MHL In Love Book 1: Falling R...

By Cinnamonbuns0725

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Choi He Ran (Eira) seemingly has it all - she is pretty, rich and a handsome boyfriend who is part of famous... More

Chapter 0.0 - Meet the cast
Chapter 1: Eira's secret
Chapter 2: Meeting MHL and Eira
Chapter 3: Is it time to break up?
Chapter 4: Brotherhood
Special Chapter #1 - MHL Magazine shoot
Chapter 6: The will to live
Chapter 7: Cuddles and famous visitors
Chapter 8: Preparations and practice
Special Chapter #2 - MHL VR Game Commercial Shoot
Chapter 9 Part 1: Starting the countdown
Chapter 9 part 2: Falling Rain
Chapter 10: Counting hours...
Chapter 11 PART 1: Fighting with Destiny
Chapter 11 Part 2: Fighting with Destiny
Special Chapter #3: MHL's Drama Shoot
Special Message for the readers
Chapter 12 (Part 1) : Destiny's Promise
Chapter 12 (Part 2) : Moving Forward
Next Book Preview: MHL In Love Book 2

Chapter 5: Learning the truth

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By Cinnamonbuns0725

Cyril still had his face buried into his hands when Benedict and the rest found him sitting on the hospital bench closest to the Emergency room. Benedict touched Cyril's shoulder and the latter looked up. Jun had to look away when he saw the mix of helplessness, desperation and guilt etched on the face of their strong leader.

"Aunt and Uncle are coming. I called them on the way here."

Cyril murmured a thank you to Benedict before raking his hand through his hair. Benedict sat beside Cyril, "My cousin's a fighter. She won't die."

"She...she told me not to miss her too much..." Cyril replied as a lone tear made its way out of his eyes.

Mick bit his lips as he felt tears threatening to fall from his eyes. Tyrone placed an arm around Mick and held him close while his other hand patted Jun's back lightly. Jun gave a grateful smile, "I'll go get some drinks for us."

Jun walked away just as couple came rushing in..." Where's He Ran?"

Benedict and Cyril stood to welcome Mr. Choi and the now tearful Mrs. Choi. Benedict answered in behalf of Cyril who was wiping traces of tears on his face. "Aunt, Eira's inside the Emergency room."

Mrs. Choi sobbed after hearing Benedict's answer. Mr. Choi calmly rubbed his wife's back then looked at Cyril "Son, can you tell us what happened?"

Cyril stiffened when he heard Eira's father call him son, "Eira... she... we were having a picnic then... she turned pale..." tears streamed down his cheeks and he hastily wiped them before he continued. "E-Eira wanted to go home... b-but I took her here because she can't breathe..."

Mr. Choi gave Cyril a genuine smile, "Thank you Cyril."

"Sir... I don't..."

Mr. Choi shook his head "I am thanking you because you made our daughter happy. You took care of my little girl and I'm grateful."

Cyril's supposed reply was halted when the doctor came out of the Emergency room. He was serious and his mouth was set into a thin grim line.

"He Ran's heart stopped..."

He paused and looked intently at Mr. Choi before continuing... "but she's okay now. Dong Min Choi, your daughter's very strong. It was not her usual attacks, but she survived. She needs to stay for observation though. I have arranged her room and she'll be moved there in a few minutes."

The doctor then grinned at everyone who released relieved sighs one after the other. Mr. Choi released his wife and playfully hit the doctor "Jung su, I can kill you now for scaring everyone"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you or Hee Young noona."

The doctor 's face turned serious again, "But she still needs to undergo that operation. She may be safe for now but as I have mentioned before. The next attack could be He Ran's last."

"What operation? Why does she need one?"

Benedict looked away avoiding Cyril's question. Cyril then moved his eyes to the Choi couple then to Eira's doctor. He was confused and he needed answers.

Dr. Park faced the confused boy and smiled, "I assume you are Cyril? He Ran's almost always talking about you. How you were the best boyfriend and all that"

Cyril nodded while blushing a little. "What's her condition? I think I have the right to know."

"Of course you do. I am quite surprised He Ran hadn't told you anything about it yet. "

Cyril was about to respond when a nurse tapped on Dr. Park's shoulder, "Park-seonsaengnim, the family of the patient in room 303 is requesting for you."

"Oh... the stubborn guy again?"

The nurse nodded. Dr. Park released an exasperated sigh and scratched his head "Big Brother, I need to attend to that patient now. Please think about the operation. "

He then patted Cyril's shoulder "I must leave the explaining to Big Brother. I'm sorry, Cyril."

The doctor then half jogged half walked to the location of room 303 with the nurse who called him following close. Mr. Choi then sighed, "We'll explain everything once we are in the private room. Jung Su already arranged Eira's room for us."

Cyril nodded and Eira was then wheeled out of the Emergency Room. The Chois, Benedict and Cyril soon followed.

"I think they forgot about us..."

Tyrone and Mick jumped after hearing Jun's voice. "When did you get here?"

"I've been here since the doctor came out" he replied. "You two cut the caffeine."

Tyrone shrugged and walked ahead followed by Jun, the manager and Mick who was grumbling "stupid Jun... using ninja skills... shouldn't have surprised me."

Room 210... this had always been Eira's room whenever she's in the hospital. It was nothing special, white walls, a small round clock, TV, personal ref, a couch and a few chairs, and of course a table. Benedict plopped on the couch and sighed,

"I think I'm also starting to hate this room little one... "


"I hate this room" Eira pouted and crossed her arms.

Benedict chuckled as he saw the adorable pout his cousin was sporting.
"You hate anything that has to do with the hospital." he replied before continuing to peel apples.

's pout dropped and a somber expression was now on her face "It's just that... every time I'm here, I get reminded of how long I have."

Benedict saw the sad look on his cousin's face
... he grinned and threw apple peelings on the unsuspecting girl.

"Hey! I'm a patient!!!!"

"Don't "hey" me. I'm older than you."

Eira pouted and threw the peelings back to her cousin.
"Some older brother you are Ben, throwing apple peelings to a girl..."

"You are not a girl, He Ran." Benedict countered and the apple peel fight continued.

===== END FLASHBACK=====

A can of coffee roused Benedict out of his reveries. He took the can and thanked whoever was holding it, not looking up. Jun grinned and absentmindedly plopping himself beside his Big Brother... however, he noticed that there was another set of feet where he was sitting and that he was higher than normal.

"Jun why are you sitting on Tyrone's lap?"

Jun saw the confused expression on their manager's face and the amused grin on Mick's face. He stood as quickly as he could and glared at Tyrone. Benedict who was not paying attention earlier was now also looking at them with a grin, "I did not know Ty and you are that close already"

Jun was about to say something when he felt a tug on his sleeve, "Jun... is there any drink left?"

Mick, Benedict and their manager laughed at the sight of the very confused and now red faced Jun. "You... you... aish! There's some left in that plastic!"

Another round of laughter at Jun's expense ensued... red faced Jun tried to save his pride by sitting on the space left by Tyrone while he was taking an orange juice for himself. Tyrone proceeded to distribute the canned drinks to Mick and the manager. There were three drinks left on the plastic, Tyrone looked at the Chois and Cyril before looking at Benedict.

Benedict smiled and opened his coffee, "You can give them those a little later..."

Tyrone nodded and handed a coffee can to Jun before sitting again. The manager sat on Benedict's other side discussing something while Mick and Jun playfully hit each other while Ty was in the middle drinking his juice. Cyril's death glare was soon felt by the five guys sitting on the couch. All five gulped and sat quietly with occasional whispers here and there.

"Say Benedict..."


"Are you all right?"

Benedict raised an eyebrow and looked at their manager... he was close to a father figure to them, and he knew he can't lie because he knows him quite well.

"I'm scared as hell. He Ran is a sibling to me... we grew up practically glued to each other and the thought of losing her is scary... "

"It must be hard on you since you know the truth and you pretend that everything is okay."

"It is... pretending to be strong is something I'm good at but it's getting tiring."

Benedict looked at the canned coffee with a somber expression. The manager patted Benedict's back and smiled, "everything will be all right...just have faith"

The manager was rewarded with a small smile, "I hope so Uncle for all our sake."

Meanwhile, Cyril took the position on Eira's side while Eira's parents were on the other. He was holding on to his girlfriend's hand while taking in his beloved's features. Her now closed eyes which would turn into slits when she smiles, her small, cute nose, her pink lips... and the now nonexistent dimples on her face... how he wished he could see Eira's smile at that moment. He needed an assurance of some sort that his beloved is still with him.

"I'm sure you already know something about He Ran's condition, Cyril. I'm going to ask how much you know and then continue from there."

Cyril breathed deeply, "Eira told me she has asthma hence the difficulty in breathing. She said it was the reason why she has regular checkups..." He rubbed imaginary circles on Eira's hand "I never knew she has problems with her heart... she didn't tell me."

A/N: Yes this is Eira's as heck I know... 

"Well... it's not that simple." Mr. Choi started, "We had always known that she had a weak heart but the blockage on her heart was discovered just a few years ago. The first doctor we consulted with said medications would be enough to completely remove it, so we thought it was all right but the attacks she had continued. I was then assigned to the US and we took that opportunity to take her there for treatment. The specialists explained that the meds He Ran was given can only lengthen her time but not completely remove the discovered blockage. Our only option is through surgery- they can operate and take the blockage out of her heart, or a new heart should be transplanted. He Ran refused to do the surgery in the States and requested to move back to Korea. Initially, we were reluctant to leave the states but we heard that Jung Su was going to stay permanently in Seoul and it was a good opportunity for him to do the operation on He Ran's heart so we conceded."

Mr. Choi breathed and glanced at Cyril who was listening to his story intently. He sighed and felt a hand softly squeeze his. He kissed his wife's hand, gaining confidence and continued with his story.

A/N: Yes this is Eira's mother...good genes goes a long way

"When we returned here, He Ran refused to take her medications and was telling us that she just wants to live her remaining life to the fullest. Even my wife's sister, Benedict's mom, helped us convince her to do the operation but she still refused. We were almost at our wits end so we decided to send He Ran to visit her favorite cousin who was training as a singer. At the mention of Benedict, she cheered up, so we found a speck of hope. True enough, when she got back home... she continued taking her meds and promised to go through the operation. Apparently, she met someone who made her believe that her life is worth living again. "


At the Rotschild Entertainment Company,  trainees were practicing... Benedict who was having vocal lessons felt the buzz of his phone on his pocket. 

He excused himself from practice and went outside to answer the call.



"Ah Mom? What's up?"

"Remember I told you that the Chois are coming home? Well, Little He Ran misses her big brother Ben so I called to ask if it is okay to visit you there."

"Of course ! I've been dying to see He Ran... its been two years since she left Seoul."

"I'm glad that you two are still close... actually we are already at the door of your dorms. Can you go pick us up?"

Benedict gaped then chuckled before running to fetch his mom and cousin. He opened the door and shook his head, "Mom, have you considered calling me earlier?"

"Nonsense Benny, I knew you would be happy to see your cousin and me." 

Benedict's mom stepped away and revealed a grinning Eira. She ran past her aunt and glomped the cousin she had not seen for some time.

"Hey He Ran, go easy on big brother..."

Eira removed herself from her cousin and stuck her tongue out, "it's Eira... and its not my fault your bones aren't strong... "

She paused and looked closer at her cousin, "You look tired"

Benedict just grinned and walked ahead, "I'm okay. Now come on in, I'll show you around."

Benedict's mother smiled when she spotted one of the coordinator ladies she was close with, "You go ahead kids. I'll catch up with my friend. He Ran, just call me when it's time to go okay?"

Eira nodded and followed her cousin who was walking briskly, she was mesmerized by the trainees dancing that she lost sight of her older cousin. "Ben? Where are you?" 

She was starting to worry as she had been seeing lots of doors and people she doesn't know. As she continued walking, she heard the calming sound of a piano playing somewhere close...the melody was sad and soft and to her it sounded like it was luring her in.

Eira followed her ears to the source of the beautiful piano music. She reached a room with a grand piano in the middle, "must be the music room" she thought...

Someone was partially hidden by the piano and unable to hide her curiosity, she tiptoed inside the room, careful not to make any sound. 

Long slender fingers stroking the piano keys and his face still hidden from her view, 

"He Ran! There you are! I've been looking all over for you!"

Eira and the mystery piano guy both stopped and looked at Benedict who rushed inside. Benedict grinned at the two, 

"Cy, awesome coincidence! This is the cousin I've been telling you about. He Ran meet Cyril Lancaster- my best friend.  Cyril, my adorable cousin He Ran."

*Sigh*  "Eira...I prefer being called that. Nice to meet you, Mr. Cyril."

"Just Cyril. The pleasure is mine."

Eira heard the rich baritone voice and she took the chance to carefully study the person standing in front of the piano. From the soft silver gray hair that moves with the wind, to the sharp confident eyes and long curled eyelashes, his sharp nose and rich full pink lips...

A/N: credits to owner of the photo...this is from google Images but looks like its from - sorry if I messed that. 

Benedict laughed at the helpless look of his best friend and Eira's dazed face and intense stare. Cyril mouthed "is she okay?" to Benedict who laughed. 

Thinking he should help Eira now before she embarrasses herself any further, Benedict pinched her side "ow..."

Cyril's brows furrowed with concern, "Are you all right?"

Eira sent a deadly glare at her mischievous cousin and blushed uncontrollably when she felt Cyril's focus on her. Benedict had this amused look on his face now that he knows her cousin had fallen in love at first sight with his best bud.

====================END FLASHBACK==========================

Cyril laid Eira's hand on the bed and removed stray hairs from her face before focusing his attention on Mr. Choi, 

"If that was so, why did Dr. Park told us to think about the operation?"

"That was because Eira refused the operation again... she continued taking her medication but she refused having her heart operated. Benedict told us that Eira overheard Jung Su mention that the success rate of the operation was low so she decided not to got through with it... believing that it won't help at all."

Cyril frowned "Wha...But that's unfair! Why won't she try the operation? I- I don't want to lose her like this... not without a fight."

Mr. Choi nodded and smiled at her daughter's boyfriend "We all don't want to lose her. Even Benedict who she treats like her own brother was not able to convince her so I'm putting all my hopes on you. Please try your best, son."

The two men in Eira's life seemed to have come to an understanding and they shook hands.

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