Shattering Constellations | C...

Por Blisopoppy

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I, America, live in a perfect world. No one disturbs me; they fear me. As a wise man had said, "isolation is... Más

Prologue (read at ur own risk cause its super cringy😰; might change it soon)
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I-how? (Not a chapter)
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Bye bye cover 😌
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🐣🇺🇸🎉🥚Easter day special🥚🎉🇺🇸🐣
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274 36 61
Por Blisopoppy

·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ Avoidance ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙

America POV

"She did it! I swear she did!" India screams angrily, pointing at me.

After that day, India reported me to the principal's office. Thankfully North Korea is on my side as he also found her stupidly silly. Canada is still mad at me, but not as much anymore. What does he think I'm going to do? Sit back and watch India harass my boyfriend?! Obviously not. I took action and I will pay the consequences.

I pretend to be innocent, "you're accusing me of something I never did! I was only trying to help you. You definitely hate me."

"No, it was you!"

"Stop accusing me of something I've never done!"

"Girls, girls." Mr.Gondwana sighs, "we will resolve this matter. I will keep an eye on both of you until we find the culprit. You two may leave."

"Mr. Gondwana! She is clearly bullying me like how she bullies other students, like यूक्रेन." India glares.

"She is my brother's friend and I don't make fun of others." I deadpan.

India opens her mouth to say something else but China comes in. He smiles, "你好! Mrs. T told me to give you some papers." He places the documents on the principal's desk and looks at me in question. I roll my eyes in annoyance. I don't want to see him here.

"Thank you son." The principal smiles warmly before putting the documents away. China is the favorite of almost every teacher at this school. How is that possible?!

"Mind if I ask what's happening here?" China asks. He leans on my chair and I feel him play with a strand of my hair.

The principal gestures for India to start talking, which she does. She goes on a rant accusing me of setting up the traps, making her classmates think she's gross, and how now everyone laughs at her behind her back. "And it's all her fault!" India glares angrily.

"美国, did you do it? Don't lie to me." China says softly, resting his hand only on my shoulder. I shrug his hand off.

I sigh, "for the millionth time, I didn't do it! You don't even have evidence. You're the one that caused all this and is framing me for your own actions." I huff, glaring angrily at the Indian. She gasps, offended.

China looks at me, clearly seeing through my lie, "美国 is right, you don't have evidence." India huffs in annoyance. "But, I do know one person who you should investigate. I've heard him talking about how he wants to break you and make you suffer." India burns in rage at this. She asks who and China only shrugs. "You may know him as 巴基斯坦."

India gasps and immediately storms out of the office. The principal, buying into China's lie, thanks him. I'm off the hook, but if the truth was revealed I'd be in trouble. I wouldn't want Father finding out about my shenanigans.

"No problem. I'll see you later." China waves, leading me out of the principal's office. We walk down the hallway in silence as we listen to the murmurs of students in the hallways. Some gasped about drama while others talked about tests. China tries holding my hand, but I pretend not to notice. I'm still mad at him for the incident the other day. I'm sure he's happy with his new girlfriend and here I was thinking we had something special. No. We never had anything special. It's a fake relationship.

When we almost reach the lunch room, China grabs my hand and pulls me toward him forcefully. I see the other students looking at us with curiosity. One wrong move and they would spread rumors. I turn my attention back to China who looks desperate for an answer. "Why are you avoiding me?" He whispers softly. I try pushing him away but he grabs both my wrists.

I sigh, "I'm not avoiding you. You have your own life and I have mine. You're overthinking." China doesn't seem pleased with my answer. He looks into my eyes, trying to find the other reason. I don't make eye contact with him. My eyes scan around the hallway and I eventually see Vietnam. Her presence makes me irritated, but f*ck it. China is her's. She was right from the start.

"Vietnam! China needs to talk to you about something really important." I call her over.

China looks at me with anger. "I thought you hated her," he grits his teeth. I smile, indifferently by his attitude as the Vietnamese approach us. China lets me go and sighs, before turning to the Vietnamese country in disgust. I quickly slip through the cafeteria doors to find Russia.

He's eating with Ukraine, Mexico, Canada, and Peru. It must be awkward being the fifth wheel. He won't be anymore though! I skip over to his side and sit next to him happily. He smiles, "Привет Америка."

"Pr—ivet Rossi—ya!" I giggle.

He nods, "getting better."

"Is it just me, or did Rusia smile?" Mexico gasps, astonished. Russia immediately drops his smile to a glare. Mexico swallows, trembling in fear.

Ukraine laughs slightly, "he only smiles around his family and friends—I mean best friends." Ukraine comes in Russia's defense, not blowing our cover.

Wait a minute, does she know Russia and I are dating? I've never questioned that in my life till now. I know Belarus knows. She may have told her sister. "Does your sister know about us?" I whisper into Russia's ear. He coughs slightly on his food before nodding his head.

"She wouldn't say anything though. Don't worry." Russia hums, handing me a box of sushi rolls.

I gasp, "for me? You're so sweet." I feel my heart flutter a little when I see his smile back on his face.

He leans towards me, "I stole it from Japan." I snicker. He would never do that. It's either he bought it from her or she gave it to him. I am so lucky to have him as my boyfriend.

Canada clears his throat, breaking my concentration from my Russian boyfriend, "Amy." I look at him and he tilts his head toward the side to get my attention at the doors. Standing there is China. I see a few red lipstick stains on his cheek and the corner of his lips. He looks around the cafeteria in search of something. I pretended not to look at him by looking at my sushi, but curiosity for the better of me and we made eye contact. Sh*t, just great.

"I forgot to finish my project." I get up from my seat, pretending to be worried.

"You can do it here, we can help you with it." Peru suggests. China's walking towards us now and I need to get away fast.

I shake my head, "Israel's waiting for me." My phone dings. "That must be Isa." In reality, I know it's my brother who messaged me.

Russia frowns slightly, "you haven't eaten your food."

I hate it when he's unhappy, but I can't help it this time. And I hate lying to him! "I'll see you later. Bye guys." I hurry away through the double doors just in time. I peek through the door's window as China stares at my empty seat and slowly sit down next to Russia, expressionless. I sigh in relief.

Canada told me that the best way to get over him is by ghosting him. The feeling will eventually fade away. But, my heart is telling me something different from my brain. It hurts to leave him hanging there. I sigh and start strolling around the hallway with no particular direction. There is no project. Israel's in class.

I walk into the library and find a seat. I rest my head on my arms and groan softly. I'm mad at China even though I am not his girlfriend. F*ck, why am I even mad at him? No, I'm disappointed in him. Yeah. That's right.

I mindlessly play with a strand of my hair. Am I doing the right thing? This is what Canada told me to do and I've done this so many times in my other schools. Why does it affect me now?

I groan in annoyance. I hear other couples in the library talking and teasing each other. I wish Russia and I didn't hide our relationship. We wouldn't be on the constant look out. Either way, Father wouldn't approve of it.

I guess I'll just sleep. I'll figure everything out later. I yawn. I can't f*cking sleep though. The library is too loud. Can't these couples find another place to kiss? I want to sleep!

I feel a tap on my shoulder disturbing me from my thoughts. "What do you want?" I grumble, annoyed.

I hear the country sigh, "Америка, where's Израиль and your project?" He pulls a chair next to me and sits down.

"Hey Ruski," I chuckle nervously, leaning on my arm to look at him. He looks at me with concern. "I forgot that Isa's still in class so I just got ready for bed you see—"

He places his index finger on my lips. "What's going on? You're acting differently." Russia inquires.

"I'm still really jealous that India kissed you, that's all," I giggle, holding his hand.


"I mean, I saw that b*tch talking to you today and I was pissed!"


"And then I saw her hug you which infuriated me even more but I couldn't do anything because she'll be suspicious about our relationship—"

Russia covers my mouth with his hand. I huff in annoyance and cross my arms. He groans and rubs his nose bridge, "you're avoiding Китай and I need an explanation."

I pale, "I'm not avoiding him. What are you talking about?"

Russia gives me a 'seriously?' look and I know I'm in deep trouble. "You left the cafeteria when he came. You don't walk to class with him anymore. There are many signs, Америка."

I roll my eyes, mumbling softly to myself "he deserves it after what he's done."

Russia looks stumped, "pardon?"

Sh*t. Think America! Think! "I'm just really tired and don't want to socialize today." I yawn, resting my head in my arms.

"That's no excuse," Russia chuckles, pulling me onto his lap. I feel my cheeks burn red.

"Ruski, let me go!" I whisper-scream, determined to get off his lap.

"Нет, not before you tell me why you're avoiding Китай " he rests his chin on the crook of my neck and I internally scream. I try making him release his hold on me to no avail. I don't want to tell him and possibly lose him. I need to get out of this situation, fast.

Thankfully my phone starts ringing. It's Canada. "Hello?"

"Amy, Russia just left. I have a feeling he's with you right now. If you want to leave, tell him that I called you to the art room because—personal issues. Bye." He hangs up.

"Ruski, I need to go." I say. He lets me off his lap but grabs my hand, preventing me from leaving.

He frowns, "Америка, I don't like it when you keep secrets from me." Sh*t. He makes me feel guilty.

My phone rings again, "I got to go. See you later." I snatch my hand away from him and rush out of the library in a hurry.

I'm sorry Ruski.

‧͙⁺˚・༓☾. What are you doing America?! 😰 .☽༓・˚⁺‧͙

Do you think America's making the right choice?😓

Does China deserve this?🤔

Is Canada a good brother? 😄

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