Strike Witches:Desert Guardia...

By Stars_921

396 32 63

In alter world of the Strike witches:Wings of Liberation story. Flight Lieutenant Hanna Justina Marseille and... More

The Nightmare & The Unexpected
Counter Attack
The Northern Eye
Lifeline Destruction
New wattpad guideline
Malta on the frontline
Return of The Colonel

Barrel of powder keg

36 2 14
By Stars_921

Date:July 4,2019 (Strangereal Date)
Location:Srite Air base-Libya

It has been a couple of days since the arrival of the osean troops along with aces from th 501st.They are all in the mess hall eating while chatting

Raisa:I did not expect your father to be such a legend and to be his daughter must be a honor.

Lydia:Yea but my father did not speak much about it.He told me one time that he was sad for the enemy he downed.


Lydia:He told me he did not enjoy them all the plane he shoot down.

Raisa:So he did not take pride on his kills?

Lydia:He never did, he had compassion to the pilots he shoot down after the war,back then he told me he had to do it so i can have a free live not under erusean control.

Mami:How about you Emma?

Emma:My father was a joker and fan of Rock 'n' roll where he had a collection he loved his friends and when he can spent time with me.He bought a black labrador on my fifth birthday we called him kirk that we took care.Then he was sent to sand island airbase he took kirk with him to be reminde of me and he will take care of it.Then the circum-pacific war started and his squadron was on the frontline.

Lydia:They went famous as ''The Demons of Razgriz'' after sinking two powerful submarine of yuktobania.And they were the moral boost of the osean army.

Hanna:Wow...He must be a great fighter pilot.

Emma look down

Emma:He was...

Keiko:Emma are you ok?

Lydia put her hand on her shoulder

Lydia:It's manage to get your revenge.

Emma:Yea but there was others who cause it.

Raisa:What happend to him?

Emma:During a planned ceremony flight over stadium in a city deep in osea, yuktobanian aircraft entered the air space and my father and his squadron are order to defend the city until reinforcements arrive.They manage to hold on with only 4 plane while facing hunders of enemy planes but when the reinforcements were close a suadron nearby activate their ECM and jammed their radio and radar as well falsely informed the reinforcements that the operation was merely a drill.

Mami:No way.

Emma:Although the connection was quickly restored the reinforcements was further delayed,then bombers arrived getting ready to bomb the city in the middle of that my father plane got hit by a missile from Viktor Makowski.His plane was still operable,he chose to not bail out immediately he chose to wait until the stadium was totally evacuated then aim it at the center while he ejected.However when all bomber are down and airspace was temporary cleared it was too late his plane began to lose functionality, and eventually the ejection seat and canopy failed to work.He still dropped his plane into the center of the stadium, and died in the impact.

Hanna,Raisa,Mami and Keiko feel sad for Emma 

Keiko:My condolences Emma.

Emma:I remember i watch the air battle live on television and see a plane smoking then crashing in the middle of the stadium.I did not know who it was when i watch it...but hours later when my mom receive a call from the air force...T-They confirmed...I-It was his plane.

Emma start to have tears in her eyes,Lydia start to hug her and give her a pat

Lydia:It's ok.It's ok...He was a great pilot.He would be proud of you.

Emma remove the tears in her eyes

Hanna:You said there are other responsible.I remember when i join said you want to shoot down Viktor for killing your father.

Emma:Yea...i did shoot him down on our last mission in romanga.However there were others indirectly involved.There was a secret group that was reponsibale for osea and yuktobania to start this war at eachother.This group is named the grey men they are belkan nationalists, their goal was to start a war between the two nation and prolonged it as a revenge for they nation lost in the belkan war.

Hanna:I can't believe it.

Raisa:People can go this far to have revenge for a war that happen years ago.

Emma:The squadron that called off the reinforcements was part of that group.All of them were belkan aces in the belkan war but the Razgriz manage to stop their plan and return back to peace.And since mu father was a Razgriz i to became a Razgriz.

Keiko:Continued the line of the best aces.Your father would be proud of you.

The groupe chat until a small groupe of soldier pass by them and look at Lydia and Emma

Soldier 1:Hey you two.Come join our table.

Soldier 2:It would be much better then be with them.

Lydia:Sorry but no.We prefer to be with them.

Soldier 3:With those witches.We are better then them.

Emma:Oh should stop acting this way toward them.They are saving your life everyday.

Soldier 1:Why are you defending them.

Soldier 3:They are worthless...This is a men place.

Tension start to heat until Kyle and someone beside him arrive

Kyle:You better leave.

Soldier 2:Or what?

???:Or i show you what is the osean army is capable of...I saw this witches in action and what they can do.And i won't allow people like you to insult them...Now leave.

The three soldier look at eachother then left 

Lydia:Thank you for the help Kyle.

Kyle:It's all right.

Keiko:Thank you as well mister...

Koga:My name is Hatake Koga i'm the commander of the osean 4th Tank Battalion.

Keiko:I'm keiko nice to meet you.

Kyle:He is the brother of one of Kira brother's.

Emma:How is Kira?

Koga:They are in fuso now to train a friend of yoshika that will join the forces in gallia.

Emma:I'm glad to hear it.

The group chat while eating their breakfast Keiko could not stop looking at Kago as she start to have feeling for him

After that Hanna along with Lydia,Emma and Kyle went outside to meet the land witches

Hanna:I'm going to introduce you to our friend in the land battle witches.

Kyle:Land battle witches?

Hanna:They are like us but they are on the ground

The group start to see Miles and her company

Hanna:Hey Miles.

Miles:Oh...Hello Hanna.

Hanna:How are you ?

Miles:I'm fine.

Hanna:I want to present you my friend from the 501st that will join us.

Miles:I'm Major Miles part of C company in the 4th Armoured Brigade of Royal Britannia.

Emma:My name is Emma.

Lydia:Mine is Lydia.

Kyle:I'm Kyle.

Miles:Nice to meet you.

Hanna:Miles where is your futur husband~

Miles blushed

Miles:S-Stop it!He is not my husband!


Hanna:You have not heard.Miles manage to get a men for her.his dating a estovakian tank commander.

Miles:We are just friend nothing more.And he lieutenant that is in command of his tank battalion.

Hanna:Look like went into the next step with him to know him this much~

Miles:You are like this because you don't have a boyfriend.

Hanna:T-That's not true at all!

Lydia:Sorry hanna but i have to agree.You look like you really want to be with someone.

Hanna:Are you with someone Lydia?

Lydia:No...i met guys before but i did not have the feeling i was in love.

Emma:Me and Gendo are a couple now.

Hanna:I did not know you two are thing?

Emma:He and i have been best friends then he confessed to me after our last mission in romanga and i accept it and now we are a couple.

Kyle:He felt bad when you told him you are going to africa.

Emma:I reassured him.I told him i will be ok.

Then charlotte arrived accompanied by two other people


Charlotte hug hanna

Hanna:I'm glad to see you always happy.

???:She wish to meet also the new pilot that arrive.

Hanna:Guys this is charlotte she is land witch that operate the famous tiger unit along with her is the leader of the project Friederike Porsche and her boyfriend Michael Schmitt.

Lydia,Emma and Kyle introduce them self then hanna told them Friederike story she was a former witch that came down from the sky to be with Michael a pretty well known story that envied Karlsland witches.Then they meet the patton's land witch aswell Aleksander

Location:Briefing Room

Hanna along with everyone arrived at briefing room after been called by Keiko they sit on their seats and watch the big screen infrotn

Keiko:Today operation is going to be important just like the radar station and the one that will follow.This one is high above in terme of it's defense.

Keiko step aside and Briefing officer comes and start the Briefing 

Briefing officer:We have discovered the position of a secret facility used to store ammunition. According to our information, the base is located deep in the desert north of the village of soluch.

The screen show the location of the facility in the desert but it features numerous mountainous plateaus with large foothills.

Briefing officer:The facility is massive and contains enough ammunition to supply a M.R.M ground division for a months of combat operations. Destroy this stockpile and cut off their front-line ammunition supply. Note that we've been getting a lot of attacks from soldiers hiding in the desert with shoulder-mounted SAMs. They are very hard to detect from the air, so stay heads up for sudden attacks from these missiles when flying at low altitude.

Then the screen zoom out and then zoom in a another location showing a factory and airbase next to it

Briefing officer:Also we found the location of M.R.M munitions factory with a airbase right next to it.The Factory is right next your area of operation of today but we already assigned a allied squadron to take it out.You are all Dissmiss.

Briefing officer left the room and everyone start to join their planes

Lydia:By the way Hanna.


Lydia:I want to ask about your callsing.What it means?

Hanna:Gelben mean yellow in karsland.

Kyle:Back in our world we heard about a belkan squadron named gelb that took part in the belkan war.So Karsland is sharing the same language as belkan.

Hanna:Why the question?

Lydia:I noticed the yellow painted number 14 on your nose.It remind me of a story my father told me about a elite squadron he fought before that had yellow painted numbers on their nose.

Hanna:I guess there are legacy back in your world.

Keiko took her LAGM while Mami took her RKT,Emma pick GPB for her tomcat.Hanna and Raisa took LAAM and Lydia took QAAM

July 4,2019 (Strangereal Date)
Area of operation 

The 31st along with Lydia and Emma arrived at the AO with Kyle in his Hawkeye high above them

Emma:<<What a heat today.>>


Mami:<<Don't worry you will get use to it.>>

Raisa:<<I heard that if we manage to the front all the way to Tobruk we will be the first to have a bath in the romain ruins.>>

Hanna:<<Hearing this i just want it to have now.>>

Kyle:<<All right everyone.You'll be arriving at your target area shortly.>>

Everyone look below to see the mountainous plateaus and large foothills mentionned in the briefing but they also see tunnels that go inside

Kyle:<<The actual armory is located in an underground shelter.You need to fire a missile straight inside the tunnel and destroyed it from the inside.>>

Armory Control Tower:<<Planes detected on radar.Sound the air-raid sirens!>>

Then they heard air raid sirens even thought they are flying above they can still hear the sirens

Armory Control Tower:<<Their intended target is believed to be ammo dump.All ground troops,prepare to engage aircraft!>>

M.R.M ground until:<<Roger.We will move into position to defend the tunnels.>>

As the 31st arrive at the first section of the armory they start to go at low altitude then they receive lock on alert only for it to be replace with a missile warning.Keiko look down to see missiles heading toward them

Keiko:<<All planes!Break!>>

Everyone broke formation and dodged the incoming missiles

Raisa:<<They're shoulder-launched SAMs!Enemy soldiers in the desert!>>

Mami:<<They aren't showing up on my radar.>>

Kyle:<<This is Havoc.Our search radar is clean.We can't see the launchers!>>

Emma:<<Damm...what should we do?>>

Keiko:<<We have no choice but to attack while evading the missiles.>>

Hanna:<<Wait i got a idea.>>

Hanna start to dive then she get a missile warning she look on her left to see a missile coming straight from the ground

Hanna:<<I have you now.>>

Hanna dodge the missile then start to strafe the location where the missile was launched see saw a small explosion then start to pull up

Kyle:<<I confirme that gelben 14 just took out a SAM.>>

Lydia:<<Good idea Hanna.>>

Kyle:<<All right everyone do like Hanna and destroy the SAM when you can.>>

Emma:<<Razgriz 3,pickle.>>

Emma drop GPB on two barracks while Mami destroy two warehouse along with AA gun

Keiko:<<This is Strom 1 making my approach on the first tunnel.>>

Keiko aligned her F-4 

Keiko:<<Storm 1,Fox3.>>

Keiko fired a LAGM it fly straight inside the tunnel before exploding then she went to the second tunnel next to it and fired another LAGM with the same result

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Direct hit on tunnel 1 and 7!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Dammit,those room's are full of mortar and artillery shells!>>

Mami fired inside another tunnel

Armory Control Tower:<<Contact out off.Situation unknown in tunnel 2.>>

M.R.M armory personnel:<<The shells are all exploding!We can't get near them!>>

Keiko,Mami and Emma formed up start to head to the next tunnels section but their are greeted by missile from hidden SAM and bullets all around they deploy flares and chaff and continue their path.They reach the second section to see three tunnels but it had ground until with a squadron of mig29 covering them.

Armory Control Tower:<<Don't let them get close to the ammo dump!>>

M.R.M pilot:<<Roger.>>

Armory Control Tower:<<Unleash a barrage of bullets and keep them at bay!>>

Armory Control Tower:<<Bring out all the weapons in the storage!We'll fight back with those!>>

Kyle:<<Gelben14,Gelben 2 and Mobius 1 we got incoming M.R.M from the north.>>

Lydia:<<Roger.Mobius 1 engage.>>

Lydia along with Hanna and Raisa went into the sky to intercept the incoming planes while Keiko,Mami and Emma made their approach on the tunnels

Emma:<<Razgriz 3,Missile lanuched.>>

Emma fired a missile it went inside the tunnel

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Direct hit on the ammo dump!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<It's setting off explosions elsewhere!>>

Keiko and Mami fired a missile at two other tunnels aswell destroying AA guns emplacement

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Another tunnel just took a hit!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Room temperature rising!The ammo's gonna start going off by itself!>>

High above Hanna shoot down a Mig-29 she look down to see shock wave

Hanna:<<I see shockwave from the explosion!>>

Kyle:<<The armories in this area have been destroyed.>>

Mami:<<Storm 2 commencing rocket barrage.>>

Mami fired a rocket barrage that went inside a tunnel

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<The fire's spread too far!It's out of control!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Get out of there!You're gonna get fired!>>

Armory Control Tower:<<Do whatever it takes to keep the fire away from the main ammo dump!>>

M.R.M armory personnel:<<It's not use.We can't do a thing!>>

Emma:<<Razgriz 3 bomb away.>>

Emma drop a GPB that went inside a tunnel

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<A bomb went inside the tunnel!Direct hit!Direct hit!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<The fire crew's all been wiped out.Send out somebody else!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<This whole place is gonna blow away!>>

Kyle:<<I got contacts approaching at high speed!Bearing 280!>>

Hanna looked too see 12 small craft coming

Kyle:<<They're drones!>>

Lydia:<<It must be the famous eursean drones i heard about.>>

Kyle:<<Mobius 1,Gelben squadron intercept them.>>


Hanna went head on and had a lock on two drones

Hanna:<<Gelben 14,Fox3.>>

Hanna fired two LAAM destroying the drones,Hanna looked to see Lydia took out four drones

Raisa:<<She manage to take out 4 just like that.That was amazing.>>

Hanna:<<Lydia,the one with highest score wins.Let's see who's the best.>>

Lydia:<<Challenge accepted.>>

Hanna and Lydia start to take down the drones on their side meanwhile Keiko,Mami and Emma are taking out the ammo dump

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<Missile hit!Tunnel 3 is in flames!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<This is Tunnel 4!The fire's begun to set off explosions here,too!>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<This place is lost.Evacuate!>>

Armory Control Tower:<<Have you forgotten that we're holding the supply lifeline of our entire army?>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<If you have a giant extinguisher then bring!The Fire is out of control.>>

M.R.M Armory Personnel:<<This is place is going to be one massive crater!>>

Armory Control Tower:<<Dammit!All personnel evacuate!>>

Lydia was chasing the last drone she then got a lock on it until the drone burst into flames she look to see Raisa on her left

Raisa:<<Sorry Lydia.>>

Lydia:<<It's all right.>>

Kyle:<<The last drone is down and all amories are destroyed.Mission complete.>>

(theme end)

The 31st formed up and start to leave the AO

Keiko:<<Great work everyone.The path to Tobruk will be cleared soon.>>

Hanna:<<I can't wait to be in Tobruk.>>

Emma:<<Havoc are the allied squadron sent to the factory a success?>>

Kyle:<<Yup i got their report 5 minute ago.They destroyed the factory aswell the transport planes there.>>

The flying exit was about to leave the AO until

Kyle:<<I got a incoming message from the allied squadron!>>

Allied pilot:<<We need support!We are under attack!>>

Keiko:<<What's going on?!>>

Allied pilot:<<Break he is behind you!>>

Kyle:<<Charlie 1!What's going on?!>>

Allied pilot:<<We are been attack by a single plane.It's a F-15S/MTD with left black wing and canard.>>

Allied pilot:<<He has also a hound mouth painted on!What kind of pilot is that!>>

Hanna:<<It's him!Havoc let me help them.>>

Emma:<<You are not going alone.I'm coming with you.>>

Kyle:<<Gelben 14,Razgriz 3 head west and provide rear guard.Everyone else escorst our allies out of the AO.>>

Hanna and Emma:<<Roger.>>

Hanna and Emma broke formation and went west heading straight toward their opponent

Next to the 31st Area of operation 

Two allied squadron are try their best to survive they are facing a single fighter a F-15S/MTD 

Allied pilot:<<Shit!He's behind me!>>

Allied pilot:<<Who on earth is that guys!>>

Allied pilot:<<Stick together!It's just one plane!>>

The MTD was chasing a Osean F-16 until a Osean Su-33 arrived behind him

Allied pilot:<<Take him out Halo 5!>>

Allied pilot:<<I can't...get a lock!>>

The MTD fired a burst damaging the allied plane in front of him

Allied pilot:<<I'm out of the fight!Withdrawing from the airspace!>>

the Osean F-16C start to retreat from the airspace 

Allied pilot:<<Halo 5,F--->>

The F15S/MTD pull 180 then fired a missile the Su-33 

Allied pilot:<<*scream*...>>*Offline*

Allied pilot:<<Halo 5,respond!>>

Allied pilot:<<What should we do?He out class us!>>

Allied pilot:<<He knowns our flying style and all our tricks.>>

Allied pilot:<<He can't be human.>>

Allied pilot:<<He has the same flying style as us.>>

Allied pilot:<<You mean he is osean like us?.>>

Allied pilot:<<Try to keep him occupied.I think we have reinforcements coming.>>

The remain allied pilot keep him occupied but chasing him on his 6

M.R.M AWACS:<<Grendel 1.I got two planes coming toward your location.>>

Harry:<<Good.Look like she finally arrived.>>

M.R.M AWACS:<<You are ordered to withdraw from the airspace.>>

Harry:<<Negative.I was expecting her to come here.>>

M.R.M AWACS:<<Major Bernitz follow your orders!>>

Harry:<<I will follow it.When i had my fun.>>

M.R.M AWACS:<<Expect to lose your money of today.>>

Harry:<<Too bad,i guess.In that time AWACS Withdraw.I will handel them myself.>>

M.R.M AWACS:<<Fine.Good luck>>

After that Harry turn to the allied radio channel

Kyle:<<All allied planes withdraw.Reinforcement have arrived.>>

Allied pilot:<<Wilco.We are leaving the airspace.Be careful.>>

Hanna:<<We will.>>

Hanna and Emma had their hud light up with UNKNOWN under it it say the aircraft type as a''F-15S/MTD'' he start head toward them head on.Hanna start to have a lock learning from previous encounter

Hanna:<<Gelben 14,Fox3!>>

Hanna fired a LAAM but he dodge it

(time from 3:32 to 3:34)(credit owner)

Kyle:<<Missile shot trashed.>>

Harry:<<Well look like you learn something since last time.>>

Kyle,Emma and Hanna are suprised to hear this voice there is only the three of them in this airspace and the enemy MTD

Emma:<<Who is this?>>

Harry:<<Who do you think it is.>>

Hanna:<<It's you.the hound.>>

Harry:<<Bingo.I guess you are the star of africa or Hanna Justina Marseille.>>

Hanna:<<I'm...i'm suprise did i made a good impression to you?>>

Harry:<<When the star is so shiny,people tend to put the spotlight on it.You did and i'm glad and honored to speak with you.>>

Kyle:<<Unknown F15S/MTD you are order to follow us and land your plane and surrender.>>

Harry:<<Surrender this time?Sorry but no.I stay a little long to have my second face off with Hanna Marseille.>>

Hanna then had a lock on alert

Harry:<<Let see if you are going to fight with your true potential.>>

(theme start)

Harry:<<Grendel 1,Fox 3.>>

The Unknown MTD fired HVAA at Hanna but she dodge it ,The MTD pass by her and start to turn around and got behind hanna

Harry:<<Now show me what you can do.>>

Hanna:<<Damm he's good.>>

Hanna try to get off her tail but he had a lock on her

Harry:<<Grendel 1,Fox2.>>

The MTD fired a missile

Emma:<<Missile behind you!>>

Hanna dive her plane with the missile following behind then at the last minute see pull up forcing the missile to overshoot and crash into the ground

Harry:<<That was impressive.>>


Harry:<<Yup since i can do the same thing.>>

Hanna:<<What are you fighting for?>>

Harry:<<Not for money that's for sure.>>

Hanna:<<Then for what?>>

Harry:<<Unlike you guys i fight for my reason.Just like saying say the one who survive are those who fight for their convictions.>>

Hanna:<<Why do you have NRAF emblem on if you are fighting in the M.R.M?>>

Harry:<<Well it's my plane so i can do what ever i want.>>

Emma took the opportunity to get behind the MTD

Emma:<<I'm behind him.>>

Harry:<<You really think i did not noticed.>>

Emma was confused by his word

Harry:<<Enemy at my 6, fox 2.>>

Emma was suprise to hear her missile alert then she see a missile been fired backward from the MTD heading toward her.She did barrel roll while launching chaff and flares with missile passing above her

Emma:<<Geez that was close.>>

Harry:<<I'm suprised you manage to dodge it.>>

Emma:<<You wont get away this time.>>

Emma manage to get a lock on him

Emma:<<Razgriz 3,Fox 2!>>


The pilot did not have time to think he stop chasing Hanna and focus on dodging the missile.He turn his MTD heading toward a moutain then he pull Kvochur bell the missile went under him and smash the moutain.But now both Emma and Hanna are behind him

Hanna:<<Gelben 14,Fox 2.>>

Emma:<<Razgriz 3,Fox 2.>>

Both Hanna and Emma fired two missile at the MTD.Harry start to look around then noticed something on the ground he went at low altitude while the 4 missile are closing in

Emma:<<Why is he not dodging the missiles?>>

Hanna:<<Wait...i can see he is heading toward a moutain cave.>>

Emma:<<Does he have a death wish!>>

Hanna and Emma see the MTD dropping chaff and flares then went inside the cave witht the missile were behind him they see a huge explosion at entrance of the cave

Kyle:<<Look like he is gone.I don't see him on the radar.>>

Emma:<<What a waist of a pilot.What he was thinking?>>

Hanna:<<I don't know but i'm sad that fight against him was over like that.>>

Kyle:<<There is no other threat all planes,RTB.>>

Hanna and Emma went into formation and ascend into the sky

Emma:<<I understand now what you mean about him.>>

Hanna:<<It was not easy when you see him in your nightmare only to face him for real.>>

Kyle:<<You had nightmare of him?>>

Hanna:<<Yup.I had it ever since i return from the join mission we had.>>

Kyle:<<I will ask the ground troop when the offensive is launch to find his wreck.>>

Emma:<<When he was chasing Hanna.I noticed he had the same flying style when we are trained in the osean air defense force.>>

Kyle:<<The surviving allied plane of early told me the same thing while you were facing him.That pilot is a big mystery flying the same way as the osean air force along with F-15S/MTD while having the NRAF emblem on.>>

Hanna:<<I wonder who was the pilot on the control.>>

Harry:<<You can ask him but he is nothing going to tell you.>>

Everyone shock to hear his voice again Emma and Hanna start to look around trying to find him

Hanna:<<Where is he?!>>

Emma:<<Kyle do you see him?>>

Kyle:<<I'm try to find h...I got him guys he right--->>

Then the MTD comes from below hanna typhoon then went above her inverted their canopys where only a meter in half Hanna was shocked she keep looking up to see the pilot she faced

Harry:<<Under you.>>

Hanna see the pilot move his hand and move his HMD a bit.Hanna could see he had blue eyes and was a men she then see him wink at her.Hanna blushed not expecting it


Harry:<<I enjoyed my second fight against you hanna marseille.You do have potential however it is not going to be enough.>>

Hanna:<<How did you?>>

Harry:<<Survive the cave?Well my mentor tought me this and told me to check every cave that have a exit.>>

Then the MTD went right above Emma still inverted

Harry:<<However i was not expecting to see a Razgriz pilot.Althought i heared about the threat alert.>>

The MTD start flying in the middle of the formation with the pilot looking at Emma and her plane

Harry:<<I wonder which Razgriz member you are?>>

The pilot start to look at Emma F-14 it has Razgriz black paint along with the emblem however as he look on her nose hee see the number ''008'' on


Emma was shocked

Emma:<<How do you know my family name?>>

Harry:<<I-I...Until next time Hanna Marseille.>>

Hanna and Emma see the F-15S/MTD went in front of them pull a cobra then went away at top speed

Kyle:<<Wow...He just left the air space.He is out of reach now.>>

Emma:<<How does he knows my family name.>>

Hanna:<<I don't know...He is mystery.>>

Emma and Hanna along with Kyle left the air space and return to base

(theme end)

Location:Srite Air base-Libya

Keiko and other just got out of the briefing until they Emma,Hanna along kyle planes park they went to them 

Keiko:How was the fight?

Hanna:It was shocking.He was waiting for me to come.

Raisa:Waiting for you?

Hanna:Yea...he said he stayed a bit so i can arrive and have my duel against him.

Mami:Did you win?

Hanna:No he left after somehow knowing Emma family name by just looking at her plane.


Kyle:We have no idea.As of now we need to try and find out who is this pilot.

Emma look at the sky

Emma:Who are you hound?Do we know each other?

Location:Makeshift air base in a road between Gazala and Tobruk-Libya

ATC:<<Grendel 1 you are clear to land.>>

Harry land his F15S/MTD on a highway that was turn into a runway then he entered a tunnel there a another plane is parked it's a Su-37 once his plane war park he shut down the engines then got out there he was welcome by Adrian

Adrian:How was it?

Harry:Well i did have my second fight with the star of africa.She has potential vut not enough.But there was unexpected moment.

Adrian:What is it?

Harry:She had a Razgriz along with her.The pilot was very good.She knew was she was doing.


Harry:Yup she...It's same one that shoot down Viktor however i noticed she a number marked on her nose ''008''.That Razgriz F-14 belong to Alvin H.Davenport.

Adrian:Davenport.Is it the famous pilot that sacrifice his life during the raid above november city during the cirum-pacific war.

Harry:Yup the very same.She was suprise that i know her family name by seeing her plane number.I think that pilot was his daughter.

Adrian:Hmm...You better not tell her your name if you see her.In case how she will react.

Harry:That is for sure because i...

Then a officer comes

M.R.M officer:Major Bernitz.You are called in the brefing room immediately.

Harry:Yea.I'm coming.

The officer left them alone

Harry:Well time for me not earning the so call paycheck.Maybe i will get grounded.

Adrian:What did you do?

Harry:Well stay a bit to have the fight.

Adrian:Of course.

Harry:You know that i not into money i earn.I'm not doing this for them.

Adrian:Yea...your right.

Harry:Anyways go luck on your sorties.

Adrian:Thanks have good rest.

Harry left while Adrian look outside

To Be Continued

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