Different kind of comfort

By LololovaX

48.2K 1.8K 217

Kate Beckett is a principal for an elementary school and when she first meets Alexis Castle she's a bit sorry... More

Chapter 1 - Meeting
Chapter 2 - Mature Talk
Chapter 3 - Movies and Talks
Chapter 4 - Morning
Chapter 5 - Lunch Coffee
Chapter 6 - Confusing Thoughts
Chapter 7 - Nothing
Chapter 8 - Saturday Morning
Chapter 9 - Laser Tag
Chapter 10 - You and me
Chapter 11 - A Month Later
Chapter 12 - The Castle Loft
Chapter 13 - Preparations
Chapter 14 - Mystery Tree
Chapter 15 - Fiery Red
Chapter 16 - Bad news
Chapter 17 - Interrogation
Chapter 18 - Investigation
Chapter 19 - Old case
Chapter 20 - The Call
Chapter 21 - The girls are alright
Chapter 22 - Questioning
Chapter 23 - Not leaving
Chapter 24 - Getting caught
Chapter 25 - Overprotecting
Chapter 26 - Busted
Chapter 27 - Bed talk
Chapter 29 - New people
Chapter 30 - Takedown
Chapter 31 - Hell breaking loose
Chapter 32 - Coney Island
Chapter 33 - Surprise date
Chapter 34 - Sky filled with stars
Chapter 35 - A leap in time (final chapter)
Bonus Chapter - First time

Chapter 28 - Sleeptalk

1.1K 49 2
By LololovaX

Kate Beckett's POV

I woke up the next morning with his arms wrapped around me. I bit my thumb a bit while a smile spread on my lips. His breath in my neck was calming and I could feel he was still asleep. I thought about turning around so I could see his adorable face but I knew that if I moved he would feel it and probably wake up. I felt so happy knowing I once again got to wake up in his loft, his bed, and most importantly, in his arms. My whole body was tingling from the night and I could feel my lips were swollen from his hot kisses. I felt his arms hug me tighter and he murmured something in his sleep. At first I couldn't make out a thing he was saying but it got clearer for each word he said.

"...always love you Kate, that's not something you have to doubt" he murmured into my ear and in his sleep he kissed my hair. 

"I love you too Rick, and I would never doubt you" I whispered and I felt his lips turn up in a smile.

"Kate?" he said in a questioning matter, still sleeping, and I hummed, "I want you to be my wife someday" he mumbled and I felt my body stiffen in shock, "I want to have a baby with you, I want us to be a real family, you, me, Alexis and a baby of ours" he continued to mumble and I felt his hands sneak under my shirt just to rub circles on my belly. 

I started to turn in his arms to be able to look at him. His left hand followed to be able to stay on it's place on my belly. His eyes were closed and I could see in his face that he really was still sleeping, and not fooling around with me. Was he serious? Was that coming from thoughts he'd had in the awakened state as well? Or was it just something random his mind was making him say.

"You" I hesitated but decided that awake or not, I needed to know, "you really want a baby with me? Now?"

I saw a wrinkle in his forehead and I started to worry he had waken up before I managed to ask the question, which would lead to him asking why I was asking such a question. 

"Yes, but... only if you want to" he mumbled and I could see him blush.

I looked closer and saw that he was, to my relief, still sleeping. I didn't know whether to be happy or just afraid. Because even if I didn't want to I was afraid of thinking about it. I loved kids, but I didn't know if we were ready for it. I didn't know if I was ready for it. He felt right, he really did. And if I believed in those kind of things I would believe what Lanie told me early in our relationship and what Martha told me all the time, that we were soulmates. But i didn't know if I would be ready for a baby of my own yet. I worked with kids every day, and I loved playing with Alexis but having one of my own was a whole other level. Plus it was a big step to take in our relationship. 

"Heey, how long have you been up? And what's that face for?" Castle suddenly asked and I focused on him, looking him in his blue eyes.

I couldn't help but drown as I looked deeply into them.

"Well?" he asked after a few silent minutes of staring.

"Oh, nothing, it's nothing" I lied and I could see in eyes that he didn't believe me.

"Kate, what's wrong?" he asked and I bit my lip while shaking my head.

I didn't want to admit to him that he had been sleeptalking, neither did I want to admit that I actually talked with him while he wasn't really conscious.

"Just nervous, about tonight" I lied and I saw him searching in my eyes, trying to determine if I was telling the truth or lying to him again. 

He sighed deep before his hand went from my belly up to cup my cheek. 

"I know you Kate, you might be nervous about that but it's not what's making you have that scary face you have at the moment" he said and I looked down.

I had to tell him, there was no way I would be able to avoid it. He knew me too well, even if we hadn't known each other for as long as it felt like.

"Do you know you talk in your sleep sometimes?" I asked in a whisper, not wanting to look up at him.

"I do?" he asked surprised and all of a sudden I could sense he was embarrassed and afraid of what he might have said. 

"Yeah, you do, I've heard it before" I said and he made me look up at him.

"What did I say? What did I say to make you afraid?" he asked with eyes telling me he needed to know.

"You said you want us to..." my voice died and he raised his eyebrow.

"Want us to what?" he asked and I breathed out my answer.

"To have a baby" came out of my mouth and I saw him look at me shocked.

"That's what made you scared? Me babbling in my sleep about babies?" he asked and I nodded while biting my lip.

"I didn't know if you were serious or not" I defended myself, "still don't" I added quieter.

I looked down again and I saw him turning more towards me.

"Do you want me to be honest?" he asked as he moved his hand from my cheek.

I looked up at him and saw he really wanted an answer before he gave me his reply so I just nodded. Of course I wanted his honest opinion, I would always want his honesty. His hand landed on my belly but he kept my eyes locked with his.

"I do want babies with you, but not until you feel that you're ready for it. I've been thinking about it, even dreaming about you being pregnant, but I won't push you. I want you to want it before we decide on anything" he said and I felt a shiver going down my body as his fingers moved against the skin on my belly.

"I don't know yet. That's why I'm afraid" I whispered truthfully.

"Well, you don't have to think about it, forget I even mentioned it and lets focus on us and bringing your parents' deaths to justice tonight" he said gently and I smiled at him.

He let his hand wrap around my waist to pull me closer in the big bed. When I was turned to him and laid close I couldn't help but glance down at his lips, so close yet so far away. I smiled as I could see in his eyes that he had seen the flinch and he started to lean down closer to me. His lips brushed mine and I knew he could feel how swollen they were after the night we'd had. I pulled myself towards him to kiss him firmly. It tingled from his touch and I couldn't help but smile into our kiss. His hand travelled down my body, setting every inch on fire the way only he could. That's when he moved his body over mine and pushed me into the bed. Feeling his body tangled with mine made me think more about our talk, and inside me the war between being ready or not stood with a clear winner. The inside war was over as I felt him kissing me the way he did. If there were things like soulmates I knew he would be mine. Because of the way I felt with him, the way I could talk to him and the way he always knew how I felt proved to me that he was the one. He was the one I was supposed to be with for as long as we both breathed. So when he reached for the drawer to take out that condom I stopped him in his movements. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow as we breathed heavily.

"I'm ready. As long as you're at my side, I'm ready" I panted and he smiled wide.

"You sure?" he asked and I nodded.

He attacked my lips and we continued the tangling of our bodies.

Rick Castle's POV

Once we laid and tried to catch our breaths on the bed I couldn't believe she had stopped me from getting a condom. I could feel my whole body relax into the sheets while I thought of our future. Her being ready for whatever came next would also mean she was ready to think about marriage, right? And I didn't want anything more than to be hers. And for her to be mine.

"We should probably get ready, we don't want to miss our shot at Bracken" Kate said, interrupting my thoughts.

I looked at her laying beside me and I met her eyes. I glanced down at her naked body for a second and smiled at what I saw. There was a special glow around her, something I hadn't seen before. I mean, I had seen her glow but not like this. When I met her eyes again I could see she blushed at my gaze. 

"You have no idea how much I love you" I said without really thinking about it.

I could hear how true the words were, how they came directly from my heart. She really had no idea how infatuated I was with her. I really was deeply and madly in love with her. And I was amazed by how fast everything had gone. Only a couple of months ago I hadn't even known she existed. I was forever in debt to Alexis for doing that prank on Ryan, if she hadn't done that, if she hadn't made him turn blue, I would've never met the love of my life like I had. 

"I love you too, more than you can possibly imagine" she smiled as she leaned closer to me to let our lips touch before she went up to put on her clothes.

I stayed in bed just observing her while she put on the clothes she decided would be the ones she wanted to wear when we got Bracken arrested. Once she was done she turned to me and rolled her eyes.

"Seriously? You watched me putting on my clothes instead of doing the same?" she said with an irritated voice, though I knew her too well to hear the satisfaction in it too.

I chuckled and rised from the bed to go and do as she said. I heard her going out of the bedroom and then, only a few seconds later, I could hear my daughter cheering at the sight of her. I even imagined her running into Kate's arms the way I knew she would. I smiled at the thought before I finally was ready to go out of my bedroom.

"Daddy! Kate was just telling me we could go to coney island  tomorrow and that I could tell my friends about you!" she shouted excitedly jumping towards me.

"Really?" I asked surprised and I looked at Kate to see her smirk at me.

"Yes, she said you're ready to go public!" Alexis said and jumped into my arms.

I picked her up as Kate started talking.

"Not public as in... the whole world to know, but I am open for the kids and people around us to know" she explained and she walked towards us from the counter in the kitchen.

"We're gonna be a family!" Alexis yelled out and I chuckled at her excitement.

Kate approached us and I moved Alexis to my left side so I was able to wrap my right arm around Kate's waist and pulled her closer to us. Alexis immediately wrapped her arm around Kate's neck which would, to the outside world, make us look like a real family. Just like I wanted it to be.

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