
By -Unforgivengirl_

197 25 29

in this book I try to put a guide to learning the Chinese language..🇨🇳 .....大家好面条!🍜 🤓...📚🏮 More

simple sentences
how it appears to us
say nice things
rules of the Chinese language

family members

12 2 0
By -Unforgivengirl_

father: 父亲 Fùqīn
mother: 母亲 Mǔqīn
brother: 兄弟 Xiōngdì
sister: 姐姐 Jiějiě
grandfather: 祖父 Zǔfù
grandmother: 祖母 Zǔmǔ
grandparents: 祖父母 Zǔfùmǔ
parents: 父母 Fùmǔ
uncle: 叔叔 Shūshu
aunt: 阿姨 Āyí
uncles: 叔叔们 Shūshumen
nephews: 侄子 Zhízi
stepmother: 后妈 Hòumā
stepfather: 继父 Jìfù

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