Holo.Shitter: The Lore

Por HoloDotShitter

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Started as a big joke, turned it into a series. This is a wacky adventure/sci-fi story about a man named Hol... Más

Chapter 1: Holo.Zero
Chapter 2: Universe
Chapter 3: The woods where some stuff all began
Chapter 4: Penis Pimples is coming...
Chapter 5: The ium box
Chapter 6: Driproar
Chapter 8: Feets
Chapter 9: Five kilometers and a cave system deep (part 1)

Chapter 7: The Serious Tower

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Por HoloDotShitter

The girls and Driproar stood in front of the massive tower. It was a gigantic pink tower with a silly bow tie. Why is it even called a 'Serious Tower'? The top was yellow and had two large antennas. Those were needed to power the biggest population on Mars. There is a large gate with rows and rows of screens to register. The screen had two options: 'Enter Citizen Pass' and 'I am not a citizen'. "What does this say?" Driproar asked. "Pick the second option. It says 'I am not a citizen'." Amel Waton said. Driproar pressed the second option. The screen scanned Driproar's face. Driproar made a questioning face. "What is it doing?" He asked. The screen made a picture from his head. "Hey, I wasn't ready!" Driproar said. Below the screen was a small hole. A card came out of it with Driproar's questioning face on it. The card said 'Indefinite Pass' in red letters. Driproar took it and looked at this picture of himself. He couldn't contain himself from laughing. "Bahahahah! I look so stupid!" He said while pointing at his pass. "Lemme see!" Rumia said while jumping to reach the card. She also burst out laughing. "What if we all just made wacky faces?" Sarah suggested. P. Pimples and Rumia's eyes lit up. "Sarah that's awesome!" Rumia said. "Me first!" P. Pimples ran to the screen. She tapped the 'I am not a citizen' option and posed for the camera.
(12 minutes later)
They finally got inside of the Serious Tower. With their passes that contained their goofy faces in hand, they walked around. "Hey just so y'all know, I've never been here before." Amel Waton said. "Can't we get a map or something?" Rumia asked. "Oh how convenient. A large map." P. Pimples pointed at a large screen above them. The map had a small, orange layer. Telling them that they were on that layer. "This place is already huge, and it has a lot of floors too?!" Driproar said amazed. "It's peak architecture. Even Earth admits it." P. Pimples informed.

"Okay everyone, please don't get mad or anything. We're raising the rent with 0,00001% because it's a ridiculously small number!" A young adult man said on a stage. A huge crowd stood around him. The crowd laughed. The man and the crowd were both low quality, like everyone else on Mars. The man had long, brown hair in a ponytail and had brown eyes as well. This man was talking through a megaphone. He looked quite energetic with way he moved around. A real crowd pleaser. He wore a dark blue business suit with some not-so-serious colors. A yellow lapel and yellow topless cap. And also a pink tie. Weird colors for a business suit... The man pointed towards Driproar.

"Holy crap! There's a large lion man! Everyone panic!" The crowd turend around and became a big mess after seeing Driproar. Because how would you react if you saw a 2 meter tall lion man?

"No actually don't. I wasn't done with my speech." The man said. That made Driproar laugh. All the noise slowly stopped. "What a crowd control... who is he?" Sarah asked. "A politician or something?" Amel Waton guessed. "That is absolutely correct, woman in the back!" The man said. "Oh hey he heard me." Amel Waton said while she turned to her friends.
(17 minutes later)

The speech of the man had ended. He had gone back stage. "Who was he anyway?" Rumia asked. "No idea." P. Pimples answered. "Anyway let's find that job thingy for Driproar." Amel Waton said. "Oh yeah." Driproar said. "Wait you forgot?!" Sarah asked. "This old man forgets some stuff now and then, heheh." Driproar laughed. "Wait how old are you actually?" P. Pimples asked. "51. But I still feel young!" Driproar laughed. The girls looked wide eyed at him. "No grey hairs? Congratulations." Amel Waton patted him on the back. Driproar laughed. "Thanks!" He said.

"Hey! Big lion man!" Someone yelled. They all turned around to see who was calling Driproar. "Oh you're the guy from the speech!" Driproar said. "The one and only! The name's Meo. Meo the president!" He stuck his hand waiting for a handshake. "Nice to meet you man!" Driproar said as he shook his hand. "Wait you're the president?!" Rumia asked. Meo nodded. "Oh I've heard your name on Tv once. Don't you need guards or something?" Amel Waton asked. "Nah I'm good. I have an awesome disguise!" Meo said as he spun around to show his disguise. It was just a large jacket... "Anyway, just wanted to say: Nice costume! It looks really realistic!" He said. Driproar laughed. "It's not a costume!" He said. "You're joking." Meo said with wide eyes. "No it's real. I'm a real uhhh... lion? Or whatever you guys call it." Driproar said. "You don't know what a lion is?" Meo asked. "He comes from another planet. It's a long story..." P. Pimples said. "I could believe that with everything that has been happening." Meo said. "Ya know what? We've got lions. Let's go to the zoo! I pay!" Meo suggested. "You'd do that for us?!" Rumia and Sarah asked at the same time. "Yea I've got nothing to do really..." Meo said. "Awesome! Thanks man!" Driproar said. "No problemo!" Meo replied.

They stepped in one of the many tall elevators. This one was a little special. Probably because it was for important people like a president. Meo typed in some kind of address. "Okay guys don't panic. But these elevators go really fast." Meo said. "Huh?" They all said at the same time. The elevator began going upwards at high speeds. "AAAAAHH!" Rumia, P. Pimples, Sarah and Driproar yelled in panic. Meo and Amel Waton stood perfectly still. "Ahh, takes me back to that time where I got launched into space..." Amel Waton said. "You got launched into space?!" Meo asked. "Yeah, it was pretty awesome." Amel Waton answered. "You guys really are something else huh?" Meo commented.
(1 minute later)

"We're here!" Meo said as he stepped out of the elevator. Amel Waton followed. "You guys coming or what?" Amel Waton asked. Rumia, P. Pimples, Sarah and Driproar walked out of the elevator with shaky legs. Rumia's vase was shaking too?! How does that work? "Welcome to the Serious Tower Zoo!" Meo pointed at the large sign above the it. "Alright where are these lions at?" Driproar asked. "Hold on let me get some tickets." Meo said. He walked to a counter. "I hope they have seals!" Rumia said. "I love seals they're cute!" Sarah commented. "Yeah they're so cute!" Rumia replied. "Let's go there immediately!" Sarah suggested. "Can we go to the lions first?" Driproar asked. "Why don't we split up?" P. Pimples suggested.

"Guys I got tickets!" Meo said with 3 tickets in each hand. "Hey Mr President, We're gonna split up." P. Pimples said. "You sure? I could lead you around." Meo said. "I wanna look at the seals with Sarah!" Rumia said. "Alright then." Meo replied. "I'm going with them. 2 groups of 3 ya know?" Amel Waton said. Meo gave her a thumbs up. "Alrighty! We're going to the lions then!" Meo said excitedly.
(22 minutes later)
"Sarah look at that one!" Rumia said as she pointed at a seal swimming by. No reaction. "Sarah?" She asked. Rumia looked in Sarah's direction. Sarah had her face pressed against the glass looking at a baby seal. "It's so cute!" Rumia said as she hopped towards Sarah. The seal swum away. "Awww you scared it..." Sarah got her face off the glass. "Sorry..." Rumia apologised. "No it's okay. It'll probably come back!" Sarah said.

Amel Waton was eating popcorn she bought at a stall in the zoo. "Pretty tasty right?" She asked as she fed one to Guitar who sat on a bench beside her. Guitar peeped as always.
(Meanwhile at the lion area)

Meo, Driproar and P. Pimples were at the lion area. There were 3 females and 1 male. "So these are lions?" Driproar asked while looking at them. "They call them the king of the jungle. Even though they live in the savannah..." P. Pimples said. "Wait they don't live in the jungle?!" Meo asked surprised. "You didn't know?" P. Pimples asked back. "I'm not specialised on scientific areas." Meo shrugged. "They really look like me!" Driproar laughed. "I know right!" Meo replied. "The ones without manes are the girls right?" Driproar asked. "Yeah." P. Pimples said. "Nice, I know one thing." Driproar laughed again. The three of them heard a silly ringing sound. "Oh, my phone. Give me second." Meo said. P. Pimples and Driproar looked at each other. A second later they burst laughing. "It's like epilepsy for my ears!" P. Pimples laughed.

"Yeah? Maroh? What's up?" Meo said with his phone against his ear. The other end of the line wasn't clear enough to understand. "Right now?" Meo asked.
"Come one man I'm at the zoo."
"Yeah just come here. I'll pay."
"I'm at the lion area."
"Alright see you then."

Meo hung up. "Who was that?" P. Pimples asked. "Maroh: He deals with everything economics related." Meo answered. "He's coming to us in a few minutes." He added. "Oh okay." P. Pimples replied. "Hey do lions talk?" Driproar asked. "No they just roar." Meo said. "I think I got that one correct?" He asked P. Pimples. She simply nodded. "Nice!" Meo replied.
Sarah and Rumia sat on the bench next to Amel Waton. The seals had gone to a private room to be fed. "Hey do you guys wanna go somewhere else?" Amel Waton asked. "Sure." Sarah replied. "Let's go to the fishies!" Rumia suggested. "Sure, I love fish!" Amel Waton replied enthusiastically. "Alright then." Sarah replied as well while standing up. Amel Waton opened the map and searched with her finger. "Okay so, we gotta go left twice and then through the room with the conches." She said. "Okay let's go!" Rumia said. Guitar rolled into a ball and crawled under Amel Waton's pillbox hat.
"Uhm... Meo, who are these people?" A young, delinquent looking man asked. He had a scar between his nose and left eye and had rather long, dark purple hair. His hair got to his chest. "Oh these are people I met earlier this day. They're pretty interesting." Meo explained. He turned towards P. Pimples and Driproar. "Guys, this is Maroh." He turned towards Maroh. "Maroh, this are Driproar and P. Pimples." Meo said. "The economic dude?" P. Pimples asked. Maroh nodded. "I am." Maroh said. For an economics expert, he seemed to be dressing a little too casual with dark grey jeans and a black hoodie that said some kind of text. He seemed a little uncomfortable with new people so he replied quick and short. "Oh and also!" Meo pointed at Driproar. "That's a real lion!" Meo said. "Okay." Maroh replied. "That's it? Just an okay? It's a real talking lion!" Meo almost yelled. "I'm not falling for your jokes, Meo." Maroh said as he smiled a little. He had a soft spot for Meo. "I guess not everyone gets pumped up from lions." Driproar laughed. Maroh's eyebrows raised a little after hearing Driproar speak. "Nice costume." Maroh said. "It's reeeaaal!" Meo yelled again. "Okay okay I believe you stop yelling. We're gaining attention." Maroh said. This wasn't abnormal for Meo. He was known as 'The Silly President' anyway. "Okay soooo, what did you wanna discuss?" Meo asked. "Right. So I wanted to-

"Wait let's go to the sea shells first!" Meo interrupted. "You mean the conches?" P. Pimples asked. "Yeah the sea thingies." Meo said. Maroh tried to hide his smile. "Sure." He said.
"Wait, they're related to corals?!" Rumia looked surprised at Amel Waton. "Wait what?!" Sarah also looked at Amel Waton now. They stood in front of an aquarium that had different kinds of jellyfish. "Yeah, apparently..." Amel Waton said. "I don't see any similarities." Sarah said while pressing her face against the glass. "Look I don't make nature." Amel Waton said. "By the way..." Amel Waton looked at her right. "Look who's there." She said. Rumia looked at Amel Waton to see in which direction she was facing and faced in that direction. Basically doing a 360. "Oh hi guys!" She said. It were P. Pimples and the others. "Got tired of lions?" Amel Waton asked. "Meo wanted to see the so called 'sea thingies'." P. Pimples answered. Who's the eye scar guy? Amel Waton asked while pointing at Maroh. "Economic manager of this place or something." P. Pimples answered again. "And my friend!" Meo added. Maroh looked away after he said that. "Oh hey, I know these little fellas!" Driproar walked up to the jellyfish aquarium. "Really? Do they also exist on your planet?" Sarah asked. "Yeah they're related to corals right?" Driproar asked for confirmation. Sarah and Rumia sharply looked at each other with jaws dropped, then back at Driproar. "How do you know?" Rumia asked. "I just know!" Driproar laughed.

"Hey Meo, can we talk now?" Maroh asked. "Yeah sure." Meo said. "Hey Guys I've some business to discuss with Maroh. We'll be right back!" He said to the group. "Alright we'll wait here!" Amel Waton said. The two got a bit further away from the group. "So what do you think of them? Pretty cool people right?" Meo asked. "Yeah they're alright... but that's not important right now." Maroh said. "We have a little problem." He added. "What's the problem?" Meo asked. "There are weird creatures outside the Serious Tower right now. "Okay?" Meo replied. "They speak! Just like Drip- whatever!" Maroh said. "Wait, about how many are we talking. Meo asked. "We're talking roughly 4 million." Maroh answered. Meo was quiet for a few seconds. "Prepare three migration floors." Meo said calmly. "Are you gonna let them all in?! We only have 6 of those!" Maroh said. "Why are you stressing? We have 500 floors to fill." Meo said. "Well okay then." Maroh replied. "Leave nobody out." Meo said. "Alright." Maroh said.
"Hey guys we're back but Maroh has to-

They were trying to make a human pyramid. "Woah! I wanna be the top!" Meo said in excitement as he ran to the human pyramid. "Meo you're heavy!" Sarah said. "I have no problem with this." Rumia replied. "Oh by the way Maroh has to do some stuff so he has to go." Meo said. "Oh that's okay." Rumia replied. "Guys I can't hold it any longer!" Sarah said. Mere seconds later the pyramid fell apart.

Driproar started laughing. "Is everyone alright?" He asked. Meo stood up. "Yeah I'm alright thanks for breaking my fall!" He laughed. "Oh can you guys help me with something?" He added. "Sure what is it?" Amel Waton asked who was laying underneath Rumia and Sarah. "So we need some stuff from the storage. Could you guys help?" Meo asked. "Okay!" Rumia said while getting up. "Let's go there right now!" Meo suggested.
(13 minutes later)
"Oh man not again..." P. Pimples said while stepping into the lift. "Don't worry this time we're going down!" Meo said.
(2 minutes later)
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Rumia, P. Pimples, Sarah and Driproar yelled. "Pretty fun actually." Amel Waton said. "I know right!" Meo replied. "This is worse than the first one!" Rumia yelled.
(40 seconds later)
(Yeah this elevator goes 214 m/s)
"Tadaahhhh! Welcome to the storage floors!" Meo said while spreading his limbs in an X-shape. "Okay so we're gonna lift stuff." Amel Waton said while preparing her hands for heavy stuff. "Woah! Wait I only need 2 people here!" Meo waved his arms. "Alright. Rumia?" Amel Waton turned around. "Yeah sure." Rumia said while hopping out of the elevator. "Okay so... you guys just need to get some boxes with 'Migration' on them. Just take like 44 of them." Meo explained. He walked back into the elevator. "Hey where you going?" Rumia asked. "Gotta go a floor down with the rest because we need the forklift." Meo answered. "Your forklift certified?" P. Pimples asked to Meo. Meo nodded. "Thats pretty awesome, actually." P. Pimples said. "What's that?" Driproar asked. "Yeah what's a forklift?" Sarah asked afterwards. "I'll show you guys in a minute." Meo answered. "Alright bye!" Meo said while pressing the button on the elevator.

"Alright, time to lift." Amel Waton said. "Uhhhhmmm..." Rumia did not know what to say. "What's wrong?" Amel Waton turned around to face Rumia but she was looking at something else. "Oh... a bunch of hobos... Why not?" Amel Waton said. One of the hobos stepped forward. "Gives us everything of value you got." He said. "Or else what? You're gonna choke me with your breath?" Amel Waton said. The group of hobos blocked the elevator. Amel Waton and Rumia were surrounded. "We'll Rob you ourselves then." The supposed leader answered. "Oh okay." Amel Waton replied. There was a little silence. "So?" The leader said. "What?" Amel Waton asked. "Empty your pockets." The leader demanded. "Why?" Amel Waton asked. "Because... we want your valuable stuff." the leader answered. "Why?" Amel Waton asked again. "Because uhhh... we're poor." The leader answered again. "Why though?" Amel Waton asked once again. "Because uhhh..." The leader thought for a second. "Because we did bad at school and don't have a job I guess?" The leader answered once again. "Come on man... why didn't you do your best. You could've achieved great things!" Amel Waton said. "Yeah... I know... maybe I should've- wait a minute... why am I telling you this?!" The leader pointed at Amel Waton and Rumia. "Get them." He said.

Rumia and Amel Waton walked backwards until they stood back to back. The group of hobos got closer. "What should we do?!" Rumia whispered. "Just do whatever I do." Amel Waton whispered back. One of the hobos started yelling and dashed towards them. The rest did the same shortly after. One went towards Amel Waton. In blink of an eye he got hit. "Oh I get it." Rumia said while preparing herself. The weird lines appeared in her vision. A hobo ran towards her. Rumia jumped to the left to doge and give him an uppercut. "What just happened?" A hobo said to another. "It's like they're teleporting!" another said. Amel Waton and Rumia landed blow after blow. "This actually pretty fun!" Rumia said. "Yeah! I thought this would be difficult but it kinda like a dance!" Amel Waton replied. Of course this was all really confusing for the hobos. From their perspective, they were both teleporting. Amel Waton and Rumia were just incredibly agile. Rumia was caught off guard by the conversation she was having. "Rumia! Watch out!" Amel Waton yelled. She grabbed a hobo by the feet and swung him like a bat. A whole bunch of hobos fell to the ground, giving Rumia more time to react. "Focus!" Rumia said to herself while slapping her cheeks lightly. The barrage of attacks from both the girls continued until a few of them were seen climbing on top of the boxes trying to attack the girls from above. "Amel Waton!" Rumia said while landing a punch. "What's up?" Amel Waton replied. "Swing me." Rumia ordered. "That could seriously hurt you." Amel Waton said. "Just do it!" Rumia yelled. Amel Waton grabbed her hands and swung Rumia around. The vase on Rumia hit the heads of a lot of hobos. This caused half of the circle surrounding the two girls to get knocked out. Rumia and Amel Waton went to normal speed again. "Hey we still have another half left." Amel Waton said while stretching her arms and turning towards the hobos. "Yeah, you're right." Rumia replied while wiping the dust off her vase. The two menacingly got closer. The hobos could only make scared noises. "You take left, I take right." Rumia said. "Okey Dokey." Amel Waton replied. In a matter of seconds the hobos were all knocked out. "Well that was something..." Amel Waton commented with her hands on her hips. "I can't believe that I fought them all!" Rumia said.

"Hey what's going on here? I heard some noise."
The two girls turned towards the elevator. Meo was peaking his head out of the elevator. "We got attacked by a bunch of hobos but took care of it." Amel Waton said. "All by yourselves?" Meo asked. "Yeah." Amel Waton replied. Meo was quiet for a second. "And are you guys okay?" He asked while trying to find a way between the bodies of the unconscious hobos. "Yeah." Amel Waton answered again. "Well alright, I'll help you two with the boxes."
(22 minutes later)

A bonk sound was heard from the floor below. "What was that?" Rumia asked. "I'm gonna check up on them just wait here." Meo said. "Okay!" Rumia replied.
(14 minutes later)

Rumia and Amel Waton had finished gathering the boxes. And sat on them while waiting for Meo. "What could they even steal from us?" Amel Waton asked. "I have a bunch of stuff in here!" Rumia answered while pointing inside her vase. "Amel Waton took a peek inside. "Magnifying glass? Jar of powder?" Amel Waton asked. "Detective." Rumia shortly answered. "Ah yeah right." Amel Waton said

"Hey Guys." A voice said from the elevator. It was P. Pimples. "Oh hey guys." Amel Waton said. "I thought P. Pimples and Driproar how to use a forklift!" Meo said excitedly. "Yeah it's pretty cool. We Sarah for a ride." P. Pimples said. Sarah smiled and nodded in confirmation. "What did you guys do by the way?" Sarah asked. "Oh you know... just fighting a group of hobos." Amel Waton said. "Ah... those aren't potato bags..." Sarah sweatdropped. "The potato bags are 300 floors lower." Meo said. "Oh also... guess what!" P. Pimples said. "This could vary from finding a cool coin to murder." Rumia said. "Fair." P. Pimples said while shrugging. "Driproar found a job." She said. "Rumia and Amel Waton's eyes widened with a smile on both their faces. Amel Waton tilted her head down while looking at Driproar with the expression of 'For real?'. Driproar nodded and laughed. "I'm a spacecraft operator now!" He said. "I just had to see his license but I believe him so it wasn't necessary." Meo said. "Thank you so much, again." Driproar said with a hand on Meo's shoulder. "It's nothing." Meo said. "Anyway you guys are done. I gotta do some paperwork so you guys can enjoy the Serious Tower. I'll get you guys some hotel rooms. Waddya think?" He said. "Ah it's alright. Our house isn't far." Amel Waton said. "Okay then I'll come with you guys to the entrance." Meo said.
(2 minutes later)
"Alright see you later Meo." Amel Waton said. "Wait hold on!" Meo said. "What is it?" Amel Waton asked. "Can I get one of you guys as contacts. "You can have my e-mail! I'm good with this stuff!" Rumia said. "Alrighty then!" Meo said back in the same energetic tone. They exchanged e-mails. "Hey Driproar let's go." P. Pimples said. "Ah no, I'm staying here. Spacecraft operator you know!" Driproar said with a little laugh. "Wait you're still going to be in the Serious Tower right?" Sarah asked. "Yeah! I'll be here!" Driproar laughed. "We'll visit you some time. Promise." Amel Waton said while patting Driproar on his back. "See you guys!" Meo said.

And with that, they returned back home.

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