One Love, One Heart

By advance4ever

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After returning from Sinnoh, Ash finds himself reunited with May, Misty, and Drew. During his time with them... More

Chapter 1: 2U
Chapter 2: Sorry
Chapter 3: Young Blood
Chapter 4: Girl Crush
Chapter 5: Heartbreak Warfare
Chapter 6: Baby Be Mine
Chapter 7: Here Comes the Sun
Chapter 8: Move Along
Chapter 9: Awake & Alive
Chapter 10: Desperate
Chapter 11: Rolling in the Deep
Chapter 12: Next Go Round
Chapter 13: Twist & Shout
Chapter 14: I'd Come For You
Chapter 15: Disappear
Chapter 16: Time After Time
Chapter 17: I Need a Doctor
Chapter 18: Begging On Your Knees?
Chapter 19: Darkness of the Unknown
Chapter 20: Fate of the Unknown
Chapter 21: Deep Drive
Chapter 22: Dangerous
Chapter 23: The Other Promise
Chapter 24: Gimme Shelter
Chapter 25: Let It Be
Chapter 26: Don't Stop Me Now
Chapter 27: Hello, Goodbye
Chapter 28: Snooze
Chapter 29: I Want to Hold Your Hand
Chapter 30: Makes Me Happy
Chapter 31: Dearly Beloved
Chapter 32: It's My Life
Chapter 33: Chemical
Chapter 34: Cold Water
Chapter 35: The Struggle
Chapter 36: A Day in the Life
Chapter 37: New Divide
Chapter 38: Who Says
Chapter 39: Edge of Desire
Chapter 40: Bad Blood
Chapter 41: World So Cold
Chapter 43: It's All Over
Chapter 44: We Found Love
Chapter 45: Strong
Chapter 46: With or Without You
Chapter 47: More Than This
Chapter 48: Starlight
Chapter 49: Levels
Chapter 50: Half of My Heart
Epilogue: Intro

Chapter 42: Time of Dying

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By advance4ever

The wind was howling today as the new day reached noon. Yesterday's rains ended, but a partly cloudy day remained. Ash and Drew stood on opposite ends of a field on the outskirts of Pallet Town, where they could battle without any concerns. Misty and May sat a few feet apart while Pikachu stood beside Ash. There was tension in the air as the boys exchanged gazes. May and Misty did not speak to each other either. Their friendships were hanging by a thread.

Drew was the first to speak, "Let's get this over with."

"By all means," Ash smiled smugly at him.

Drew smirked after he flicked his hair. "I'm going to wipe that smile off your face for good, Ketchum."

"We'll see about that," Ash glared at him. He wasn't going to hold anything back against Drew. He needed to win to prove his innocence.

The raven-haired boy pulled his arm back with a Pokeball in hand. "Go, Totodile!" He launched it into the air. The Big Jaw Pokémon emerged from the ball. It performed a small dance upon being called, but it became focused once it saw Drew. Totodile was determined to win for Ash.

Misty and May hadn't seen Totodile in action recently, so they carefully eyed Ash's water Pokemon. They wondered what techniques or abilities the blue Pokemon knew.

Drew smiled arrogantly, "Go, Masquerain!" The emerald-eyed coordinator threw his Pokeball and released his Eyeball Pokémon. Masquerain opened with a majestic Silver Wind that dazzled Totodile, but the starter shook its head immediately. It retained its focus.

"Showing off already, Drew?" Ash crossed his arms. Drew merely laughed at his comment and shrugged his shoulders. Totodile and Ash wouldn't waste any more time. "Alright, Totodile, use Water Gun!" the auburn-eyed teen commanded.

"Masquerain, use Silver Wind!" the lime-haired coordinator shouted.

Masquerain's Silver Wind dispersed the Water Gun and hit Totodile directly. Totodile took some damage with that Silver Wind but shrugged it off.

Ash clenched his teeth a bit but decided to take a different approach. "Totodile, go for a Slash!"

The Johto Starter leaped for Masquerain with glowing claws. Before it could strike, Drew called out a Hidden Power. Masquerain didn't waste any second to fire the white beam at the croc-like Pokemon.

Ash shouted to Totodile to move out of the way and use "Water Pulse!"

Drew got caught off guard and watched frustratingly as his Masquerain got blasted off by the blue orb released by Totodile. Masquerain dropped to the ground, and Ash hastily ordered a Slash attack.

However, when Totodile went in for the offense, multiple Masquerain appeared and multiplied. Masquerain had used Double Team, and Totodile only managed to hit a fake. The group of Masquerain were hovering over the ground as Totodile was left confused about what to do, "Totodile, try an Aqua Tail to take them all out!"

Totodile released a stream of water in all directions when its tail hit the earth. Masquerain's copies got soaked, but the real Masquerain barely avoided the attack. Suddenly, Drew called out an unexpected command, "Masquerain, use Energy Ball."

"Dodge using Water Gun!" Totodile obeyed Ash by firing a Water Gun to pulse itself off the ground, narrowly dodging the Grass-type move. The Water-type Pokemon flew past Masquerain as the force of Water Gun allowed it to gain altitude.

Drew flicked his hair, "Cute, but not enough." The coordinator ordered Masquerain to release Stun Spore into the air above it. Ash, Pikachu, and Misty gasped as the air turned orange. May wondered how Ash would get himself out of this one.

Ash clenched his fist. He saw no way to avoid this. The trainer took a chance, "Totodile, nosedive toward Masquerain with Aerial Ace!"

"What?!" Misty and May's eyes widened at the hasty counter.

Drew's jaw dropped. "You're sending your Totodile to its defeat, you fool!" the coordinator claimed. Drew stretched his arm forward, "Masquerain, take it out with Energy Ball!"

Ash ignored Drew and kept his eyes on Totodile. "Hang in there, Totodile!" he encouraged it. Totodile dived down like a missile with its claws prepared to eliminate Masquerain. It entered the cloud of Stun Spore and winced in pain as it became paralyzed, but Totodile persisted.

Masquerain aimed Energy Ball at Totodile, but Totodile's accelerated drop allowed it to reach the Bug-type before it could launch it. "Toto!" Totodile frowned at Masquerain as it delivered the Aerial Ace against Masquerain and its Energy Ball. An explosion ensued upon impact.

Totodile and Masquerain's trainers looked with angst as their Pokemon fell to the ground from the explosion. When they landed, both Pokemon had swirled eyes. Misty was disappointed that the jolly Water Pokemon could not withstand Masquerain's Energy Ball, but it fought incredibly. May was equally impressed by Totodile's resolve. Once again, Ash and his Pokemon tested their opponents with unorthodox strategies.

"Totodile, return," Ash smiled as he recalled his Water-type. He looked warmly at his friend's ball, "You did amazing out there. Good job."

"You too, Masquerain, you've earned some rest," Drew thanked his Bug-type.

Neither trainer said a word to the other. They did not want to ruin the flow of their intense and fast-paced battle. Even though neither admitted it, they were enjoying themselves. It was everything they had imagined in a challenge between the two.

Ash looked at Drew with a confident smile. "Go, Staraptor!" he called his next Pokemon.

"Butterfree, you're up!" Drew returned a confident grin at Ash as he threw his Pokeball.

Staraptor and Butterfree appeared on the battlefield with their wings spread. Both Pokemon could command the skies with their power. Evidently, the boys were going to take this battle into the air.

Drew screamed, "Butterfree!"

Ash yelled, "Staraptor!"

"Use Gust!" the two rivals called out simultaneously.

Staraptor and Butterfree began flapping their wings, and both tried to prove who had the stronger Gust, but they were on par. The two were only able to push each other away slightly.

Ash would need a different tactic. "Staraptor, use Double Team and then Agility!"

Drew and Butterfree suddenly got agitated when multiple Staraptors moved around Butterfree like jets, but they weren't sure how to react. Then Ash ordered a "Wing Attack!"

All the Staraptor's wings then began glowing as they targeted Butterfree. That moment, Drew figured out his move, "Butterfree quick Protect!"

Butterfree guarded itself from the striking Staraptor, who failed to leave a mark on the Butterfly Pokémon. It was like multiple bullets clashing with a riot shield, as even the powerful combination of Double Team, Agility, and Wing Attack couldn't do anything against Protect.

From the girls' point of view, it looked like many sparks flying across the sky; it appeared intense. Ash knew he was wasting Staraptor's stamina this way and mixed it up. The black-haired teen yelled, "Stop!" As if Staraptor understood what Ash meant with one word, Staraptor disappeared without a trace. Drew and Butterfree looked around frantically in the sky, but nothing appeared until Ash screamed, "Now, Brave Bird!"

Staraptor revealed itself underneath Butterfree with a blue glow. However, before it could strike, Drew countered with Psychic. Staraptor faced resistance as it tried to push forward against the psychic energy. However, Butterfree's Psychic was too strong and slammed the bird to the ground. "Down with Giga Impact!" Butterfree and Drew wouldn't give Staraptor a chance to recover.

"Brave Bird again, Staraptor!" Ash punched the air energetically. Neither Drew nor Ash knew what to expect as the Flying-types charged at each other again, similar to Masquerain and Totodile before.

Every second of the battle was intense for Misty and May to watch, but Misty knew she had to do her part in resolving this mess. The gym said the coordinator's name, "May."

The brunette heard Misty and turned around with a slight glare, "Yeah?"

"May, I want to talk to you," Misty said softly.

"There is nothing to talk about, Misty," the female coordinator looked at her.

"There is, May. It was all a big misunderstanding. I don't want us to stay like this forever," Misty tried to get through to her.

"Why should I listen? I was there, I heard it, I saw it!" the sapphire-eyed girl scolded her friend.

Misty nodded sideways, "Yeah, but you didn't get the full story when you found us."

"What do you mean?" the brown-haired girl lifted her eyebrow.

The gym leader smiled at her as she got closer. "To prove that I'm not hiding anything and you can trust me, I'll tell you exactly what happened before you walked in on our conversation."

May eyed Misty curiously, but she still frowned. She listened. Misty knew she had May's attention now, "Ash said all those things because I confessed that I liked him."

"You like him?!" May shouted. Her scream wasn't as loud as the sounds of battle in the background, so Ash and Drew didn't notice.

Before May could say or do anything else, Misty grabbed her by the arm so she'd stay and continue listening. May froze. "I do, and I'm sorry I never told you. You deserved better. I didn't tell you because I thought it'd hurt our friendship. I was afraid. You're a wonderful friend, May, and I don't want a boy to come between us and ruin that. It doesn't justify my lack of honesty with you, but that's my truth."

May stared into Misty's eyes as she read Misty's sadness. "Frankly, I have been rooting for you and Ash since I learned he liked you. Ash deserves to be happy, same as you. It hurt to know Ash could never give me what he wanted to give to you, but my friends' happiness is more important to me. When I confessed, I already knew how it would end. Ash only cares about you, but I told him anyway because I needed to get it off my chest. I've liked Ash since we traveled together but never told him because I was a coward. It was one of my biggest regrets. Perhaps things would've been different then," Misty looked to the sky as she said that. May admired her glistening Cerulean eyes. Then, the gym leader shifted her stare back to May. "But that doesn't matter anymore. After I told him, I felt a weight lift off my back. I was relieved, and Ash didn't take it the wrong way. It actually helped him."

May's eyes began to fill with tears. She began to understand that Misty had gone through what she had experienced during her time with Ash, but Misty did not have the same fortune. Her tears were that of empathy. "How did it help him?" May softly asked as she tried to fight back her tears.

"Ash realized that emotional connections are fleeting and we should never take them for granted. By confessing to him, he opened his eyes and knew he had to tell you how he felt. He was going to tell you after our conversation," Misty revealed.

May couldn't resist her tears anymore. They quietly rolled down her face. She sniffled, "Then why did he say those things about girls and needing to be a Pokemon Master?"

"Because he recognized how much he changed when he developed feelings for you. He was describing who he was before his heart opened to your heart, and I could tell in his eyes that Ash is much happier with who he's become now than who Ash was then," Misty clarified. The water trainer placed her hand over May's on the grass. "Ash is ready to be with you, May," Misty looked into May's sapphire eyes.

May's eyes illuminated with a sense of relief, happiness, and sadness. She felt stupid for not listening to her friends' explanation yesterday and forcing everyone to endure this drama. She lunged at Misty to hug her. May started wailing in her arms, "Misty, I'm sorry for how I acted. I shouldn't have been so quick to judge. All I wanted to know was if Ash cared about me as much as I did about him."

Misty caressed her back and kissed her head. "He does, now and always." May separated from her to flash a gentle smile. "Thank you for being my friend," the brunette sniffled.

"Thank you for being mine," Misty wiped the tears off her face.

The coordinator saw Butterfree and Staraptor still duking it out with all their power. "Should we stop the battle?" May wiped her face with her arm.

Misty smiled at her, then turned to the battlefield. "No, Ash and Drew have been wanting this for a while. Let them have it. We'll clear everything up once it's over." Misty's heart healed after mending her friendship with May. All that was left was for Ash to finish the job.

"You're right. I can talk to Ash after." May acknowledged. The Petalburg girl grabbed Misty's hand, "I just want to tell you that you'll find everything you've ever wanted one day, too."

Misty was surprised by her statement. The gym leader felt a tear trickle down her cheek. She squeezed May's hand, "I appreciate that." They exchanged warm glances once more, then focused on the battle.

"Staraptor, Double Team to avoid it!" Staraptor narrowly dodged the incoming Butterfree by multiplying.

"Now, Butterfree!" Drew furiously pointed at Butterfree. The Bug-type released a white sparkly powder with a mix of Gust to spread it across the battlefield. All copies of Staraptors fell to the ground asleep and disappeared. The real Staraptor also dropped to the ground, revealing itself.

"Staraptor!" Ash yelled. Drew combined Sleep Powder and Gust to hit all copies simultaneously to single out Staraptor. It was brilliant.

"Good, let's finish this with the finale, Hyper Beam!" the male coordinator called out.

The powerful beam was fired with full force by Butterfree. Luckily for Ash, Staraptor awakened in the nick of time. Staraptor!" Ash screamed again. His Sinnoh Pokémon got up and flung itself towards the Hyper Beam. Drew was confused alongside the girls and Pikachu, "Does he always send his Pokemon to their defeat?" the green-haired LaRousse boy recognized it as the same trick Totodile used.

Staraptor used Close Combat once in range of the Hyper Beam and delivered a volley of kicks, pecks, and punches to break through it. "That's it, Staraptor! Keep going with the Close Combat!"

Everyone was amazed. When Staraptor finally reached Butterfree, it bashed the Kanto Pokémon repeatedly, making it squeal until it had enough. The butterfly-like Pokémon then dropped to the ground when it received the final punch, kick, and peck combination. Butterfree fainted, and Staraptor gave a weak smile, proud of itself.

"Way to go, Staraptor!" the auburn-eyed teen punched into the air, but then Staraptor fainted as well; the Hyper Beam had taken a toll on the bird Pokémon.

Both trainers returned their Pokémon and congratulated their Pokémon for the hard-fought battle. After putting away their Pokeballs, they gave each other stern glances. Neither was leading the fight.

Drew pulled out his next Pokeball, "I choose you, Absol!" Drew called out his white furry Pokémon onto the battlefield.

"I choose you, Sceptile!" Ash released his colossal lizard Pokémon. Absol stood before Ash and the others. It was a fierce and memorable Pokémon that Ash had seen before. Ash smirked. He was eager to test the strength of Drew's Absol. On the opposing side, Sceptile was the most notable Pokémon Ash had from his journey through Hoenn and Kanto with May. Drew knew he'd enjoy challenging such a powerhouse.

"Let's get started, Absol Flamethrower!" the coordinator sent out the first command.

"Sceptile dodge it with Quick Attack!" the trainer countered.

Sceptile had phenomenal speed and dodged the Flamethrower with ease, and then it proceeded to tackle the Disaster Pokémon. Absol got pushed back, but it wasn't significant damage.

"Now use Pound!" Ash cried out.

"Scep!" Sceptile acknowledged.

"Counter it!" Drew demanded

"Absol!" Absol cried. Absol leaped into the air, and its tail began glowing. The Disaster Pokémon used Iron Tail to clash with Pound. None of the two Pokémon made any headway. They leaped back to their spots.

Sceptile spit his twig; he knew this was serious. Absol glared at Sceptile with the intent of beating the Forest Pokémon. Drew knew Sceptile's speed was superior, so he knew he couldn't outpace him. The coordinator had to be more tactical. "Absol, use Water Pulse!"

Drew left Misty and May confused with his ineffective method, but Ash wouldn't take any chances. He had Sceptile dodge it, but then Absol was ordered to use "Flash!"

Suddenly, the black gem on Absol's forehead glowed brightly and blinded everyone, including Sceptile, leaving the Forest Pokémon at the mercy of the brightness. That's when Drew made the next call, "Now use Iron Tail!"

With Sceptile blinded, Absol landed the mighty hit at the Hoenn Pokémon. Thankfully, Sceptile managed to gain his vision back quickly. "Sceptile use Leaf Blade!"

Sceptile formed sharp glowing blades on his arms and went straight for Absol. "Absol, stop him with Flash!"

"Not so fast. Sceptile, use your agility to stop them," Ash extended his arm forward as he commanded Sceptile.

Just when Absol prepared to use Flash again, Sceptile increased his speed and made a direct hit at Absol just in time. The furry white Pokémon got sent back but quickly regained its composure.

"Absol, use Aerial Ace!" the coordinator called out an unexpected technique. Ash was surprised that Absol knew Aerial Ace, too.

"You aren't the only one with surprises, Ash!" the emerald-eyed teen reminded the trainer.

Ash clenched his teeth, but they had one ability that might serve them. "Sceptile use Detect!"

As Absol launched at Sceptile, the lizard-like Pokémon identified its position and used Detect to avoid the quick Absol. Drew got annoyed with that last call. He didn't expect Sceptile to use Detect.

"Now, Sceptile, give Absol another taste of your Leaf Blade!" Ash swung his arm to the side.

"Counter it with Iron Tail, Absol!" Drew punched forward as he clenched his teeth.

Sceptile's glowing blades collided with Absol's bright tail. Both of them were snarling at each other, but neither would move. Sparks from the energy collision were forming, but Ash knew another alternative to hitting Absol, "Alright, use Bullet Seed."

Glowing seeds started to shoot out of Sceptile's mouth, but Drew had other plans, "Two can play at that game. Fire a Flamethrower!

Flamethrower's superiority over Bullet Seed overwhelmed it and hit Sceptile right in the face, sending the Hoenn Starter backward. "Absol, now use Future Sight!"

Ash, Pikachu, May, and Misty knew this wasn't good. Future Sight was an unavoidable attack that could hit any minute; Ash appeared to be at Drew's mercy now. The raven-haired teenager was unsure of how to deal with this. He had to win this. He had to win for May, and Ash promised to give the most he'd ever given into this battle. Losing wasn't an option! "Sceptile use Earthquake!"

Despite Flamethrower, Sceptile had the strength to keep going. It bashed the ground with its tail to make the ground shake, sending vibrations that made Absol wince in pain. "Now use Agility and Quick Attack to enhance your speed while Absol is hurt to finish him with a Leaf Blade!"

"Flamethrower!" Absol's trainer demanded, but Sceptile's superior speed overwhelmed Absol and sent the Dark-type Pokémon crashing against a rock with Leaf Blade.

"Sceptile, give it everything you've got with a Leaf Storm!" Sceptile was preparing for the finisher as the seeds on his back began to glow and released a barrage of glowing green leaves.

"No, you don't. Absol, get up and fight back with Razor Wind!" Absol struggled to get up, but the scythe on Absol's head released its barrage of crescent blades. The Leaf Storm and Razor Wind clashed, creating thousands of little sparks that sounded like glass breaking.

Ash gritted his teeth over their failed offense, and to make matters worse, Leaf Storm drained a good amount of Sceptile's power. However, he already had a Plan B to take advantage of this moment, "Sceptile, use Sunny Day."

"Absol, use Shadow Ball!" the coordinator demanded. Absol released the dark energy ball at Sceptile, and the Ghost-type attack bashed through the Leaf Storm and Razor Wind.

"Quick, jump into the air!" Sceptile leaped upward, but to Ash's amazement, the Shadow Ball was following.

Drew flicked his hair, "There's no escape." Sceptile tried to fight back with a Leaf Blade, but the Shadow Ball overpowered him. Dropping to the ground like a tree, Sceptile lay helpless as he tried to get up.

"Let's finish this. Absol, use Hyper Beam!" the coordinator seemed to declare his victory over Sceptile.

Ash smirked. He was glad to use that Sunny Day when he had the chance. "Sceptile fight back with a Solarbeam!"

Sceptile managed to get on one knee and fired a Solarbeam that instant. Thankfully, it held its own against Hyper Beam. The two powerful beams caused a powerful explosion that made the earth shake. The explosion also made Sceptile and Absol fly back, but as he got thrown by the force, Sceptile regained his footing. Ash quickly noticed that he was glowing green, "Sceptile's Overgrow," he murmured. The trainer pulled the brim of his hat down. It was their chance. "Frenzy Plant!"

Absol had to recharge from the Hyper Beam, so he was left hopeless, and Drew just looked anxiously as Ash's super attack was heading straight for the Dark-type. Misty and May were sure that this was the end for Absol.

Sceptile's body glowed even brighter as the roots underground could be heard crumbling through and then raised like spikes beneath Absol. They sent the Dark-type flying, but it didn't finish there. Sceptile smiled smugly and needed to make sure that he would win. Frenzy Plant began crushing Absol enough to knock him out. The Dark-type Pokémon was at Sceptile's mercy, but then Sceptile was struck out of nowhere and was sent flying against a large boulder.

Frenzy Plant got canceled out because of Sceptile's loss of focus, but it had been enough to make Absol faint. Meanwhile, when the dust cleared, Sceptile had gotten knocked out. Absol's Future Sight technique managed to deliver the final blow against Sceptile.

Ash returned Sceptile to its ball, "Sceptile, you did great out there."

Drew smiled at Absol's Pokeball. "Mission accomplished, Absol. Thank you." The coordinator looked at Ash, "We've reached the halfway point."

"You better be ready," Ash pulled down the brim of his hat again.

Drew chuckled as he pulled back his arm with his next Pokeball. "Come on out, Roserade!"

"I see how it is," Ash noted. "Pikachu, you're up," he turned to his partner.

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded and leaped onto the battlefield. He had a frown on his face to indicate his intensity.

The boy from LaRousse City flicked his hair. "You're about to regret using Sunny Day, Ash. Roserade, use Solarbeam!" Drew demanded the powerful Grass-type attack.

Roserade brought her two roses together and executed the beam. Ash got nearly caught off guard. He had forgotten about Sunny Day, "Pikachu, counter with Thunder!"

Just when the two tremendous attacks were going to clash, something exploded between them and canceled Solarbeam and Thunder. The explosion caused dust to fly everywhere, provoking everyone to cover their eyes.

"What's going on?" Ash called out amidst the explosion

"Was that us?" Drew raised his arm to shield his eyes from the debris.

"What's happening?" Misty tried to peer through the dust that swept at them.

"I couldn't see if their attacks met," May also tried to see through the dust.

Roserade and Pikachu winced as they felt a strong wind trying to push them away. Everyone was confused until the dust and wind settled. The battlefield was visible. What stood between Pikachu and Roserade sent chills down everyone's spines.

In the middle of the field appeared a figure in a black coat. They were all shocked to see the enigmatic man stand before them. He stood motionlessly, looking down at the ground. Beside the man stood an unidentified but familiar Pokemon.

"It's you, you've been in my dreams!" Ash exclaimed. His recent nightmares flashed in his mind. Pikachu became apprehensive when he felt the man's energy.

May was stupefied, "Mine too." Ash and May looked at each other curiously. They didn't expect to share the same nightmare.

"You're the man from the news," Misty noted with shock.

"What are you doing here?" Drew didn't like his vibe as he glared at him.

The man turned to face Drew. "I see you've forgotten me. Let me remind you," the hooded figure raised his hand and caused a ringing in Drew's head.

The coordinator yelled as he felt like his head was vibrating. "Drew!" his three friends shouted. Roserade hurried to her trainer's side to aid him. Drew yelled in pain as lost memories returned to him. The vibrations and ringing he felt continued until his memory brought him to the point where he reunited with Ash. His eyes widened. "I remember now," he muttered.

Ash, Misty, and May didn't expect this to happen as they saw Drew regain his composure. The LaRousse boy glared at the mysterious newcomer. "You're the reason for everything," the male coordinator pointed at him.

The stranger chuckled as his Pokemon snarled at him. Misty instantly recognized the Pokemon and turned to Ash, "Ash, isn't that the Pokemon we saw in Tracey's sketch?!" May and Drew had no idea what she referred to, but they had no clue what the hydra-like Pokemon was.

The raven-haired boy was stunned when he made the connection. "It is!" Ash didn't know why Tracey had lied about it, but there was no time to ask. He sensed they were about to find themselves in some trouble.

"What do you want from us?!" May shouted at him with anger. Now she knew who was responsible for her friend's suffering. She wanted to make him pay.

"I came to end this," the stranger replied sternly. He stretched his arms as his Pokemon roared with might.

Ash and Drew wasted no time in summoning their other Pokemon. "Charizard, Gible, come out!" Ash threw their Pokeballs.

"Typhlosion, Flygon, we need you!" Drew called them.

The Dragon-type and Fire-type Pokemon joined their masters as they immediately recognized the direness of the situation. They could feel the hostile force in front of them.

Their mysterious opponent snapped his fingers. Suddenly, a Metagross, Tyranitar, and Garchomp emerged from the ground. From the sky, a Dragonite and Salamence landed like meteors. That's when they realized he was also the one behind the attack at the beach.

"Darn it! I don't have my Pokémon!" May yelled, afraid at how dangerous the situation was looking.

"We can still help," Misty reached for six Pokeballs and gave three to May so she could throw.

The unknown man made his first command, "Attack."

Misty and May called on Gyarados, Seadra, Starmie, Caserin, Politoed, and Corsola to aid in their defense as the stranger's six Pokemon split up to attack them.

The kids' 12 Pokémon faced the man's six. Ash, May, Misty, and Drew had them pair up to fight against each enemy since they already knew the man's Pokemon were too powerful to take on a single battle.

Politoed and Seadra teamed up against Dragonite, Starmie and Misty's Luvdisc went up against Metagross, Gyarados and Corsola faced Salamence, Gible and Flygon battled Garchomp, Pikachu and Roserade confronted Tyranitar, and last, but not least Typhlosion and Charizard would battle the mysterious sixth Pokémon the enigmatic figure had with him.

Corsola and Gyarados tried to unleash rock and ice moves to hit Salamence since it would be super effective. However, Salamence dominated them thanks to its speed and ability to use Thunder Fang. Even attacks like Stone Edge and Ice Beam weren't much use; Salamence would cancel out Ice Beam and Stone Edge with Dragon Pulse. Misty and May both tried combinations and distractions, but it was futile. Salamence was just much more skilled.

Politoed and Seadra were also having a similar problem with Dragonite. Politoed hardly caused any damage against Dragonite with water attacks despite the direct hits. Even Seadra's Dragon-type attacks were inferior to Dragonite. Dragonite outclassed them with Hyper Beam or Outrage.

Meanwhile, Starmie and Luvdisc failed to break through Metagross's high defense and were at the mercy of his Psychic and Steel abilities. Starmie almost got her gem cracked by Meteor Mash. The Steel-type put Caserin in its place with Psychic. Its speed also gave it an advantage, and every Meteor Mash left them even more helpless. Misty and May tried their best to combat the mighty Pokémon, but they recognized it was a losing battle.

Gible and Flygon held Garchomp slightly better due to their Dragon and Ground-type qualities. Flygon tried using Dig, but Garchomp's Earthquake wouldn't allow sneak attacks. Gible almost cornered Garchomp with a Draco Meteor, but thanks to Dragon Rush and its agility, Garchomp could avoid every hit and bash Gible against a boulder. Even though they had a type advantage, these Dragon-type Pokémon were at a loss.

Pikachu and Roserade gave their best to take down the mighty Johto Pokémon, Tyranitar, but its high defense and attack power didn't make it easy. Tyranitar had the advantage against both, even though Roserade was part grass. The Johto beast used Fire Blast, but Roserade got cover from Pikachu's Thunder, and although Tyranitar had been very close to knocking out Pikachu with either Stone Edge or Earthquake, Roserade's abilities as a Grass-type managed to keep him protected as well. Tyranitar used Stone Edge, but Roserade held it off with Magical Leaf. Pikachu took the chance to use Iron Tail, but Tyranitar's Dragon Pulse would always counter it. Neither Pikachu nor Roserade were going to quit, but Pikachu had a grudge against Tyranitar that kept him going forward. Neither of the two had forgotten their confrontation. Tyranitar mocked Pikachu for knocking him out with a single Stone Edge, but Pikachu was determined to defeat Tyranitar one way or another.

Ash and Drew personally handled the last Pokémon with Charizard and Typhlosion. The enigmatic man was also personally commanding his Pokémon. Both trainers knew that they'd have to work together for this one; they'd witnessed the power of the other five and knew this one would be no different.

Charizard and Typhlosion gave each other smug smiles, wishing the other good luck. Two major powerhouses would have to fight this unknown enemy. They didn't even know what type the creature was, which put them at a disadvantage, but no matter, they'd have to improvise.

"Let's do this, Drew," Ash said to his rival with fire in his eyes.

"Gladly," Drew smirked. He would not back down without a fight. He'd also make the stranger pay for what he had done to him.

The boys set aside their differences to deal with a graver threat. In unison, both trainers ordered a "Flamethrower!"

Their opponent made no command, and his Pokémon stood there to take the hit. When the Flamethrower hit its mark, the male duo hoped they had done at least some damage, but unsurprisingly, the Pokemon was unfazed.

"Witness real power. Hydreigon, use Dragon Rush!" the man called out. The monster began to charge with a light blue aura.

"Typhlosion, use Dig to escape!" Drew demanded.

"Charizard, fly up!" Ash ordered quickly.

Both teens were intimidated by how fierce this thing's speed was, and before Typhlosion and Charizard could get far, the Pokémon managed to make a double hit that sent both starters back.

The man laughed sinisterly, "Don't try to escape Hydreigon."

"Its name is Hydreigon, huh?" Drew looked at the creature and then at its master.

"Hailing from the Unova Region," the figure in the black cloak responded.

"Unova Region?" Ash looked at him questionably. Drew didn't know anything about the region he mentioned; he had never seen a Pokémon for that region until now.

The stranger nodded. Ash became distracted by the thought for a moment. He was finally learning of a new, unexplored destination. "Ash, focus!" Drew snapped at him.

"Right, sorry," Ash snapped out of it. They wondered how to handle Hydreigon and its trainer.

"It looks like fire won't do much to this thing, so that's out of the question. Are any of Charizard's other moves non-Fire-type? Maybe a combination," the green-haired coordinator stated.

"I think I got one," the auburn-eyed teen had a move in mind.

"Alright, hit me," the LaRousse boy was all eyes and ears about Ash's idea.

"Since your Typhlosion knows Fire Spin, we could combine it with Dragon Rage. Charizard's Dragon Rage will go through the spiral, and Hydreigon will think we're going for a direct hit, but instead, it'll try to dodge, and Dragon Rage will follow it until it hits its target," Ash elaborated.

"I see, like a homing missile," Drew noted, which Ash nodded at. The coordinator liked the idea, "Typhlosion, use Fire Spin," the Hoenn boy commanded with his arm extended.

"Charizard, use Dragon Rage just like we practiced," the Kanto boy ordered.

Typhlosion released the spiral fire, and Charizard's blue energy beam went right through. Hydreigon flew up without any command, but to Hydreigon and its trainer's surprise, the Dragon Rage followed it at equal speed.

"Quick, cancel it out with Dragon Pulse," the black-cloaked man ordered, and Dragon Pulse was fired, successfully canceling out Dragon Rage.

"Darn it, that didn't work," Drew got frustrated as well as Ash. Drew wondered if he could try something more efficient and unavoidable, "Ash, I'm going to use Smokescreen so Charizard and Typhlosion are undetectable. When that happens, I want you to have Charizard use Dragon Rage to hit Hydreigon. It's worth a shot." Ash agreed with his plan.

"Right then, Typhlosion, use Smokescreen," Drew called out. His Johto Starter started covering the field with smoke, concealing themselves from Hydreigon.

"Now Charizard, Dragon Rage!" Ash called out to his Kanto Starter with all his energy. Charizard roared and released the blue energy beam.

"Double Team Hydreigon," the man demanded. That's when Ash and Drew failed yet again. Dragon Rage hit one of Hydreigon's copies.

"Dragon Pulse and Dragon Rush," the enigmatic man said with an emotionless voice. Ash and Drew knew they had to do something fast as half of the copies charged up energy. The other half charged at their Pokemon.

"Take cover!" Ash called out to both Fire-types.

Charizard flew up at full speed while Typhlosion went underneath. Their attempts to dodge the attacks proved useless. Typhlosion burst out of the ground after a Dragon Pulse to fire it out of there. Charizard got knocked down by a Dragon Rush that came from above. It was a brutal sight for both trainers. Typhlosion tried to get up, but it got hit by a barrage of Dragon Pulse, while Charizard got hit by multiple Hydreigon using Dragon Rush.

The intensity and the misery that Ash and Drew endured made it hard to focus and discover a way to turn the tide of the battle. Ash was horrified when he saw Charizard get bit on the neck by Hydreigon when it used Crunch. Hydreigon used Crunch to drag Charizard across the floor and slam him. The Flame Pokémon got violently thrown, leaving a crater in the ground. Another Hydreigon copy bashed the air out of Typhlosion's stomach and made it crash against a tree trunk.

It wasn't just Typhlosion and Charizard that struggled. All the other Pokémon fighting for the four friends, like Pikachu, Gyarados, Roserade, Gible, Corsola, etc., were sustaining heavy wounds. May and Misty were anxious about finding a path to victory, but it seemed hopeless. Drew was sweating from panic. Ash refused to call it quits. His determination to win wouldn't let him break down in adversity's face. Pikachu mirrored his trainer's attitude as he fought Tyranitar. No matter how much the Rock-type battered him down, Pikachu got up.

The man knew he had them beaten. "Destroy them with Draco Meteor," the stranger raised his arms.

The Pokémon and the kids were alarmed when he made his final move.

All the Hydreigon fused back into one, and the real one started charging a massive energy ball that would soon explode into meteors to finish Charizard and Typhlosion. Just a few seconds away from dispersing the attack, Ash got on the battlefield and yelled, "Enough!"

Drew, May, Misty, and all their Pokémon stopped fighting and looked at the boy. The man then raised his arms down. Hydreigon canceled his Draco Meteor in response. "That's enough!" the raven-haired teen clenched his teeth and yelled at the man.

He looked back at the child silently. His face remained hidden under his hood, so his expression was unknown. Ash spoke again, "Who are you? What do you want from us? We've never done anything to you."

"I want..." the man paused for a moment. "Your lives," his concealed face revealed yellow catlike eyes. The glare he gave was menacing.

The friends got petrified with fear. However, Ash noticed his eyes. That's when he followed their gaze and saw them fixed on May. Without a word, he ran to the girl he cared about. "Dragon Pulse," the mysterious stranger commanded. Hydreigon roared before firing the mighty blast.

"No!" Ash yelled and jumped between May and the Dragon Pulse. May tried to stop him from being foolishly heroic by pulling him out of the way, but her arm couldn't reach him. His friends and the Pokemon were shocked at his courageous display as he took the hit for May. The powerful blast pained Ash as the boy thought of May. When the light from the Dragon Pulse faded, Ash was still standing, but he was in rough shape. His clothes got torn, and he had mortal wounds. The raven-haired boy got on his knees with exhaustion.

"Ash!" the three friends and their Pokemon ran to him. May kneeled to his side and placed her arm around him as he nearly dropped to the ground. "May, I'm sorry-" the boy spoke weakly but then got cut by May.

"No, Ash, I'm sorry! Misty told me everything. You can't leave us. Don't you dare! " May screeched and grabbed his hand.

Drew was stunned by May's revelation but disregarded it for now. He kneeled on Ash's other side to take a look at him. "May's right, Ash. Hang in there," Drew put his hand on his shoulder.

"Please, no," Misty's eyes glistened from tears forming.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu squealed as he pushed Ash's legs with his paws. He begged him to hold on. Charizard roared in pain over his trainer's state. The other Pokemon howled, pleading for Ash to stay with them.

Ash weakly lifted his hand to caress May's cheek as tears streamed down her face. "I promised...I'd never let anything happen to you," Ash breathed his final words.

May's heart broke when he said that. Ash's hand dropped to his side as life left him. "No, Ash! Come back! You always come back!" May yelled and began crying furious tears. All of their Pokemon cried with the brunette.

"Pikachu!" Pikachu continued to wish his friend back. Gible and Charizard screeched into the air as tears hung from their eyes. Their trainer left them.

Misty and Drew's eyes froze with disbelief. Tears dropped to their feet. They couldn't believe he was gone. "Ash!" May screeched at the top of her lungs as her tears fell rapidly.

"Pikapi!" Pikachu experienced the same distress. The mouse yelled for the world to hear his pain alongside May's.

The pair shifted their watery but furious eyes to the person behind this. "You!" May snarled at him as she rested Ash on the ground. Pikachu glared at him as sparks violently emanated from his cheeks. Misty, Drew, and the Pokemon weren't sure what they were about to do.

The man's yellow-orange eyes pierced through them with coldness. His six Pokemon stood by his side as they waited for a command. They were eager to pulverize their enemies. "Pikachu, Thunder!" May pointed at the stranger with anger. When she violently raised her arm, a few tears bounced off her face.

Pikachu clenched its fists and shut its eyes as tears continued pouring. Its sparks became uncontrollable. The sky became covered in dark black clouds accompanied by the roar of thunder. "Piiiiikaaaaachuuuuuuu!" Pikachu squealed as its Thunder attack destroyed the earth they stood on.

The mysterious stranger's eyes widened. He underestimated the power of the attack. "Garchomp!" he yelled. The Sinnoh Dragon leaped to the front of his master and its five comrades to shield them from Pikachu's might.

Pikachu's Thunder was so bright and powerful that its energy brightened the sky as far as five miles away. Drew, Misty, and the other Pokemon were astounded by the power of Pikachu and May's grief. They couldn't fathom how, but Pikachu's power surged to unprecedented heights. When Thunder struck Garchomp, an explosion obscured the friends' view. May had one eye opened, but the other closed as she tried to see through the brightness of the attack.

When the explosion's power faded, they were speechless. The enigmatic figure and their Pokemon were still standing. Garchomp growled at them. "He used Garchomp to shield them," Drew cursed their luck.

"If it weren't for Garchomp, this would've been over," Misty clenched her fists.

"Darn, you!" May clenched both her fists and gritted her teeth at the man.

The man swung his index finger back and forth. "Patience, you will join Ash very soon."

"You won't get away with this!" Misty snapped.

"We'll fight till our last breath if we have to!" Drew furiously added.

All their Pokemon growled at the stranger and his Pokemon. They were prepared to back them to the death. "I know you will," the stranger acknowledged Drew's statement. The man raised his arm with his hand spread out, "Salamence, Dragonite, Garchomp, Hydreigon, Draco Meteor!"

The friends and their Pokemon readied themselves to counter the onslaught of meteors that would fall upon them. They wouldn't give up because Ash wouldn't.

The four Dragon-type Pokémon charged up the ultimate Dragon attack and released bursts of energy into the sky. When those blasts reached a certain altitude, they exploded into dozens of meteors. The gang braced itself for their final stand.

Suddenly, a voice shouted out, "Enough!" The voice alerted everyone, even the black-hooded figure.

Before the Draco Meteor could land, an unexpected force evaporated the many meteors with a barrage of Aura Spheres. May and the others were caught by surprise because of the sudden move.

At that instant, another man in a black coat with a Lucario and a Shiny Charizard revealed himself as he came from behind the friends. "Who's he?" Misty didn't expect someone to arrive at their aid. His face remained concealed like their attacker, and his similar outfit confused the friends over whether he was friend or foe.

"His Lucario and Charizard are clearly strong," Drew noted as he eyed him cautiously when the newcomer walked past him with his Pokemon.

May fixed her eyes on him. She didn't know who he was either, but she hoped he was a friend rather than an enemy. Regardless, she'd fight her enemies alone if she had to.

"You," their enemy growled as he fixed his yellow eyes on him.

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