days had passed since the dinner incident, and yet Elise's words had become a haunting reminder to her, how dire her situation actually was. It served as a lesson however, teaching her that she had to be tactical to escape. The first step of her plan was manipulation.

"Why are you pouting, love?" Daisy satirised, the girl's face only scowled more at this, "I am not." She argued. "Yes you are." The brunette teased, Alexa covered her face with her hands, whining. "Okay you weren't." Daisy agreed, chuckling.

The girl removed her hands with her face, allowed a small smile. "Mommy?" Alexa questioned, "yes Lexie?".

"When can I see your garden?" Alexa looked above her, eyes meeting with Daisy's. The woman had a look on her face that she couldn't depict, "how do you know about the garden?". The tone left Alexa swallowing a lump in her throat, wondering if she'd struck a wrong cord, she was certain that the question seemed innocent enough.

"Mama told me." Alexa replied, Daisy's face resumed into a smile, "you can see it one day, I promise." Daisy told her- non committed. Alexa pressed her lips together, "okay." She spoke, rather disappointed.

She turned her head to see Cooper laying on the couch, she wiggled her upper body off the woman's lap. She scooted herself over to the dog, placing a kiss on his head, in between his ears. "I see where your loyalties lie." Daisy looked over, Alexa merely placed her head on top of Cooper's, enjoying the softness of his fur. Her one ally in this place, and it had to be someone who couldn't talk.

In her head, she named the plush she'd received from Elise, she named him Chase, thinking it matched with Cooper. She'd decided that she'd take it with her, a reminder of the small solace she'd allowed herself with.

"Yeah one sec, I'll ask." Lottie's voice said in the distance, she lingered in the doorway, a phone against her ear. She took the phone away from her head, pressing the mute button. "Elise wants to know if we want to meet her for lunch." She told Daisy, she gave a glance to the girl, her face softening.

The words made the girl sit up, she didn't allow a chance for Daisy to speak. "My stomach hurts." She complained, she put her hands over her stomach for dramatic effect. The women didn't seem to buy it, "really? your tummy hurts?" Lottie questioned.

Forcing on her best pained look, she nodded, "it really really hurts." She whined. Alexa took herself back over to Daisy, resting her head on the woman's shoulder. "Mommy i've got a stomach ache." She persuaded, hoping her act was convincing, it wouldn't be winning any Oscars anytime soon, but she thought it to be decent.

Maybe it was her acting, or maybe it was Daisy taking pity on her, but the woman seemed to believe her. "I don't think we should go out if she's feeling like this." She spoke, "i'll tell Elise we can't." Lottie agreed.

Daisy shook her head, "no, no you should go see her, me and Alexa are okay here, right?" Alexa hastily nodded. Lottie appeared unsure, "are you sure?".

"I wouldn't offer if I wasn't."

With that, it was agreed, Alexa would stay at home with Daisy. The blonde pressed the phone back against her ear, "unfortunately you'll be stuck with just me El." She joked to the woman on the other hand, she mouthed 'thank you' to her wife before turning around.

"My poor girl." Daisy mused, rubbing the girl's arm. Alexa couldn't quite tell if the words were condescending or not, yet she leaned further into the woman's side.

The thought of being around Elise, was enough to give her a real stomach ache, after the words she'd so nonchalantly told the girl. She feared the honesty behind them, how confident the words had been spoken.


"Get some rest, and your tummy ache will be gone like magic by the time you wake up." Daisy promised, pulling the covers over the girl. A kiss was placed on the girls forehead, the woman straightening herself back up afterwards.

Alexa turned to the side, closing her eyes. She forced her breathing to steady, opening her mouth slightly. The art of faking sleep, was something she'd learned early in life. After a few minutes, she could hear the door closing, she waited a few moments before sitting up. As it turned out, 'sick privileges' was that she'd been allowed to sleep in the women's bed, just for nap time at least.

She pulled the blankets off her, sitting up. She dragged herself to the side of the bed, getting up, her feet sinking into the carpet. She found all the drawers on the left hand of the bedside table to be locked, she attempted to pull the drawers open with force, not that she had any luck.

Every single drawer she came across, seemed to be locked, and she didn't have the key. Alexa ruled the bathroom out as being anything of interest, she'd already been in there a handful of times, the most threatening thing was the overwhelmingly strawberry bubble bath.

Walking over to the door, she pressed her ear against it, no noises could be heard in the distance. Looking back over at the bed, she went back over to get Chase. "Fine, you can come." She whispered, keeping the dog under her arm. She tested the door handle, half expecting it to be locked; like most things around here.

Excitement spiked in the girl, the door was unlocked. She would go and explore, then she'd sneak back into the room as if nothing happened.

What could go wrong?

Opening the door, she cringed slightly, expecting there to be squeaky hinges. Luck seemed to be on the girls side, the door opening quietly, it almost felt fake.

Wandering out into the hallway, she made a beeline to the stairs. If she could figure out how to open the baby gate, then leaving would be a hell of a lot easier. She would finally have an advantage over them, she thought. Alexa placed Chase down beside her.

With steady fingers, she made work on the lock, doing whatever she could think of: pulling, twisting, pushing, sliding. The gate didn't budge, mocking her as it stood still. She glared at the inanimate object, "go fuck yourself." She muttered.

Then she saw a figure looming at the bottom of the stairs, she instantly pulled her hands away from the gate, pulling them behind her back. Daisy raised an eyebrow at the girl.

"You wouldn't be touching something, i'm sure you shouldn't be, would you?"

Alexa looked down at her socks, feeling the woman's look burn into her. She bit her tongue, there was no response that could get her way out of it. She took a step back, hearing Daisy begin to make her way up the stairs.

She didn't dare to look up, even when the gate was being opened. it was her bodies response to back away until her back was pressed against the wall, which she soon regretted when she realised she had trapped herself. Daisy stood in front of her, "look me in the eyes." She commanded. Alexa faltered for a moment, before making eye contact, swallowing the saliva that had pooled in her mouth as she did.

"Alexa, I know that you know it is wrong to mess with things that are put there for your safety, and yet you don't seem to learn."

"Mama told me about how when she took you into the yard, you tried to unbuckle the harness." Daisy continued, 'snitch' Alexa bitterly thought. "So I know that this isn't the first time, and it won't be the last if I simply let you get away with it."

Without warning, her wrist was tugged by the woman, leading her into the playroom. Taking the girl to a desk which sat in the corner, she pulled out the stool that sat underneath it. Alexa was gently pushed down onto the chair, and told to sit and stay. It seemed that she failed every test, every chance to gain their trust.

She was surprised when a lined piece of paper was placed down, following by a pencil, the led being sharpened perfectly.

"Now because you can't seem to learn, i'm going to make sure it sticks in your brain." Daisy spoke ominously, "you are to write 'I must not mess with things that i'm not allowed to', on every line."

There was a small inkling of defiance within the girl, "but that's going to take forever!" She complained. "And you can spend that time, thinking about why it's wrong to do."

"Now i'd suggest you start writing, or you'll be sat here forever and a little bit more."


Every single line, every single line she had to write the stupid sentence onto. By the sixth, her hand ached, and she almost stopped, but she feared Daisy would scold her for doing so. At the beginning, she had attempted to write cursive- her preferred writing style, her neatness lessened as the sentences increased however.

With the last full stop, what sat in front of her was a completed sheet, one she wanted to burn in a fire. The page was taken by Daisy, who scanned over it, "can you say it for me now?" She questioned. Alexa almost scoffed in disbelief, but she wasn't in a position to be arguing right now, the paper had another side she could be filling.

"I must not mess with things that i'm not allowed to." She spoke, "I think that's enough for this lesson, but next time you won't be let off so lightly, understood?"

Knowing she wasn't lying, Alexa nodded, she was picked up by the women. To her dismay, the paper was still gripped in her free hand. They left the room, making their way to the stairs, in which they were met with Chase, still in the same spot as before. "It seems that your stuffed animal knew what you two were doing was naughty, and put itself in time out." Daisy joked.

Daisy allowed the girl onto the floor, to grab her stuffed animal, before she picked up the girl once more. She had to tuck the paper under her arm, as she opened the gate. With that, the pair were on their way.

The girl was taken into the kitchen, the first time she'd ever been graced with the 'privilege' of seeing the room, the dullness of it all disappointed her expectations. It was an ordinary kitchen, the entirety of it was nothing she had expected, she had thought there would be something extraordinary with how she was never welcomed into the room. "This is my sanctuary, mama isn't allowed to make anything in it without my permission." Daisy joked, or Alexa presumed she was joking.

As she looked over the counters, she saw various things having been spread out. Flour, eggs, oil, butter, sugar.

"Are we making cupcakes?" Alexa asked excitedly, seeing the small cupcake liners on the counter. "We were going to, after your nap." Daisy told her, disenchantment washed over the girl, regretting her earlier choices.

In her attempts to manipulate the women, she had failed to protect herself from the same tactics. "Mommy please, I'm very sorry, I don't even have to eat any of them, please just let me help you!" She begged, frightened by the idea that she would miss out on the opportunity, it was the most adult thing she'd been proposed with so far.

Her eyes went blurry, feeling sensitive over the subject. Daisy held a finger to the girls lips, "a simple please would have sufficed, I know you're trying your best princess." Daisy comforted, the girl forced a small smile, blinking away the tears in her eyes. As she was placed on the floor, she sniffled, wiping her nose with her hand.

"And that brings me onto the first step, washing our hands, go put your doggy in the dining room love." Daisy instructed, Alexa nodded, walking to place Chase on the dining room table.

When she came back in, she found Daisy drying her own hands on a towel. "Do you need help washing your hands?" Daisy questioned, "I can do it mommy." Alexa promised, "good girl."

The girl walks over to the sink, dampening her hands before rubbing soap into them. Impatiently rubbing her hands together before rinsing them off, she was met with a towel, Daisy drying the girls hands for her. "All ready to start." Daisy smiled, "do you want help mixing the butter and the eggs?" The question felt ridiculous to Alexa, who vehemently shook her head.

"Okay okay, but I'm here if you need help?" Daisy reminded, Alexa focused on the ingredients. Cracking the eggs was a delicate process, one she had always excelled at, and this time was no different. The brunette had congratulated her, and she blushed at the praise.

She had been reprised of her duties, when they had gotten more difficult. She had stepped back upon command, as Daisy said she needed to sift the flour. The women looked over the counter, unable to find the sifter.

"Mommies forgotten the sifter, can you go grab it for me? It's over in those drawers." Daisy asked, continuing to mix the batter, small flicks on her hands from where she had mixed too quickly. Alexa felt important being given the task, walking over to the drawers. She opened the first one, a draw of clutter, she had almost closed it when she saw something. A glimmer of silver.

A key.

A small silver key, it wasn't big enough for the doors but...maybe just maybe.

Snapping her head towards the women, Daisy was none the wiser, she snatched the key up. Shoving it in the pocket of her cardigan, she slammed the drawer shut, maybe a little too hard. "Sweetie be careful with the drawers." Daisy lightly scolded, Alexa opened the bottom drawer, finding the sifter.

With her heart beating heavily against her chest, she walked back over to Daisy, handing her the sifter. "Thank you Lexie."

Alexa zoned out almost, barely able to pay attention to the cake making process, too occupied by the key she had found. How much trouble she would be in, if she was caught having it.

The woman had dipped her finger in the now mixed batter, wiping a little on the girls cheek, whose mouth fell open slightly in response. "Mommy you got me messy!" Alexa complained, Daisy looked satisfied in return. Fighting fire with fire, Alexa grabbed a pinch of flour that had gotten on the counter, throwing it over Daisy.

In response, Alexa gasped as she felt flour being sprinkled down her, almost like snow falling, except she didn't enjoy it one bit. The girl accepted defeat, walking backwards away from the perpetrator. "You didn't play fair." Alexa accused, Daisy grinned in victory, "can't play dirty when there's no rules angel."


The girl was cleaned off, or as best as she could be cleaned off with a washcloth. Daisy promised the girl would be getting a bath tonight, which Alexa wasn't sure whether it should've comforted her or not, but she was glad when the flour was completely off her.

Lottie had since returned, coming back slightly after the cake debacle. She found the situation a lot funnier than Alexa had, but then again, she hadn't been the one doused with flour.

"Mama you don't get it! It was everywhere, it made such a mess!" Alexa tried to explain, the family were in the dining room, waiting for the cakes to be ready. Alexa stood at the head of the table, hands on either side of the table. "Oh I'm sure it was, Lexie." Lottie humoured, "keep with that attitude and there will be no cupcakes for you." Daisy teasingly threatened.

"I'm getting a cupcake?" Alexa enquired, she thought with her prior pleas, it had been agreed she would be helping, not receiving. "Of course you are sweetie, someone has to make sure the cupcakes are safe." Daisy laughed at the girl, Alexa nodded- happily.

If she ignored all the bad parts, it was becoming bearable, with her evergrowing compliance.

The sound of a phone alarm could be heard from the kitchen, "they're ready." Daisy stated, excusing herself to the kitchen.

Lottie looked lovingly at the girl, "come over here sweetie, i've missed you." She told her, moving her chair back slightly to allow the girl room to sit. Alexa did as she asked, making the short distance to the blonde, who happily engulfed her.

In the woman's hold, she froze slightly, remembering the key in the pocket. With the makeshift hug, she could feel it pressing against her side, and she hoped that Lottie couldn't feel it. Pulling away from the hug, Lottie's face didn't seem to deter from a smile.

It almost made her feel guilty.

How oblivious that Lottie was, how nice Daisy had been. A part of her felt pity for her captors, people who loved so much in such wrong ways.

Her guilt was easily swallowed however, she could push it down until it merely became a slight ache. Her need for autonomy could not be suppressed so easily, it was a natural part of her nature.

The pair simply stayed like that, in each other's presence, until Daisy came back with a plate of iced cupcakes. "You can decorate them next time Lexie, I think we've had enough messes today." Daisy told her, Alexa had some words of choice for the last part, but she bit her tongue in favour of the cupcakes.

As the plate was placed in front of her, she looked at Lottie for permission, "go ahead, one before dinner." Lottie said. Alexa didn't need to be told twice, grabbing a cupcake from the pile. Carefully, she unpeeled the cupcake liner, taking a bite.

"Are they safe to eat?" Daisy joked, Alexa gave a thumbs up, her mouth too full to speak.

This was the first 'treat' she had enjoyed since being there, small allowances had been made here and there, but nothing this big.

Whilst she ate the cupcake, she looked down to see Cooper, licking the crumbs off the floor. He was big enough to be able to reach onto the table, he could've easily grabbed a cupcake for himself. That would have resulted in reprimand however, what Cooper had done was smart. By staying under the table, he was safe from scolding.

It was much more difficult, having to wait for the crumbs, but it kept him free from being caught. It dawned on Alexa, if she wanted to not get caught, she had to stay low. It would be the work of a fool to scale the fence, she would have to be much more creative.

She had to stay down.

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