Paying the Price | ✍🏼

By ikc_writes

26.5K 514 81

Georgia Alice Monroe The same girl who has been abused until she found her brothers. She has relied on having... More

- Characters -
- Extra Characters -
- Playlist -
0.0 Prologue
01. Being the New Girl
02. Missing Childhood
03. Hoping
04. Coming Together
05. The Good and The Bad
06. Phone Call
07. Dangerous Situation
08. Danger is Approaching
09. Anxious and Tired
10. Save Me

11. Devising A Plan

479 16 4
By ikc_writes

- Georgia Monroe - 

I would have to say, fear had creeped into my bones as soon as I had stepped foot into this place, that we were calling a safe house. I didn't feel safe, so I had stuck to the side of one of my brothers, that were preferably not Elijah and Axel, as they were busy checking the perimeter of the house or every other inch of the house. 

Nikolas had brought the cousins here, and then he had left, as he had to be back with his family, and I had thanked him numerous of times, before he left. I would forever be indebted to him. When Elijah had come back from his perimeter watch, I could see the gun poking out of his jeans, and I couldn't tear my eyes away from it. 

I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I almost felt the need to take it away from him, and hold it at my chest. "Where are we going from here? Like what happens when we get found out?" Gio's sharp voice resounded throughout my whole body, and I knew that he hadn't forgiven our brothers, and he had the right to not forgive them. I wasn't even sure if I could forgive anyone, let alone trust them. 

Especially Ace and Alessandro. "We are going to wait for everyone to arrive, and then from there, we will probably drive somewhere. We won't be here for long and will have to change our cars over at some point, or burn them" Elijah ran a stressed hand through his hair, as Axel appeared in the room, where all of us were now scattered. 

None of us had unpacked anything from the car, even leaving our phones there. If something happened, we were more than happy for it to be at the car, and not anything that we had on us. "You don't think the car we currently have, has a tracker on it already?" I posed the question, as I knew that our phones had all been linked back to Ace and Alessandro, but who knows what had been passed to Raphael. 

It just blows my mind that someone like Alessandro, was so easily blindsided and convinced. He knew everything about everyone, and he didn't even know that himself. He just seemed to skim over it. "Probably" was the response to my question form Elijah, as he stood back up, away from the perch he had taken in front of Gio and I, with Leo down the other end of the couch. Gio had an arm wrapped around my waist, keeping me close to him. 

I let him hold me, cause I knew he needed it. I didn't need to call him out on it or anything, just as long as he was comfortable. "What the fuck do you mean, 'probably'? a voice piped up from in front of us, coming from the other couch where Damon was sprawled out on, Diego sitting on the armrest, while Matteo was lying on the floor. 

None of us had left this living room since we had gotten here, not wanting to be apart from one another. We felt safer this way. In particular, I didn't want to leave Gio in the condition that he had been in. I would never point it out to him, but he was concerning me. The way his voice had changed, and the way he had lost a lot of weight, making his eyes hollow out, was concerning me. 

"That is exactly what I mean, Damon! Probably, maybe, I don't fucking know. The car may have been tracked or it may not have been, but I don't know. I don't fucking know and I am way out of my depth here!" the yelling from Elijah allowed for Damon to yell right back at him, making the entire situation worse. 

"Well fucking figure it the fuck out, why don't you" it had almost become a roaring match between the two of them, as more people were standing in the doorway. I couldn't quiet see them, so I inched closer to Gio, as Leo came and pressed me even closer, making sure that the three of us were all together, in one part of the couch. 

"Zip it" a deathly cold voice spoke, making the entire room fall silent, reminding us exactly of where we had come from. The people entered, pushing Axel away, showing that it was Riccardo, followed by Gabriel and Luca. Damon sat back down in the couch, as Elijah moved to stand behind the couch we were sitting in, fuming. 

The two of them were fuming, not even being able to look at one another. It felt exactly like the phone call I had just had with Alessandro and Ace, which had only happened a few days ago. The older ones were not taking into account our feelings of how this whole ordeal was going. We had been lied to, and now we were being told to just turn around and trust them again, when we thought that we could trust Raphael and Theodore. 

That was not going to happen. "The king has arrived" a voice murmured into my ear, and I turned to look at Leo, who looked as though he was fuming as well, his gaze directed at Gabriel, not at Riccardo, like I thought it would have been. More confusion was flooding through my veins, rather than concern. 

I don't think Leo and Gabriel had ever resolved what had happened between the two of them last year, and I think it had added onto a lifelong of things between the two of them, that would take longer than a conversation to get past. "Elijah, Axel, come with me. The rest of you, stay here" and with that, we were being commanded, as the five of them walked out, locking the door behind themselves. 

"I guess we will just starve, then. Great" Matteo muttered, rolling onto his side, looking over at the three of us. "Stop thinking about your stomach, and think about everything else going on" Diego murmured, kicking Matteo lightly, whom didn't even flinch. If this was 6 months ago, it would have lead to teasing and a kick back, but this time, no one moved. 

It was almost as if we were too scared to move, let alone breathing. "What do we think the issue is, with them?" I gestured upwards, not meaning our brothers, but Raphael and Theodore, without saying their names. I didn't know what side Theodore was on, as I had heard that he was the one that had distracted Raphael. I didn't even want to think about Theodore anymore, either. 

"I think they are just fuckwits, in all honesty" Damon muttered, pressing a hand to his mouth as he stared out at the window, which was partly covered by the curtain. I had seen how just about every window had black out curtains on them, really giving the effect of people hiding here. It was an old Victorian styled house, which had definietly not concerned me at all. "That they are, but I think they aren't on our side. Raphael isn't on our side, more importantly" 

Diego was a voice of reason here, as neither one of my brothers wanted to speak about the issue, which was clear from the lack of words, or so I thought. "I think it is weird, how one minuet, we are being told that we have a relation to the American mafia boss, then we are taken to Italy, where we never travel to much, then, Ace and Alessandro disappear, and we go home to our house being burnt, but oh, Raphael will take us to fucking New Jersey, then send us away. It's weird, isn't it, how all similar those events have become" 

To add to it, I had seen my twin brother, which Matteo most definietly would not have known about. None of my brothers knew about it, and I wanted it to stay that way, unless it was part of the weird event trilogy. It had all happened, right as my past life, which I was starting to come to terms with, had quietened down. 

"Don't hate me for saying this, but you don't think Raphael had a hand in the Russians taking Lawrence and then me disappearing, what, 15 years ago now. You don't think that that should be added into the equation?" I threw the question out there, as from the start, our lives had been fucked, or so it seemed. 

"To add to that, you don't think the kidnapping of Elijah, Gio and I are also related?" Leo gave his two cents, as Diego stepped over Matteo, opening the coffee table, to reveal a roll of paper. Ripping some off, and grabbing handful of pens, all while we were all watching, he placed it all on the coffee table, using a pen to start drawing. 

It was like all of us were in trance, wondering how one would know to find paper and pens there, and what use it would to be of someone like the group of us here. Some of us were studious, but with the lifestyle we had, that wasn't something that was needed all the time. The need to fight was more important, than the need to be smart. 

If anything, we were all just pushed somewhere, not told anything, and the thinking was done for us. We didn't usually have to use our brains, if we had any. Some us, for example Matteo, didn't necessarily have the brains that some of us actually had, and that led to us all being assumed that we weren't smart enough; that our thoughts weren't as valued as others. 

No offense to Matteo, but it was the sad truth. He thought along a different line. "This is everything put together, in a mind map" Diego then stepped away from the table, as I leaned closer, seeing the reality of it all. Raphael was in the center, while we were off from that, showing our pasts, which all happened to line up together. 

On the other side, was the Russians, whom connected to the Americans, who seemed to connect every other Mafia, including our own, and some of our close family friends. The only contact that was had with the Russians, was the Americans. The Americans, or Raphael if you will, was the sole issue here. 

"We have to remove Raphael from the equation" 


thoughts? xx

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