By -atIass

238 30 102

❝ Honey, you're familiar like my mirror years ago, Idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword. Innoc... More


02| CROW

31 4 14
By -atIass

AS THE CHIMES OF FIVE THIRTY ECHOED THROUGH THE HALLOWED HALLS OF WELTON ACADEMY, Lucien regarded it as a silent summons to retreat to the sanctuary of his room. Stirred from the depths of an unsettling dream, he felt the urgent pull of wakefulness urging him to seek solace in the quiet solitude of the night. With a resigned sigh, he slipped out from beneath the weight of his tangled sheets, his movements fluid and deliberate as he navigated the dimly lit corridors.

The faint glow of moonlight filtered through the windows, casting elongated shadows that danced upon the walls like spectral apparitions. Lucien's footsteps echoed softly against the cold, marble floors as he made his way towards the nearest exit, his mind awash with the remnants of fragmented dreams and half-formed thoughts.

Stepping out into the cool night air, he inhaled deeply, the sharp bite of the evening chill invigorating his senses. Pulling a cigarette from the pack tucked within the folds of his jacket, he deftly lit it with a flick of his lighter, the soft glow illuminating his features in the darkness.

As tendrils of smoke curled upwards towards the heavens, Lucien found himself lost in contemplation, his thoughts drifting like wisps of fog upon the wind. Alone with his thoughts and the gentle whisper of the night, he found a fleeting sense of peace amidst the chaos that always seemed to envelop him. And in that solitary moment, as the world slumbered around him, he was free to linger in the quiet embrace of the night, if only for a fleeting moment longer.

As he exhaled, tendrils of smoke spiraled into the crisp night air, dissipating into the darkness like ethereal wisps. With each breath, the sharp sting of the wind against his face served as a stark reminder of his waking reality, grounding him in the present moment. Yet, despite the chill that permeated his bones, Lucien found himself drawn back to the remnants of a dream that lingered like a ghostly specter in the recesses of his mind.

In the hazy depths of his subconscious, he wandered the familiar corridors of Welton Academy, an eerie silence enveloping the deserted halls like a shroud. The echoing caw of a solitary crow pierced the stillness, its mournful cry beckoning him forth into the unknown. Ignoring the gnawing sense of unease that twisted in the pit of his stomach, Lucien ventured beyond the safety of the academy's walls, drawn inexorably towards the dark heart of the surrounding woods.

Yet, as he ventured deeper into the tangled undergrowth, the once alluring call of the crow was drowned out by the sinister whisper of unseen footsteps stalking him from the shadows. A primal fear gripped his heart like a vise as he stumbled blindly through the darkness, each step fraught with the anticipation of imminent danger.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the dream dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind only the lingering echoes of his own racing heartbeat. With a start, Lucien was jolted back to consciousness, the remnants of the dream still clinging to the edges of his mind like cobwebs in the morning light.

Shaking off the lingering sense of foreboding, he took another drag from his cigarette, the bitter taste of smoke lingering on his tongue. For a fleeting moment, he found himself yearning for the sanctuary of his bed, eager to escape the haunting specter of his own subconscious. But as the morning stretched out before him, Lucien knew that he could not hide from the ghosts that lurked within, not tonight, and perhaps not ever. And so, with a heavy heart and a weary soul, he resigned himself to face whatever horrors the night may bring, if only to confront the demons that haunted his dreams.

Lucien shrugged off the lingering tendrils of his unsettling dream like an unwanted burden, dismissing it with a nonchalant flick of his wrist. Dreams were just dreams, after all—ephemeral wisps of the subconscious, devoid of any real significance. Yet, even as he feigned indifference, a nagging curiosity gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, whispering tantalizingly of mysteries left unsolved.

After all, Lucien Leclerc was not one to succumb to the whims of his own imagination, nor was he easily swayed by the specter of the unknown. And yet, there was something undeniably disconcerting about the dream that lingered in the recesses of his mind—a lingering sense of unease that refused to be ignored.

For a fleeting moment, he entertained the notion of unraveling the enigma that had ensnared him in its clutches, of delving deep into the shadows to uncover the truth that lay hidden beneath. But as quickly as the thought had come, it was banished from his mind, replaced once more by the familiar facade of indifference that shielded him from the prying eyes of the world.

With a dismissive flick, Lucien sent the spent cigarette tumbling through the air, its ember fading into the damp earth below. He couldn't be bothered with the petty reprimands of the academy's stuffy professors—let them fuss and fume over their precious rules and regulations. He had more important things to occupy his mind.

As he stood amidst the tranquil stillness of the sunrise, the lake shimmered like a mirror, reflecting the ghostly silhouettes of the surrounding trees. For a moment, he allowed himself to be captivated by the serene beauty of the scene, the gentle lull of the water lapping against the shore soothing his restless soul.

But even as he gazed upon the tranquil landscape, a sense of restlessness gnawed at the edges of his consciousness, urging him to return to the familiar confines of their shared bedroom. With practiced ease, he navigated the winding paths that crisscrossed the campus, his movements fluid and purposeful as he slipped through the shadows like a wraith in the night.

As he approached their dormitory, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips—a silent acknowledgment of the bond that united them in their shared defiance of authority and convention. With a final glance cast over his shoulder at the shimmering expanse of the lake, Lucien disappeared into the darkness, his footsteps echoing softly against the hallowed halls of Welton Academy.

With practiced ease, Lucien pushed the door to their dormitory open just a crack, the muted light of dawn filtering through the narrow gap. Inside, he could see the familiar sight of Emile sprawled across his bed, still lost in the depths of sleep, oblivious to the world around him.

Ignoring the faint rustle of movement from his sleeping friend, Lucien stepped into the room, his footsteps silent against the polished floorboards. With a sense of purpose, he made his way to his bed. Julien was already immersed in his studies, poring over textbooks with a focused intensity that was characteristic of him.

As Julien settled into his chair, his mind was already racing ahead, absorbing the intricate details of the day's lessons and formulating strategies for mastering the material. With a determined set to his jaw, he immersed himself in his studies, his focus unwavering even in the pre-dawn stillness.

With a nonchalant air, Lucien then settled into his own chair, his gaze lingering on Julien for a moment before turning to the window. Outside, the first light of dawn painted the sky in shades of pink and gold, a stark contrast to the muted hues of their dormitory.

As he watched the sunrise, Lucien's thoughts drifted briefly to the day ahead, the challenges and opportunities that awaited them at Welton Academy. But for now, in the quiet stillness of their dormitory, he allowed himself a moment of reprieve, a brief respite from the demands of the world outside.

As they stepped out of their dorm, the trio encountered a sea of wary gazes from their fellow pupils. Many instinctively veered out of their path, giving them a wide berth. However, one figure stood apart from the crowd: Neil Perry. Positioned against the opposite wall, just two doors down from the trio's quarters, Neil watched them intently, his expression unreadable.

Neil seemed poised to join the bustling crowd with his new acquaintance, Todd, but the flow of students abruptly halted, causing a minor commotion as some stumbled over each other. Following the source of the disruption, Neil's gaze locked onto Lucien, who appeared oblivious to his scrutiny as he exited his dorm flanked by Emile and Julien. Students nearby maintained a respectful distance, wary of the palpable tension in the air.

Neil's gaze bore into Lucien's flawless raven locks, an unsettling intensity emanating from his darkened eyes. To Neil, Lucien resembled a crow in human form, embodying the mysterious and enigmatic aura of the ominous bird. His hair, as dark as midnight, seemed to mirror the shadows that cloaked his heart, and his eyes, obsidian pools of depth, held secrets untold.

With each glance, Neil couldn't shake the feeling that Lucien was akin to the crow, a harbinger of darkness and foreboding. And as Lucien walked with an air of inscrutable confidence, Neil couldn't help but feel a sense of unease, amplified by the haunting echoing in his mind.

Neil's thoughts drifted, betraying him as he imagined what it would feel like to run his fingers through Lucien's dark locks. He chastised himself internally for such a foolish notion, knowing full well the animosity that simmered between them. Beside him, Todd attempted to engage him in conversation, but Neil's attention remained ensnared by Lucien's commanding presence.

Lucien's broad shoulders commanded attention as he moved with an air of effortless confidence, drawing Neil's gaze despite his best efforts to resist. A surge of resentment coursed through Neil's veins as he begrudgingly acknowledged the hold that Lucien had over him, his hatred for the enigmatic figure burning brighter with each passing moment.

When they made their way down the staircase, the usual commotion of students navigating the hallways seemed to part effortlessly for the trio, their presence commanding a certain respect that was both expected and earned. Hands casually tucked into their pockets and satchels slung low on their waists, Julien, Lucien, and Emile exchanged casual banter as they descended, their voices carrying a sense of easy camaraderie.

"Have you heard about Mr. Keating?" Emile, still shaking off the last remnants of sleep, initiated the conversation about Mr. Keating, their new teacher, sparking curiosity among the group

"Yes, they say he's a bit unconventional," Julien explained, descending the stairs.

"Unconventional how?" Lucien asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Well, from what I gather, he doesn't quite fit the mold of our typical instructors," Julien replied.

"Sounds dreadfully exciting, doesn't it?" Emile said sarcastically, his voice laced with skepticism.

"Indeed. Although, I can't help but wonder if he'll inspire Neil to finally break free from his father's expectations," Julien chuckled, teasingly nudging Lucien.

"Oh, come now, Julien. Neil's too busy trying to fit into his father's perfect little box to be swayed by some new teacher,"Emile, with his trademark wit, chimed in with a sardonic remark about Neil, eliciting laughter from his companions.

"You underestimate the power of inspiration, my dear Emile. Besides, wouldn't it be amusing to see Neil rebel for once?" Julien countered, his eyes sparkling with mischief.

"Ha! I can only imagine the look on his father's face if that were to happen," Emile laughed, envisioning the scene.

"Exactly my point, Emile. Mr. Keating might just be the catalyst we've been waiting for," Julien concluded with a nod of certainty.

"Well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see what unfolds in Mr. Keating's class," Lucien agreed, his expression thoughtful as they continued their descent.

As Lucien descended the final step, his gaze flickered behind him, catching sight of Charlie Dalton. Without fail, Neil Perry stood beside him, his intense brown eyes fixed squarely on Lucien. A subtle smirk tugged at the corner of Lucien's lips, a gesture not lost on Neil, who bristled with irritation.

Neil despised the way Lucien seemed to effortlessly manipulate the dynamics between them, yet he couldn't deny the intrigue that simmered beneath their mutual animosity. There was an undeniable tension between them, one that had been brewing since their initial encounter but had intensified in recent days. Lucien, too, pondered the shift in their dynamic, recognizing the growing complexity of their relationship.

The origins of their strained relationship could likely be traced back to 1956, when they were paired together for a science project. Despite their collaboration, they worked independently on their respective portions of the assignment, only combining their efforts at the last moment.

Their next interaction occurred under peculiar circumstances: Lucien's sleeplessness led him to wander outside, where Neil mistook him for Death itself cloaked in darkness. Despite the absurdity of the situation, Lucien found amusement in Neil's misconception, yet he couldn't help but wonder why Neil would pursue Death, even in jest.

In the early hours of the morning, they engaged in conversation, perhaps the first glimpse Lucien had of Neil's inner workings. However, after that brief exchange, they resumed their customary indifference toward each other, their relationship remaining as enigmatic and contentious as ever.

As Charlie Dalton and Emile Moreau embarked on their usual mischief-making escapades, their antics inadvertently drew Knox and Neil closer to Julien and Lucien. While Julien welcomed their company without reservation, Emile maintained his characteristic aloofness, content with acquaintances rather than deep friendships. Lucien, however, found himself intrigued by Neil's unexpected willingness to engage with others, a departure from the reserved demeanor he had come to expect from him.

One night, as Neil stormed onto the bridge, his emotions heightened because of his father, a tempest within him, he found Lucien reclining on his back, a solitary figure under the canopy of stars. The sight of Lucien triggered a surge of anger in Neil, his pent-up frustrations threatening to overflow. With accusatory words tumbling from his lips, Neil confronted Lucien, demanding to know if he had been followed.

Lucien's laughter echoed across the bridge, a stark contrast to Neil's seething rage. He assured Neil that he hadn't been shadowing him, pointing out that he had been occupying the spot long before Neil's arrival. The absurdity of the accusation struck Lucien as humorous, and he couldn't help but find amusement in Neil's fiery indignation.

Their exchange unfolded against the backdrop of the night sky, the stars bearing witness to their confrontation. Despite Neil's initial fury, the tension between them gradually softened as they conversed beneath the celestial canopy.

As Lucien extended the invitation for Neil to join him, he shifted to sit upright, his back resting against the bridge's wall. With a calmness that belied his earlier fury, Neil accepted the offer, silently acknowledging the shared solace offered by the night and the stars above.

They settled into a companionable silence, the night air cocooning them in its embrace. Gradually, their conversation flowed, the weight of Neil's burdens easing with each word shared between them. Drawn together by the warmth of their proximity, Neil found himself leaning against Lucien's shoulder, seeking comfort in his presence.

Lucien's hand found its way to Neil's knee, a subtle gesture of solidarity and support. In the intimacy of the moment, their differences faded into insignificance, replaced by a shared understanding born of vulnerability.

But as a sudden light illuminated near the bridge, casting their shadows against the night, reality intruded upon their sanctuary. With a shared glance and an unspoken agreement, they rose from their makeshift refuge, retreating to the safety of their respective rooms before the dawn could break the fragile spell they had woven together.

The following day dawned with a palpable tension lingering between Neil and Lucien, exacerbated by Lucien's deliberate avoidance of Neil's presence. Despite their shared night of vulnerability, the weight of their unspoken truths hung heavily in the air, driving a wedge between them once more.

As the evening descended, Neil's frustration reached a boiling point, culminating in a confrontation with Lucien. In the dim light of their dormitory, emotions flared, fueled by the raw intensity of their unspoken grievances.

Words were exchanged like daggers, cutting through the fragile veneer of camaraderie they had momentarily forged. Neil's accusations struck a nerve, dredging up the specter of his fraught relationship with his father, while Lucien's defensiveness manifested in biting retorts that only served to escalate the conflict.

In the heat of the moment, their mutual pain became a battleground, each hurling sharp words without heed for the wounds they inflicted. Neil's accusations of recklessness struck a nerve with Lucien, while Lucien's dismissive attitude towards Neil's family stirred a deep-seated resentment within him.

Though they may have harbored regrets in the aftermath of their heated exchange, in that moment, their words were borne of a desperate need to lash out, to wound as deeply as they themselves had been wounded.

As days turned into weeks, Neil continued to frequent the bridge, a silent vigil for a connection that had been lost. Each time he stood there, gazing out at the stars, he couldn't shake the hope that Lucien would appear once more, their shared moment of vulnerability serving as a beacon of possibility.

However, Lucien had moved on, finding solace in new surroundings that held no echoes of their tumultuous encounter. He had forged a path forward, leaving behind the bridge and the memories it held, determined to chart a course independent of Neil's lingering presence.

Their worlds diverged, each retreating into their respective spheres of existence, the bridge standing as a silent witness to the fleeting connection that had once bound them together. And as Neil continued to visit the bridge, searching for a ghost of the past, he realized that some bridges could never be crossed twice, their paths forever diverging in the vast expanse of time and space.

Neil couldn't shake the memory of that fateful night when Lucien, Charlie, and Emile ventured into town, only to encounter trouble that escalated into violence. The image of Lucien returning to the dorms with bloodied hands and a battered smile seared itself into Neil's mind, leaving an indelible mark that colored his perception of Lucien from that moment onward.

In Neil's eyes, Lucien had transformed into something primal, an untamed beast lurking beneath a veneer of sophistication and charm. The sight of his blood dripping onto the marble floor served as a stark reminder of the brutality that lay dormant within him, waiting to be unleashed at a moment's notice.

Despite his reservations, Neil couldn't deny that things were changing between them. A shift was occurring, subtle yet undeniable, as their paths continued to intersect in unexpected ways. As much as Neil tried to distance himself from Lucien's influence, he couldn't escape the magnetic pull that drew them together, intertwining their fates in ways neither of them could have foreseen.

"Slow down, boys! Slow down, you horrible phalanx of pubescence!" A professor yelled down the staircase as he was pushed over by some student. The trio rolled their eyes in unison, exchanging knowing glances before continuing to walk down the stairs toward the classroom. They were unfazed by the chaos around them, accustomed to the disorderly conduct of their peers. As they approached the classroom, anticipation grew in their minds, wondering what awaited them later in the afternoon in Mr. Keating's unconventional class.

In the hushed confines of the science classroom, bathed in the soft glow of morning light, students assembled eagerly, their minds brimming with anticipation for the day's lessons. With measured authority, the professor's voice pierced the air, commanding the attention of all who gathered.

"Pick three laboratory experiments from the project list and report on them every five weeks. The first twenty questions at the end of Chapter One are due tomorrow," the professor's words echoed solemnly, each syllable carrying the weight of impending academic rigor.

Amidst the professor's directives, a subtle murmur rose from the back of the room, an utterance of dissent that danced upon the edges of audibility. Emile, ensconced in his own world of irreverence, seemed oblivious to the ripple of amusement that coursed through his peers, his nonconformist spirit a stark contrast to the regimented atmosphere of scholarly pursuit.

Julien, ever the astute observer, couldn't help but marvel at Emile's defiance, recognizing in him a kindred spirit, a soul untamed by the constraints of convention. Beneath Emile's outward rebellion, Julien sensed a keen intellect waiting to be unleashed, a beacon of untapped potential amidst the sea of conformity.

In the solemn sanctum of Professor McAllister's Latin class, Lucien found himself ensnared in a relentless battle for concentration. Despite the professor's valiant efforts to immerse the students in the rhythmic cadence of Latin repetition, Lucien's mind wandered aimlessly, adrift on a sea of restless contemplation.

With each passing moment, Lucien's thoughts meandered through the labyrinth of his subconscious, traversing the shadowy recesses of his unsettling dreams before alighting upon the enigmatic figure of Mr. Keating, the new addition to Welton's esteemed faculty. Yet, amidst this tumultuous mental odyssey, one figure remained steadfastly fixed in Lucien's gaze: Neil.

As Lucien mechanically recited Latin phrases, his eyes lingered upon Neil, a silent witness to the facade of perfection that enveloped him like a shroud. How effortlessly Neil seemed to fulfill his parents' lofty expectations, his demeanor a testament to unwavering compliance. Yet, beneath this veneer of conformity, Lucien sensed a simmering discontent, a smoldering ember of resentment that mirrored his own inner turmoil.

In the hallowed halls of Trigonometry, Neil found himself ensnared in a silent battle of wills with Lucien, whose intense gaze bore into him like searing rays of sunlight. The weight of Lucien's stare felt oppressive, suffocating, as if it harbored the potential for sudden, violent eruption.

Neil's thoughts drifted back to a harrowing memory from the previous year, when Lucien had been embroiled in a brutal altercation outside of school. The sight of Lucien's blood-stained hands and clothes had left an indelible mark on Neil's psyche, a lingering reminder of the danger that lurked beneath Lucien's veneer of sophistication.

As Dr. Haber expounded upon the intricacies of trigonometric precision, Neil struggled to maintain focus, his mind ensnared by the specter of Lucien's relentless scrutiny. It was only when Dr. Haber's stern admonition pierced through Neil's reverie, warning of the consequences of neglecting homework assignments, that Neil was jolted back to reality.

"Your study of trigonometry requires absolute precision. Anyone failing to turn in any homework assignment will be penalized one point off their final grade. Let me urge you now not to test me on this point."

Neil's heart pounded in his chest as he realized the gravity of his distraction, his gaze flitting nervously to Lucien, who remained an enigmatic figure cloaked in mystery and menace.

The anticipation hung thick in the air as the students gathered in Mr. Keating's classroom, eager to experience the enigmatic teacher who had become the talk of Welton Academy. Whispers buzzed among the pupils, speculation running rampant as they speculated about what awaited them in this mysterious class.

As the students settled into their seats, Lucien occupied his usual spot, a familiar sanctuary amidst the anticipation swirling around him. Yet, there was a subtle shift in the air, a feeling of anticipation tinged with uncertainty. For the first time, Neil sat behind him, a departure from their usual arrangement, injecting a sense of novelty into their routine.

Emile and Charlie, ever the mischief-makers, found themselves seated together, poised to stir up trouble as usual. Meanwhile, Julien settled in next to Knox, a familiar presence in the sea of uncertainty that surrounded them.

With every desk occupied and every eye fixed on the front of the room, the stage was set for the unveiling of Mr. Keating's class, a moment that promised to be nothing short of extraordinary.

"Why didn't you sit next to your boy?" Lucien's question hung in the air, cutting through the ambient buzz of anticipation in the classroom. Neil's initial confusion quickly morphed into a subtle sense of unease as he processed Lucien's words. The casualness of Lucien's demeanor belied the weight of his inquiry, leaving Neil feeling exposed under his scrutiny.

"My boy?" Neil echoed, his voice tinged with disbelief, his brows furrowing in confusion.

Lucien's gaze bore into Neil, searching for something beneath the surface, a flicker of recognition perhaps. Neil's response seemed genuine, but Lucien couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than met the eye.

"Yeah, your boy," Lucien reiterated, his tone laced with a hint of skepticism, a silent urging for Neil to collect himself.

Neil's shoulders shrugged in a nonchalant gesture, a feeble attempt to brush off Lucien's probing question. He was taken aback by Lucien's unexpected restraint, his usual hostility replaced by a curious indifference.

As Lucien turned his attention back to the front of the classroom, Neil couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that settled in the pit of his stomach. Lucien's inquiry lingered in his mind, a puzzle waiting to be unraveled, a reminder of the tangled web of emotions that bound them together.

Out of the teacher's chamber emerged a man, his stature not imposing but carrying an air of purpose about him. As he stepped into the classroom, a tune escaped his lips, unfamiliar to most but instantly recognized by Lucien as the 1812 Overture. The choice seemed peculiar, yet Lucien couldn't shake the feeling that it held significance.

Mr. Keating's eyes briefly met Lucien's as he passed by, sparking a fleeting moment of recognition that left Lucien pondering the nature of their connection. But Mr. Keating's focus was elsewhere, as he strode confidently toward the exit, his whistle echoing in the otherwise quiet room.

"Well, come on," he called out, his voice breaking the silence. The boys hesitated for a moment before rising from their seats, uncertain of what to expect from this enigmatic figure. Lucien and Emile left their books behind, opting to travel light, while Julien and the others gathered their belongings, perhaps out of habit more than necessity.

As they trailed behind Mr. Keating down the corridor, Julien couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity of their new teacher. "Who does he think he is?" he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice.

Lucien shrugged nonchalantly, his hands tucked into his pockets. "I don't know, but I'll take it," he replied, a glimmer of intrigue in his eyes.

Emile nodded in agreement. "Yeah, anything's better than spending another minute sitting," he concurred, falling into step beside his companions as they followed Mr. Keating into the unknown.

As they followed Mr. Keating down the hall, the faint strains of his whistling lingered in the air, a curious backdrop to their journey. They paused beside the photographs adorning the walls, capturing the faces of generations past. Emile shot a glare at a student who ventured too close, prompting a smirk from Lucien and a roll of the eyes from Julien. Together, they refocused their attention on Mr. Keating as he addressed them with a phrase that seemed oddly out of place.

"Oh captain, my captain," he intoned, his gaze sweeping over the group of young, inexperienced faces before him.

"Great, we have a sailor on our hands," Emile quipped, earning a chuckle from Julien.

"It's a poem," Julien corrected him with a laugh.

"Indeed it is. And you are?" Mr. Keating inquired, turning his attention to the trio.

"Julien Beaumont," Julien replied.

"Not a sailor yet, I take it Mr.?" Mr. Keating remarked with a hint of amusement.

"Moreau," Emile interjected, nodding in confirmation.

"It's from a poem by Walt Whitman about Mr. Abraham Lincoln. Now, in this class, you can either call me Mr. Keating, or, if you're feeling a bit more daring, 'O Captain! My Captain,'" Mr. Keating explained. Lucien noticed Neil's smile and Knox's raised eyebrows, while he himself remained neutral.

"Now, let me dispel a few rumors, so they don't fester into facts. Yes, I, too, attended Hellton and have survived. And no, at that time, I was not the mental giant you see before you. I was the intellectual equivalent of a ninety-eight-pound weakling. I would go to the beach, and people would kick copies of Byron in my face," he said, eliciting smiles from the pupils, a mixture of compassion and humor dancing in their eyes.

Lucien found himself intrigued by Mr. Keating's figure of speech, his confident demeanor, and the way he held himself. There was a certain charisma about him that drew Lucien's attention. The fact that Mr. Keating spoke about a poem they would likely never learn about with other teachers, coupled with his whistling of the overture, only added to Lucien's curiosity.

"Now, Mr. Pitts. That's rather unfortunate name. Mr. Pitts, where are you?" Keating remarked with a slight twinkle in his eye, addressing the student by name. Pitts, slightly surprised by the attention, raised his arm in acknowledgment.

"Mr. Pitts, will you open your hymnal to page 542? Read the first stanza of the poem you find there." Keating continued, his voice carrying a gentle encouragement.

"To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time"? Pitts flipped through the hymnal until he found the requested passage. Emile and Charlie snickered.

"Yes. That's the one. Somewhat appropriate, isn't it?" Keating confirmed.

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may,
Old time is still a-flying:
And these same flowers that smile today,
Tomorrow will be dying." Pitts read.

Keating listened intently, nodding in affirmation as Pitts recited the verse. "Thank you, Mr. Pitts," he said warmly.

"Gather ye rosebuds while ye may. The Latin term for that sentiment is Carpe diem. Now who knows what that means?" Keating lectured passionately.

"Carpe diem. That's seize the day." Meeks said.

"Very good, Mr--" Keating began, his gaze shifting to the next student.

"Meeks," Steven Meeks answered promptly.

"Meeks. Another unusual name," Keating remarked with a hint of intrigue. "Seize the day. 'Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.' Why does the writer use these lines?" he continued, directing the question to the class.

"Because he's in a hurry," Charlie blurted out impulsively.

"No! Ding! Thank you for playing anyway," Keating responded with a chuckle, shaking his head. "Because we are food for worms, lads. Because, believe it or not, each and every one of us in this room is, one day, gonna stop breathing, turn cold, and die."

Lucien found himself unexpectedly drawn to Mr. Keating's unconventional approach. In a world where certain topics were deemed taboo, Keating's willingness to broach uncomfortable subjects felt like a breath of fresh air. It was as if his own thoughts and inner turmoil were being acknowledged and validated, sparking a sense of relief within Lucien. For once, he felt understood, and the prospect of exploring these forbidden topics in Mr. Keating's class ignited a newfound sense of curiosity and excitement within him.

Keating's words hung heavy in the air, resonating with a profound truth. "I would like you to step forward over here and peruse some of the faces from the past. You've walked past them many times, but I don't think you've really looked at them," he urged passionately, gesturing toward the photographs lining the classroom walls.

"They're not that different from you, are they? Same haircuts, full of hormones just like you. Invincible just like you feel. The world is their oyster," Keating remarked as the boys approached the photographs of past generations. Lucien, however, remained at the back, his gaze drifting over the familiar images he had seen countless times before.

"They believe they're destined for great things, just like many of you. Their eyes are full of hope, just like you. Did they wait until it was too late to make from their lives even one iota of what they were capable?" Mr. Keating paused beside Lucien, his gaze meeting the taller boy's eyes directly.

"Because, you see, gentlemen, those boys are now fertilizing daffodils. But if you listen real close, you can hear them whisper their legacy to you. Go on, lean in. Listen. Do you hear it?" Keating encouraged, prompting the boys to lean in closer.

"Carpe. Hear it? Carpe. Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary," Keating whispered, concluding the lesson with a profound message that resonated deeply with Lucien and his peers.

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