Reminiscent Index

By Sunset-01181

46 8 28

Welcome to the pov of Memory herself. You will see her suffering. You will see the people she cares for go th... More

Memoria Data Log-0
Memoria Data Log-01
Matrix Conflict Era: Scaena
Matrix Conflict Era: Primis
Matrix Conflict Era: Duo
Matrix Conflict Era: Quattuor
Matrix Conflict Era: Quinctus

Matrix Conflict Era: Tribus

4 1 0
By Sunset-01181

[[....Audio loading….10%... 20%... 40%... 100%...]] 

“Sometimes. The innocent must suffer, in order for progress. Not perfection… “-Dralton Xi Galaxia {Audio log ends} 

Helvelion fell to one knee punching the ground with agony and sorrow leaving his roar towards the Moonlit Paradox. This war, between Anarchy and Sin, Authority and Purity… was this loss even worth it?! Was seeing another teacher of mine… no… Ivlene even before the Bloodmoon name was a friend, a sister in my sight. Sorrow already flooded my mind; the agony from the other loss was still there too. Next thing I knew the Crimson Emperor and I were in Galaxia's Yacht. 

“How did the Battle go on your end?” My question was full of emotion after seeing Grace slain in front of me. Sin was unreadable; his sight moved towards the Crimson Majesty. 

“The Battle was a stalemate. I ordered the planet itself to be cracked. The natives there didn't suffer, it was quick….same with the Combatants still planet side. “Helvelion spoke up on the statement from Dralton 

“So billions died for my empress, to die for what?“Telling by how his Majesty's aura pulsated by how Sin shifted he tapped on the left throne arm 

“Authority.” Galaxia answered winter was radiant in his voice when he continued“Without my Authority. You wouldn't exist. Without my friend, Memory's master, she wouldn't be who she is now…. “I noticed that the Legacy Keeper Of Creation and the Legacy Keeper Of Destruction stepped from each side of the throne sight on Helvelion. I knew that his Crimson Majesty wasn't happy about what he just listened to from Sin. 

“Your Authority….my Dominion is mine alone with my sons… “Galaxia simply spat

“Yet an Emperor without heirs, has no legacy to give.” Sin smiled, making a gesture towards my direction

“That Handmaiden is the key for your Dominion. Such a fair ruby flower she is…“Vyktor wanted to let his opinion known until his brother sharpened sight on him. I let my voice free, adjusting to the tension between them. 

“His Majesty needs time to breathe and grieve…“Dralton replied with just an open arm gesture with palms showing, The Crimson Emperor just moved his sight on me. I felt the pain radiant in his aura pulsating, agony and sorrow, Wrath soon filled it. Sin shifted his eyes elsewhere when Bolten spoke 

“Are you in or out? We don't need people who don't have spark… “ I held my elegance firmly but Creation's statement struck like venom. Destruction glared at Creation letting his silence speak, but The Black Raven wasn't going to let that stand. He let a quake of a question out 

“Speak your mind brother. I hate it when you let silence sizzle…” Vyktor replied with his tone filled with Wrath 

“Perhaps you're being a bit harsh brother. They just lost someone who would have helped us in the future… That sacrifice can't just go unpunished. “I saw Helvelion's opinion change on Destruction during his interjection, Sin sighed before sending his sight towards the Crimson Emperor again. His Majesty had his statement freed making his path clear 

“My Empress died, by Xenos that fight alongside your enemy. I offer you my unyielding rage against them.“Sin just had joy on his face, his statement alone sent a chill down my spine

“And I will see that your Dominion is given some weapons to use against this enemy…Call this a gift and a blessing… “ After that we were back in the Spire soon after that. Her Grace was laid to rest in the Central Garden, full of roses, all lively when I saw them. Roshia Aparra stood beside me, she was a Handmaiden in training. She was the sweetest and the most blossoming of the sisters I knew. I had a flash when she stared at me. I shook my head not wanting to see it but each time, her future came up. I felt sorrow, anger and agony following with a shattered heart aiming to the Grand Abyss alone. Who was that? I didn't know then, but I didn't understand it then. A millennium followed next thing I knew, His Majesty assigned the Heirs to conquer the other factions around the First Dominion borders, Hyperion would show the most ruthlessness. Helvelion and I waited in the empty Grand Council chamber, quietness quaked before we knew it we were in a ship. A Barge. Older in design, less reinforcement armor wise, from what I could tell because of my hud it had a decent shield layout. 

I recognized two familiar patterns first being Destruction “Hey there, Ruby sparkle.” I rolled my sight on Vyktor but Bolten ruined the moment with his statement 

“Didn't think you two would make it here alive…” I retorted with a soft and sweet vibrance 

“Sin doesn't wish us sparks to be left behind.” The Scarlet Raven held his humor but that statement alone shut the Black Raven's mouth at least for now. Someone stepped down in front of Helvelion and I, his Crimson Majesty, grabbed the Anomaly by the neck before pressing him against the pillar then a hand over the Anomaly's mouth. That Anomaly raised his hands. Telling the language of the Crimson Emperor, he wasn't in a mood for negotiations. I gave a gentle touch on his shoulder, Helvelion let go of the Anomaly, subtle coughs followed when he lifted his weight up again. I made my voice clear 

“Speak. Now or I won't hold him back again.“His Crimson Majesty gave a subtle gesture before stepping back. The Anomaly spoke quietly 

“Ey now. No need to be… uncivilized… “Bolten replied with a blizzard 

“We are civilized, but Pirates of your caliber are nothing more than Animals.“Vyktor rolled his eyes at the statement his brother made though he held firm with a defensive stance. 

“Name?“ The Anomaly Crewman felt the sweet vibrancy of my vocal pattern. He tipped his hat with his ambers meeting my rubies 

“Xirther Zasao… fair Lady. “Destruction chuckled out 

“You struck his sight, Nyri…”Blood rushed to my cheeks, I elegantly shifted facing Vyktor. 

“Shut it, Vykki…“Bolten and Helvelion laughed quietly. Zasao smiled and leaned in with his right arm resting over my shoulder keeping eye contact. 

“Help me change the colors of this Man'O War? Name of it is The Elfin. I want it. Crew is split, fifty, fifty…“The Crimson Emperor crossed his arms disapproving of the flirty pattern. I did a soulful cover of humor 

“Surely a man like yourself can do better, but I can tell you now. Depending on your path. I can help with a change. Did Sin pay you?“Xirther only gave a wink. I pushed him into the pillar after this time showing my displeasure of him flirting with me. Zasao got the picture after he saw my aura pulsate and form into Tendrils, he adjusted his language 

“Help me take the Elfin and I will get you all to Deastrimel.“He did a gesture towards his Crimson Majesty 

“I already know that man is a Todesritter…“Helvelion replied simply 

“Get us somewhere discreet and I will kill whoever…“Zasao stepped over extending his hand 

“That can be arranged…The Captain of this ship is with a party I have no intention of following… “I knew the rhythm of coldness. He spoke the truth, by how his aura flowed with the vibrations of his voice. 

“Then we have a deal… Zasao… “I knew by how the path went by Helvelion's decision he couldn't change that. It was like I felt the nexus of fate connected to the First Crimson Emperor wrap around a chain leading somewhere full of Crimson…hours passed. Xirther sent an alert linked to the huds telling us that the discreet location is coming up. Bolten and Vyktor readied their blades. Helvelion, just prepared the two curved daggers in a reverse grip taking up a stance Known for Todesritters to use, The First Crimson Emperor was built on ending paths, foresight became a flood in my mind. I felt my oversight grow trying not to scream with the radiance surging through my physical frame. I felt Creation and Destruction place their palms on each shoulder blade which calmed my own vision. I prepared my Ariolus Kalibur, my sharpest of thorns. Without warning, his Crimson Majesty stepped grabbing some Crewmen hooked by his daggers from the chin through the helmets, pink mist exiting their heads, Helvelion slammed the Crewmen down in a single movement before sending slashes through the necks of those who were marked as enemies by Xirther. Creation and Destruction took the closest doors in the closet quarters of the Elfin alone. Crimson splattered across the hollow windows I kept by his Majesty's side letting speed and grace speak. Pioneers and Crewmen were firing and clashing against each other, I knew the IFFs clearly as Zasao flew in with a Thrust-Pak equipped kicking one of the enemy out to meet the Grand Abyss… 

Elegance maneuvered with speed and grace with each swing, slash and strike. Men fell lifeless that weren't with Xirther Zasao, were some of them innocent? Honestly yes, I knew it by a sight of their auras and their soul but they were broken by my own ambition to keep the Crimson line going, The Death of Ivlene when Deastrimel was in view. A pitch black and amethyst mist was like a cloud covering a shell. His Majesty huffed tossing a body of a Crewman aside 

“Something doesn't feel right about this field…” He said in a pattern matching ice and rain. Zasao let entropy erupt from his aura with at least a thousand Crewmen against him just dropping. 

Xirther replied with a smile “Don't worry about the V'edraad…” The Ve'draad was the translation I understood by the tongue us Eternals and Dark Eternals used. It was the same thing. It meant Unbroken Soul Storm. The Unbroken Soul Storm. Or the Unbroken Tempestas in Gaian…. due to what Vyktor and Bolten understood, An Unbroken Soul Storm is an amalgamation of souls combined into one unsightly existence, these beasts no matter the level were dangerous. Like Wyllow Wysp, Sparkled Temptations and other things that were in the reach of an Amalgam Soul Complex…. Helvelion flicked his Karambits, red painted the flood from the edges with the jugglers of those who faced him. The Crimson Emperor spat out the throats of those who faced him that day. Creation and Destruction stood at the left. Creation. Right Destruction… The Captain Of the Elfin stood in front of us. We made it to the bridge of the ship itself. Thousands of lives ended, some had friends and families… others… had lovers…

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