Harry Potter and the Horned S...

Por King-of-the-7-Sins

205 17 4

After an intense battle against his brother Thor, Loki finds himself on Midgard. Weakened, mortal and in a ch... Más

Amongst Mortals
Smoke and Mirror
Joy Ride
False Bravado
Scales and Spells
In a Tangled Web

Fascinating Discoveries

33 4 0
Por King-of-the-7-Sins

The beginning of the first year at Hogwarts very uneventful, as I had predicted, but not without the occasional mishaps in our classes. For starters, in our first potions class, the first years' introduction, Snape burst into the class as everyone turned to look at him, making his way to the front of the room. 

"There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art of potion making. However, for those select few..." Snape spoke as he turned to look over at me, where I gave him a soft smirk. "Who possess the predisposition... I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses." I already know how but go on. "I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper on death." Snape stated as he looked around the room, until his eyes landed on Harry, who was writing in his notebook.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough to not pay attention." Snape said, slightly raising his voice, as Hermione and I nudged Harry trying to get his attention. "Mr. Potter." Snape called out as he moved to stand in front of Harry. "Our newest celebrity. Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered rot of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape asked as Hermione raised her hand, but Harry shook his head. 

"You don't know? Well, let's try again. Where, Mr. Potter, would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar?" Snape asked as Hermione raised her hand again. "I don't know, sir." Harry replied. "And what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape asked for a third time as Hermione still had her hand raised. Seriously girl, no one likes a know-it-all, at least an obvious one. "I don't know, sir." Harry replied again. Oh this is just too painful to watch. I raised my hand slightly as Snape called on me. "Mr. Odinson. Perhaps you can answer?"

"First... You'd brew a sleeping potions so powerful it is known as the draught of the Living Death. Second... a bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. And third... monkshood and wolfsbane are the same plant that go by the name of aconite." My answers seemed to please Snape as he had a smile of contentment. "Nicely done, Loki. 10 points to Slytherin." Snape said as the other Slytherin students smiled. "Pity. Clearly, fame isn't everything... is it, Mr. Potter?" Snape asked cynically. Harry and Hermione turned to me as I shrugged. After that little interaction, the rest of class went smoothly. Though Snape clearly had a dislike for Harry and would take it upon himself to blame Harry for even the slightest mishap.

During lunch Harry was reading the Daily Prophet which mentioned about a break-in at Gringotts, but nothing was stolen. More like what the thief was planning to steal had already been taken from the vault. Suspicious.

During my free period, I took the opportunity to visit Minerva and help her grade some papers. "So how are you fairing in your classes?" The older witch asked as I flipped through the piles of parchment. "They're fairing well. High marks in all classes. Even in potions. Though He can be a bit harsh when it comes to Potter." I stated, stealthily altering Malfoy's answers into the wrong ones, making Minerva give him low marks. "I've also heard rumors about someone causing chaos, placing Filch in a tizzy" Minerva said side-eyeing me.

"That's unfortunate. Considering how good of a person Filch is." My sarcasm being quite obvious, Minerva had grown accustomed to my sarcasm, as I did hers. "It would be a shame if the perpetrator were caught. The punishment would be great." She said eyeing me again. "Indeed it would be a shame." We gave each other a look before smiling to each other knowingly. "Besides what's wrong with a few fun pranks and some harmless mischief."

"And how is your relationship with Potter?"

"It's going quite we for the most part. Nothing—" But before I could finish my statement, we noticed a student flying on a broomstick at high speed towards our window, only for them to catch something before stopping right in front of us. The student in question was none other that Potter himself. "-I can't handle." I finished my statement as Minerva walked over to the window just as Harry left. Minerva quickly made her way out her office with me close behind. Once outside we watched as Harry was congratulated by his classmates.

Minerva asked Harry to follow her, and we walked Harry to Professor Quirrell's Defense Against the Dark Arts class and asked for Oliver Wood, who was the Quidditch captain for Gryffindor, telling him that Harry would make a perfect seeker. Then later that day after Harry was announced of his new position on the Quidditch team, Hermione showed us that Harry's father James Potter was also a Seeker during his time at school.

Later as we were making our way through the main stairways trying to get to our individual common rooms the stairs began to move. "I hate these blasted stairs." Once the staircase stopped moving, the four of us made our way into the first door we saw. "Let's go this way." Harry spoke. "Before the staircase moves again." Ron added as they went through the door. And into a dark creepy, cobwebbed hallway.

"Does anybody feel like we shouldn't be here?" Ron questioned. "Were not supposed to be here. This is the third floor. It's forbidden" Hermione stated. " Then a nearby stone torch lit up suddenly spoking them. "Let's go." Harry spoke as we heard a loud meow. When we turned around, we saw a tabby cat with blood red eyes standing by the door. "Mrs. Norris! It's Filch's cat!" I exclaimed as the four of us began to run.

As we ran across the forbidden floor, more of the stone torches began to become a light. "Quickly. Let's hide through that door." Harry said as we ran towards a wooden door. With a wave of my hand the door flung open as we rushed inside and closed it. Hermione and Ron stood by the door as Harry, and I walked slightly further into the room. When we noticed what laid inside the room, we froze.

"Filch is gone." Hermione stated as she and Ron walked over to Harry and I. "Probably thinks this door's locked." Ron spoke. "It was locked." Hermione replied. "And for good reason." Harry stated as he and I looked mortified. When Ron and Hermione turn to look at what we were so scared of, they saw a large three-headed dog sleeping in the center of the room.

Then when the dog woke up and noticed the four of us, it stood up on all fours and all three heads began to growl. The four of us screamed as we ran out of the room and amongst the four of us, they closed and locked the door.

We managed to reach the main corridor as I began to laugh between heavy breaths. "What's so bloody fun?" Ron exclaimed. "I haven't had that much excitement in a long time. Quite fun indeed." I said catching my breath as the other two looked at me with troubled looks. "Oh lighten up. We're alive, aren't we? That's what matters. We can discuss the finer details and about the dog and that trapped door tomorrow. Until then." I bid them farewell as I made my way down to the Slytherin common room.

Some time passed after the three-headed dog incident. It was now the mortal's holiday of All Hallows Eve or Halloween as they call it nowadays. The morning was dedicated to normal classes. In charms class, Professor Flitwick taught us the levitation charm "Wingardium Leviosa" a basic spell really, nothing extravagant. At least Seamus managed to make his feather explode which was entertaining enough.

The rest of the day went by normally, although I did notice that Hermione was quite absent from most of the day. I had a feeling that either Ron or Harry was responsible. Considering Ron's unfiltered mouth by guess was on the former.

During the Halloween feast, I noticed that Hermione was still missing. I overheard some Slytherin girls poking fun that Hermione had been in the girls' bathroom all afternoon, crying.

 Urgh. Boys, I swear.

I got up from my seat and walked out and headed to the girls' bathroom. While I was far from considering Hermione a friend, she was the only competent peer at this school. So I decided to check on her. 

Once outside, I knocked. "Hermione? Are you well?" I called out.

"Go away!" She yelled. "Well that's quite rude. I'm simply making sure you are alright." I opened the door entering. "I'm entering. Hope you're decent." I called out covering my eyes. "You're fine. No one else is here." She said somberly.

"Let me guess. Ron?" Her silence was the confirmation I needed. "I swear that boy has the emotional range of a teaspoon." Hermione laughed.

"Come on out." I said as softly as I could, which seemed to be enough for her to walk out of the stall. She placed her head on my chest, surprising me. I softly patted her head trying my best to comfort her.

"Come on. Let's get you to the Great Hall, you must be hungry."

But when we turned around we noticed a pair of large two-toed feet. When we looked up we saw a large hideous mountain troll, wielding a large wooden club. We looked up mortified as we slowly backed up, the troll took two large steps before raising its large club, ready to strike.

I pulled Hermione into a stall and pulled her down avoiding the troll's club. Then we heard the doors open as Harry and Ron barged in. "Loki, Hermione move!" Harry cried out as I made Hermione crawl to the next stalls. I moved the other way standing with the boys trying to distract the Troll.

Hermione crawled over to the sinks. Harry took out his wand and ran up to the Troll. Grabbing onto its club, Harry ended up on top of the Troll, sitting on its shoulders. The Troll tried to shake him off, but the momentum caused Harry to lodge his wand up the Troll's nose, as Ron and I had a face of disgust. The Troll tried to shake Harry off again, this time grabbing him and holding him up by his leg. "DO SOMETHING!" Harry cried out, as the Troll swung at him, only for him to curl upward to dodge the swing. "What?" Ron questioned as he looked around, not knowing what to do. "ANYTHING!" Harry exclaimed as he curled upward again in order to avoid another swing. "HURRY UP!"

Urgh. I focused on the club as my eyes glowed brighter and when the troll went to swing again, its club remained in the air. I let the club drop and bonk the troll on its head as my eyes returned to normal. The Troll began to shamble as it dropped Harry in the process. Shambling forward towards them, Harry began to crawl away, I grabbed him and pulled him to safety. The Troll fell in front of us as its body kicked up dust, causing us to cough and being covered in dust.

Hermione approached us. "Is it... dead?" Hermione asked. "I don't think so. Just knocked out." Harry stated as he reach down and retrieved his wand from the Troll's nostrils as mucus stuck to the wand. "Oh! Troll bogies." Harry said in disgust as he wiped it off with his robes.

Moments later Minerva, Snape and Quirrell arrived to see the unconscious troll. We tried to explain what happened when Hermione decided to take the blame, surprising all of us. McGonagall deducted points from all of us but later rewarded us with more points for surviving the troll.

I went my separate way from the three Gryffindors surprised at the events that transpired. And I found myself pondering as to all that has happened recently. With the Gringotts theft, the Three-headed dog and now the random troll attack. None of these could be a coincidence. They are all interconnected somehow.

A devilish smile was plastered on my face. Finally something interesting. And I was worried that a Midgardian magic school was going to be a dull experience.

This is more exciting than I expected.

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