Resident Evil Justiφ's


288 6 2

A young man with a powerful device has been traveling around the world, to avoid the past of the ones hauntin... More

Chapter 2 Crismon Head

Chapter 1 Entering the Evil

185 5 2

In the middle of the night, theres a forest called the Arklay Mountains, it's a classified area not many have tried to come. But dark secrets are held in this area with some investigating it.

But driving down a road was a person, it was a young man 18 years of age. He has long brown hair and brown eyes, he wears a long black jacket with a white shirt, jeans and boots with spurs on them, his name is Judai Suzugamori.

He was driving a silver bike and he stops near the woods as he looks around. "Hmmm."

It's been a long time ever since he's been traveling and getting away from a certain someone.

He stops the bike when he saw smoke in the distance, he walks towards it to check it on foot, he arrives and saw a crashed helicopter with the words STARS on his outfit.

"The special group?" he heard about it.

He heard something running in the distance and he runs, he then saw zombie dogs coming barking and he frowns seeing that. He wanted to fight but he can't let anyone see his power.

Judai then saw a mansion and knows it's safer inside.

 He enters the mansion and looks around through main hall after locking the door.


Judai then hears gunshots causing him to start heading towards it as fast and quietly as he can.

'Who could be shooting?'

He takes out a revolver from a holster inside of his coat and sneaks forward.

He then sees a woman fighting off against zombies surprising him before he shoots one in the head.

She looks at him and he noticed she's wearing a blue uniform.

"Who are you?" She questions in surprise.


"I'm Jill." She said before dodging a zombie and shooting it in the head.

After they were dead she noticed the look in his eyes, it's like he didn't care about anything.

"Aren't you scared?" She questions.

He sighs. "I don't really care."

This surprises her before she decides to put it aside.

"Have you seen anyone else?" She questions.

He shakes his head for no.

Jill sighs in worry for her teammates.

He looks around. "What's with this place?"

"I don't know. We had lost contract with another team so I came here with my team to find them but the damn pilot abandoned us." Jill said.

"I saw a helicopter with a corpse outside. Was that the first team?" He said.

"Did the corpse have the word S.T.A.R.S. on it?" Jill questions.

He nodded.

"Yeah that was one of them then." Jill said a bit solemnly.

"Well I came to this place because of those dogs." He said.

"I see. Do you have any injuries?" Jill asks.


"Good. We should stick together since there is no telling what else is here." Jill said.

"Whatever." He goes forward.

She frowns a bit before Judai stops and looks at the corpses with a light frown.

"What is it?" She asks.

He takes out a man made flamethrower and burns them.

"Why are you burning them?" She questions in surprise.

"They're not dead for real."

"What but I shot them in the head?!" Jill exclaims in disbelief.

"But not detached it or destroyed it, i've seen them come back stronger. Believe me they're dangerous." He said.

"I'll take your word for it." She said.

Judai goes ahead and he opens a door, his eyes scanned around the room for anything as he hears sounds.

Jill hears them too and gets her gun ready.

"Those things are dumb, so make a sound." Judai told her.

She nods as she picks up a object and throws it.

The zombies heard it and follows the noise.

"Told you." They sneaked around.

"That is going to help save ammo." She said.

They went downstairs and looked around for anything special.

"See any ammo?" Jill asks him.

He opens a drawer and saw a clip. "Here." He throws it at her.

"Thanks." She said as she puts it into a pocket.

They went down a hallway and she got curious about him.

"So since we're going to be struck in this place for a while we should get to know one another." Jill suggests.

He looks at her.

"How about favorite foods?" Jill said.

"Meat." He said.

"What kind of meat? Beef, pork, or other?" Jill asks.

He sighs. "Filet."

"That's a good choice." Jill said.

"So any dreams?"

"No." He said.

This surprises her.

"I have none." He said.

"No dreams? Is it because you already achieve them?" Jill questions.

"No, I lost them all." He said.

This shocks and surprises her.

"Lost them?" She questions.

He looks at her with a blank look.

She then gasps as the emptiness in his eyes weren't a trick of her mind. He looks away since he didn't care.

She starts getting concern about him as this could mean he has no regard for his life.

"Do you have something to say to me?" He said.

"Is there anything you want to protect?" Jill asks hoping for a answer that means he won't risk himself unnecessary.

"I have nothing, no parents, no family, nothing. I just go wherever I go." He said.

This makes her sad at hearing this.

"So, I don't really care if I live or die." He said.

"Well then I'll help you find something since you did saved me." Jill said.

He got confused and looks at her.

"What? I was being attacked by a few zombies so there was a chance I would have been bitten by one." Jill said.

"I was more on the finding something thing." He said.

"Oh that. Well considering that we're basically in a zombie infested mansion I'm probably going to have nightmares about this so by helping you find something I can keep my mind off of this at least for a while." Jill admits with a bit of a sheepish look.

He raises an eyebrow. "I dealt with worse."

She raises a eyebrow in curiosity. They went forward and saw a few zombies walking around. This makes Jill silently groans at the sight of more zombies.

He just take out his gun with a silencer and shoots they're heads. Jill whistles as that was quick and very accurate shooting.

"We can't waste time, what have you been doing while here?" He asked her.

"Looking for Bravo Team and the rest of my squad." Jill said.

"Also l found this." She takes out a strange stone mask.

He stares at it and looks up. "Maybe there upstairs."

"Possibly. Question is what is it for?" Jill said.

"We'll have to see." He goes forward.

She nods as she follows him. He quickly burns the bodies as they went so there would be no surprises later.

They went up the stairs and looked around the Hallways.

"This place is like a maze." Jill said.

"It was like it was built like that." Judai frowns.

"But why? To hide something?" Jill questions.

"Most likely, you don't make this for fun."

"They probably set up some traps too then." Jill said.

They saw a guy with blonde hair near a door in pain.

The man notices them.

"Jill. Glad to see you're alright." He said.

"Richard!" She goes to check on him.

"I'm a bit roughed up. Where are the others?" Richard questions.

"I don't know. He's poisoned." She checks him.

"How did that happen?" Judai said.

"A damn snake." Richard said with a wince.

"A snake?" Judai raises an eyebrow.

"He needs cure and fast." Jill said.

"I remember the hallway we passed as a room with medical stuff." Judai said.

"Then lets go to that room." Jill said.

He looks back at the door in front of them before they went off.

They move quickly and enters the medical room quietly in case there were zombies in there.

They went inside and Jill checks a cabinet.

She scans through it and checks each vial carefully.

"Found it." She takes it out.

"Well let's hurry." He said.

She nods as they went back to Richard with the antivenom. After getting to him Jill injects some of the antivenom into him.

"Richard!" They saw a red hair wearing a medical uniform of STARS.

"Rebecca!" Jill said in relief.

"Jill!" Rebecca said in relief as well.

She goes to check on Richard too.

"So this is your friend too?" Judai said.

"Yes. She is the new rookie of Bravo team." Jill explains.

Rebecca looks at Judai.

"Who are you?" She ask politely.

"Judai Suzugamori."

"I'm Rebecca Chambers. Nice to meet you." She said.

Judai looks at the door again. "Theres something inside, and there might be a important item too."

"I agree with you." Jill said.

Judai goes towards it surprising them.

"Judai what are you doing?" Jill questions.

"Dealing with the problem." He said.

He unlocks the door and heads inside

Jill got worried and goes inside with him. They saw it was a dusty room and they looked around.

"This place is so dirty." Jill said with a frown.

They heard a hiss and looked around.

"Is that a snake hissing?" Jill questions.

Then they saw a giant snake called Yawn come out as it stares at them.

"T-that's a big snake." Jill said stunned.

It looks and stares at Judai before lunging at him but he dodges, Jill shoots at it hitting it.

The snake kept going and Judai frowns as he has to use it.

He puts on a weird looking to Jill belt on and pulls out a phone confusing Jill. He puts in a code.


"Henshin!" He inserts it.


Lines appeared and he transforms into Faiz.

"What is this?" Jill questions in surprise and slight awe.

Yawn attacks but he grabs it's jaws wrestling with the snake. Jill tries to help by shooting at the Yawn to distract it.

He then kicks it back before he takes out the phone in gun mode.


He shoots at it many times making it screech.

It hisses angrily and in pain at Faiz.

The snake retreated and he sighs.

"It's done."

"Judai what is this?" Jill questions about the armor he's wearing.

"It's the thing I got, I found this and had to travel around to make sure others don't get it." He said.

"Others?" Jill questions.

"Theres always someone that will try to abuse this suit." He said.

Jill nods in agreement as there was several people in this world that would especially criminals.

He changes back and puts it away, he finds one of the masks. "So it was here."

"Another mask. Is this going to be a thing where we have to find more?" Jill questions.

He looks outside a hole to the graves. "There."

"Graves? I got a bad feeling about this." Jill said as thoughts of zombies popping out of their graves pops into her head.

"There seems to be a staircase, which most likely is for those masks." He said.

"So we just need to use them to unlock them." Jill said.

"Yes, how many do you have counting this." He raises the mask up.

"I have two." Jill said.

"Then let's try that place out." He said.

She nods as they quickly check the room for anything else before leaving.

They went out and saw Rebecca waiting for them.

"Glad you guys came, can you help me take Richard to a bed."

"Yeah we can." Jill said.

They picked him up and took him to a room, setting him on a bed.

"Thanks. Hopefully he will be alright." Rebecca said hoping.

"He'll have to recover through time." He said.

"Yes but being here won't help." Rebecca said referring to the zombies and monsters in the mansion.

"Lock the door and stay quiet, the zombies are dumb." He said.

Rebecca nods.

"First do you have enough ammo and supplies?" Jill asks.

She nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Just stay in here, keep quiet, and the door locked like Judai said. Also make sure your guns are loaded and ready to fire. We'll be back as soon as we can." Jill said.

The two went out but Judai can tell someone is watching them and he's got a bad feeling.

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