Blue Lock Specials

By Memesuga01

31.9K 1.3K 151

Kuroko-chan just hanging with the Blue Lock boys {Cover by: HOSHIKOLUVSSSS (My child)} More

~Special 01~
~Special 02~
~Special 03~
~Special 04~
~Special 05~
~Special 06~
~Special 07~
~Special 08~
~Special 09~
~Special 10~
~Special 11~
~Special 13~
~Special 14~
~Special 15~
~Special 16~
~Special 17~
~Special 18~
~Special 19~

~Special 12~

1.2K 58 4
By Memesuga01

Plot: The boys reaction to Kuroko-chan crying.

Requested by: No one

-3rd POV-

It was a known fact around Blue Lock that the most amazing and cutest manager barely shows emotion. Unless it was something that she loved which would make her eyes sparkle and have sparkles around her. The Blue Lock boys never seen her cry or super angry, only her brother has, which Tetsuya wishes to never see again.


(Y/n) was on her tablet, watching a show that seemed to have its funny and sad moments. Meanwhile, the boys trained so they didn't pay much attention. Though, as soon as they went for a break, they all scattered around the field talking and drinking their water.

Isagi sat beside the girl, drinking from his bottle, before peeking over and see what she was watching, before minding his business.

That is, until he heard a sniffle, making him snap his head towards her, "(Y/n)-chan?" He softly called out.

She only sniffled more in response, till he saw tears dripping down her face.

He instantly paused her show and pulled her in for a hug, "Are you okay? What's wrong?" He softly questioned her.

She sniffled, "She shouldn't have died. She sacrificed herself to save them." She cried.

He slightly chuckled as he rocked her side to side to calm her down, 'She's so adorable...' He thought, as he let her cry.


Bachira was training with (Y/n), listening to her words on what he needed to train on and what he should do in a worse case scenario on the field. Though, as they trained, his worst nightmare came true.

(Y/n) ran and caught the ball, so as she ran, she started to feel her stamina depleting, which the male took note of.

"You alright? We can take a break if you want." He said.

"No, I'll be fine." She said, before losing her footing and fell.

"(N/n)-chan!" He ran towards her, kneeling down and carefully sat her up, "I told you we should've taken a break." He then saw her shoulders shake then heard a sniffle, "(N/n)-chan?" He gently moved her hair to see her face.

"I'm sorry, senpai..." She cried, "I should've listened to you."

He instantly hugged her, "Ah! It's okay! How about we go and call it a day, yeah?"

She nodded, sniffling, "Okay..."

He gently wiped her tears, "No more crying. I like you more with a smile." He grinned.


He blinked as he was in the dining hall with (Y/n), who wanted his help with something.

"So, why am I here again?" He questioned.

"I need help with prepping the food for you guys. Plus, why not have help." She smiled softly, which made him blush.


As they cooked, the girl was cutting up vegetables, though she soon got slightly distracted and ended up cutting her finger.

"Ow." (Y/n) winced as she looked at her finger, which started to bleed.

Kunigami instantly looked at her, "You okay?"

"Yeah, just cut my finger."

He walked up and put it under the faucet, "Keep it here till I get the aid-kit." He said, walking off. He soon came back and started to disinfect it, which made her flinch, "You okay?"

"Yeah." She felt her eyes sting.

He finished bandaging her finger and looked at her, then his eyes widen, "You're crying..."

"Ah, it just stung a lot." She said, as he wiped her tears.

He slightly chuckled, "I'll try to be more careful next time."


(Y/n) slightly pouted as she looked around her office, looking for a very important item, before getting out and looked other places where she might have placed it.

She walked into the guys room, since she was there earlier but only saw the familiar red haired male, "Senpai, have you seen a black wristband?"

Chigiri looked up from his treatment for his knee, "I don't think so...Why? Is it important?"

She nodded, "It's the same one I have as my brother. It's the only thing that I basically have to remind me of him while I'm here."

He hummed, "I don't think I've seen it here. How about I help you look around?"


So, they went to look, and she was getting desperate to find it to the point that she started to tear up.

"If I don't find it...I don't know what I'll do." She let a few tears stream down.

Chigiri was shocked by her tears but nonetheless he brought her in for a hug, "It's okay. We'll find it. It will show up when we're not looking for it. Just watch, it's happened to me." He chuckled.

"Yeah, you're right..."

They went to relax by doing skincare and soon Isagi came by saying he found the wristband, which made her very happy.

"See? It would show up when we weren't looking." He smiled.


Ah, rich boy Reo. He's probably the type to buy something if you're feeling sad. Which he definitely did with (Y/n).

(Y/n) was walking down the hall, but was too distracted to look up from the tablet as she reviewed her notes. Though, as she walked she ran into the wall, hitting her head and fall back, "Ow..." She muttered, instantly putting her hands up to her forehead, which now had a red mark and tears threatening to spill.

"(Y/n)-chan?" A voice called out, making her turn her head, seeing Reo. His eyes soon widen, seeing the tears, "You alright?" He ran to her.

"Yeah. I was distracted and didn't notice the wall..." She said.

He chuckled and gently rubbed her head to soothe the pain, "Come on." He helped her up and gave her the tablet that laid on the floor, "You go relax."

Days passed since the incident and (Y/n) got a delivery, which was a giant plushie of a bear and looked at the note that said it was from the purple haired male.


The white haired male played his games beside the manager, who was silent and making strategies for the team.

He soon put his phone down and laid his head on her shoulder, letting out a small yawn.

(Y/n) blinked multiple times as she felt something get in her eye, which made her eyes tear up.

Nagi took note of her tensed state, "(Y/n)-chan? You okay?"

"Yeah. Something got in my eye though." She said, rubbing her eye.

He lifted his head and made her turn to him, before softly blowing on her teary eyes, "Better?"

She nodded, "Yeah. Thanks, senpai."

He nodded, before gently putting her in front of him and hugged her from behind as the two sat, then put his head on top of her head, "Good. I don't like seeing (Y/n)-chan crying." He said, closing his eyes as he was starting to get sleepy just by being in her presence.

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