By loureymadison

1.1K 41 72

Tara Carpenter has a horrible life, her mother's a drunk, her sister's never around to help her, she has an i... More

1-The Reluctant Caretaker.
2-Volatile Vulnerability
3- Flailing for Forgiveness
4- Severing Ties
6- Commitment Issues
7- Unearthing the Past
8-Lunch Break
9- Unexpected Arrivals
10- Shattered Trust
11- Bad person..
35- Episode 1, Season 4
36- Episode 2, Season 4
37- Episode 3, Season 4
38- Episode 4, Season 4
39- Episode 5, Season 4
40- Episode 6, Season 4
41- Episode 7, Season 4
42- Episode 8, Season 4
43- Episode 9, Season 4
44- finale

5- Spiral

64 1 0
By loureymadison

As Tara pressed the send button, a mix of anticipation and anxiety washed over her. She knew that reaching out to Sam and asking for their support was a significant step, one that required vulnerability and trust. With the message sent, she gently placed her phone back on the nightstand, feeling a sense of relief coupled with a lingering uncertainty.

Seeking solace and comfort, Tara turned onto her side and nestled herself into the warmth of Amber's loving embrace. Amber, stirred by the movement, instinctively tightened her arms around Tara and placed a tender kiss on the top of her head. The gesture brought a small measure of reassurance, reminding Tara of the unwavering support she had in her partner.

Tara let out a long, shuddering sigh, allowing the weight of the day to settle. With her eyes closed, she hoped for a peaceful night's sleep, a respite from the swirling thoughts and emotions that had consumed her. Being held in Amber's arms, she found a sense of security and calm, knowing that she was not alone in facing the challenges that lay ahead.

As Tara drifted off into the realm of dreams, she held onto a glimmer of hope that Sam would respond with understanding and be there to provide the support she sought.


Tara's heart sank as she saw the caller ID displaying the name of Cedarbrook Clinic. A mix of apprehension and worry settled within her as she accepted the call and brought the phone to her ear. She walked a few steps to the side, seeking a moment of privacy amidst the bustling city streets.

With a wary tone, she mustered the strength to speak. "Hello?"

The voice on the other end belonged to Pam, a counselor from Cedarbrook Clinic. Tara's grip tightened on the phone as she braced herself for the update on her mother's treatment, her mind already flooded with concerns and unanswered questions.

"Good morning, Ms. Carpenter," Pam greeted. "This is Pam from Cedarbrook calling to update you on your mother's treatment..."

Tara's steps faltered as the weight of the words hit her. She closed her eyes, attempting to center herself amidst the rising tide of emotions. Pinching the bridge of her nose, she hoped to ward off the headache that threatened to overwhelm her. 


Tara found a momentary respite on the bench, her emotions swirling as she listened to the counselor's voice continue through the phone pressed against her ear.

"In light of these incidents, we strongly recommend keeping Ms. Bennett admitted for an additional two weeks of intensive therapy," the counselor's voice echoed in her mind, the words landing heavily on Tara's already weary shoulders.

Drained, Tara's voice carried a tinge of exhaustion as she responded, "I understand. Do whatever you need to do. Just... please, help her."

The counselor's voice offered a glimmer of reassurance, though tinged with the weight of the challenges ahead. "We'll do our very best, Ms. Walker. I'll keep you updated."

With a mix of gratitude and a heavy heart, Tara uttered a soft, "Thank you," before ending the call. The weight of the conversation settled upon her, and she released a sigh, feeling the weight of the world crashing down upon her.

She dropped her head into her hands, her mind swirling with a maelstrom of emotions. The concern for her mother's well-being, the fatigue from navigating the complexities of her mother's treatment, and the weight of responsibility pressed upon her, threatening to overwhelm her.


Tara's curiosity piqued by the soft noises emanating from the bedroom, she couldn't resist the urge to investigate. With cautious steps, she approached the slightly ajar door, her heart beating a little faster with anticipation and intrigue.

As she peered through the crack, her eyes widened, and a flush of embarrassment spread across her cheeks. The sight that greeted her was unexpected, yet undeniably intimate. She caught a glimpse of Amber and Sam, entwined in a passionate embrace, their bodies tangled together in a display of affection and desire.

Tara's mind raced, trying to process the scene unfolding before her. A mix of conflicting emotions washed over her—surprise, confusion, and a twinge of jealousy. She hadn't anticipated this connection between Amber and Sam, and the realization stirred a complex array of feelings within her.

Tara pushed open the bedroom door, there laid her, naked, girlfriend. Eye's closed in pleasure as her hand works furiously between her own legs. Amber gasped loudly, letting out a low, keening moan. Tara swallows hard, quickly retreating from the door as arousal stirs within her core. She hovers in the hallway, suddenly uncertain.

From the other room, Amber's cries of passion grow louder, more fervent. Finally, Tara makes up her mind and strides to the bedroom, pushing the door open boldly.

Amber's eyes fly open in surprise, freezing mid-pleasure. She opens her mouth but Tara beats her to it, already climbing onto the bed to kneel between her legs.

"Don't stop on my account," Tara says with a smirk.

With that, she leans down and replaces Amber's fingers with her own skilled mouth and tongue. Amber cries out, hands flying to tangle in Tara's hair as she arches off the bed. Tara slows her ministrations but doesn't stop, looking up to meet Amber's lust-blown gaze. Amber whimpers, momentarily unable to form a coherent response as Tara's fingers join her tongue.

Tara's voice was soft as she started to speak, "My gorgeous, giving girl. Have I told you lately how amazing you are?"

She resumes her efforts with renewed fervor, and Amber flings an arm across her eyes, bucking wildly against Tara's mouth and fingers. "Fuck...Tara...I'm gonna--" Amber said, strained, as she moaned louder. Her whole body bows off the bed as the orgasm tears through her in waves. Tara works her carefully through the aftershocks before finally pulling away. 

Amber lies boneless, chest heaving, staring at Tara with a look of such pure adoration it makes Tara's heart clench. She crawls up to capture Amber's lips in a long, searing kiss.

When they finally break apart, Amber grasps Tara's hand between her own. "Talk to me, sweetheart. What's going on in that beautiful head of yours?" Amber asked softly, playing her fingers in Tara's chocolate strands.


In the late hours of the night, the apartment was cloaked in dimness, illuminated only by the flickering glow of the television. The scattered pile of bills, statements, and medical documents sprawled across the coffee table served as a stark reminder of the mounting responsibilities and challenges that weighed heavily on Tara's shoulders.

With exhaustion gripping her, Tara sat hunched over the table, her head buried in her hands. Tears fell silently onto the papers before her, dampening the inked words that represented a tangled web of concerns. The weight of everything—the complexities of her mother's treatment, the ever-growing debt, and her own deep-seated trauma—converged upon her, threatening to engulf her in a sea of despair.

Unable to contain the overwhelming emotions any longer, Tara's sobs erupted from the depths of her being, echoing through the stillness of the apartment. Each sob carried with it a fragment of her pain, her anguish, and her fears, as she released the pent-up emotions that had been building within her.

She cried, her tears flowing unchecked, as if emptying herself of the weight that had burdened her soul. In the midst of her heart-wrenching sobs, the world around her faded into insignificance, leaving only the rawness of her emotions and the hollow ache that resonated throughout her being.

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