Holo.Shitter: The Lore

By HoloDotShitter

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Started as a big joke, turned it into a series. This is a wacky adventure/sci-fi story about a man named Hol... More

Chapter 1: Holo.Zero
Chapter 2: Universe
Chapter 3: The woods where some stuff all began
Chapter 4: Penis Pimples is coming...
Chapter 6: Driproar
Chapter 7: The Serious Tower
Chapter 8: Feets
Chapter 9: Five kilometers and a cave system deep (part 1)

Chapter 5: The ium box

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By HoloDotShitter

"Honey, I'm home!" Amel Waton kicked the door open even though she doesn't have a wife. "How did you even find this?" Rumia asked searching for a light switch. P. Pimples pointed at a light switch close to her. Rumia pressed the light switch and the lights went on. "Nice this thing has lights!" Amel Waton said. "You didn't know?" P. Pimples asked. "I've only been here once." Amel Waton replied. "Oh that reminds me..." she grabbed something from underneath her hat. A yellow ball? "What's that?" Rumia asked from a distance. "My pet: Guitar." Amel Waton said. The ball peeped. It opened up.  Guitar looked at Rumia with its illuminating blue eyes. "Oh my gosh it's so cute!" Rumia said. She looked at Amel Waton. "Can I pet it?" She asked. Amel Waton nodded. "Yay!" Rumia petted Guitar. It peeped happily.
"Sooo is this the only room or what?" P. Pimples asked. "I don't know. I've only been here once." She said. She walked to a door. "So like... What's in here?" Amel Waton opened the door. Her eyebrows went up in suprise. "A totally not suspicious staircase..." she described. "Huh what?" P. Pimples said as she looked over Amel Waton's shoulder. "Looks kinda spooky." At this point, they all stared down the staircase. "Rumia wanna come with me to check it out?" Amel Waton asked. "I'm NOT going down there!" Rumia said while crossing her arms. Amel Waton looked at Sarah. "H-huh? Me?!" Sarah said while pointing at herself. "I'll go." P. Pimples offered. "All right then." Amel Waton pointed down the staircase. "Let's go."
(4 minutes later)

"Damn, this staircase is long." Amel Waton commented. "Why did I have to go with you?" P. Pimples asked. "It's safer." Amel Waton answered. "So like, 2 people to watch each other's back upstairs, 2 downstairs?" P. Pimples asked another question. "Mhm." Amel Waton confirmed. "Smart." P. Pimples complemented. She pointed down the stairs. "Light switch." She said.
(Meanwhile upstairs)
"Hey so.... what should we do?" Rumia asked to Sarah. "I don't... actually know." Sarah replied. The silence was a little awkward. Sarah clapped her hands together. "Oh I have an idea!" She said. "Ooooh, what is it?" Rumia asked in a curious tone. Sarah pointed at the stairs. "Amel Waton and P. Pimples went downstairs. So let's check upstairs!" Sarah said. "Sure!" Rumia replied happily. "Wanna come with us Guitar?" She asked. Guitar peeped enthusiastically, which meant 'yes'.
And so the three went upstairs.
Amel Waton pressed the light switch. It took a few seconds but they went on. It was a long hallway with doors on the left side. At the end of the hallway was a big wooden door. They went to the first door. Amel Waton opened the door. Nothing. "Nice, free storage." Amel Waton said. The second door. She couldn't open it. "Kick it open maybe?" P. Pimples suggested. Amel Waton shrugged. "Eh why not?" She said. P. Pimples kicked open the door. A rope coming from a hole in the right wall. It was tied to the door handle but the kick loosened it. "Why not lock the door instead of this?" P. Pimples asked. "No idea" Amel Waton answered. The third door. "This is starting to feel like a horror game." Amel Waton said. "Yeah like when there's nothing and then the last room will have a creepy girl with that long hair covering her face." P. Pimples replied. The third door wasn't locked. Amel Waton opened the door to the third room. "A little machine?" she said. The machine was connected to rope, going through a hole in the left and right wall. They got closer and P. Pimples pointed down at a button on the machine. Amel Waton pressed it. But it couldn't be pressed. Was it stuck? Amel Waton turned the box on its side. She saw a loose cable. "Oh this is fixable." She said. Amel Waton stuck the loose cable between the electrical plate it contained and the corner of the machine. She turned the machine back up and...


Two sticks where the rope was connected to came out. One going in when the other came out. "You're good at this stuff." P. Pimples commented with crossed arms. "Thanks." Amel Waton said as she stood up. "What did you study?" P. Pimples asked. "Technics and Science." Amel Waton replied. "Nice." P. Pimples said. They heard the fourth door close. P. Pimples went out of the room to check. One stick went out, the other went in. The second door closed lightly. "What's going on?" Amel Waton asked. "It closes a door every five seconds. That's pretty much it." P. Pimples assumed. "I see... Why though?" Amel Waton questioned. "No idea." P. Pimples shrugged. She walked inside the third room to shut off the machine. "Let's check the fourth door." She added. "Alright." Amel Waton said.
"Woah, this place looks good for bedrooms and stuff!" Sarah said as she walked to a window. "Only 2 rooms though. Who sleeps with who?"  Rumia said while she was checking the rooms. "What about me and Amel Waton and you and P. Pimples?" She asked. "You can choose." Sarah said. "By the way, what's that?" Sarah asked as she pointed out of the window. "Huh lemme see." Rumia jumped towards the door. She took a close look. She saw sand moving around. Like it where humans made of sand. "Oh my gosh..." Rumia jumped backwards with wide eyes. "Get the other girls." Rumia said. "What? Is it that bad?" Sarah asked getting worried. "On a scale from 1 to 10... that would be eleven." Rumia jumped rapidly downstairs.
P. Pimples opened the fourth door. Luckily, it was open. "Something?" Amel Waton asked while peaking over P. Pimples' shoulder. "Nothing." P. Pimples answered. They walked into the room. "Oh actually something." Amel Waton said. "Huh? What?" P. Pimples asked. Amel Waton pointed at the wall. Someone wrote some complex calculations in graffiti that have been overwritten with huge letters. "Gaytrap was here." P. Pimples read out loud. "Who even calls themselves Gaytrap?" She asked. "Someone who traps gays or something?" Amel Waton guessed. She walked out with P. Pimples following. The last door is a wooden door. Should be easy. Amel Waton kicked the door. It didn't open. She tried again. And again. "Come on." Amel Waton said. "Lemme try." P. Pimples offered. Amel Waton stepped aside. P. Pimples kicked the door. It didn't work. She tried again. "Damn this door is pretty strong." P. Pimples commented.


"Who's there?" Amel Waton asked. "Gaytrap?!" P. Pimples said acting like she was panicking. Amel Waton laughingly exhaled. They turned around to see a girl in a bowl jumping down the stairs. "What's up?" Amel Waton asked from the other side of the hallway. "There are SBH's outside!" Rumia said in panic. "Shit." Amel Waton said. As she and P. Pimples followed Rumia back upstairs.
"They're approaching us!" Sarah said in panic. "Amel Waton looked out of the window. "Damn they really are SBH's." Amel Waton said. "What's that?" Sarah asked. "It stands for uhhh..." Amel Waton thought for a second. "What does it stand for?" She whispered to P. Pimples. "Sand Bacteria Humanoids." P. Pimples whispered back.
"It stands for Sand Bacteria humanoids. So basically there is this bacteria called 'The Porner' also known as 'coccus poria'. The bacteria wraps around grains of sand but coccus bacteria also attach themselves to each other which creates sand monsters. They can infect you when grains of sand get onto your pores because the bacteria just climbs in." Amel Waton explained. "Is there a cure?!" Sarah asked in fear. "Antibiotics should do the trick but you gotta cool down in one of those padded rooms for a few hours. It's pretty annoying." Amel Waton said calmly. "Why are you so calm the doors aren't sand proof!" Rumia yelled. "Shit." Amel Waton said. She took a breath in. "Guys we need to get outta here now." They all ran towards the entrance of the ium box. The SBH's spotted them. "Run to V0!" Amel Waton yelled. Rumia and P. Pimples flashed to V0. Sarah wasn't low quality which made getting out of there fast a problem. She ran but fell. An SBH moved quickly towards her. "SARAH!" Amel Waton flashed to her and kicked her away as fast as possible. "Aaaah!" Sarah shouted in pain as she landed a few 10 meters further. "Amel Waton!" Sarah yelled. "Run to V0! I'll buy you some time!" Amel Waton replied as the SBH's trapped her legs in the sand. Without turning around, Sarah ran towards V0.
(22 minutes later in V0)
Rumia and P. Pimples were in V0 next to the desert. "Where are Sarah and Amel Waton?!" Rumia said while she hopped back and forth out of worry. "I just hope they're well." P. Pimples said as she sat on a bench that gave her a view of the drylands ."There!" She pointed at movement in the drylands. Rumia did not answer. She was lost in thought. "Rumia!" P. Pimples yelled. "Huh?" Rumia snapped out of thought. P. Pimples pointed at the movement in the desert again which was approaching. Rumia looked. "Sarah! We're here!" she jumped with her arms in the air. Sarah noticed as she was trying to maintain a stable breathing cycle.
(3 minutes later)
Sarah finally arrived. "Guys.... Amel... Waton..." Sarah said as she caught her breath. Rumia gave her a pat on the back. "Take deep breath's." She said. When Sana finally did, she apologised immediately. "I'm sorry..."  Sarah said. "What happened?" Rumia asked. "Amel Waton... a sand monster attacked me and she saved me but... she got caught by one..." Sarah explained. "Where's she now?" P. Pimples asked. "Still there." Sarah said. "At the ium box?" P. Pimples asked. Sarah nodded in confirmation. "We should get back in a few hours." Rumia stated. "Hours?!" Sarah looked at Rumia. "We could go back in a few minutes since SBH's are always on the move. "What if they're in the ium box?" Rumia asked. "Rather unlikely, there's no warmth of the sand." P. Pimples explained. "You know a lot about this." Sarah said. "Yeah I studied biology in highschool." P. Pimples replied. "Anyway let's get going. I bought a bottle of ethanol." She said standing up. "Does anyone know where it actually is?" "That way!" Rumia pointed towards the drylands as she jumped away. "Alrighty." P. Pimples followed with Sarah behind her.
(27 minutes later)
"Oh by the way" Sarah broke the science. "How do you remember the route?" She asked Rumia. "You see that silly looking tower?" Rumia pointed at the Serious Tower. Sarah nodded. "If it's facing to the back that means we're going the right way." Rumia explained. "Oooohhh I see" Sarah said.
(20 minutes later)
They finally arrived. At the ium box. Luckily, no SBH's. "Do you have rubber gloves in your medical bag?" Rumia asked P. Pimples. After searching in her bag, P. Pimples handed her green rubber gloves. "They are oversized though." P. Pimples warned. Rumia put on the rubber gloves and opened the door of the entrance. "Amel Waton? Are you here?" Rumia said scared.


"Eeeek!" Sarah got scared. "Yep, That's her." P. Pimples said. "Gimme the bottle." Rumia stuck out her hand. P. Pimples handed her the bottle of ethanol. "Good luck." She said. "Thanks." Rumia said as she opened the door. P. Pimples listened closely to what happened inside.

"O-oh...h-hey Amel Waton..."
The door opened with Rumia jumping out, wide eyed.
"You do it, I'm scared!" Rumia said to P. Pimples. "Alright." She said as Rumia handed her the gloves and bottle. "I'll be right back." She said while opening the door.

"Hey Amel Waton." P. Pimples put the ethanol on the gloves. Amel Waton who had gone crazy jumped at P. Pimples. She punched Amel Waton in the stomach. "RAAAAAH!" The infected Amel Waton flew against the wall. P. Pimples walked up to Amel Waton and covered her in ethanol, killing the bacteria. The ethanol hurt all small wounds on her body. Now the bacteria were killed. P. Pimples grabbed her arms and held them behind her back. "Rumia open the door!" She said. The door opened.
Amel Waton made weird noises, scaring Rumia.
"Is she harmless now?" Rumia asked. "Yeah." P. Pimples replied. "Let's find a doctor." Rumia said.
(1 hour and 3 minutes later)
The girls were walking in the city of V0. "Raaaaahh!!" Amel Waton yelled. "Shut up." P. Pimples gave her a light karate chop. Amel Waton's hands were tied. Nobody in the city looked suprised at all. It was normal. "We're here." Rumia said. They stood in front of a large building with a sign. 'V0 Medical Center' it said. They entered the building but Sarah didn't move. "What's wrong?" Rumia asked. "I'm scared." Sarah replied. "Why?" Rumia asked. "It's just that I'm not used to scientists." Sarah explained. "They won't even talk to you don't worry." P. Pimples said without looking. She was trying to keep Amel Waton under control. "Okay if you say so..." Sarah said. She stepped in. Rumia jumped to the counter. "Hi!" She said. "Hello, how can I help you?" The man behind the counter asked. "Is there a doctor available who specialises in The Porner?" Rumia asked. "There will be one available in a few minutes. Please wait in the waiting room." The man said. Rumia jumped away from the counter and sat down next to Sarah.
(7 minutes later)
"A certain Bowling Rumia?" A doctor walked in. "Here!" She said. "You can follow me." The doctor said.
"So, how did this happen?" The doctor said while she clicked some stuff on her computer. "We were in the desert. And we got attacked by sand monsters. We managed to escape but our friend here didn't." P. Pimples explained. "I see... The Porner is most severe when infected by SBH's so I would say 56 hours minimum. We've prepared a room for her already so why don't we go right now?" She stood up with the girls following her.

"RAAAAAH!!" Amel Waton punched against the wall trying to get out but it didn't work. The girls and the doctor watched from outside. "Can I contact any of you in case of emergency?" The doctor said. "You can have my contact info." Rumia snatched her pen and wrote it down for her. "Alright then, she is in good hands so don't worry about that." The doctor reassured as she held the door open for them. "Okay! thanks doctor!" Rumia said as she and the others got out of the room. They were now with 3. "Let's get home. Guitar must be waiting." Rumia said.

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