Henry Harrow and the Philosop...

By TheRetroKid

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Harry Potter and Henry Harrow have been close friends since they were little, until on the day they turn 11 t... More

Chapter 1: The Boys Who Lived
Chapter 2: Henry's First Friend
Chapter 4: More Than Friends and Braxton's Hogwarts Letter
Chapter 5: The Vanishing Glass
Chapter 6: Henry's Hogwarts Letter
Chapter 7: The Keeper of the Keys
Chapter 8: Diagon Alley
Chapter 9: Ollivander's Wand Shop
Chapter 10: Connected Pasts
Chapter 11: The Journey from Platform 9 and 3/4
Chapter 12: The Sorting Ceremony
Chapter 13: First Day of Classes
Chapter 14: First Flying Lesson
Chapter 15: The Third Floor and Qudditch Practice
Chapter 16: Halloween
Chapter 17: The Quidditch Match

Chapter 3: The Enchanted Forest

65 14 0
By TheRetroKid

1 Day Later..
Tuesday August 1st 1988

It was another new day for the Harrows, Oliver Harrow was reading the Daily Prophet while drinking his morning coffee, Wendy Harrow then served her eggs, bacon and sausage to her husband and young nephew Henry, who started eating his breakfast as fast as he could so he could go out and play with his new friend.

Henry slow down sweetheart, you'll give yourself a stomachache said Wendy

Sorry Aunt Wendy, I just can't to play with my new friend said Henry

Your new friend that you told us about, Harry Potter? asked Oliver

Yes, of course said Henry

Meanwhile back at the Dursleys, Harry Potter was washing the dishes while The Dursleys eat a nice breakfast, Vernon and Petunia were planning on taking Dudley to the summer carnival for the day so they were going to leave Harry alone in the house.

After breakfast The Dursleys left the house, Harry was now all alone in the house, bored out of his mind he then heard a knock on the front door, Harry then went to answer it and saw the boy we played with the other day Henry Harrow standing at the front door

Hi, Harry greeted Henry

Hello, Henry said Harry

where's your aunt and uncle? asked Henry

They took Dudley to the carnival, which means I'm stuck here with nothing to do, they don't even allow me to watch the telly Harry answered

I think I might know of a place, a place where we can play said Henry

Really where? asked Harry

Come on, you'll see said Henry

Harry then closed the door to his relatives house and followed Henry, they went down the street through a graffitied covered tunnel and they found an arch way with statues of two gargoyles, they went through the arch way which led to a wooded area, they followed a stone path until they were led to an area where there were beautiful trees, chirping birds and flowers blooming it was like something out a fairy tale

Henry, This place is beautiful! Harry said

That's not even the best part, come on! said Henry

Harry then led Harry to his favourite spot in the entire forest, there was a beautiful lake and next to it was a large oak tree, it was beautiful, Henry then started climbing the tree and told Harry to follow him.

Come on, don't trot behind said Henry

Harry then started climbing the tree until he and Henry reached the longest branch on the entire tree and sat beside each other taking in the beautiful view

Wow, this is amazing said Harry

I know, my aunt and uncle brought me here when I was little, they said no one can go through these woods said Henry

What do you mean? Harry asked

Henry knew why he just couldn't tell him, the real reason why they were able to find this forest was because only witches and wizards could access these woods, they were created by a little witch and a young wizard back in the 1600's to hide themselves from the villagers who accused them of black magic, it was meant to be a place where children of wizardkind could play and to get away from the pressures of the Muggle world.

Henry didn't know how to answer that question so he dodged the question, Henry then took off his shirt and shoes and socks and wore nothing but his shorts he walked on the edge of the tree branch and jumped into the lake, this surprised Harry as it was unexpected of him to do that, Henry swam up to the surface and he asked Harry to join him as the water felt great

Come on in, the water's great! said Henry

Harry smiled as he took off his baggy shirt, and his shoes and jumped into the lake landing with a big splash, Harry then swam to the surface and he and Henry laughed, Harry hadn't laughed like that for as long as he could remember, for the first time in a long time he had fun, he and Henry then swam in the lake, splashing each other with water, after they got out of the water and put their clothes back on, they then started playing a nice game of Hide and Seek, after that they then started playing a game of Tag

You Can't catch me, Trotter Potter laughed Henry as he ran away from Harry

Yes I can, Barrow Harrow said Harry as he chased after him

and to end it off they laid down in the heart of the forest watching the sun set.

After all is said and done, Harry looked at his watch and saw that was almost 8 o'clock The Dursleys would be getting home soon, they then walked back to their respective houses across the street

Henry, I want to thank you said Harry

For what? asked Henry

For playing with me, and for making me happy I haven't had fun since, I can't even remember said Harry

You're welcome and thank you said Henry

Thank me for what? Harry asked

For being my friend said Henry

Friend?, I've never had a friend before said Harry

Henry and Harry then arrived back in Privet Drive, the Dursleys weren't back yet so, but Henry looked across the street to see his Aunt Wendy and Uncle Oliver outside waiting for Henry with smiles on their faces

Oh Harry, this is my Uncle Oliver and my Aunt Wendy, Aunt Wendy, Uncle Oliver this is my friend Harry Potter said Henry introducing Harry to his relatives

Nice to meet you said Henry as he shook their hands

It's so nice to meet you Harry said Oliver

Did you boys have fun? asked Wendy

Oh yes, we did said Henry

Well I hope you're hungry, I've just finished making dinner said Wendy

Thanks, Aunt Wendy said Henry

Harry, would you care to join us for dinner? asked Wendy

Oh no thank you, I've got to get home said Harry

Alright, and remember you're welcome to come over anytime said Oliver

Wendy and Oliver entered their house and Henry and Harry exchanged goodbyes

So long, Trotter Potter said Henry

See you round, Barrow Harrow said Harry

Harry and Henry then walked back to their own homes, this was the beginning of a truly wonderful friendship and little did either of them know it would lead to one of the biggest adventures they would ever have in their young life.

Meanwhile back with Hagrid it was nearly dark at the grounds of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid was putting flesh eating slug repellent on the cabbages in the school gardens, while he was doing that his 8 year old son Braxton was chasing a tabby cat in the halls of the school carrying a big stick, he chased the into the Great Hall he then looked around the hall for the cat when suddenly he felt the cat jumped on the shoulder and he started laughing the cat then jumped off Braxton's shoulder and meowed at him, the cat then laid on its back as Braxton poked with its belly with a stick.

And now with this sword I take you down, mighty manticore! said Braxton

The cat then turned back into Professor Minerva McGonagall who pretended she was stabbed

No, no, oh woe is me! said Professor McGonagall dramatically

she usually was strict with her students but with Braxton, she showed her fun side, Braxton had lived next to the school with his adoptive father Hagrid so to him every teacher, student, even the Hogwarts ghosts were practically family and Hogwarts was home despite living close to Hogwarts every time the school year started he had begged Professor Dumbledore to attend school and learn magic but Dumbledore told the young boy to be patient he'll attend the school when he turns 11, he couldn't wait for that day, but whenever the school year started he and his father would help tend to the grounds of the school, he would even make new friends with the students of the school from the first-year to the school prefects

That was fun, thanks Professor Braxton said to McGonagall

You're quite welcome, Braxton, I think that's enough playtime for one day said McGonagall

Professor, when school starts can I sit in with you during your transfiguration classes? asked Braxton

Oh Braxton, you've heard Professor Dumbledore, you have to be 11 to attend school, you're too young said McGonagall

I know, but every time I see my friends they tell me about all that they learned, and I want to learn magic, I want to learn how to brew potions, I want to be sorted into one of the four Hogwarts houses, and I watch to play Quidditch said Braxton

and you will, but you have to wait until you're older until then you can laugh, play and be a good sweet child said McGonagall

Hagrid then walked into the Great Hall telling his son it was time for supper

Braxton, come on now time for supper, I've made your favourite, beef stew said Hagrid

Coming, Dad! said Braxton

Braxton and his father went back home to their hut which was next to the school, and enjoyed a nice supper and after Hagrid read him his favourite bedtime story, he tucked him into bed

Good night, Brax said Hagrid

Good night, dad said Braxton

Hagrid then gave him a kiss on his forehead and blew out the candle next to his bed and he then got out his flute and played him his favourite lullaby.

There we go folks Chapter 3 is finished and once again I'd like to thank my writing partner Carl867  for his contributions to this story, Chapter 4 is on its way so stay tuned - TheRetroKid

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