
By pearlisperfect

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hi,first story,so im freee to any critesisem,my first langue isent english sobim sorry fir amy spelling mista... More

1-dawn of doom
1-dawn of doom
3-glinting eyes
4-a howling wind
5-shadowed curse

2-a wicked trail

6 0 0
By pearlisperfect

-next day-

Jimmy and scott woke up and told everyone everything,right now scott,jimmy, fwip and joey are all talking while pearl is watching them
Jimmy:"a-and then she suddenly attack us!..i font know what got into het!"
Jimmy shakes while talking to the others, Scott Holds him

Pearl watches intently from a distance.  She is enjoying seeing them try to figure out what happened.  The demonic voice speaks to her again, its tone getting increasingly impatient.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "You did well to sow doubt between them.  But now it's time to take it a step further.  You need to get Gem to cast the spell.  How are you going to do that?"

Pearl(in her mind):"Just watch"
Just then she dives down,knowing jimmy over and out of Scotts hand,she grabs jimmy and holds a knife on his neck,nearly cutting him
Pearl:"tell me where gems hidden spell for revivel is,or he gets it."
Her tone serius,eyes glinting red,her once yellow sunflowers now a dark red.
scott,fwip and joey stare at her

Jimmy starts to panic as the knife presses closer to his throat.  Scott, FWIP, and Joey look at Pearl, shocked.  They can't figure out why Pearl would suddenly attack Jimmy.  The demonic voice speaks to her again, its tone excited now.
Demonic Voice (in her hea): "Yes... yes!  This is the pressure you need to put on!  Don't stop!  Keep it up until he tells you the spell.  They'll give in eventually!"

scott:"let jimmy go!"

Pearl presses the edge of the blade against his throat slightly harder, indicating that she is not bluffing.
Pearl:"i'll ask again,"

Jimmy is terrified and his lips are trembling.  He looks like he's about to cry.  He seems too scared to speak, so Scott jumps in.
Scott: "Leave him alone!  Why are you threatening his life?"
Pearl presses the knife harder on Jimmy's throat.  The demonic voice speaks again.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Don't listen to him.  Keep the pressure on.  You are the strongest one.  They'll bend to you.  Don't let them get the best of you."

Pearl:"anwer my quetion."
She presees the knife so much againts jimmy neck,it slowly cuts into jimmy neck.pearls eyes narrow

At this point there is no doubt that Pearl is capable of injuring Jimmy if he refuses to answer.  Scott tries to intervene, but he is powerless to do anything.
Scott: "Pearl, stop it!  You can't do this... Don't harm him!"

The demonic voice speaks again.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Just ignore him.  You have to show them you mean business.  If you don't, they won't take you seriously.  Do what you gotta do."

she slowly cuts along his neck,but just to cause pain at thw moment
Pearl:"its his life or the spell.your choice."
She Talks in a dark tone
Pearl(in her mind):"they will talk,if they want or not."

Scott is powerless to stop Pearl.  He can only watch helplessly as she slowly cuts Jimmy's neck.  Jimmy starts to beg for his life,
Jimmy: "Alright... alright!  I'll tell you the spell.  Just please don't hurt me anymore."
The demonic voice speaks again.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Good... good... just keep it up.  Don't let go of the pressure.  Make them fear you.  Make them respect you.  You are powerful"

pearl stops moving the knife but keeps it up
Pearl:"tell me then."
*She speaks low,her eyes glinting red*
Pearl(im her mind):"i am more powerfull...they schould die."

Jimmy is visibly trembling.  His eyes are filled with fear. He looks like he is ready to collapse.  He speaks with a whimper:
Jimmy: "The revival spell... it's... uh... it's..."
Pearl(in her mind): "That's it... he's on the edge.  You're nearly there.  He'll break very soon.  Keep driving him to break.  He needs to know that you're in charge."
Jimmy: "I... I remember... gem..has it..t....she'"

Pearl:"you sure?"
She asks in a threathening tone

Pearl(in her mind):"i... will..."
She keeps the knife very close to his neck,still seeing scott and fwhip staring at them

Pearl(in her mind):"i..i wanna..kill him...c....can i....?...."
Its starting to get to pearl way quiker than the demon expectet
Pearl:"how can i beleive it true? Tell the truth or he gets it"
She says threathening,cutting more into jimmys neck

Scott is still in a state of shock, but he manages to answer anyway.
Scott: "Jimmy's telling the truth... I remember Gem showing him the revival spell too... You have to believe him, Pearl."
Jimmy cries even more.  He is sobbing and can't stop himself from weeping.

Pearl(in her head):"fucking voice,answer me.can i kill him?!"
She kept the knife on jimmy,slowly moving up his neck,just slicing of a small layer of skin.she like her mind is gone.before anyone can do anything,pearl uses her plant abilitys to use a root  to hold scott and fwip in place
The demon speaks to her again, its voice sounding impatient, but also a little shocked that she is going this far.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Woah... wow... is this who you really are?  This is a side that I've never seen from you.  I'm almost a little scared, to be honest.  But I guess I can see it... the killer in you... you're almost like me... I like it!"

She cuts a little into jimmys neck,a smile forming on her face as she hears jimmy sob
Pearl(in her mind):"so...its a yes..?"

The demon is genuinely surprised and pleased at this.  He had no idea she had the capacity for this level of brutality.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Yes... yes... I like it!  This is your dark side.  Embrace it!  You can be so much more than these weaklings.  You can be like me, and you can rule every kingdom with me"

she evily giggles,then with a swift cut,jimmy falls to the ground with a thud. Scott and fwip stare in horror
Pearl:"this....this is more fun than i thought..."
She murmers to herself,her eyes a little wider than normal

The demonic voice speaks to her again.  It now sounds pleased and impressed.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Yes... I like this... you're embracing your dark side, and you're enjoying it.  The power... the adrenaline... it feels good, doesn't it?  This... this is who you are... a killer... a ruthless ruler... you belong with me."

Scott stares at you in Horror,seeing his husband killed in front of his eyes makes his eyes swell up,he Starts shaking.

Pearl(in her mind):"it does feel good...."
Her voice trailing off when she sees scott.a evil smirk appearing on her face

The demonic voice encourages her to carry on.  It knows that she is starting to slip away and become a killer.  It knows that her emotions will soon be nothing but a distant memory.  All that will exist is her killing instinct.  The voice speaks to her yet again.
Demonic Voice (in her mind): "This is who you were always meant to be.  A killer.  A ruthless ruler.  That's who you are.  You don't need any emotions.  You don't need remorse or compassion.  Forget all of that."

she smiles
Pearl:"oh..poor little scott...what?dont like seeing your dead husband?"
She saud cruel.she liked this...

The demonic voice speaks to her again.  It knows she is enjoying this and is enjoying the feeling of the power and adrenaline she feels as she watches Scott's reaction.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Yes... enjoy it... savor his agony... delight in his reactions... he has to pay for the pain and sorrow he caused all the people you care about... it's only fair that he suffers.  Keep him suffering."

pearl slowly walks around scott,pulling out her knife behind him and then slowly,but not to deeply cutting along his neck.
Pearl:"...*chuckle* cant do anything,scott."

Scott tries to back away, but he is stuck from the root that is holding him in place.  He looks like he's about to faint.  The demonic voice speaks to her again about her actions.
Demonic Voice (in her head): "Don't hold back.  Use your power.  You have the power over these pathetic scum.  Go as hard as you can.  If he faints, it means that you're doing the job right."

just before pearl can do anything more,sge suddenly hears gems voice behind her*
Gem's voice snaps pearl out of it for a second.pearl is suddenly aware of where you are and what you are doing.she is staring directly at Jimmy's body.  Everything comes flooding back for a moment,her eyes turn back to blue.but then shes hit by a spell by gems staff and falls over,knocked out.

The demonic voice is still stunned at what pearl did,as is scott and fwip.gem looks at pearl as she lays unconscious.she stares wide eyed in shock.gem is clearly shocked about what just happened.

Gem(softly to herself):"t-this cant be... this cant ..."

The roots that were holding scott and fwip down dissapear.scott emidly runs over to jimmy,he takes him into his arms
He mumbles,still tears in his eyes
Fwip,still shooken up,tries to speak, but can only tremble as he does

Scott ignores him,continuing to sob over jimmy's limp,lifeless body.

scott slighly turns to gem,still holding onto jimmy tightly
Scott:"gem! y-your a wizard,r-right? can h-help....."
Gem is the last hope he has,he knows gem has a revial spelm but he dosent know if she can do it

gem looks at jimmy and scott and sighs,her eyes filling with tears as well

Gem(quietly):"y-yes.. I have a revial spell..just a second..."

She frantickly pulls out her spell book,then find the spell
Gem(quitly):"..revival spell...needs...the person they love most holding their hand, the thing they loved the most....and...2...wither roses...?!"
Shes a bit schoked at the last part,she has no idea on how to get wither roses

scott face widens,he continus sobbing.
Scott:"what the h-heck are wither roses..."
He semms a bit paniced now..

**Note:in this au,the end and nether abd generly wither stuff isent normally used or seen by anyone unless they have a good reason too**

gem is also getting paniced
Gem(quietly):"the last part is...really weird... i've never heard of wither roses..and I don't know where to get them..."
Scott has given up all hope in that moment, he stares at the ground,tears still in his eyes,he's starting to loose hope and slowly starting to give in to grief.

*pearl suddenly wakes up,but her eyes are blue and her sunflowers are yellow again,but only for a moment*
Pearl:"..w-wither forest...behind my kingdom...i-"
Before she can continu shes cut off by an angry demonic voice and a splitting headache,she Desperatly waits for gems response.

the demonic voice sounds furious, it sounds like it's about to explode, its furious because gem just interrupted its fun...but it's also curious

Demonic Voice(loudly):" know where you can find wither roses?"
He says angrily, waiting for gems respond to pearl

Pearl(in her mind):"yes!"
She knows the voice is going to be so angry with her,she schouldent have told gem that.gem is still staring at pearl,who still has a splitting headache because of the voice

Demonic Voice(in her mind):"you idiot!"
Pearl can hear the demon slamming on the roof of her head,angry that pearl talked to gem.the demon suddenly stops,now really interested in what gem is going to say.

Gem:"i-i...scott,you take jimmy to a save spot, fwhip,you stay with pearl..and i-i'lk go check for w-wither roses"
She sounds hesitent but scott emidly agrees and gets jimmy out of there.fwip gives gem a nod before gem dissapears.
Now there is only fwip,pearl and the voice in pearls head

The voice is just watching everything, waiting for what pearl is going to say,but fwip speaks up first

Fwip:*whisper to pearl*"why did you kill him?"
Fwip sounds scared and shocked,still trying to comprehend what happened

Pearl(with blue eyes):"i cant control-"
She shakes her head
Pearl(with red eyes):"its just so fun!"
Pearl is switching faster than channels on tv

**I just wanted to say that**

Fwip is still trembling and slowly backing away from pearl.  He speaks quietly, not knowing what is going to happen next.

Fwip: "w-why you.. switching..."

Pearl(blue eyes):"i-i cant..."
Her eyes turn red again,she takes the knife that was previusly on the ground and leaps at fwip but before she could,her eyes turned back to blue and she stopped right in her tracks
Pearl (blue eyes):"..h-help...."

Fwip lets out a shocked scream when pearl leaps at him, before she stops in her tracks.  Seeing that her eyes are back to blue, he speaks in a trembling whisper.

Fwip: "h-how can w-we help... what.. a-are we g-going to do...?"
Fwip is starting to loose hope, he stares at pearl as he shivers in her presence

Pearl(blue eyes):"i dont know..just-"
She gets cut off
Pearl(red eyes):"die."
She leaps again,but fwip jumps to the side so pearl only cuts the slightes part of his arm.
Pearl(blue eyes):"just..restrain me...make sure i dont hurt anyone!"
She tried to explain as quikly as possible

Fwip looks at pearl desperately, trying to think of a plan, he still has the cut on his arm, and when pearl speaks again, he looks back at her, he's clearly scared.

Fwip:"restrain...b-but how?"

Fwip stares at pearl, looking terrified and also sad, he's never had someone try to kill him before, and he's never had to restrain someone before either.  He doesn't know what to do.

Pearl(blue eyes):"i dont-''

Pearl(red eyes):"you cant."
She uses some of her plant magic to hold him in his place,she starts slowly Walking over to him

Fwip looks even more shocked and afraid when he sees pearl start walking towards him holding him in his place, the cut on his arm slowly dripping blood.  He starts shaking even more, getting more and more scared that pearl is going to kill him.


pearl smiles,and just before hitting him,a figure flys in,grabs fwip and gets him out of pearls was katherin with her wings!,she quikly puts fwip down on top on a roof
Katherine:"w-what the...h-heck is wrong w-with...p-pearl?!"
She clearly dosent know what has happent

**Note: Kathrin has buterfly wings**

Fwip lets out a relieved sigh, when he sees katherine take him out of the way

Fwip (barely whispers):"i-i don't k-know w-what's wrong w-with her... i-i think she's going... s-insane..."
Fwip stares at pearl from the roof, his breathing a bit shaky as he watches pearl.  Katherine gives him a worried look, she too, not knowing what has happened yet.

She asks worried....they then here pearl chanting Something.
Pearl:".. Something wicked this way comes,
Something wicked this way comes,
Something wicked this way comes..."
It becomes quiter and quiter as shes pacing around the house their on.that phrase sends a shiver down their spines

Fwip's eyes widen in fear when he hears the chant from pearl, he knows that chant from a very long time ago.  He remembers stories about witches chanting the same chant as they performed rituals that involved summoning demons.  Katherine is shocked to hear this as well, and stares in fear at pearl.

Katherine: "w-what is s-she c-chanting?!  W-why does it s-sound familiar?!"

pearl continus quitly chanting,shes very much playing with them,she has wings but isent using them at the moment

Katherine is getting a bit scared from hearing the chant, and a bit confused about where pearl's wings are.  She isn't sure what is going on with pearl, but she is sure of one thing, there is something wrong with her.  Fwip is getting even more terrified, he knows that pearl's magic is getting worse, and that this might be her end game.  He whispers nervously to Katherine.

Fwip (barely whispers): "w-whats going on?"

then suddenly,they see pearl dissappear....moments after...a chilling,icy cold voice is heard right beside fwips ear
She holds a knife at the back of his neck

**A good night for a new chapter,woo!

Wird count(including this:2866

Remember to eat Something and peace out!**

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