By raithemonster_

19 0 0

Tyler Cross She had a "normal" life in New York, New York but had to move due to the personal events that ha... More

Trigger Warning
Tyler Cross
00: Dream of Life

01: City Girl

6 0 0
By raithemonster_

April 19, 2018, 6:00 AM

The alarm clock's incessant beeping fills the room, echoing off the walls until Tyler can no longer ignore it. She stirs from her sleep, eyes fluttering open, groping for the source of the noise. With a groan, she fumbles to switch it off, blinking against the dim light filtering through her curtains. As she sits up, she feels the cool morning air seeping through the crack in her window, a sharp contrast to the warmth of her blankets. Rubbing the sleep from her eyes, Tyler reluctantly swings her legs over the edge of the bed, her feet meeting the cold floor with a shiver.

With a yawn, Tyler reaches for her phone, unplugging it from the charging cable and squinting at the bright screen. She scrolls through notifications, briefly checking messages and social media updates before dragging herself out of bed. The bathroom beckons, promising wakefulness with each splash of water on her face.

April 19, 2018, 6:30 AM

An hour later, Tyler emerges from the bathroom, feeling marginally more alive after the shower. She towels off her damp hair, the hairdryer's soft hum filling the quiet morning. With practiced efficiency, she brushes her hair, the bristles gliding through the tangles with ease. Next comes the meticulous routine of dental care, her toothbrush dancing over her teeth in a blur of minty foam.

Skincare follows, a series of lotions and potions applied with care to ensure her complexion remains flawless. Makeup is the next step, each stroke of the brush enhancing her features until she is satisfied with the result. Finally, she stands before her closet, deliberating over her outfit for the day. After much contemplation, she settles on a black graphic tee, its faded print a testament to years of wear, paired with cuffed light blue ripped skinny jeans that hug her curves in all the right places. Her well-loved white Converse Chuck Taylors complete the look, their scuffed exterior a testament to the miles she's walked in them.

Tyler took her time in front of the mirror. After much consideration, she finally settled on the chic ensemble that reflected her mood-a blend of confidence and readiness for whatever challenges awaited her.

As she descended the stairs, the gentle aroma of breakfast greeted her, weaving its way from the kitchen and wrapping around her senses like a comforting embrace. The promise of a delicious meal beckoned her forward, coaxing a smile to her lips.

In the kitchen, she prepared a simple yet satisfying breakfast, pouring herself a bowl of Frosted Flakes, her favorite cereal. Each spoonful brought a sense of familiarity and comfort, a moment of tranquility amidst the hustle and bustle of the day ahead. With her hunger sated and her mind clear, Tyler gathered her belongings-a sleek bag slung over her shoulder, containing everything she needed for the day. Stepping out the door, she took a deep breath of the crisp morning air, feeling invigorated and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

The world outside was alive with possibility, the sunlight dappling the pavement as she walked, casting a golden glow over everything it touched. With each step, Tyler felt a sense of purpose and determination coursing through her veins, propelling her forward into the adventures that awaited her.

As she ventured out into the day, the gentle rays of the morning sun painted the world in hues of soft gold, casting long shadows that danced at her feet. Tyler couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation bubbling within her, like a simmering pot waiting to boil over with possibilities. It was as if the very air around her crackled with electric energy, promising adventures yet to unfold and dreams waiting to be realized.

With each step she took, the familiar streets echoed with the rhythm of her purposeful stride, the steady beat of her heart syncing with the pulse of the city awakening around her. Whatever challenges or triumphs lay ahead, she was ready to meet them head-on, her spirit unyielding, her resolve unbreakable.

Armed with nothing but her strength, forged in the fires of past battles won and lessons learned, she carried herself with the grace of a warrior poised for battle. Her resilience, a shield against the arrows of doubt and fear that threatened to pierce her resolve, stood tall and unyielding, a testament to her unwavering determination to carve her own path in a world fraught with uncertainty.

As she gazed upon the horizon, where the sky kissed the earth in a tender embrace, she felt a surge of optimism swell within her chest, like a phoenix rising from the ashes of doubt and hesitation. For in that fleeting moment, she knew that no matter what lay ahead, she would face it with courage in her heart and fire in her soul, ready to seize the day and make it her own.

April 19, 2018 7:00 AM

Finally, with each step she takes across the threshold onto the bustling school grounds, Tyler's heart quickens its pace, her anticipation mounting as she catches sight of the one person who never fails to make her pulse race: Bentley, her cherished boyfriend. Yet, amidst the flurry of emotions coursing through her, a lingering question tugs at the corners of her mind, demanding attention: who truly is Bentley beyond the charming facade she knows so well?Yes, Bentley is the embodiment of love, kindness, and respect-the qualities that have woven him seamlessly into the fabric of Tyler's life and captured the admiration of those around him. But like a carefully guarded secret, there's a side to Bentley that remains concealed from the prying eyes of the world-a truth he keeps hidden, even from Tyler: Bentley is a closeted gay man, navigating the labyrinth of identity, acceptance, and societal expectations with each careful step he takes.

As Tyler's gaze lingers on Bentley, a kaleidoscope of thoughts dances through her mind, each one a thread in the intricate tapestry of their relationship. What struggles does Bentley grapple with in the silence of his own thoughts? What fears and insecurities gnaw at the edges of his consciousness, threatening to unravel the carefully constructed facade he presents to the world? And, most importantly, how can Tyler be the unwavering beacon of support and understanding that Bentley needs as he embarks on the turbulent journey of self-discovery?

But let us not overlook the physical embodiment of Bentley's presence-a presence that commands attention and leaves an indelible impression on all who encounter it. With his light tan complexion kissed by the morning sun, his locks of dark brown hair tumbling in artful disarray around his face, and his towering stature reaching an impressive 5'10", Bentley possesses a magnetism that draws others to him like moths to a flame.

And then there's his curious choice of attire-a wardrobe predominantly composed of hoodies and sweatpants, a deliberate departure from the confines of conventionality that serves as a visual testament to Bentley's refusal to be confined by society's narrow definitions of masculinity and style. Yet, beneath the casual facade lies a soul of immeasurable depth and complexity, a soul yearning to be understood and cherished for all that it is.

As Tyler approaches Bentley, a surge of affection washes over her, mingled with a newfound sense of curiosity and determination. What dreams and aspirations lie hidden behind Bentley's enigmatic smile? What untold stories and desires lay buried beneath the surface, waiting to be unearthed by the gentle touch of understanding and acceptance? And, above all, how can Tyler be the unwavering pillar of strength and love that Bentley needs as they navigate the tumultuous waters of life together?

Little does Tyler realize, their love story is but a chapter in the grand epic of their lives-a chapter filled with twists and turns, triumphs and tribulations, but bound together by the unbreakable bonds of love, acceptance, and unwavering devotion.In the tranquil embrace of the early morning, where the world is still cocooned in slumber and the first tendrils of dawn begin to caress the horizon, Bentley's voice emerges like a soft breeze, carrying with it the weight of a night's restless journey.

"Hey, love," he whispers, the syllables infused with a delicate weariness that speaks of hours spent wrestling with the elusive embrace of sleep. With a tender glance cast towards Tyler, who stands beside him like a steadfast beacon in the dim light, Bentley's heart swells with a quiet gratitude for the shared moments that await them in the day ahead.

"Hi," Tyler responds, her voice a gentle murmur suffused with warmth and understanding. Their fingers intertwine, a silent promise woven between them as they embark upon the familiar pilgrimage to their homeroom, the rhythmic cadence of their footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors. Together, they navigate the labyrinthine corridors of the school, each step a gentle reminder of the unspoken bond that binds them together in the quietude of morning's embrace.

As they draw closer to the threshold of their homeroom, Bentley feels a fluttering in his chest-a fluttering born of anticipation and affection for the comforting presence of Tyler by his side. With a tender smile that speaks volumes more than words ever could, he leans in to press a lingering kiss to Tyler's temple, a silent tribute to the love and support they offer one another with each passing moment.

Their entry into the classroom is met with the soft symphony of awakening minds and bustling activity-a chorus of greetings exchanged, papers shuffled, and laughter shared. Bentley and Tyler find their places among the sea of desks and chairs, their intertwined fingers a testament to the unbreakable bond that binds them together amidst the ebb and flow of the school day's tide.

As they settle into their seats, Bentley feels a sense of peace wash over him-a peace born of the knowledge that, no matter what trials the day may bring, he will always have Tyler by his side, a constant source of strength and solace in a world that often feels uncertain and unforgiving. Together, they face the dawn of a new day, their love shining brightly as a beacon of hope in the vast expanse of life's infinite possibilities.

April 19, 2018 2:50 PM

As the school day gradually transitioned into its twilight phase, she found herself immersed in the vibrant tapestry of high school life, surrounded by the bustling energy of her peers. Among them, Tyler, her cherished boyfriend, exuded an aura of warmth and companionship that drew others towards him like moths to a flame.

Their journey through the corridors was not merely a physical movement from one class to another, but a communal experience filled with laughter, camaraderie, and shared moments of joy. Conversations flowed like a meandering river, winding their way through topics both trivial and profound, as they navigated the maze of hallways that formed the arteries of their school.Tyler's presence was a constant source of delight, his infectious laughter and boundless enthusiasm infusing the group with an undeniable sense of vitality and cheer. Yet amidst the animated chatter and playful banter, she couldn't help but notice the way Tyler's eyes would occasionally stray towards her boyfriend, a look of genuine admiration and affection softening his features.

As they walked, the afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow upon the polished floors. They paused from time to time, leaning against lockers or congregating in small clusters, their voices rising and falling in a symphony of friendship and fellowship.

Outside, beneath the expansive canopy of the schoolyard, they found respite beneath the shade of towering trees, their laughter mingling with the rustle of leaves in the gentle breeze. They formed a tight-knit circle, each member contributing their own unique perspective and anecdotes to the lively conversation that flowed effortlessly between them.

Tyler's admiration for her boyfriend was palpable, his unwavering support and genuine interest evident in the way he listened intently to his stories and offered words of encouragement and affirmation. It was a friendship built on a foundation of mutual respect and understanding, a bond that transcended the boundaries of mere acquaintanceship.

As the day began to wane and the sky painted itself in shades of fiery orange and dusky purple, they reluctantly began to disperse, each bidding farewell with promises to reconvene soon. Yet, even as they went their separate ways, the warmth of their shared moments lingered in the air like a gentle embrace, a testament to the enduring power of friendship and the bonds that connected them all.

The school day was a tapestry woven with threads of laughter, friendship, and shared experiences, each moment a brushstroke on the canvas of their high school memories. And as Tyler made her way home, her heart full and her spirit uplifted by the day's events, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the bonds of love and friendship that enriched her life in ways she never imagined possible.

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