ANHS reacts to AU

By coldsandwich

166K 3.2K 1.1K

ANHS students and teachers will reacts to different AUs in this fanfic More

Ayanokoji x family (reaction)
(Ayanokoji x family)reacts 2
(ayanokoji x family) reacts 3
ayanokoji x family (reacts last part)
another au(reaction)
female ayanokoji (reaction)
ichinose' confession AU(reaction)
react to images from another au
small kei
small kei 2
teacher koji
teacher koji 2
teacher koji 3
teacher koji 4
teacher koji 5
yuki AU
yuki AU 2
matshushita AU
Matshushita AU 2
another A/N fr
diff au
6th generation?


3.3K 123 36
By coldsandwich

So the cast is from that last oneshot which I uploaded. And I ain't writting all'at prolouge shit everytime.
Sakayanagi: so what are we going to react about exactly?

She asked the question which was in every students head.

Kai: let's find it our the practical way, shall we?

Said Kai as he snapped his finger as the big screen lit up.

I got outside as I looked at the big stone gate, the gate which welcomed me here for the first time.

Horikita: ayanokoji kun?

Soon many ears perked up and were watching the screen with more attention, especially ryuen, as he was the most pissed when he found out that Ayanokoji expelled himself

Ryuen: fucking bastard.

Hirata: ayanokoji...........I should have known better.....

Chie: agh, he got expelled, what a shame,

Ishizaki/albert: ayanokoji/ ayanokoji san

Ibuki: I hate those defects, selling their classmates for some mere points

Fuka: i am more interested in knowing why he let himself get expelled.

Nazuna: what do you mean?

Fuka: oi oi, c'mom, you are not really crazy enough to believe that he would be expelled by these defects?

Nazuna: you are right.

Ichinose's ass is depressed again

I can still remember Horikita stopping me here, and that's when I first met her.

Horikita: ayanokoji kun...........

Satou: I thought you were dating.....

She muttered because of the mood of the room.

Sudou: and I thought they knew each other since before

Ike: I thought they were dating

Ryuen: it's getting fucking boring already

Kanazaki: what are you hiding ayanokoji.

I took the bus as I sat near the window, taking in the scenery, watching all these buildings, the large sky and the distant trees, It makes me wonder, isn’t world a beautiful place? Well at least the world is.

Miyamoto: what is he talking about.

Shinohara: weird thing to think about just after you got expelled.

Horikita gave her a cold glare

Hirata: shut the fuck up shinohara, don't say something which will get you in trouble.

Satou: b-but why doesn't his expression change,

Ike: now that you mentioned it

Sudou: his expression never changes, it is always that poker face

Miyamoto: yeah.....

Horikita: just why, what even goes in that head of yours, idiot,

Ryuen: kukukuku if only I could smash his damn poker face

Arisu: oh c'mon ryuen kun, it’s not a good time for jokes, is it?

Ryuen: shut up Loli.

Ichinose and kei were just traumatized.

My time in this school was certainly worth it, I got to try some things which I never tried on white room,

Everyone: white room?

Ichinose: white room?

Horikita: what is that?

Arisu frowned at those words

Ryuen: hey Loli, do you know something about this white room?

Arisu: even if i know, it doesn't mean that I will tell you, dragon Boi,

Ryuen: you are really Testing my patience now, aren't you?

Arisu: fufufufu

I got to taste ice cream for the first time, and I was able to make freinds, there were not much but still, I got to know more about human relations,

Hashimoto: excuse me?

Horikita: just why does he always seem so far away and distant, just who are you,

Ryuen: freinds my ass

Arisu/chairman: "I am glad that you like your time here ayanokoji kun"

Hirata was just devastated

Kushida: "I wanted him to get expelled, it’s good that he got expelled but...........why am I feeling bad?"

She thought as she tried to grin wickedly but failed.

Kanazaki: he was one of the biggest threat but he was a reliable ally too,

Himeko: an enigma...........

Ichinose was devastated, akin to her state when her past was revealed

I took a deep breathe as I looked around, there were all sort of people, a young child, an office lady, a blind man and students of other schools.

When I think about that every one of these people has their own lives, problems, pasts, secrets, it really gets me wondering. I remember reading in a book that this realisation is known as "sonder"

Why am I even thinking about that?

Ike: it's so boring

Miyamoto: not like he's dead

Hirata: say that again, I dare you

He said as he glared at miyamoto

Suzune: just stop already

She said but all that left her mouth was a mutter which was barely audible

Ryuen: these guys are no fun to crush without that monster

Arisu: fufufu, I will never get bored of your thoughts ayanokoji

Kei was also in a similar state as ichinose even though they weren't dating, she couldn't disagree the fact that she liked him a lot

Soon the bus stopped at a stop where a girl with pink twintails wearing the same uniform as me appeared and sat besides me

"Ichika?" I said as she grinned at me and hugged me.

Suzune: ichika.......what is she doing

Sudou: what?

Ryuen: how is that chick there?

Chabashira: just when ayanokoji's expulsion got known to school, a first year named ichika dropped out,

She said to the audience

Ishizaki: but why would she drop out?

Hirata: what does she have to do with ayanokoji kun?

Ike: why is she hugging him?

Satou: they probably know bleach other?

Kushida: that little bitch.

"Ichika, stop what are you doing here?" I asked as I pulled away from her.

"I heard that senpai is expelled, and if senpai is not there then why would I be" she said in an innocent voice as she hugged me again.

Miyamoto: whoa

Ike: what does she mean by that.

Suzune/ichinose: are they really that close?

Ryuen: what is the relationship between them, he told me that he don't know this amasawa chick, but these clips says otherwise.

Arisu: fufufu, I see

Masumi: what do you mean?

Arisu: nothing

"So senpai, why did you let yourself get expelled? Cos there is no way that a bunch of defects can expel you" she said as her grin dissappeared and was replaced with a serious look on her face.

Ike: hey what does she mean by that

Miyamoto: yeah

Shinohara: how can she say that, that bi-


he yelled as the while student body was silent

Suzune: for once I agree with him

Arisu: fufufu, me too

Ichinose: he is right, and I agree with that too.

Kanazaki: what?

Ichinose: did I stutter?

Matshushita: "looks like his influence was much greater than I anticipated"

Ryuen: now let me continue, i wanna see how he replies to that question

He said with a serious expression.

"You certainly are sharp, well let's just say that I got a certain news, from a certain someone" I said, meeting her gaze.

"Senpai, mind telling me who is this certain someone and what is the certain news?" She said, her eyes not leaving mine for a moment.

Ike: w-whoa, it took a sudden turn

Miyamoto: what are they even talking about?

Ryuen: monster has something big going on, other than this school

Arisu: too late to find that out dragon boy.

Ryuen: shut up

Horikita: I wish i asked him more about his past...

Kushida: it doesn't matter what he is upto, at least he will not bother me by being here anymore.

"The chairman Sakayanagi told me that, that man is away on a trip, in new York, and the white room has resumed it's operations again, as much as I want freedom, this is probably the best time to overthrow that man as the owner of the white room" I said as her eyes widened and an expression akin to something like fear clouded her face for a second before an overly creepy grin replaced it as she stared in my eyes with pure darkness.

"The only reason on why you told me this is.......hehe, let's do it, senpai" she said with a mischievous grin.

Ryuen: I don't know whatever the fuck they are talking about but that sounds intresting,

Horikita: wh- that man?

Nagumo: who is he talking about? Is he someone famous, and does ayanokoji has connections with people like that?

Kiryuin: intresting.......what is this "whiteroom" of which they speak to overthrow.

Nazuna: sounds like a movie plot

Ike: it's all too much to take in

Arisu: is that true?

Nanase: so senpai planned his own expulsion? Why didn't he simply dropped out.

Hirata: yeah......but on a second thought, he probably just wanted to show us the true, greedy and pathetic nature of class 2-d

Ibuki: first time I will agree with a defect.

Horikita: what connections does ichika has with ayanokoji

Ryuen: that's my question

Hiyori: childhood friends?

Arisu: fufufu, I can assure you that it's not the case.

Matshushita: he has something big going on in his life.

After that ichika slept on my shoulder as she was tired but soon after we were at our spot

"Senpai, we are here, it’s the first time I came here" she expressed as I continued to walk to the big mansion in front of me

Ishizaki: holy.....

Ike: fuck dude, that's huge.

Miyamoto: he's that rich?

Shinohara: whoa....

Horkita: I never knew that......I never knew anything about him at all

Nagumo: all that wealth, he is from an influential household I guess

Kiryuin: doesn't really matter, I just want to see what he's plotting

Sudou: that's a huge mansion

Kei/ichinose: it's huge

Ryuen: let's continue already

He said with a huge grin

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