I'm Hollywood

By IamBassett

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My 1st Celebrity Harem Story More

OC Bio
Logan Kenway Bio
Logan Kenway's Girls
Part 1 - Valentines Day
Part 3 - Matthew's Birthday
Part 4 - Breckie and Livvy
Part 5 - Amazing Grace
Part 6 - Childhood Crush
Part 7 - Hi Barbie!
Part 8 - Beach Day

Part 2 - Saturday Night Live

1.9K 37 16
By IamBassett

Matthew POV

My wife is officially a star. Sydney has been chosen to host Saturday Night Live for the March 2nd, 2024 edition of the long-running show. We're on a private jet to New York City, we're watching Madame Web with Sydney in my arms

The end credits were rolling as I just watched Sydney's cringy expression after watching this disaster class of a film

Sydney: "I hope this doesn't get played as one of my career highlights at my funeral."

Matthew: "Please, we've all had at least one bad movie in our careers. And beside, they'll probably reserve that honor for Logan. He's going to have this movie tied to his name for the rest of forever." I said laughing

I looked out of the window. Down past the clouds and buildings that look so small from a thousand feet high. I could tell we were above Denver.

Matthew: "Started at the very bottom, and now I'm a thousand feet in the air. If only 7-year-old me could see this now." I thought to myself.

Stockton is a notoriously rough town. I still remember playing basketball at the local park. The backboard never once got cleaned. Every once in a few years, I like to come back to visit just to put into per how far I've come.

But now I'm here. And I couldn't be happier

Sydney: "I'm sure he'd be happy to see the man he'd become."

Matthew: "I'm sure he would. But he'll probably be happier to know who his wife would be." I said with a smug smirk

She laughed with an "I can't believe you" face before she started to look nervous

Matthew: "What's wrong?"

Sydney: "I'm just nervous about hosting SNL. I mean, I'm excited, but this is so new to me."

Matthew: "Hey." I get close to her face."I've hosted the show twice, and it was nothing new. It won't be anything new to you either. Just remember your lines and look at the camera. And you were chosen by them to host this episode. And have I told you how glad I am that you agreed to be with me?"

Sydney: "At least I was the first one you asked for that."

Matthew: "Well, Samara was engaged at time, and Emma isn't the type to get married."

Sydney: "You ass!" She gasped

She returned the smile and tackled me back first on the couch. She giggled, and she lightly started punching my chest. I turned her around, so now I was on top. She wrapped her left leg around my right leg as we smiled and started into each other's eyes, and in a moment, we were making out again.

After a long flight, we finally made it to New York. We got to my loft. Luggage wasn't that bad. We only packed a few clothes since we'll only be here for a week. But the traffic, on the other hand, still sucks. Never change Zoo York

I walked in and plopped down onto the couch before immediately getting back up and going into the kitchen to get some Rum.

Sydney: "Every time we come to New York, we've either gone for a walk in Central Park or go to a Yankees game. And since it's February 27th, we should definitely go for that walk. It's a nice day outside."

Matthew: "Oh, we'll get to that. But first, let's celebrate."

I come back to the living room where Sydney is sitting on one leg on the couch. I brought back 2 glasses and a bottle of Captain Morgan. I poured both glasses and gave her one. We wrapped our drinking arms around each other.

Sydney: "And to what do we owe this honor?"

Matthew: "How about... to lose your SNL virginity?"

She smiled and once again had a "I can't believe you" face, and we both drank and finished the rum in a swift moment.

Sydney: "I'm surprised your mouth hasn't gotten you into trouble throughout your career."

She was right. People know that I have a pretty dark and fucked up sense of humor. I like to blame spending hours on Saints Row for that. It's amazing how I have yet to be canceled. Call it blind luck maybe?

Matthew: "Oh baby, you know my mouth can do more than just getting me in trouble." I said with a big ass, sly ass smile

She leaned in and said "How about we put that to the test?"

We started to make out again. We were getting pretty into it as I started to unbutton her blouse but got interrupted as I felt my phone buzz so I annoyingly checked my phone and saw that Logan texted me a picture of him, Lexi, and their new born daughter with a caption reading

"You're 32 bro, Time for you to start having some kids of your own. Oh and tell Sydney that we'll be watching the show on Saturday 😉"

Matthew: "Logan, perfect timing."

Sydney: "Is he making fun of you because you don't have kids again?"

Matthew: "Of course. I keep telling him that we aren't going to start having kids until next year. It isn't my fault that I want to be responsible and make sure I'm mentally ready for kids. Hell even when we were kids I told him I wouldn't have kids until I was atleast 33. But he's been a dad since he was 25 and has always been flexing that he has more responsibilities than me because of that."

Sydney: "You know sometimes I wish you could cut all ties with him and everyone else so it would just be me and you in our own world."

Matthew: "I would like that too. Love it, actually. But even if I tried I'm stuck with Logan for the rest of my life and he's stuck with me."

Sydney: "How long have you two known each other? You should pretty close."

Matthew: "We met in 1998. We were playing basketball at a park I went to every Saturday when I was a kid. He was 8, I was 6. And surprisingly he was taller than me when we first met. We lived 2 blocks away from each other and we went to the same high-school. The rest is history."

Sydney: "Life long friend then?"

Matthew: "You can say that. But in the real world we became moots only a week ago."

Sydney: "...What..?"

Matthew: "I said he's been my ride or die my entire life. Couldn't ask for a better friend. Even if he does flex alot."

I got up as Sydney was still confused and what I just said

Matthew: "So how about we go for that walk?"

It's show time. It's Saturday. Sydney wanted me to watch in the live crowd. Currently we're in her dressing room. I fought off the intrusive thoughts of pulling aside the curtin and watched he change. But there's a line between being flirty and being a creep. he's behind a curtin, and I'm leaning against a wall with my arms crossed until she walked out of the small sub-room she was in and she had on a lovely white dress

Sydney: "Well? Do I look good?"

Matthew: "Babe, you look better than amazing."

I put my hands on her waist and she put hers on my shoulders and we shared another deep kiss.

"Mrs Sweeney! You're on in twenty minutes minutes!"

This startled the both of us but we quickly calmed down

Matthew: "Well Mrs. Sweeney-Bassett, I should go and take my seat. Go knock them dead."

I took my seat in the large crowd. This was the first time I was in the crowd for SNL. These last few months has been the first time in our relationship where I wasn't the center stage. Now me and Sydney were on equal levels when it came to popularity. But we've never made that apart of our marriage and we've always been equals to each other.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Sydney Sweeney!"

She walked out to take center stage and with all the confidence in her voice she started to give her monolog

Sydney: "Thank you very much! I'm so happy to be here! My name is Sydney Sweeney. You might have seen me in Anyone But You or Euporia, you definitely did not see me in Madame Web.
But I do have a new film coming out called Immaculate. I play a nun so it's perfect testing!"

The show went on from there. Currently we're at the after party at a nightclub in Manhattan. Me and her got our own VIP booth. She changed so she is now wearing a white blouse and a red corset dress

We were both clearly drunk. I'm no slouch when it comes to alcohol so I was ever so slightly more sober than she was. She wrapped herself around me laughing at nothing funny and I could smell the whisky and beer on her breath.

Matthew: "See? I told you it wouldn't be anything new!"

Sydney: "Remind me to never doubt you again! But not right now, I'll forget it tomorrow morning!" She giggled some more

We smiled and made out again until a bouncer came up to me and asked

"Mr Bassett, there are two men here saying that they know you and want to get access to this booth. They said their names are Logan Kenway and Tyson Rose."

Matthew: "Oh shit what are they doing here? Bring them in!"

And in a few minutes Logan came in with his arm around Arianna Grande and Tyson came in with the Little Mermaid herself, Halle Bailey.

Tyson: "Matt! What's up twin!?" We fist bumped before he and Halle sat to my right and Logan and Arianna sat to my left.

Tyson is my second-best-friend. We met when we were 10. In high-school, we were a bit infamous for being trouble makers. He has also made it big in Hollywood. But that's for another OC Bio for another day.

Logan: "The gang's back together." Logan said as me and him also fist bumped

Arianna: "Sydney! You were amazing tonight girl!"

Sydney: "Awwww! Thanks Ari! To think I was doubting myself at the start of the week but thankfully I have the greatest husband in the world!"

Logan: "Yeah, stoke his ego larger than it already is while you're at it! It's already so big I'm surprised it fits this club!"

We all shared a drunken laugh. Surprising because to my mine the others haven't had a drink yet. But conventitly a waitress came by and asked if she could get us anything. We ordered our drinks and started to share some stories. Eventually we found our way to the bar with all of our girls sitting on our respective laps.

Logan: "So Matthew let me get this straight, I'm 33 and I have three kids, Tyson is the same age as you and has two kids, and you have yet to get one of your own? Better keep up pal."

Matthew: "This again? I told you we're not ready yet."

Tyson: "Matt, look at your wife, you would be stupid to not ever give her kids. YOUR kids at that! And not only that you got Margot Robbie AND some other tens that would love to have your kids."

Halle: "Speaking of which when are you gonna give me some?"

Tyson: "We can try when we get back to the hotel don't worry about it." He said with a wink

Matthew: "I'm not ready yet. And it's not like me and Sydney or any other girl with never have kids. Just gotta be patient."

Sydney: "Plus we're still so young! We have atleast one more *hiccup* year before we have done it all as a couple before starting a family."

Matthew: "Exactly my point."

Logan: "Alright lets drop it. Having this same conversation over and over must be driving them crazy. And we're not here to talk about kids. To Sydney's career!"

We all raised our drinks for a toast but were interrupted by some drunk assholes trying to make his presence felt amongst our group

"Hey I know y'all! Look I'm such big fans of all of you! Do yall mind if I can get a picture with you!?"

Well this got awkward. This is one of the downsides of being famous. Never getting privacy in public

Matthew: "Look guys, we appreciate your support, but me and my friends here are trying to hang out and want to be left alone. So I'm asking you nicely to keep moving."

This got them all angry and the lead guy started talking again

"Hey I asked nicely for a quick little picture! How hard can it be!?"

Logan: "Hey! We're going to ask you all one more time to get to stepping, or there's going to be problems." He said sternly

"Or you'll do what!?" A giant of a man stepped forward. He stood at 6'5. Tyson stood up and was the same height as him

Tyson: "Or like the man said, there's going to be problems."

Halle: "Baby, don't do this right now." She said obviously worrying that there was about to be a fight

The two other drunk men stood next to the taller man so me and Logan instinctively stood up. Arianna tried to stop Logan but it was no use. Say one thing about Logan - it's that he's definitely going to do something once he's made up his mind about doing it

I was ready for anything so I grabbed a bottle of beer and tried to break it over the counter. But since this isn't a movie the bottle didn't break properly so I just awkwardly threw it behind the bar and stood along my friends.

So now the sight at the bar was three famous actors having a stare down with three drunk assholes. The music never stopped playing but the entire dance floor had their eyes on what was happening.

And little did we expect Tyson and the other tall man started breaking down into a godamn dance battle on the dancing floor.

Logan: "What am I watching?"

They just kept going. What made the sight funnier and crazier was that the DJ was commenting over it.

Matthew: "We are watching a 32-year-old, 6'5 black man get into a dance battle with a drunk fan in a nightclub in New York City. This is the reality we live in."

The other two men stepped in and made it 3-on-1. Tyson looked over at us and said

Tyson: "Give me a hand y'all!"

Logan and I shrugged at each other and joined the dance battle. And of course people took out their phones and started to record the whole thing. I can imagine that this will blow up Twitter tomorrow but oh well. And to think I was getting ready to kill someone tonight...

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