Her Beacon (Acheron x Caelus)

Von JesterX3

27.1K 1K 321

In the starlit festivities of Penacony, she meets Caelus, a figure shrouded in mystery who shines as a beacon... Mehr

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Five

1.7K 60 46
Von JesterX3

Under the focused beams of spotlights, the stage was set for an unexpected performance in a small theater, its seats yawning empty, creating an audience of echoing silence. Here, Black Swan extended her hand to Acheron, initiating a dance that seemed to transcend the boundaries of their contrasting natures. Acheron, with a demeanor of noble grace yet seemingly unaware of the dance's intricate steps, accepted the gesture, allowing the rhythm to guide her into the spotlight's embrace.

As the dance commenced, the empty theater became a world unto itself, holding its breath as these two figures moved across the stage. Despite their divergent personalities, there was a mesmerizing synchronicity in their movements, a testament to the silent dream that enveloped them. They performed with an elegance that belied the absence of music, their twirls and captures painting strokes of light and shadow under the relentless glare of the spotlights.

Acheron's face remained impassive, betraying no sign of engagement save for the flawless execution of each step, suggesting a mind adrift from the present spectacle. In stark contrast, Black Swan's visage was alight with delight, finding in this dance a source of profound entertainment, her smile unwavering as they spun together in the void of the stage.

Yet, this performance was more than mere dance. Black Swan, a Memokeeper, wandered through the cosmos with a mission to gather the essence of memories from countless worlds, leaving no trace behind, save for those rare beings who might share her destined path. Acheron, before her, was an anomaly; a being whose very presence challenged the Memokeeper's craft, her beauty unforgettable, yet marred by an intangible absence.

As they danced, the theater around them seemed to dissolve, giving way to a vast expanse of cosmos, where stars flickered into existence, visible only to Black Swan's eyes. These stars began to weave together, forming constellations that narrated silent tales of heroism and destiny, a spectacle unseen by any but the two who danced amidst the cosmos.

But as Black Swan sought to delve deeper into Acheron's memories, the stars rebelled, forming agitated patterns that mirrored Acheron's stoic visage. The constellations grew hostile, their movements reflecting none of the grace found on the stage but rather a tumultuous storm of light and shadow.

In a crescendo of chaos, the space around them seemed to collapse, pulling Black Swan into an abyss where the fabric of reality itself was torn asunder. She found herself adrift in the void, the universe's nihil observing her plight with an impassive gaze. The stars, now fierce in their assembly, moved with purpose towards the black hole at the center of all existence.

From this celestial maelstrom emerged a figure, a woman with hair as white as the void itself, her eyes narrowed and focused. In her hand, she wielded a sword, its blade crimson as the heart of a dying star, gleaming with an ominous light.

Black Swan, overwhelmed by fear and uncertainty, retreated, her steps faltering as the woman approached. No words were exchanged, no sounds pierced the silence of the void. And then, in an instant that felt both eternal and fleeting, the narrative reached its climax with a single, definitive rip through the fabric of the dance.


Black Swan's gaze flitted between the two companions before her, her smile flirting with the edges of intrigue as she beheld Caelus. The young Trailblazer's demeanor bore the marks of indecision, his expression torn between propriety and enchantment by her captivating introduction. However, the slight shudder that ran through Black Swan was not for Caelus's uncertainty, but for the intense scrutiny from Acheron's violet eyes, brimming with a silent wrath that was perilously close to the surface.

The atmosphere tensed perceptibly as Black Swan recalled the near-lethal conclusion of their 'dance'. The memory lay heavily upon her, a chilling specter that now threatened the ease of their reunion. She could not afford such an edge to the day's encounters.

To defuse the mounting pressure, she turned to Caelus with a voice honeyed with amusement, "My, oh, my. I've merely come to introduce myself to you both as a fellow tourist of this fantastical realm. I assure you, I harbor no intentions of strife or combat. We mustn't forget, the ever-watchful hounds are amongst us."

Acheron's reaction was instantaneous; the tension in her hand eased as if the blade she had mentally grasped had vanished into the ether from whence it came. Her own reasoning for such a visceral response eluded her—a puzzle that required deeper contemplation.

Caelus, ever the affable and naive soul, mistook Black Swan's theatrical words for those of a lost tourist. His reply stumbled forth, "Oh! Um... greetings to you!" The nerves that seemed to plague him since their arrival in Penacony danced across his words.

With a playful wave of her hand, Black Swan acknowledged his greeting. Undeterred, Caelus plowed on, "Ahem! I am known as Caelus, proudly serving as a Trailblazer of the Astral Express." He bowed, the motion awkward, rigid. "It is a pleasure meeting you!"

This quaint display elicited a faint, amused smile from Acheron—a rare softening of her stoic façade. Black Swan, meanwhile, sensed an alluring dynamic beginning to unfold, a mixture of innocence and a nascent bond that promised to render the upcoming days particularly interesting.

"Caelus... Caelus... Caelus..." she purred, each repetition a tasting of his essence, a sampling of his spirit's bouquet.

Acheron's irritation simmered beneath her composed exterior, the casual familiarity of Black Swan's tone grated against her newfound protective instincts toward Caelus.

Oblivious to the undercurrents at play, Caelus blundered on, adding kindling to the brewing fire. "Yep, I am Caelus! Since you mentioned that you are a tourist, why not come join us? The more the merrier!"

Around them, the dreamscape thrummed with life. The colossal eye that adorned the wall, its swirling colors and multifaceted gaze, seemed to fixate on the trio with a morbid curiosity. It was an intricate mosaic of anticipation, the gem at its center capturing the essence of their interaction with an almost sentient intensity.

Black Swan hesitated at Caelus's invitation, her relaxed posture at odds with the sense of venturing into uncharted waters. 

Meanwhile, Acheron, who had known Caelus for merely a day, was already ensnared by the primal sensation that threatened to unravel the very fabric of reality with her sword.

The closer Acheron drew to Caelus, the more she was consumed by a whirlwind of emotions once thought extinct. His presence rekindled the warmth of happiness, the comfort of joy in conversation, and a piercing sadness during his absence. Now, however, it was wrath that simmered within her — a reflection of the disappointment and incompetence she sensed from others. This surge of anger was foreign yet intoxicating, prompting a question within her: would severing this new tie with Black Swan be the remedy she sought?

As this internal battle waged on, Caelus's hopeful gaze met Acheron's. His eyes pleaded for her consent to include Black Swan in their journey. Acheron's mind cleared as recollection dawned upon her; this Memokeeper was the same who had ensnared her in a dance of emotional resurgence. While the dance had unearthed her capacity for feeling, it didn't excuse Black Swan's influence over Caelus.

With a practiced calm that masked her inner turmoil, Acheron gave her measured response to Caelus, her tone carefully neutral to conceal the anger brewing beneath. "As long as she behaves, then I am good," she declared, granting tacit approval while maintaining her guard. Caelus' grin widened at her acquiescence, his head snapping toward Black Swan with a bird-like swiftness, as if to confirm the formation of their peculiar trio.

Acheron's frown creased her face subtly as she observed their exchange. The familiar itch for the hilt of her sword grew more insistent, urging her to unsheathe it and cut through the burgeoning tension. It required every ounce of her restraint to keep the weapon at bay.

Black Swan, with the slightest of gestures, clapped her hands together, her satisfaction evident yet subdued. "Your peculiarities are quite enchanting; joining your party would be my utmost pleasure," she declared with a grace that seemed to anticipate the unfolding events.

Though Acheron's outward demeanor remained unchanged, a shiver ran down her spine at Black Swan's words, as if they were laced with a portent more sinister than anyone could perceive.


From the shadows, a solitary figure observed the departing trio with keen interest. She was a girl seemingly out of place in the cacophony of the Golden Hour, her appearance a blend of ethereal charm and understated menace. Silver hair framed her face, soft waves reflecting the ambient light of the dreamscape with an almost spectral glow. Her attire spoke of a delicate balance between form and function—a high-collared tunic in hues of ivory and azure, adorned with ornate patterns that resembled the wings of ethereal butterflies. Silver pauldrons sat upon her shoulders, catching the light with every subtle movement, while her hands gripped a gadget with an intensity that belied her calm exterior.

She watched as Caelus, the Trailblazer, chuckled in response to the Memokeeper's jests—a sound of carefree innocence. Beside him, the Galaxy Ranger, Acheron, bore an expression of restrained annoyance, edging ever closer to the man whose laughter seemed to weave them all closer together in this strange tapestry of fate.

Her grip on the gadget tightened, the knuckles of her hand turning pale with the force of her hold. "Soon... I will have my time with you," she whispered, her gaze fixed intently on Caelus as the trio ventured further into the fantastical realms offered by this bizarre corner of existence. The promise in her voice was laden with a myriad of emotions—longing, determination, and an unspoken threat that seemed to pulse in time with the beating heart of the Golden Hour.

End of Chapter

A/N: Greetings, everyone! I'm excited to share this week's latest chapter with you all. I hope you find it enjoyable.

On a side note, how have your rolls been for Acheron? I managed to get her to E2 and her Light Cone, albeit at a steep cost that might give some of you a heart attack (I lost all of my 50/50). 

That is all from me for now, see you all next week Saturday!


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