Magician of Cote

By Soumyadeep02

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Ayanokoji Kiyotaka , Demon of 4th generation arrives at ANHS in search of freedom from his past. He will go t... More

About the story
Vol 1-Ch-1 The ANHS
Vol 1-Ch 2-The Fortune
Vol 1-Ch-3 The Introduction
Vol-1 Ch-4 The Stalker
Vol-1 Ch-4.5 The Dorms
Vol-1 Ch-4.75 The Keyaki Mall
Vol-1-Ch-5 The childhood friend
Vol-1 Ch-6 The Boys
Vol-1 Ch-7 The Angel from Heaven
Vol-1 Ch-8 The Pledge
Vol-1 Ch-9 The One Stop
Vol-1 Ch-10 The Turn
Vol-1 Ch-11 The Mask
Vol-1 Ch-12 The Best Friend
Vol-1 Ch-13 The Horikitas
Vol-1 Ch-14 The Angels and Demons
Vol-1 Ch-15 The Clown
Vol-1 Ch-16 The Prestige
SS- The Frenemy
SS-The Anomaly
Volume 2 - Prologue
Vol-2 Ch-1 The Date
Vol-2 Ch-2 The Trap
Vol-2 Ch-3 The Case
Vol-2 Ch-4 The Creep
Vol-2 Ch-5 The Shy One
Vol-2 Ch-6 The Convincer
Vol-2 Ch-7 The Sleight
Vol-2 Ch-8 The Gaff
Vol-2 Ch-10 The Final Stand Part-2
Vol-2 Ch-11 The Aftermath
SS-The Genius
SS-The Amusement Park
SS-The Birthday
Volume 3- Prologue
Vol-3 Ch-1 The Cruise
Vol-3 Ch-2 The Surprise
Vol-3 Ch-3 The Rules
Vol-3 Ch-4 The Fellowship
Vol-3 Ch-5 The First Day

Vol-2 Ch-9 The Final Stand Part-1

683 41 26
By Soumyadeep02

What the ancients called a clever fighter is one who not only wins, but excels in winning with ease.
-Sun Tzu

As I arrived at the student council office. I saw Chabashira-sensei waiting for me.

"Hey, everybody is inside?" I asked her.

She nodded with a grim expression. Considering the news she received yesterday, it was expected.

"Ayanokouji, I want you to know. Even if you don't win today. I will not disappointed in you. You have already made the class a lot better than I could have hoped. Even though we will be back to 0 points, maybe it is for the better." she said with a kind smile.

"I never thought you would be capable of saying such words. You should do it more often."

"There is no need to spoil this moment, Ayanokouji. I still haven't forgotten about you threatening me."

"Okay, but you should really have more faith in me. If there is one thing I am good at is winning." I said with a confident smile.

"Even after all this, you don't expect to lose?"

"Nah, I'd win."

I entered the meeting room. Kikyou was already sitting at her place. Everyone looked at me. Class C students were smiling with confidence, a far cry from what situation they were in. After yesterday's scathing remarks of Nazuna being my girlfriend, Nagumo wasn't present.

I took my seat and opened the can of cold coffee. For a moment Class C students were confused, as to why I was so unbothered.

While I was sipping at my drink. Tachibana started the proceedings.

"First of all, why isn't Sodou present here?" asked Sakagami interrupting Tachibana.

"He is busy with his studies, he wouldn't be needed anyways." I said.

"Is that allowed President?" he looked at Manabu, who just nodded.

"The accused is free to do, whatever he wants. But he can't complain if the decision is against him."

Sakagami's face showed annoyance but he kept his mouth shut.

"The time limit allotted by the President has ended and still we haven't received any statement from either of these classes. If nobody has anything to say then the President will make his decisions." Tachibana

"I would like to appeal to the President, to consider the physical proof present here rather than some made up stories by Class D. If that's not all then I just got informed that these Class D students tried to trick my students to tell lies." Sakagami said with anger in his voice.

"Is it true? Ayanokouji." Manabu asked.

"I was just giving them a choice to come clean and I would spare them from punishment but they weren't smart enough."

"Enough with your lies. Do you think we should believe a class that harbors rapists.
President, for the inconvenience caused to my class, I would like Sodou to be expelled. Not only that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka here, have wasted some important time of my students. I would like for him to be suspended as well." said the ugly troll. Yeah, that's what I would call this teacher.

"My, my. Someone is frustrated. Careful, or maybe you would be the one expelled here." I said with a glare that would chill his bones.

"We don't have time for this, I have more important things to do. President, if you may." he said with a shaky voice.

"I agree, I don't have time for this. So let's end it. I would like to present a video recording of the incident, that would prove that my classmate is innocent."

I got up from my seat and took out a USB drive. I plugged it in the computer present which was connected to the projector.

I looked at the Class C students and gave them a menacing grin. If there panic level while talking to Ichinose was 5, it was 10 now.

The curtains of the room closed automatically, creating a dark environment.

I played the video that would be the doom for Class C.

It showed three Class C students surrounding Sodou. The video was taken from a distance not too far, but not close either. But the sound quality was still good.

"If you don't quit the club, a lot of pain will be in your future." said Ishizaki.

"Do you think, I will be scared of you? Ha, don't make me laugh." said Sodou.

"You think you are some big shot, even kindergartners play better basketball than you." taunted Komiya.

"Yeah, you were just lucky to become a regular." said Kondou.

It was working. Sodou looked like he would hit them any second. But surprisingly he shook it off.

"Look, I am trying to improve myself. So, I don't want to fight you guys. Don't try to provoke me." he said.

The other three were surprised hearing this.

"Aw, look at that are little girl is a woman now. She doesn't even want to play with us."

"Grrr, I said knock it off. I am leaving." Sodou said and tried to leave.

But suddenly Ishizaki slapped him. That did it. Sodou suddenly turned and started hitting them one by one.

It was comical to be looking at from a third person perspective. Sodou was always focused on fighting one, while the other two would just stand there, waiting for there turn.

When Sodou would move to fight Kondou, Ishizaki and Komiya would just stand there.

After a while, all of the three lay on the floor, writhing in pain. Sodou's right fist was covered in blood.

"He he, so. Do you really think that this is the end of it, Sudou?"

Despite being barely able to move, Ishizaki tried to taunt.

"Do you wanna make me laugh? You're in the sorriest state possible. You want to go for another round, huh? Next time I won't hold back."

Sudou grabbed Ishizaki's collar, and brought him closer. They were eye-to-eye now, only a few centimeters apart. Sudou looked as though he was going to kill and then devour his opponent, which was so overwhelming that the defeated Ishizaki looked away.

"Are you scared? Did you really think you'd beat me if you had more people?"

Sudou snorted, dropped the student, picked up his bag, and then turned and walked away as if the defeated three completely disinterested him.

"What a waste of time. Tiring me out after practice. Give me a break," Sudou said.

"You're the one who's going to regret this later, Sudou."

The Ishizaki's words stopped Sudou in his tracks.

"Nothing's more pathetic than a sore loser. No matter how many times you come at me, you won't win."

The video ended. The curtains moved back to their place letting the sunlight in.

"This video not only proves that Class C provoked Sodou and attacked first, but they didn't even try to defend themselves. Anyone with an ounce of brain would figure out that this was a trap set by Class C, to sabotage us. I rest my case, your honor." I ended like those lawyers from the shows that Karuizawa made me watch.

I took my seat and winked at Sae. Whose mouth was open in shock. I guess she never expected that. Even Kikyou was shocked, as she was not involved in this part of the plan.

"By the latest evidence we have gotten, it seems that Class D was telling the truth whereas Class C was trying to fool an esteemed institution. As I said yesterday, expulsion is on the table."

"Due to lying to the school to sabotage Class D and attempting to ruin the career of a talented basketball player. I hereby state that Ishizaki Daichi, Komiya Kyougo and Kondou Reo are expelled from The Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing Highschool." Manabu declared.

"No!! Please, don't do that. Yes we lied. We are very sorry." cried Kondou.

"Yes, please. Give us another chance. We promise we would never do something like this again." Komiya followed.

But the best view was Sakagami's face. He looked like he had swallowed a rat.

"I guess after you offered us a compromise yesterday. It would be rude of me to not offer a deal." I said.

"What is it? We agree. Just don't let us get expelled."

"Kondou, I will ask you two questions. If you answer that, I promise your expulsion would be nullified. Can I do that, President?"

"Yes, as the affected party. You do have the right to decide their punishment. I cannot object to that."

At this Kondou perked up.

"Hey, what about us?" asked Komiya.

"Don't worry Komiya, if Kondou doesn't answer the questions. You would get the chance as well. I will only save those who answers me."

"I will answer all of your questions, please ask anything." begged Kondou.

"President, would you mind being a witness to this confession?"

"No, there is no problem. This meeting is getting recorded as well for the record."

"First question, was Ryūen behind all of this. Was it his plan?" I asked.

Kondou started sweating buckets. He was stuck between a rock and a hard place. If he doesn't answer, he would get expelled but if he did. Ryūen wouldn't just let him go, in fact I can already foresee his injuries.

"Kondou, if you don't answer someone else will. It's your choice do you fear expulsion at 4:20 pm or fear about facing Ryūen at some time in the future because if you choose wrong then you would no longer be a student in this school at 4:21 pm. I will count till 5." I said with conviction.

"Okay, okay. I will answer. J-just don't expel me." he took a deep breath.

"Yes, Ryūen-kun was the one who planned this and told us to intentionally get beaten by Sodou." he said in a low voice as if he was afraid that Ryūen would hear him.

"See, that wasn't so hard. So, it is proved that Ryūen is also responsible for this situation. Now for my second question, there is a difference between the injuries done by Sodou and the injuries you have. Did someone hit you?"

"Y-Yes, Ryūen-kun ordered Albert to hit us, so that our injuries are more severe."

"So, this Albert guy is involved too."

With each name, Sakagami's face fell even more. I was literally taking out there entire class. But I was just getting started.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Kondou. As promised, I would request President to reduce his punishment from getting expelled to just being suspended for a week."

Manabu just nodded.

"Now, Komiya. Would like a chance to redeem yourself too?"

"Yes! Please."

"Good, then answer this. Did Sakagami-sensei knew that you were lying? I want the truth. If you lie, then you aren't getting saved."

"What? This is ridiculous. He can't just ask that. He would expel Komiya if he doesn't say yes." said Sakagami.

"Why are you getting so worked up? Perhaps, you don't want the truth to be revealed." I said.

"It's no-"

"Why don't you keep your mouth shut and let the students talk Sakagami." said Sae.

"Yes, he knew about all of this. He knew that we were lying." Komiya finally answered.

"So, does that mean. Yesterday, he clearly lied to the council and tried to protect his own students?"

"Y-yes, he did."

I got you cornered, you ugly troll.

"Sae-sensei, I don't know much about the school rules but what does it say about a teacher intentionally helps in protecting an offender from his class."

"A teacher is prohibited from showing favoritism to his class. They should be impartial, if they don't. They are terminated from their post and their class is fined."

I said nothing and just smiled at Sakagami.

"President, Komiya's punishment shall be the same as Kondou."

Both of the said individuals sighed a breath of relief.

"Well, then if this matter is settled. Can we move on to the more important one."

"Wait a minute, what about me?" asked Ishizaki.

"What about you?" I said with a confused expression.

"You didn't ask me any questions?"

"I have no use for you, so your punishment is the same one that President said. Expulsion."

"What! You can't do that. Why did you save them and not me?"

"Enough, your case is done. You all can leave. Now, we will be discussing about the sexual harassment allegations against Ike and Yamauchi." said Manabu.

Komiya and Kondou left immediately. Ishizaki was reluctant but he too left. Sakagami remained seated with an expression that showed he had lost all hopes.

There was a reason I had let Komiya and Kondou free. They were insignificant figures in their class. In exchange, I got the big fishes under my radar. Ryūen is already proved to be involved in this, Ishizaki is handed expulsion. Albert is also in the list. But I got their teacher fired.

All of this will leave Class C in shambles. I can ask them to do anything I want and they would have to do it.

That's what you get if you try to challenge me.

Soon, a man with white hair who looked to be in his 40s entered the room. Both the teachers and Manabu stood up. Others followed them.

Manabu greeted him formally and gave up his chair. The chairman sat down in his seat.

Both him and Tachibana sat down on the sofa present at the corner of the room.

The chairman looked at me and his expression changed.

"Ah, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. I am surprised to see you here. I am Sakayanagi Narumori."

"Good evening sir, but do I know you?"

"You haven't met me before but I have seen you at that place. Although, rest assured. I am not on his side. I can't elaborate more right now, hopefully you would have some time to meet me in the future."

"Of course, I would be happy to clear some of my doubts about my admission."

No-one had any idea about what we were talking.

"Although, what did you meant by surprised seeing me here?"

"I never thought you would become and class representative."

I understood what he meant, anyone who knew about my past would assume that I would never want to stand out.

Which is true, but here I have to lead the class so that I can escape this country. Once I am in a place where no one could find me. I would try to live like an average guy.

It was time for the scheduled meeting about the harassment allegations to start. Ryūen alongside Yajima, Ibuki and Ishizaki entered the room.

Looks like I finally drove the rat out in the open. He glared at me like I had killed his grandma. Definitely the news of the last meeting reached him.

I gave him a smile in return. Let's have a good one on one here, Ryūen.


At first I was going to write this as one single chapter but it was becoming too big, so I made it a double parter.

Volume two is going to end soon. I have some short stories planned. After that Volume 3 will start.

But I am thinking of taking a break of a week before volume 3. The island arc is the first special exam. So it should be good.

Although I have a rough idea of what I am going to do, I still want it to be perfect. That's something hurt this volume. I wrote it without a break, so I couldn't write the best of my potential.

Anyways that's all for now

Have a wonderful day

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